As an individual, what can the government do to make you happy?

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  1. IDONO profile image61
    IDONOposted 11 years ago

    As an individual, what can the government do to make you happy?

    I hear a lot of criticisms and generalities, but no actual solutions. I hear a lot of cutting program spending, as long as it's not mine. A majority of the people elect a government that has no chance of pleasing a majority of the people. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't. What's the answer?

  2. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
    Dont Taze Me Broposted 11 years ago

    Good points - exactly why Government should be kept to a minimum and out of the public's life. The founders understood this and never intended for the federal government to be what it has become. The government is not suppose to do anything to make us happy. Leave us alone to our own "pursuit of happiness" guaranteed by the constitution and less government intervention into our private lives is how that is done. The government is there to protect us from enemies, to prevent anarchy, and preserve our rights under the constitution. Not trample the constitution with cradle to grave "happiness".  You'll never know what happiness really is and in reality are simply enslaving yourself to the machine if you are one of the losers who believe the government's job is to make you happy.

    1. IDONO profile image61
      IDONOposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like your answer. Thanks for keeping it real and not political.

  3. FatFreddysCat profile image60
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    The government can leave me the hell alone, that'd make me happy.

  4. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

    Government should provide the most basic services such as schools, libraries, and public hospitals/institutions.  There should also be government regulations regarding job/labor regulation rules and anti-discriminatory and equal right laws.  That's it.  People should be granted the independence to run and handle their own affairs.   

    Health care and medical insurance should be an individual matter between the individual and his/her medical caretaker.  When government takes over anything, the quality of care decreases and whatever the government takes over become automatonized.  Look at civil service for example.  The civil service job system is way too big.   Many private agencies and corporations can more effectively handle things that civil service does.   The mass conglomeration of civil service jobs is costing the taxpayer too much money.   Many civil service jobs are a total waste of taxes.   

    Privatization of civil service jobs would be better for the economy.  Then there is another eyesore.  Yes, you guessed it folks?  The magic Obama"care".   Obama"care" is going to be a disaster.  The quality of health care is going to deteriorate and become far less personal when Obama"care" is enforced.   I believe that less government is the better government.   Yes, there should be government regulations within reasons but the overextension of government is ridiculous and will create a nanny state if not unchecked and stopped.

    1. IDONO profile image61
      IDONOposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      GM. I usually find your questions and responses interesting and enjoyable. But when I see the radical desecration of the American flag such as you posted, I have no interest in reading on. This country is not our enemy.

  5. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Right now, I would just be happy if they would do their jobs and stop acting like spoiled children. The "tea" party is the worse thing that has happened to United States politics in quite some time.

    1. IDONO profile image61
      IDONOposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You may have just touched on something very important. Do all of these elected officials actually know what their job is? Maybe an actual printed job description for them is in order. Or promising more is the only way they can get elected.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly my friend!

  6. Ericdierker profile image47
    Ericdierkerposted 11 years ago

    Parks and wilderness -- wait private does that better.
    Highways -- wait private communities and toll roads are better
    Health -- wait my Doc is better than any VA doc
    Security -- wait those private Co's do it better
    Schools -- wait the private ones are better
    Charity -- wait the private ones contribute much more and better
    Banking -- wait it was reliance on regulations that got us into this mess.
    Food -- wait they are not in that business

    I know I know --- Welfare. Oops that word really means faring well. They definitively suck at that. I know I know securing our borders --- dang my neighbors dog is better at it than the gov.
    Ok garbage pick up. Nope. Utilities and water -- Nope. I know! Fire prevention or fighting,,, dang volunteers and corporations do it better.

    Well dang it I tried.


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