I am tired of politics as usual, maybe a business man can do Better? Your opinio

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  1. iggy7117 profile image84
    iggy7117posted 9 years ago

    I am tired of politics as usual, maybe a business man can do Better? Your opinion on this?

  2. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 9 years ago

    When I was a newspaper reporter, I constantly heard that government needs to run like a business. I never voted for those people.

    A business is profit directed. Government is service directed and service can include military protection, providing health care, seeking better relations with other countries and all the other things that many think we should not be doing.

    I am also tired of politics as usual. However, I place the blame on Congress for allowing itself to be divided along the partisan lines created by the political parties. Chairmanship of a committee should not go to the ranking party member. New members should not be ignored. Congressmen should not be spending a good portion of the week seeking contributions (which they do throughout the year.) People point to the President for all the ills facing this nation. I point to the Congresmen, who receivegood salaries, numerous perks, chances to go on fact-finding trips to places like London and Paris and other similar locations. Unfortunately, especially regarding the House of Representatives, people like their representative, since they are the ones that bring money to the district to dredge a new canal, pave a highway or some other project that should be handled at the local level.  They are also the people, at least their staffs, that help you with Social Security, Medicare, Veteran benefits and other services.

  3. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 9 years ago

    If a business man would be president it would lead to corruption big time. How can a business man separate matters of state and his own business?
    He would change laws so his own business and those of his friends would profit more.
    This is already the case with the many corporations giving money to governors and party campaigns.
    The last person to trust to go into politics is a businessman. He is in it for the profit, not for the benefit of the general public, but for the 1%.

    And as Larry Wall said. Government should be a service for the people. It should serve the people. Making roads, hospitals, taking care of education.
    Education and health are not things to make profits from.
    If a business men should run a country he will look at the profits first and then of the WellCare of its people. That's not a desirable situation for a country. It will mean more zero contracts, more lesser paid jobs and less taxes for the super rich. It will in the end ruin a country.

  4. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    If you are referring to Donald Trump who has bankrupted 4 times I'll pass.  No, government already has the problem that it's been taken over by corporate interests.  The govt is there to serve the people (allegedly) but now that corporations have the same rights as citizens and we have so much dark money and bribery doesn't even have to be done under the cover of darkness anymore, the last thing we need is a businessman as president.  We need someone not beholden to special interests who wants to restore the middle class and bring govt. back to it's rightful place - to serve the people, not control them.

  5. M. T. Dremer profile image82
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    I can understand why someone would be tired of 'politics' and/or career politicians. But I can't understand the logic that a business man could do better. The nature of modern business is profit. At one time, it might have been about making worthwhile products, but bloated brands have created an environment where making something people buy isn't good enough. So they cut corners, downgrade pay of lesser employees, and ship jobs overseas, all in the interest of making an extra buck. That mentality has been poisonous to the U.S. for a long time, and the it should be the furthest thing from the white house.

    To be perfectly honest, I think we need more veterans in politics. Their sacrifice in war humbles them to the responsibilities of government, allowing them to make more thoughtful decisions. And the camaraderie they developed with their fellow soldiers taught them how to compromise with, and look after, people they might have absolutely nothing in common with. And, I think we can all agree that compromise is something Washington is sorely lacking.

  6. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 9 years ago

    Politics is the root cause of the failure of government. The US is a Democratic Republican. At the same time, we believe that We the People run the country.

    We vote for our representative to do our bidding, but politics forms alliances that transcend our bidding. Once our vote is cast, the party is the People, and we are put on the shelf until the next election.

    The question asked is really too open to do it justice. The current congress and president are the culmination of almost 240 years of politics in the US. They are proof that politics and politicians don't change, but what has changed is the loss of the American Lifestyle which peaked in the 1950s and 60s.

    The two political parties are far apart in ideology as they ever were, and the chance of this changing cannot happen without a change in the political paradigm. This is where candidate from outside the political arena can make the change that won't be allowed by politicians.

    We can't just say, business people are good or bad for the country as elected officials. Arnold Schwarzenegger proved to be a disappointed as governor of California. But that doesn't mean that Mitt Romney or Donald Trump should be eliminated from the elections.

    The US got to this point in history with politicians, and politics, and this is not a good place. So some thought should be used to break the cycle generated by pure politics. The recipe of politics is stale, and has a bitter taste today. As in food recipes, when the stock is tainted it can't be saved by adding ingredients. The recipe needs to be changed.

    Our jobs outside of the government sector are run by business, and those in government are insulated from business. It is two different worlds, and we need people in the government that understand how the rest of us live. Government workers get the best benefits, good salaries, and have job security. Most of the working people in the non government sector work under an At Will Employment Contract that gives them no job security. Benefits run the gamut, but the lower on the work force, the lower the benefits. We could only dream of having the same Government Pensions, vacation times, and holidays.

    My point is that politics in government doesn't solve the problems of the people, as they cannot identify with the plight of the average person. When they talk about helping the average person, they are doing so in political values, not people values.


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