What will it take for USA to realize we need to start minding our own business?

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    What will it take for USA to realize we need to start minding our own business?

    Wouldn't this be the simplest solution to all the issues with other countries? I hate to sound cold hearted but if they want to kill their neighbors it's none of our business. Why not just work towards being 100% dependent on only ourselves. Focus on having everything we need here (oil, merchandise, foods) that way we can mind our own business and leave the rest of the world alone. Is minding our own business a hard concept? We should only worry about those that are a threat to our actual country (not one of our multiple bases we feel the need to set up in other countries)

  2. johnsonrallen profile image74
    johnsonrallenposted 11 years ago

    I may face criticism as well, but minding our business is just about impossible. Americans in general see themselves as smarter and more important than others outside the US. The world revolves around the US. Look at what students or the average citizen knows of world affairs. Watch an episode of The Amazing Race and take note of the superiority complex frequently displayed. No, I don't think we'll be minding our business any time soon.

    1. kaiyan717 profile image82
      kaiyan717posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think your right Johnsonrallen, though I wish it wasn't so.  But if we must, why the hurry?  Why not wait for proper U.N. backing and do it the right way if we really must?  That said, I am against our interference.

    2. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think there is always an agenda. Other nations have backed out, so why are we (gov'ment) still gung ho? There is an agenda and it has to be rushed before things become clear. I don't know if it has to do w/ Muslim Bro.hood ties or not, but seems so

    3. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not like John Kerry. But I respect him. He confirms nerve gas deaths of over 400 children in Syria. I do not know a man or woman in US Military that would not want to go stop that.

    4. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      here is no doubt that nerve gas was used. But who used it are still guesses... I know Assad is a Thug, but this action in the limelight does not make sense.

    5. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Really, you do not think we had some "boots on the ground" and satellite coverage? Really. I am stumped on that denial!

    6. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is puzzling that if he wasn't involved, why would he remain silent? I believe he isn't really commenting on his involvement/non-involvement. This is going to be one of those lesser of two evils situations if ever there was one.

    7. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      American tyranny  will be part of our undoing. Starting wars based on lies seems to be our evil habit.

      America is the new Evil Empire. But you'll never know that if you only watch the Corporate Party media propaganda machine

  3. profile image0
    epsonok0posted 11 years ago

    In order for political parties to exchange money (sometimes important money) that the public would not approve of, there needs to be a forum for doing so. Much like each room in our house serves a purpose, so does each country we invade.
    The war in Afghanistan and Iraq cost over 1 trillion dollars. We are not building diamond encrusted guns over there so the cost, has a lot to do with money that changed hands under the cover of a war. So we will never leave well enough alone, or mind our business. Because we can not. And no I donot support such behavior.

  4. Thomas Swan profile image92
    Thomas Swanposted 11 years ago

    You'd need to throw all of the politicians out on their behinds, and hire new politicians from every corner of the population. Poor, rich, young, and old. Doctors, teachers, police officers, and professors. Get a true representation of the people. Then you'd need to ban lobbying and set up a way for people to get their voices heard that isn't dependent on how much money they have. Finally, ban media bias. It's abhorrent that certain media organizations have a political position that they support with propaganda and misleading journalism. Once the USA has done all that, I doubt there would be a problem with interfering in other countries or slaughtering their populations in the name of misleading arguments about humanitarian needs.

    1. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thomas, that line is old. Have you ever even sat in a congresswoman's office. Have you ever sat in Senate hearings. Our country is great and these folks work the butts off. I will bet you have never served your country. Yet you defame those who do.

    2. Thomas Swan profile image92
      Thomas Swanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If they're corrupt, I care little about how hard they work at being corrupt.

    3. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh you are so right -- all men and women that serve our country as elected leaders are scumbag corrupt dogs. Maybe that is how you have the power and that computer. What kind of place do you think you are living in?

    4. Thomas Swan profile image92
      Thomas Swanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't say they were all corrupt.

    5. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "theyr're Curupt" is what I read --- but I was wrong. If was your preface. Sorry.

    6. Rod Rainey profile image77
      Rod Raineyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      While there are bad apples, I say humanity mostly falls victim to its backward and short sighted ideas. Is all this inevitable, human nature or is that just an excuse? And if it is can we not be mature enough to rise above it for the greater good?

  5. profile image0
    Justsilvieposted 11 years ago

    We are arrogant! We are the spoiled Grandchildren of a lot of the planet. We are still a very young country and we act like it.

    I feel like you do, we can not keep butting in and try to dictate how the rest of the planet lives. Nor can we make anyone who does not go along with us the enemy. the "You are with us or against us mentality has to stop" before we wind up standing totally alone on this planet. We also can not be the savior of every country that has an uprising, especially when we all know our intentions are often less than honorable.

    What really galls me is hearing how miserably our vets are treated and having the audacity to ask more young people to serve while screwing over the ones that have already served for wars based on lies and misinformation.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good points.

      And what about the heroes who report the governments crimes, but serve half a lifetime in prison for their service?

      And the ones who committed the crimes get off with nothing! Bush given immunity for War Crimes

    2. Rod Rainey profile image77
      Rod Raineyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What's this we stuff I keep hearing? When was the last time the citizenry was allowed to decide whether to or not to go to war? But who gets stuck with the bill? Whose children staff the front lines? We are not our government. They don't represent us

    3. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Poppy cock!! I am not spoiled. I started my first job at ten. And half the money went to my momma. I only feel bad when I do not contribute. My Gen is not spoiled. And now my family here, supports and volunteers for our Vets. Fact check please!!

  6. Ericdierker profile image45
    Ericdierkerposted 11 years ago

    About a week ago my son and I were having a water fight outside. A horrible shreak came from Ms. Weber next door. She is elder. She is a 60 year immigrant from Czechoslovakia. The wailing continued as we ran around the house and into her yard. I made my nephew hold my son back as I charged forward.
    I was fearful that it was a home invasion gone violent. I was fearful that she was badly hurt.
    Lucky for me that she had fallen hard and was bleeding and could not get up -- sounds strange huh? But a medical emergency I can deal with and did. For a full recovery thank God.
    But had there been an intruder I would have had to face that fact. I would have had to deal with violence. Of course my nephew already dialed 911 but a lot can happen in five minutes.
    Now that is just me and my Czechoslovakian/American neighbor. And I am sure she would do it for our Vietnamese/American household -- even with her shiny new walker. Even though she is weak she would come to my rescue.
    That is the world. And my other neighbors are Mexican immigrants. And Mr. Hill across the street served in Korea as a "grunt", now he is old. And another is a US Navy Vet of 20 years from the Philippines.
    I have lived in 4 countries.
    I do not say this as a Christian, though I am, I say it as a Golden rule: Love thy neighbor as thyself.
    We have every right to close down our borders and to isolate like a walled city. We have the power to just turn inward. We should take care of our own better.

    But we are not a people that shutters our windows when we can hear the wife next door being beaten by a drunk husband. We help. Some want to say this is born of religion. Poppycock. This is born of doing the right thing when we can.
    The USS HOPE,  USS Comfort (AH-6) and USS Mercy (AH-8) Are hospital ships that have probably saved over a million lives both peace time and war time. We do not have right to intervene we have a duty.

    1. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      But how can we  intervene  Eric, when we don't know who the enemy is? Lies and misconceptions are the norm these days.

    2. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think the heart of what you say is true. I believe it. However, I feel we're being lied to and misled. It seems this is a never-ending circle we keep walking. Is it the role of one nation to police? Who will stop us eventually? It will happen.

    3. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are those reasons not to help an ally or are they just complications? I did not know what I was to find next door -- but I heard a cry for help.  What would you do, conduct a thousand investigations? (of course I only speak in metaphors about me)

    4. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What you did is what any normal individual would do. With Syria, I feel we're siding with evil. Tragedy is happening, yes. There is no easy answer. Do we really want to side with and put the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda in power in Syria?

    5. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No. Syria is a mess. We used to occupy countries until things straightened out. Now we just go in and win something and then let them decide. Police do not occupy a home they just go in to protect and stop violence.

    6. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Eric then why are we not in the Congo, Rwanda or other countries that are killing and abusing their people. Why now? Assad family has killed his own people before?  Is it our job or right to be the planets policemen?

    7. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is the first I heard that we are not in the Congo or Rwanda. Next you will tell me we are not already in Syria. I suppose we are not in Iran either?? Most international conflict does not require a marching army.

    8. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think what she means is why Syria when there have been situations like this on a much grander scale where we've sat around and done nothing. If you get the chance watch Hotel Rwanda. I think it will break your heart, knowing how compassionate u r

    9. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It all makes me sick to my stomach.

    10. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      makes me sick too. Especially the news coverage... they seemed thrilled to once again report half truths and guesses. I wish they would cover the refugees that all this causes... never hear much about that subject.

    11. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Disgusting! I just cancelled my TV. I have a nice one and love detective shows. But I can no longer support the industry. (give it a month hihihi) But we must show our disgust. News coverage propagates violence, period and end of story.

    12. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Eric, I like your view, but America is no longer a benevolent world leader. We've become the Evil Empire. False Flag operations to kill kids with sarin gas, blame it on Assad and take over their country. Evil!

  7. AMFredenburg profile image73
    AMFredenburgposted 11 years ago

    It's not always possible or desirable to mind our own business. We minded our own business during the rise of Nazism in the 1930s and over 50 million people died; we minded our own business when it came to Rwanda and there was a massacre there. We need to get a lot better at figuring out when we can and cannot make a difference, and we need to separate true national interest and legitimate humanitarian concerns from war mongering and profiteering.

    1. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is true and here is the issue: we get involved nowadays when we can benefit. Why not Rwanda? Why not Burma? They had "nothing" to offer us. They were not strategically important. If ever someone needed to help, it was in these and other cases.

    2. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      precisely that john. This is nothing to do with humanitarianism, it's what is being spun to make it more acceptable, but this is about war profiteering and control of the oil trade.

    3. Rod Rainey profile image77
      Rod Raineyposted 11 years agoin reply to this
    4. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Had we minded our own business in WWI WWII wouldn't have ever happened. I suggest watching
      before bringing WWII into the argument.

    5. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What a load of revisionist history bull pucky. We liberated France twice. Fully occupied and we liberated them. Not slogans but men who lost their lives. And then they got us involved in Asia. No oil. And I am sorry how did we cause the Holocaust?

  8. chuckd7138 profile image70
    chuckd7138posted 11 years ago

    When the North Vietnamese invaded the South, many said that it was their fight and that we should stay out. However, the North was supplied weapons, ammunition, and other war-making tools by Chinese Communists, Russian Communists, Czech Communists and more. If the US and others had stayed out, where would these Communists stop their invasions? That was 50 years ago.

    Now, we fight against others that suppress or deny others the rights that the US (and others) believes are God- (or nature-) given, which ALL should have. It brings back the question: Where will these tyrants draw the line? When will they stop?

    From another angle, there are many (and most of them liberally-minded; so, it's not just the right-wing war-hawk mentality) that claim that we do not do enough intervening. Bono, from the Irish rock band U2, said that it is solely our (meaning the USA) responsibility to end world hunger. Let me state that in another way. Bono wants Americans to be the only ones to foot the bill for feeding everyone. George Clooney has the same mind with Darfur.

    So, if we sat idly by and minded our own business, we still get drawn in. We tried to remain neutral in the past. We were criticized by our allies for not fighting. We were attacked by our enemies in order to draw us in. If we pull everything back and keep our eyes solely on us, we become an even larger target to the rest of the world. Don't believe me? Look at our history. Time and again, the world looks to us to be involved.

    It's not about us believing that we are better than everyone else. It's not about us trying to bully others into being nice. It's not about oil, as so many would try to convince you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to trying to keep ourselves and our own lands safe. Because if we become proverbial ostriches with our heads in the sand, we will soon find that "Red Dawn" is not just movie or campy remake. It can become real.

    Or, as the saying goes, "Evil occurs when good men choose to do nothing."

    1. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good words. Jimmy Carter said something I find true: "War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."

    2. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      But we need to look behind the scenes to see who is really doing what.

      When Nelson Rockefeller was being vetted by Congress for VP, he was asked about one of his companies which supplied material aid to North Vietnam. He pleaded ignorance. For shame

    3. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wish you had not reminded me of that. That was just after "we" shot Bobby.

    4. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We never should have been involved in Vietnam; and if memory serves me right we lost that war and none of the horrible things that our government claimed would happen ever did!

    5. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Borsia, I am married to a Vietnamese, I lived there for a time. My father in law was a Vietnamese with a US Purple Heart award. You have no idea what you are talking about. Is Vietnam a US ally now? Has it been invaded by China. Did it stop Pol Pot?

    6. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Pol Pot wasn't in Vietnam that was Cambodia.
      The Chinese didn't take over Vietnam and neither did anyone else. After we were thrown out the Vietcong didn't slaughter everyone in the south.
      Why would they be an ally? They aren't an enemy either.

    7. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well there you have it. The Vietnamese Army went in and shut down the Killing fields In Cambodia. China occupied Vietnam for nearly a thousand years. And then after we left invaded again. There are constantly US Naval ships in Vietnam nowadays.

  9. PurvisBobbi44 profile image92
    PurvisBobbi44posted 11 years ago

    I believe the United States should keep out of any countries conflict, but not when children are involved, go in and save the children. However, we should have all the facts and proof of what is occurring and who the real enemy is we are attacking.

    My grandfather said when there are greedy people in this world there will always be war to conquer and take. It sounds like the USA (and I am an American and proud of it) has become a pirate/ dictator. So what is the purse this time? Is the purse worth taking---Oil, gold, property, satisfying an evil associate of the greedy American government.

    What they are doing is beginning the demise of all the American people and our country---I am afraid because if greedy Congress/president or the powers that be--- considers we are against them, then we are their enemy. Yes, I am talking about the ones we elected to keep America safe, and they are doing the opposite. What did they do with news warnings about 911---don’t forget the love ones we lost from around the world.

    Take care of America first and then offer help after we are secured. Then, if the offer of help is refused by both sides stay out of it and keep Americans safe and prospering. If we are threatened by an enemy and we have warnings from the CIA, FBI or whoever then fix it. First, get rid of incompetence in our FBI and CIA agencies that do not report the information against America they receive.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      But what if the CIA is the one supplying the sarin gas to their Al Qaeda operatives?

      We fall into the hands of evil if we knee-jerk react to such sympathetic pictures.

      Send in the Red Cross -- not the military!

    2. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sadly it isn't incompetence, it is corruption.
      But when Wikileaks released documentation of that corruption everyone screamed "Kill the messenger", never bothering to read the message!
      The things exposed should make one's skin crawl and demand an end

  10. Ranzi profile image80
    Ranziposted 11 years ago

    When are american people going to realise that their government has been manipulating and brain washing them for years. Look at the MKUltra projects where the CIA was drugging innocent people (US citizens) without their knowledge and using hypnosis and brain washing tactics on them. When are the American people going to realise that their so called government has been invading and bombing countries for centuries and staging secret coups and puppet leaders all over the world.They are playing chess with the world and sitting back and proud at how their brain washing has worked on the gullible masses, But not for long, not when people who work for wikileaks, Bradley Manning and Snoweden are walking the earth. People with a human heart and integrity. People who are prepared to lose everything just to fight for right. Now do you seriously believe that Bashar Al Assad is the evil culprit in all of this. What ulterior motives do you think the USA may have? Attack a country Syria, a country that has not attacked any other but rather has stood by it's Palestinian neighbours, rejected Capitalism, rejected Imperialism, supported and encouraged the idea of Pan-Arabia and never abandoned the values it was built upon on. REJECTED THE US. Syria a country that has not sold its soul to the US like most of it's greedy Arab neighbours. When are people going to wake up from the brain washing, the arrogance that comes with being an American and look deeper than the voice of their news readers?

    1. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      America is (2) centuries old. We didn't have "the bomb" until the World War. It's a little disingenuous to blame America for all that is wrong with the world. We haven't been bombing for centuries. Russia is no "saint nation" either! No nation is!

    2. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The US was meddling in other countries long before WWI and controlled the Middle East since WWII.
      The USSR failed for the same reasons the US will one day.
      But we learn nothing from history, we never look, never listen to our own mistakes or others.

  11. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    Prior to World War I and World War II there have been instances where many of us felt like what was going on in the rest of the world was "none of our business". Memories of what Hitler did will forever be on the conscious of any "Superpower" nation. Would Israel still exist if there was no support from the U.S.?
    We do however tend to "pick our battles" and if there is a (hint) of oil in the region we're not going to take a "wait and see" what happens approach. Oil to America is like blood to the human body.
    The U.S. and Russia have been playing chess using the rest of the world as pawns. Both sides are afraid the other will own the mindshare of the world.  America will rarely stand by and watch a military superpower like Russia support one side and leave those fighting for freedom without aid of some kind.
    It would be interesting to see what the world would be like if America only chose to take care of it's own people and only defend it's own land.  No more military bases around the world, no more foreign aid, withdrawal from the United Nations, and discontinue buying and trading with other countries, Buy U.S. made products only...etc
    Would the world be in a better place?

    1. Ranzi profile image80
      Ranziposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are you talking about Israel the same land that was stolen from the Palestinians? At the same time lets not forget that although new America was a land built on slavery and with the blood of the natives.

    2. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ranzi, As far as I know there's no country with a morally upstanding history. Since the dawn of man there has been killing and stealing. Having said that America while not perfect is still one of the best countries to live in. One man's opinion! :-)

    3. profile image0
      CalebSparksposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ranzi, to say that America was "built on slavery" is pure ignorance. You are obviously not familiar with history. Yes, slavery in one form or another has always existed, but America was built on principles of honest work and integrity.

    4. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Somebody is kidding right??? I just looked at Ranzi's photo. It is exploitation of sexual attractiveness. That person worries about exploitation of others while she does it herself. She just exploited my daughters and my wife. They are not slaves.

    5. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Had America stayed out of WWI there probably would never have been a WWII.
      Hitler was evil but Germany was forced into WWII against their will. It wasn't Hitler who wanted war, it was Churchill and Stalin who wanted to wipe Germany off the map.

  12. Angela Kane profile image59
    Angela Kaneposted 11 years ago

    I completely agree. The only reason we involve ourselves in other people's business is because we think we have to show the world our moral authority or there is some resource we need to protect. We need to take care of own problems or we are going to be the ones needing help.

  13. Bozoplay profile image74
    Bozoplayposted 11 years ago

    Hard to be self sufficient any more (resources aren't infinite like they are in games) and it is a world out there not just one country but the answer lies in the hands of the few wealthy folks in any country that don't want to give up the ball for the game they are playing. They are winning and everyone else mostly is losing so the trick is to get the ball away from them and take control of your own destiny. Stuff like fighting against GMO and buying from locally based production instead of Made in China stuff at Walmart helps. Voting by how you buy stuff is much more effective than voting for a politician whose only goal is to get the easy gig in politics so they never actually have to work again. Spending money in other countries is not a sound way to take care of your own but how do you stop the industry that supports all this stuff and if you do you just have more folks out of jobs. So start by not buying stuff not made in your own country and it begins with that. Stop complaining about nothing is getting done when you truck on down to Walmart because It is "on sale", You are just adding fuel to the fire that makes your country weaker when you do that.

    1. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So long as the US is run by Democrats and Republicans the US is doomed to fail.
      When government and the Justice system is sold to the highest bidder there will be nothing but corruption.
      Will we wake up in time to save us, I doubt it!

  14. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I want to give a little more insight to my thought process on this one and hope that I don't end up writing a short book with the amount of opinions I have. First I was shocked recently when I read that there have been 65 engagements with other countries since WW2 not counting the current Iraq issues. Many of these are repeats where we go back again and again. The real crazy part is these are only the ones that are allowed to be known.
    Each year we are putting out nearly 50 BILLION dollars toward foreign aid. Much of which goes to countries who hate us. There is another 70 Billion leaving the country from private institutions as foreign aid.
    All this while we have over 500,000 children sitting in American foster care (not being well taken care of I should add), 1 in 6 people going hungry, Millions of homeless, and yet we have all this time and money to take care of everyone else. If we are going to focus on the world then get rid of the USA and every other country for that matter and make it just one world all together.
    Another issue is we tell other countries what they should be doing. Recently we were telling Israel they should hand over some of their land for "peace" with a  neighboring country. This is just one small example that leads me to wonder where do we get off telling another country what to do. How can we fix others if we can not fix ourselves?
    By the way I wasn't implying shutting our borders down to immigrants, just not importing products. Again, maybe I'm missing some big picture but. It seems our citizens would be better taken care of if our government learned how to mind it's own business.
    Could you imagine an insane person telling other people how to be sane. We simply can't fix others if we can't fix ourselves. JMHO Thank you for the answers!

    1. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You pleaded an excellent case for minding our own business.

    2. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Peepels, Wonderfully put. Notice in my scenario I first secured my child. We fall short of doing that. Another nuance I hope was not missed. I did not scold my neighbor lady. Love and Compassion are the only battle cries I can hear.

    3. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful, Peeples. Your compassion shines through.

      But America is being run by psychopaths, like the Wall St. gang who destroyed millions of lives and received bailouts.


    4. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are people who just do not feel remorse psychopaths? Who just do not give a damn about the injury they cause to others ---- is that what that means?

  15. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." There are so many helpless people that are counting on "someone" to come to their defense. Innocent women and children being exposed to chemical weapons is not acceptable. This is why we must step in and do what is humane.

    1. ChristinS profile image37
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      to a point I agree, but we never intervene in poverty stricken countries where we have no financial interests - that is what bothers me, humanitarianism is played up, but is not our govts. true motivation unfortunately...

    2. johnsonrallen profile image74
      johnsonrallenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. JT, I agree with you 100%... HOWEVER: people like you are not in charge of world affairs. It's politics as usual and, as CS stated, we get involved when there is something to gain. I lived near Burma for 3 years. Why no help when they needed it?

    3. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good point and Just like there it is Russia and China that are stopping us.

    4. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Just wanted to make sure everyone knows some of your comments are showing up as "awaiting moderation". I have marked as "not spam" so if they still aren't showing it isn't my doing.Eric one was yours on this answer.

    5. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps I used bad buzz words. Sorry.

    6. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Compassion is great, JT, but not from a psychopath like America who likely supplied the sarin gas to their Al Qaeda-aligned rebels.

      Wake up and smell the tyranny. Obama is a liar. So was Bush. Remember the WMDs? You can tell a tree by its fruit

    7. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      American aid always comes with many strings attached, and a high price tag.
      Join in our corruption or we will turn a blind eye to you.
      Become our lapdog or be treated like a stray dog.

  16. Rod Rainey profile image77
    Rod Raineyposted 11 years ago

    “One of the fables we live by is that some day the killing will stop. If only we rid ourselves of Chinese, white men will have jobs and white women will have virtue, and then we can stop killing. If only we rid ourselves of Indians, we will fulfill our Manifest Destiny, and then we can stop killing. If only we rid ourselves of Canaanites, we will live in the Promised Land, and then we can stop killing. If only we rid ourselves of Jews, we can build and maintain a Thousand Year Reich, and then we can stop killing. If only we stop the Soviet Union, we can stop the killing (remember the Peace Dividend that never materialized?). If only we can take out the worldwide terrorist network of bin Laden and others like him. If only. But the killing never stops. Always a new enemy to be hated is found.” ~ Derrick Jensen

  17. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    America serves the purposes of the psychopathic elite who run the Corporate Party -- Military-Industrial-Complex, Big Pharma, Wall Street Banksters, etc.

    It's all run on selfishness.

    When we found out that WMDs in Iraq was a lie, did we pull out and apologize? No, we continued to murder innocent men, women and children for the profit of Halliburton (Dick Cheney), Carlysle Group (Bush Sr), and other Corporations.

    The psychopaths are good at creating war and reaping the rewards of chaos.

    I love the idea of minding our own business and taking care of our own. Beautiful.

    I also love Eric Dierker's idea of helping our neighbors in times of need.

    But America and its corrupt Corporate Party media have made a mockery of both. To them "war" is now "peace-keeping actions." Drones killing men, women and children is merely "collateral damage." Obama's "Kill List" which includes Americans is the new "justice."

    Obama had the gall to tell us that the Gitmo prisoners should all stay there forever, even if found INNOCENT.

    And government scientists have gotten into the new evil way of doing things. They pervert science to fit the Corporate Party script. To them, solid steel can sometimes offer ZERO resistance to collapse, as it apparently did in WTC7 for 8 floors on 9/11. Only in cartoons and government reports. Lies to cover up the corruption and wholesale murder.

    Why would a seasoned federal prosecutor destroy crime scene evidence long before the official investigation could be conducted? Why would Mayor Giuliani not be put in jail for this massive felony?

    Why would top military officers who allowed massive failures of security on 9/11 all get promotions instead of courts martial? Could this be part of the coverup?

    9/11 looks a lot like Operation Northwoods -- a False Flag operation that would've resulted in thousands of deaths in order to justify invading Cuba in 1962. Kennedy canned Lemnitzer. But E. Howard Hunt and others put Kennedy down, and blamed it on a convenient patsy.

    The 19 hijackers were convenient patsies. The FBI made sure their agents didn't interfere with them in the months before 9/11. Some of those would be hijackers were trained at American military bases. Facts are not "conspiracy theories."

    But we've had plenty of conspiracies. The CIA finally had a coming out party: 1953, knocking a democratically-elected leader out of office in Iran. Making the world safe for democracy? What a crock!

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well I can never agree with you on religion, but at least I can on politics. It all comes down to greed and how we can make a profit and make it suit our country. Quite sickening in my opinion!

  18. Borsia profile image38
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    It is all for the benefit of profiteers and they control both the Democrats and the Republicans from the president on down. Virtually every politician is owned by special interests rather than American interests.

    The US & NATO have never been elected as world police and shouldn't be trying to play one on TV.

    I recently saw an interview from an independent crew in Iraq where they asked Iraqis from every tier, doctors to taxi drivers, old and young, educated and simple folk whether they were better off now that Saddam Hussein is gone?
    Every one of them said things were much better before and listed why.
    They all said that Saddam was evil but followed up by saying that that evil was better than what is happening now.

    One of the biggest problems is that the American people are ignorant about history and don't know that 98% of the US's "adventures" have backfired and, in the end, cost us far, far more that we have ever gained.
    They have hurt those who we claimed to be helping and have ended up making enemies rather than friends.
    90% of the problems in the Middle East are the direct result of meddling by Western powers, first by the British and French but since WWII mostly by the US.

    The American people think they live in a free country where they hear all sides of every issue when, in fact, they hear only what the government wants them to hear.
    Americans don't really get any broader information than the Chinese do under their communist government. And I have lived in both countries so I know EXACTLY what I am talking about!

    In our history classes we are taught only what those in power want us to know and the US news media censors everything according to the wills of the power brokers who own them.

    Using WWII as an example; Hitler didn't want the war and did all he could to avoid it. It was Churchill and Stalin who wanted the war and they forced Germany into it by every underhanded way they could think of.
    I'm no fan of Hitler and he was a monster but he wasn't the only one with blood on his hands. But we have been taught that is was all Hitler's fault and most of us believe its true.

    The US has military bases in more than 138 countries, we should have them in 0!
    But there isn't any "pie" in that for the shadow masters who are in control. So we jump from one "adventure" to the next at their bidding, to fill their coffers.

    Eventually the US will fracture and fail just like the USSR did, they were also too big to fail.
    Then we will hear more lies!

    1. Ericdierker profile image45
      Ericdierkerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Never deny or forget this song:

    2. Borsia profile image38
      Borsiaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ah yes Bob Dylan one of the greatest voices against war and US adventurism.
      But the pons in the American government seldom listen to reason, they just dance on the strings of their masters.
      Keep that money flowing; why care who wins or who dies!


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