As a spin off from one of the other hubs that caused a lot of controversy, who would we cull if we could, to help mother earth? I personally think anyone with an IQ of less than 110 as they don't contribute much to society. Then there are all the spongers, who have never done a day's work in thier lives but expect the state to support them. I am talking about any colour, race and creed, for all those who think I support white supremacy, which I don't.
I could go on, but then that would not allow others to pick out memebers of society.
JEEZ! Hitler wanted an all-white "superior" Aryan race and wanted to erradicate "inferior" people. so how would you go about faciliating this, exactly.
That's easy! Democrats would go because they hate freedom!
Yes, they do. That's why they overwhelmingly support the only organization whose sole purpose is to protect the constitution; fight for voter's rights; and are pro-choice. All of these stances are taken against freedom aren't they?
Isn't Glen on today at least in re-runs? You guys are putting up some pretty pathetic posts. It's like a puppet trying to talk without someone's hand up his butt.
Oh what organization would that be Acorn or the ACLU? Please, everything about the democrats is to restrain freedom and implement government control over our lives! You think a MANDATE to BUY insurance is promoting freedom? I don't know where you come from but here on Earth, Government is defined by FORCE, and if you're for more government, you're for using FORCE to control the free will of people.
I thought you loved the constitution. Thank you for thinking me a deity, but no, I'm a mere mortal just like you. More highly developed perhaps, but human just the same.
I do, unfortunately, the democrats have chosen to ignore it. Sadly it will be to their detriment as they will be swept from office in the coming elections and once again everything will be right with the universe.
No one is expendable in my opinion. If they die naturally fine, but I certainly would not choose who should live and who should die.
Very well-said, sir! That's God's not ours to decide. We are His creations, and He has definite plans for all of us. But this thread is just for intellectual discussions, so I enjoy the ride, no matter how small my contribution is. Thanks to HP forum.
How about people with an IQ over 110 who use their perceived superiority as an excuse to protect themselves at the expense of others?
I don't see myself as superior to protect myself. I work and pay taxes, I just begrudge all those who take without giving. Those with low IQ's don't tend to contribute from society, but yet ask a lot of it.
Boy, you are something. Now I see how Hitler got as far as he did.
so you think you live in some sort of bubble? no, you live on a planet with billions of other human beings. why do you think there is a tax structure in the first place? we as citizens of this country, like it or not, have some obligation regarding the welfare of others. that is why our tax dollars pay for schools and other services, even if we don't have children.
so, anyone in your opinion who is incapable of contributing to the economic welfare of society, including people with a low IQ. disabled people, the elderly, homeless people, mentally ill people, displaced people, should all be systematically, methodically murdered?
how would you go about planning your grand "culling" (cheap euphemism) anyway?
here is a video clip from: Conspiracy - Wannsee Conference
is that YOU?
I don't think you should even dream about suggesting the idea unless you want to offer yourself up as the first cullee (is that a word?)
If you're not prepared to do the walk, then don't talk the talk
"Then there are all the spongers, who have never done a day's work in thier lives but expect the state to support them. I am talking about any colour, race and creed, for all those who think I support white supremacy, which I don't."
The clear implication in your quote is that "spongers" are generally of the non white variety.
My child has an IQ of less than 110, she is 3, would she have to be culled to save "Mother Earth?"
You have me wrong, there are plenty of white people sponging off the state, and we, the tax payers, are paying for them. I said before, it is any colour, race or creed.
Unless you have had your child's IQ tested, I wouldn't assume that she has an IQ of less than 110. IQ is something that remains relatively unchanged throughout life.
IQ is also relatively irrelevant to a discussion of who is and isn't "valuable" enough to keep around. Scientists aren't even sure what intelligence really is, much less how to measure it. Besides, even if you have a "good" IQ doesn't mean you do anything with it. I happen to know a couple of people with "enviable" IQs; they also happen to be the laziest, most-dysfunctional, sponging, I hesitate to say worthless, people I have ever known.
Star Witness: I pointed out something along those lines earlier, but since I don't scream and argue and get irrational, no one pays any attention most of the time ;-)
I hear it! No need to waste the energy when I've already said what I have to say and "So be it!" It's good to see you. How are you?
I'm fine, got a whole heap of reads on my last hub about demons... getting a good take on one calling for legalization of hashish... as expected the demons hub is mainly believers replying and the hash hub is not!
Wonder why?
Yeah...I wonder too. Hash and demons sounds like a good mix to me. ;-) *runs off to read*
I would start with you, and finish with you. You mention people that "sponge off the state", perhaps you should look in the mirror. Do you think that the tuition fees you pay meet the whole cost of your masters degree? I can tell you that it 100% doesn't. It costs on average £14000 for this country to educate somebody at masters level for a 1 year full time course, and how much are you paying in tuition fees? £5k? £6k? And what is society getting in return? Ignorance simpletons like you?
How do you define "sponging off the state", I have an IQ of 149, a first class degree, a masters degree. I have done plenty of "sponging off of the state", in fact I am on jobseekers allowance right now. It just so happens that there are 4502 people in my town on jobseekers allowance right now, and less than 300 jobs on the Jobcentre website. My father had learning difficulties and an IQ of 104 at last time of checking. Under your very proposal you would do away the father of somebody who would go on to potentially achieve some great things (I am 22).
I would be interested in knowing what it is exactly that you are studying, it would be incredibly worrying to me if you ended up in public service or any sort of authority. Personally, if I had to choose the first to be 'culled',.I would choose the arrogant spineless wankers like you. I know somebody actually, 59 years old, privately educated - a little arrogant himself - lives in a council flat since going blind 9 years ago, on benefits. Happiest he has ever been, maybe you could learn from him; he has a little heart you know.
Why does it have to be arrogant. Why can you just not accept it as a debate?? Is it because it is so controversial??? Do you think it would ever really happen, really??
Erm, well... there is a precedent. A certain Herr Adolf Hitler tried something along similar lines over 60 years ago. His rationale was a bit different from "Mother Earth is asking us to", but you get my point. I hope.
I see your point, but that was for his own personal gain. I am looking only to Mother Earth to regenerate. I have no hidden agenda, nor personal gain.
Ah, but that's just it. It wasn't for his personal gain. He genuinely believed that he was doing what he did for the sake of the German/"Aryan" people.
Ah, it's just coincidence that your suggestions for culling the population don't include yourself.
Hitler too did not have any personal agenda, only regeneration of Arian nation, a worthy case. And bolsheviks before him made some culling to help working people around the world. I suspect Pol Pot too had some worthy goal LOL. You are in a good company. This was about your idea in general.
Now coming back to arrogance. I take it your IQ should be 111. Thinking that society does not need people less brighter than yourself is not very bright, and quite arrogant. Who will clean your streets and pick your trash, as well as do millions of other things that do not require IQ above 110? It's akin to thinking that cause your feet don't think, you can live just fine when you cut them off.
Now, your second proposal. Similar reasoning applies here. If they don't produce something material and live off your taxes, it does not mean they do not play their role in society...
If we could cull the population, who would go??
I'm definitely not going !
Gee I'm not sure where to start, how about with the Lawyers and Politicians, then lets move on to the Bankers closely followed by Academia. There we should probably start with the Philosophers and Political Theorists. Then once we have used the media to root them all out, eliminate the talking heads. By then certainly global warming will have been reversed since now all the hot air is gone. Problem solved.
Hahaha yes, I am liking your train of thought.
Thank you for recognizing the avenue and the sarcasism.
Oh ok, let's eliminate all the people that prevent total anarchy and chaos and continue to advance humans as a species. Let's all go back to using flints to light fires and kill creatures to eat
So, would you tell every parent of a mentally retarded child that their child's life is irrelevant and useless?
For me personally, yes. But that's my opinion. Others will have differing opinions.
Here in the UK, the state pays for all their health care, cradle to grave. They will contribute nothing to society, but will expect payment for the whole of their life. Who is that fair for? dare they be born that way. You obviously have never had any personal experience with the mentally disabled...
I have had experience with them, that is how I formed my decision.......
some can make small contributions to the society.
The majority cannot. Yes the state collectively pays for them but who else will? and by state I mean the tax payers.
These are people often incapable of looking after themselves.
Would have every disabled/special needs person killed!
That's somewhat heartless.
They obviously did not want to be born that way, and yet you'd easily take life away from them in a heartbeat.
What about vile, evil people with high IQs, that allow them to meticulously kill and cover up murders...they would live and the disable would die!
I would hazard a guess that Sarah Dawkins may be slightly physical disabled herself, almost certainly mentally disabled, and is thus incredibly insecure. I think that we would all be better off if she went to her kitchen right now, grabbed the nearest sharp implement, and practised her theories on herself.
no she's just someone who posts outrageous stuff to get attention. if she actually thought about it for a minute - the logistics of planning and carrying out her "culling" she would realize just how fiendish it really is.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) = Mental Disability
I say cull them all, everybody with ADHD! Along with all males, and females! ...............Oh.....
Well, I am actually ironing, inbetween this discussion. I suppose if someone were to phone, and I picked the iron up, I could burn through my neck into my juggular and bleed to death. If that would help. x
Yes it would, why dont you just do it anyway Sarah.
There are more ways to contribute to society than with work and money. If you doubt it, look up Mermaid Girl (Shiloh Pepin) on YouTube; she recently passed away. I doubt she ever made a single dollar for anyone's economy, but I promise you she offered something undeniably unique and valuable to every single person who came across her path.
I better step up then. What's good for the goose and all that.
I'm lucky enough to have a decently high IQ (phew) and contribute in other ways. However, I drain the states coffers because I'm on medication - for life.
Which entitles me to all that goes along with having a full medical exemption certificate.
Rats - I believe I'm a 'degrees of' sponger
All human life is precious, and nobody has the right to say that other humans must die. I'm presuming that all the people who are advocating a 'cull' believe that they and their families would not be on the 'cull' list?
To me it is scary that this is even being discussed - I thought that the world had evolved past this. To stamp out these kind of sick ideas is the reason why thousands of people willingly gave their lives for during the Second World War!
Oh wait, they're "culling" themselves.
No further action necessary.
We do actually need them. Pretty much like you need a drop cloth for painting.
Come on then, reply to me, what do you study and which institute do you attend?
Why do you want to make it personal and what does it matter? I am only interested in discussion. Obviously there won't be any culls unless mother earth does it herself. Do you really, honestly, think I am out to start a cull? How arrogant.
I can take being called arrogant from anybody on this site with the exception of you.
Hahahaha I have just read your one and only hub. Don't you think famous people get enough media publicity and money without you promoting them as well, or are you some kind of sychophant?
Shes not famous, shes an amatuer porn star who now works as a shop assistant, I actually have 1200 hubs. If only you knew, if only you knew.
Such a shame that you can't enter into a discussion without being malicious and starting another hub asking if I am going to "cull" my daughter. You need therapy love.. x
No, no, I maintain that it is you who needs theraphy. I have been on this planet for 22 years and not until now have I even been able to consider or comprehend the idea of a human cull, I have been taught to have compassion and care. I hope that you are not a doctor or a nurse, you sound like Harold Shipman.
Yes, we must protect the spirit of the OP at all costs!
Yes, we should stick to that important topic.
i just think this entire topic is bizarre and beyond distasteful. Sarah can't be serious. no one in their right mind would be.
Conspiracy - Wannsee Conference
and how would you prevent more "undesirables" mass sterilization?!!
(and quit using your little euphemism "cull". stand up and say KILL. that's what you're advocating, so own it!)
If anybody wants to do a Google, they will see that Kissinger and the United Nations agreed in 1964 that reduction of the world populace to 500 million was the 'way to go' and the New World Order agrees with them.
Eugenics is alive and well and looking to be implemented, and the Club of Rome was and is a proponent of population reduction.
I wrote a hub on the Copenhagen Treaty which deals in part with this issue.
Also remember that the bible tells us that a full 33% of the world population will die....
This lady may be just trolling, but there are serious folk out there in positions of authority and power who would start the 'cull' tomorrow, and for the record most of us would be marked for removal.... surplus to requirements and too difficult to control in a socialist/fascist society....
These good folk are Americans....
This forum post takes the cake: has got to be about the most stupid, insulting, lacking in ethical scope I have ever seen here on Hubpages.
Doesn't anybody here READ anything? IE, IQ is not a valid measurement of ANYTHING and is based on the eugenics movement of the early 20th century. The tests are about as valid a measurement of 'intelligence' as holding a ruler up to measure the horizon. Look it up - it won't hurt your brain - this research is circa the 1990's and is available to laymen.
And I realize the OP is in Britain, but what is implicated in these words? "We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal..." ? How about that Declaration of Human Rights? Not familiar? Look it up. The world's nations passed a referendum.
And sarcasm? This post is too disgusting to be sarcasm. Sarcasm carries with it elements of the clever, like "A Modest Proposal." Clearly outrageous and makes a point for social justice. This post does none of that.
What I do feel, though is amazingly cynical after viewing the ideas of 'common people' here on this forum. No wonder the world is in the state it is in. Disgusting.
Thank you, you have restored my faith in humanity.
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