How Will GOD "Intervene" 2 Stop Trump / GOP From "CRIPPLING" Your HealthCARE, Me

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  1. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 7 years ago

    How Will GOD "Intervene" 2 Stop Trump / GOP From "CRIPPLING" Your HealthCARE, Medicare And Medicaid?

    Will GOD once again use "Holy VESSELs" like Republican Senators John McCain, Bob Corker, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins all HEROEs, to STOP the Abominable Republican ASSAULT on your ObamaCARE, Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security?? Believe it or NOT, right now behind closed doors in SECRET, "Delusional Donald" & several Republican congress-persons are SCHEMING to SLASH Medicare & Medicaid by at least 200 Billion & Reduce your 401K Contributions all in the name of an OBSCENE 2 Trillion Dollar Corporate WELFARE Tax Cut SCAM" so Wall St., Mr Trump & Steve Mnuchin can POCKET TRILLIONs ~ INSANITY

  2. Ericdierker profile image46
    Ericdierkerposted 7 years ago

    Hilarious. And oh sage Chicken Little tell us exactly when that sky will fall. And oh boy who cries wolf when will the wolf appear? And my friends from the Book of Revelation will the end be near?
    How can we even undertake to suffer the slings of arrows of lost love when we face such evil as our duly elected leaders. When will Putin overthrow our democracy?
    We must live in fear that is propagated by Hollywood. There shall be no savings accounts nor money set aside for rent and next month AP's apocalypse will be true.
    Wow, what a horrible world!

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Eric, 71 Yr Old Trump is a "REMOVED Pseudo-Pres WALKING" ~ GONE ~ AMERICA is just MITIGATING his Damage until his Departure ~ You've obviously never paid into Soc Sec/Medicare otherwise you'd B OUTRAGED at the EVIL  GOP Corporate WELFARE Scam

    2. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Right on the money buddy. You said this 9 months ago. I reckon you are still wrong.
      Dang that idiot sure is getting stuff done. Congress now knows that the Trump train is most likely to get them reelected. Bye Bye McCain.

    3. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      After Mueller's INVESTIGATION, if we still have LAWs, Drumpf will B INDICTED 4 Conspiracy, Obstruction, Abuse of P etc ~ GOP Senators R Paving a Way 4 Impeachment ~ Eric, I knew U NEVER worked in the USA or you'd B FURIOUS with Medicare CUTs

    4. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Waiting for those indictments.......waiting....................waiting......................................waaaaaaaiting.

    5. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The only reason to hide an indictment is risk of flight. Who got nabbed is theatrics or a tiny bit player.
      They have this notion of Qui Tam and RICO but that just don't cut the musarrd here. Why an indictment sealed is theatrics of nada.No Trumphere.

    6. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Eric, U refused 2 admit there was even a Criminal INVESTIGATION yesterday & now we have our 1st INDICTMENT(s) ~ Is it Trump JR? Ivanka? Manifort? Trump SR? Pence? Stone, Kushner? Perhaps this is GOD's Intervention 2 Remove Trump's/GOP's EVIL

    7. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      IF God is intervening to get Trump out, he would have had to do the very same for your darling Hillary.....

    8. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure what this "X-Treme Obsession" Mr. Trump has with HIllary is all about, but according 2 the LAW, it means nothing ~ No, sorry, HIllary is not "EVIL" but Mr. Trump is & Pray GOD Continues 2 STOP his Destructive Madness until his REMOVAL

    9. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Hillary is not EVIL"

    10. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Drumpf's "Acts of EVIL" ~ INTENT 2 Sign Evil Law 2 TERMINATE HealthCARE for 30 Million Americans is 1 ~  Fox Loser Channel's Eerie "Hillary OBSESSION" ~ trumpeteers "PRETENDING" she's going 2 prison like Donald is must make them feel better

  3. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 7 years ago

    I think we all can agree that the “SENSE of Urgency” to REMOVE Deranged Mr. Trump before he "Recklessly & Maniacally PRODs" Kim Jung Un into a Nuclear Holocaust, is at “FEVER Pitch” ~ Another hopeful example of the "Forces of GOOD Neutralizing Trump's EVIL" ~

    Moreover, we ALL understand that Mr. Trump, Comrade to Russia, is a “REMOVED Pseudo-Pres WALKING”, or in his case, Manically RAGING, Whining, SOBBING, Lying,  Obstructing & Moronically Tweeting his time away with his tiny little petite digits while N.Korean Military Minds “Orchestrate & Plan” a Nuclear FIRST Strike ~

    But of course I think we also realize that this incredibly disturbing psychopathic behavior won’t stop him & his COMPLICIT Republican Cohorts, some of whom will probably end Up in prison themselves, from trying to PILLAGE Americans before he’s removed by implementing a “GRAND Corporate WELFARE Tax Cut Scam” ~ A Gargantuan “GIFT” to Mr. Trump & his ELITIST Buddies which will inevitably TRIGGER a “Pandemic or POVERTY’ driving many of his OWN Poor Gullible Trumpeteers, into severe financial hardship & perhaps even death ~

    With a Straight FACE, can anyone honestly explain how giving 10 BILLION MORE of Our Dollars to the Walton Family or the Koch Brothers or WEIRDO Steve Mnuchin, all of whom are already HOARDING approximately 200 BILLION Dollars of OUR Wealth, will somehow benefit the working man in Ohio or Wisconsin or Florida???? Don’t U think the wise and prudent course would be to pass legislation to FORCE them to SHARE what they already have before unlawfully giving them even MORE of OUR Money??

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Worth REPEATING ~ Can anyone explain how gifting 10 BILLION MORE of Our $$ to the Walton Family or Koch Bros. or WEIRDO Mnuchin, all of whom R already HOARDING approx. 200 BILLION of OUR $$ , will somehow benefit WORKERs in Ohio or Florida?

  4. profile image79
    wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years ago

    An underlying assumption of your question is that the government should be and is the primary source of healthcare in our country. The majority of the country, including myself reject these premises.

    My premise is that the free market (free from excessive government meddling) can and will provide a more affordable and higher quality health care system. I believe my premise to be supported by fact and experience. I also believe a government run system to be unsustainable and detrimental to a nation both now and especially in the long term.

    Is expanding government always to the right thing to do? I say no, I would even go on to say that it almost never is. I believe that a government run system creates an unsustainable debt burden for future generations and degenerates into a very poor quality system over time (this is immoral on multiple fronts).

    Having the government micro manage large portions of an economy , is a move towards a more collective or socialistic system. The success of  the United States and Western Europe came about not through government programs and actions but through a system that freed entrepreneurs to innovate and improve all areas of society with the security of knowing the government would not confiscate that wealth gained by their achievements.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trumps GONE & the MAJORITY + GOD, Reject the GOP's “Wall St. HealthCARE Take-OVER / Corporate WELFARE Tax Cut Scam” where “PROFIT Supercedes OUR Health“ ~  A handful of CORRUPT UnPatriotic Dregs OWN 99% of OUR “Wealth” & The USA is a SUCCESS?

    2. profile image79
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      How is it that you think the R's are in Wall Street's pocket? Obamacare was a boon for big insurance and pharmaceutical firms, it all but assured them of a permanent advantage over smaller competitors?

    3. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Pres Obama MAINTAINED 39% Corp Tax & the Result? We enjoyed 8 straight YEARs of Booming Stock Mrkts & a record 80+ Months of JOB Growth which Pseudo-Pres Drumpf ENDED ~ The GOP “Corporate WELFARE Tax Cut” is a MONUMENTAL Wealth Transfer SCAM

    4. profile image79
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think both of us see that the government and big business have colluded to the detriment of the ordinary American, where we differ is on the source of the problem.


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