As we all know, the clergy is known for working with, consoling and counseling murderers and other hard core criminals in prison who have repented of their sins: Do you truly understand how dreadfully evil and corrupt of the heart and soul an individual must be to receive the ultimate Christian penalty of 'excommunication'? I'm confident most of us are actually astonished this conviction didn't happen to Mr. Trump sooner: So, essentially the Presbyterian church has deemed Mr. Trump as a toxic, immoral entity for his crimes against humanity and other abominations, a dark individual who is presumably headed straight southward subsequent to his demise and those lost souls who continue to aid, abet and conspire with him here on earth, could be in serious religious and legal peril themselves when called home: Thoughts? Comments?
What about all of the evangelical Christians that support him , for them he is just dandy?
Something has to be askew about all of this.....
It's as if the self-proclaimed Xtians have completely reversed their morals under Trump. Known well for their cult being so judgmental about non-believers and any other religious sect, they seem to be blind to any and all of Donnie's lies, and his treatment of ethnic groups and even fellow politicians.
In fact, Trump represents everything a true Xtian should be against.
Just like a cult isn't it Credence2? Very askew: History tells us that the great overwhelming majority of real Christians resisted and obstructed Adolf Hitler in the 30's and 40's while a small group of brainwashed individuals continued to worship the fuhrer despite his unthinkable atrocities, until of course they found his corpse in tatters buried in the bunker:
When you let evil in, it's very difficult to exorcise him later and how do we know preachers like this, Jerry Falwell Junior have not also been possessed by the same despicable evil spirit that has apparently infiltrated and taken Mr. Trump's soul hostage?:
The Presbyterian Church has already excommunicated Mr. Trump and I'm astonished it took this long for them to act, why is this strange, supposed Christian named Jerry Falwell Junior still supporting him and his non-stop atrocious acts against humanity?
I hear you, Jake.
The Christian Right is obviously more "Right" than Christian. To find the most amoral and corrupt man in the history of the Presidency as a welcome bedfellow? This has always been just a phony ideological based interest group that uses the concept of Christianity as a cover. I picked up on that in the early 1980s when they were just rearing their heads.
It was also interesting to note how the Pope during the 1930s and during WWII remained conveniently silent while Hitler decimated Europe.
So, it is true that all that glitters is not necessarily gold.
I agree with most of your comment Credence2 however, the Christian / Catholic church did condemn and excommunicate Hitler but it was a little difficult to criticize him in public for the demon he was and atrocities he was committing when there was nothing standing between the clergy and extermination of them by Hitler's retarded goons:
Unfortunately, right now the USA has been reduced to a 3rd world dictatorship which is moving closer and closer to being terrorized and controlled by a Nazi style regime: If not removed ASAP, Mr. Trump, the madman in thief will accomplish the entire agenda for Vladimir Putin:
It's long past time for the charlatan Jerry Falwell Juniors of the world to take sides with God against evil, not continue to condone an orange faced false idol:
"Trumps just like Hitler ", "Gestapo tactics ", "Third world dictators " Jake , take these and color a Trump picture with a Hitler mustache , maybe draw him holding a Nazi flag , least then those of you on the alt-left resistance will have accomplished something positively political .
LOL For the Mormon Christian sect, dreadfully evil and corrupt of the heart and soul means being gay. For some sects it means disagreeing on pretty much anything with the priesthood.
Not really an accurate comment but the Nazi's sure love the orange elderly guy who was just excommunicated:
Nothing like a good ole' rally at DC by the remnants of Nazis who were obstructed and halted by my patriotic ancestors decades ago in world war 2;
Racist white nationalists seem right at home near the white house where elderly weakling Mr. Trump and Stephen Miller illegitimately reside:
"White Civil Rights Rally' Approved For D.C. In August' … -in-august
Jake, if you had anything but ridiculous rants to contribute you'd be dangerous. As it is all you do is reinforce that the liberals have no complaint; they just like to rant and rave.
Instead of false accusations directed at your truly wilderness, perhaps you'd like to give me one example of a non-truth in my last comment: It's all true and you know it, you're just angry and upset because Mr. Trump, white nationalist sympathizer, is on his way straight to tribunals and then straight to prison if he's lucky for his crimes against humanity:
If 'you define 'rant' as offering the truth and facts then yes, I guess I'm a 'ranter':
When readers watch this disturbing film clip, they should try to ignore the unattractive orange face, purplish gray puffy eye bags and God awful hair if that's what he calls it, and just listen to one of Mr. Trump's greatest allies, KKKer David Duke:
I never realized how much some white people hated it when we elected the first black POTUS, Jake. Of course, down here in my neck of the woods I expected it, as racism is more or less inherited just like religion. But in the other parts of the US there are more racists than I ever imagined. I wonder if some even realize how racist they are?
Race , race , race , race , race , race , race ,race , race .................
Works every single time Randy .
Well Randy, cult members from Mr. Trump's dwindling fan base constantly attack me with lies and fox fake style radical propaganda like the photo above because I deliver the truth, but they never come at me with facts because they know they can't possibly win that battle, and here are a few very gruesome facts:
The Presbyterian Church excommunicated Dumpy Fuhrer Trump for his atrocious crimes against humanity which have reached a fever pitch subsequent to the point when he and his accomplices began separating families in a unimaginable segregating action then began to cage innocent children:
Irreparable damage to the children and parents has been done intentionally by Bozo Trump who could care less: The USA has had enough and are beating him back until his removal from the white house: Business owners are refusing to serve his accomplices like Sarah Sanders Huckleberry and whats her name Kirsten Neilson because they are fed up with the Nazi style assaults here in the USA:
ahorseback doesn't seem to realize that a Nazi rally is planned in August of this year at a venue where they obviously feel most comfortable, in DC at Dump Trump's temporary residence, our white house: Instead of acknowledging this disturbing Anti-American development, he posted some ridiculous right wing nut job picture above, but here's the truth:
'White civil rights' rally marking Charlottesville anniversary set to be held in D.C.' … story.html
Jake you're angry and speaking in tongues again , The midgetry of a mentality that promotes organized Nazi , SS , and other like marches has absolutely nothing to do with America , me ahorseback or any man anywhere near conservative America .
No matter how you on the left promote that classic alt-left blasphemy .
Want Nazism ? Look to the likes of Antifa , nazism from your own party .
I haven't read through the thread because my stomach can't handle the constant stream of propaganda that comes with a Jake post - This is yet another bold faced LIE from Jake - when the only link provided is from a political blog, you know it's suspect (by the way Jake - the site etruepolitics is a parody site and you were played)- the Presbyterian Church USA has no news of the story of their site, neither do any of the other major news sites. Of course anyone with two minutes and an internet connection can see that Jake is just trying to stir the pot - he never has actual facts and when challenged, he folds like a cheap suit. In 2015, some Presbyterians had attempted to kick him out, but failed.
I believe the religious right supporting the cretin will be a good thing for the left. They've pretty much lost any credibility as to family values, honesty, morality, and as any sort of role models for children. I would've never believed the clergy would promote or support anyone with Trump's reputation of dishonesty and questionable business practices.
I wonder what these people will do if Mueller comes back with some really damning evidence on Trump? If this does come to be, they may never be a driving force in elections again....which may be the best thing.
America is OUTRAGED at Trump's crimes against humanity: imprisoning innocent children isn't tough and strong, it's weak and cowardly, but what else could we possibly expect from a yellow draft dodger? When exactly did the United States of America morph into a 3rd rate dictatorship where an insane, racist megalomaniac weirdo like Trump believes he has the right to detain thousands of innocent children against their will?
Your last comment like many others is just nonsense and you know it ahorseback: When madman Mr. Trump and family are indicted I just hope his attorney, if he can actually retain one willing to work with the greatest serial liar and perpetrator of crimes against humanity in United States history, he'd better have a little more of a defense than a the typical barrel of right wing lunatic lies, a seething hatred of the Clintons and President Obama and denials of fact when he stands before the judge and or tribunal courts of law:
Even republican governors are obstructing and protesting El Duce Donald:
"Governors Refuse to Send National Guard to Border, Citing Child Separation Practice" … ation.html
Americans by a majority support border protections ! Fact . Don't try to tell me I'm wrong and won't admit it , tell me you're simply mad that you can't convince me I'm "wrong ", angry man . Repeat ; America wants border protections .
Get over it .
horseback I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from posting lame, weirdo right wing, white nationalist propaganda in this forum because it means absolutely nothing:
Yes Americans support border protections not border insanity and segregating innocent children from their families like weakling bozo Trump is currently doing is child abuse at the very best and potentially murder at the worst:
He'll pay the price and many who are carrying out these atrocious crimes of humanity will also pay the price as well when the trials begin: The question will be, "Why did you carry out an unlawful order"?
Even republican governors are lining up against your insane racist orange bozo in the white house because they understand it's nothing less than a crime against humanity and they choose to avoid future legal entanglement: Why are they going to risk their jobs for an idiot in the white house?
"States Stand Up To Trump, Refuse National Guard Deployment To Border" … der-trump/
You'd appreciate it if horseback refrained from posting lame, weirdo right wing, white nationalist propaganda? How about you refrain from posting lame weirdo lies?
Just like ahorseback? false accusations with nothing to back it up?
Sorry, but the truth is that governors are distancing themselves from your beloved bozo in chief by refusing to send troops to the border: They know an atrocious crime against humanity when they see one:
Let weakling bozo trump and his family do the illegal dirty job of segregating innocent children if they want it done of better yet, let's do the world a favor and deport their lazy, racist rear ends: Your mentally sick orange madman is out of control and everyone knows it:
"Del., Pa. and NJ Govs. Refuse to Send National Guard to U.S.-Mexico Border Because of Trump's Separation Policy"
"The governors' refusal to send National Guard troops to the southern border adds Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey to a growing number of states denying a presidential request over the controversial policy separating migrant children and their parents" … 52391.html
It is people like you who make me fear for the continued freedoms we have enjoyed, thus far. Such hatred as displayed by you, and others like you, is sad.
And it's people like you who scare the rest of us by going along with Trump's many lies and insults towards those who don't agree with him. His fans do the same as their role model, but become indignant when anyone else dares to retaliate in like kind. Straighten your POTUS out for his lies and insults and this will help immensely on both sides. Of course, you may think he's innocent in this regard.
You justify poor behavior by claiming it's ok until I reign a POTUS in? LOL. I guess that means you can do as you please pretty much forever.
Jake is a guy posting on an internet forum. As far as I can tell, he has not advocated taking away freedoms, so I have no idea why you fear for your freedoms because of Jake and people like him. Maybe you could give us one example of a post of his that could indicate a desire to take away our freedoms.
Trump, on the other hand, is POTUS. He has called the media "the enemy." He has advocated and enacted a policy that takes small children from parents who have not even had a hearing and holds them in enclosures that look just like cages. He has told business owners they should fire their employees for doing something Trump doesn't like. He has encouraged eople at his rallies to attack their fellow citizens with a promise to pay their legal fees.
Why are you more worried about Jake and people like him than you seem to be about Trump and people like him?
Never having heard a trump rally, I can't verify that you have said anything truthful. Reading through Jake's posts I can verify that he pushes radical half truths in an attempt to create hatred and discord.
There are no black and whites. You complain about Trump and immigration. He is enforcing law. Let's change the law so that we can enforce a fair and equitable one. He didn't enact the law. I see him as merely showcasing the insanity of the law.
Now "there you go again "............"......there are no black and whites ....." ....How many times do we have to go through this , you know where they will go with that !
There is no law requiring separation of families at the border. The Trump administration created the policy, then walked it back because of the outcry from caring, rational people. Factcheck will tell you the details.
Yes, I'm being truthful. I don't lie.
“Knock the crap out of them … I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.” The Trump fans vociferously cheered him on.
Again, where has Jake advocated taking away freedoms? You said. " It is people like you who make me fear for the continued freedoms we have enjoyed, thus far." What has he said, specifically, that makes you so fearful?
What has made me so fearful? The unbridled hatred of opposing views. Never did I see the right going to the tragic lengths I see the left stooping to. And,when the tide changes where we see a new POTUS of a different party....well, the bar has been drug to a new low so it can only degrade from there.
The fact that you defend an obvious troll, simply because his vitriol tickles your ear, speaks volumes.
I see his extreme disdain for Trump. How, exactly, does that translate to losing our freedoms? What lengths have "the left" gone to that the right has not, with regard to our freedoms?
Where did I defend him? I merely asked for examples, which you have yet to provide.
And never have we had a POTUS who lies on average over 6 times daily. Sometimes it's more. Defend his lies if you can. And how did you determine Jake was a troll?
Here Randy and PP, maybe if you read it to Live to Learn she might believe the truth and not call it a lie again, or maybe not:
Trump's Nazi pals are planning another Anti-American rally in Donny's back yard in August: Maybe Live to Learn and ahorseback will do the patriotic thing and condemn the racist activity, or perhaps support it, who knows and who really cares at this point:
"Charlottesville rally organizer requests permit for 'white civil rights rally' in Washington" … index.html
So, since someone who's views none of us would support wants to have a rally, that is somehow an indictment against someone else not involved in the rally.
Again, your outrageous and biased views are really scary. As scary as those you are attempting to showcase. Both are sad.
I think we just find it strange that you express fear of Jake and those like him while not expressing fear of Trump and those like him. Trump and some of his fans, including one right here on Hubpages, have advocated suppression of a free press. That is an actual threat to our freedoms. Again (third time), what threat to our freedoms has been advocated by Jake?
Lol at the use of the word "sad."
Having always spoken in defense of a free press....your statement smacks of ignorance of my views on the subject.
As to Trump. I do not claim to be able to stay abreast of every whine from the left. There are so many, so often.
If you are an advocate of a free press, why are you not fearful of Trump and those like him who advocate for its demise?
Again (fourth time), what threat to our freedoms has been advocated by Jake?
When society devolves down to the level of Jake's comments we will have no ability to enjoy our freedom. We will only have a bunch of idiots shouting their views, demanding all agree with them because they are completely incapable of understanding alternative views. Completely unwilling to respect others.
Trump has said things I don't agree with. We are not in jeopardy of losing our free press. Not from anything the man has said.
"....completely incapable of understanding alternative views. Completely unwilling to respect others." Like POTUS demanding NFL players be fired because he doesn't like their freedom to kneel during the anthem? Like POTUS dissing our allies because they stand up to his petulant demands? Like POTUS insulting the looks of women in the media who dare to ask a challenging question?
Like that?
You will not get a concise answer, just a generalization.... Notice she accused Jake of being a troll, but ignored my query as to how she could tell.
Correction. You won't get an apology for not finding Trump dangerous. I realize those who have jumped off the deep end can't understand why others aren't following suit. I'm not a lemming.
You're not a lemming? A sitting president that you voted for repeatedly and consistently undermines the free press, and you're somehow more fearful of a forum dweller? And, not only does he undermine our free press, he publicly derides the FBI, DOJ, and the judicial system. What do all of these have in common? They are checks upon his abuses and his power.
But, yeah, Jake is real scary.
I take solace that the majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's disgusting, callous, and self-serving behavior. He will be gone soon.
I'm still amazed at how some consider the words and behavior of forum dwellers as somehow more significant and damaging than those of the president. It's inexplicable and weird.
I really wouldn't like to be in the shoes of those who put so much faith--and still do--into such a low class individual, Pretty. I suppose they really were pissed off when a black man became POTUS and also cleaned up the mess from the Dubya fiasco.
I remember in the 60's if a black guy stopped in the small town nearby and was driving a new car, it would make the local whites really angry.
Obama was the guy with the new car....
Nothing Trump has, or could, do is or will cause the divisiveness that the hatred and vitriol being spread by "forum dwellers" is doing. Is that a reason for fear for our country and culture? I'd say yes, but you will form your own opinion.
She specifically stated that Jake and people like him threaten our freedoms. I gave specific examples of how POTUS threatens our freedoms. She didn't give me a single one from Jake.
Your statement is much more general.
It is both more general and right on topic. I DO see a very real danger in the rants, the insinuations, the attempts to arouse more anger and hate without ever going through the reasoning process, and that's all Jake ever provides. A rant of hate and anger with never anything of real substance to support such deep, strong feelings.
But PP, there is another facet that I find important as well, and that is simply spreading an attitude. When we use social media, such as forums or facebook to simply rant on, other people pick up not only our discontent but the attitude behind it - our "world" becomes one of darkness and evil rather than light and cheer. So much of such media is nothing more than that anger and hate today, and it WILL be communicated and arouse similar feelings. They may be pro the speakers platform, they may be con, but they are there - we're arousing strong feelings (far stronger than is reasonable) - everywhere we look, and that is exactly the purpose of those irrational rants. Rather than a reasonable discussion, speaking and listening, we're there simply to cause a strong emotional response. There have always been forum/web trolls, but the political side of things seems to have become nothing BUT trolls. People with nothing to communicate but anger and hate, and it WILL have a deleterious effect. It already is; I cannot be the only one that has found friendships and even close family ties threatened by the constant tirade and vitriol.
I see your point. The question is, do you see another poster on here who is even worse? He is hateful toward many and doesn't bother to back up anything he says. At least Jake does that.
Why pick on Jake only? It couldn't possibly be bias, could it?
There are several people on this site who have set minds and don't appear to be interested in discussion, just shouting the party line. I think the difference is level of animosity and the pervasiveness of the attitudes. We don't see bands of conservatives on the streets demanding everyone else shut up. We do see liberals doing such. We see conservatives bemoaning the fact that a college professor got sacked, simply for attempting to show up to work,when a college student body decided whites couldn't get an education that day; and the powers that be were too afraid to point out the ridiculousness.
We see liberals laughing at people being attacked by mobs. We see liberals defending mobs who destroy public property. I watched a video yesterday of a young woman who felt so entitled as to demand she be heard at a talk by a conservative and then refuse to talk unless she was paid to do so, refusing to release the mike to another speaker.
I don't know. Some of the radical voices here may not be what they seem. For all I know the one in question could be a paid poster with a mission to make liberals look bad. But,when such a voice is vehemently defended by liberals, that is when it truly looks bad. I don't know that I have ever defended a radical conservative, for their views across the board. Maybe on a particular topic, but I have no party line to toe so I would never agree,across the board. And that is my fear. People who don't think, who are fed a dialogue and they have surrendered their mental faculties to the group. That is all rabid radicalism constitutes.
Idiots exist among all political persuasions. You are misrepresenting many of the actions you described and you seem to have forgotten the many right-wing demonstrations, one of which resulted in the death of a young woman.
You also mischaracterize my asking you to provide an example of Jake advocating anything that would result in the loss of our freedoms as "vehemently defending." A poster on the right has advocated muzzling the free press, a clear example of one who would be happy to violate our freedoms to suit his ideology. You have not provided any such example from Jake, the only poster you have mentioned by name. Yet, he is the scary one.
I vehemently defend anyone's right to have an opinion and post it here. How one can find any powerless forum dweller ro be scarier than our current POTUS , who daily undermines the people and institutions put in place to keep him in check, is beyond my comprehension, especially when you can't even provide a single instance of this poster advocating for suppression of our freedoms.
Bottom line. You see college students as "scary." I see POTUS and the white supremacists who support him as "scary." This is a reflection of our individual values and biases.
"Bottom line. You see college students as "scary." I see POTUS and the white supremacists who support him as "scary." This is a reflection of our individual values and biases"
That's ME, I could not have said it better.....
I see ignorance as scary. The larger the number of people refusing to think for themselves, the scarier. One POTUS vs thousands of people bullying fellow Americans. Yeh. It's a question of values. Your fear is based on possibilities. Mine on actual events.
Don't you mean POTUS and the millions who elected him and continue to support him despite his obvious attempts to debase the people and institutions designed to check his power?
"Your fear is based on possibilities. Mine on actual events." Really? You still haven't shown me where Jake advocated for suppression of our freedoms. Still waiting.
You presume much. Those who elected him are not what you think. I don't agree with everything he says. Heck sometimes it'd be nice if he just shut up. However, I see no indication that his rhetoric on that theme has resulted in any changes you claim you fear.
Again, your fears wth no change you claim to fear and ample evidence the things which bother me exist.
Oh yea ..............Uh ....Sorry Jake , I should be more like you and post unadulterated left wing nonsense ? Perhaps next time ?
"600 United Methodists file church complaint against Jeff Sessions"
"(RNS) — More than 600 United Methodist clergy and laypeople have signed a formal denominational complaint against fellow United Methodist Attorney General Jeff Sessions, condemning his role in the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy of separating children from their parents along the U.S.-Mexico border. The charges include child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and “dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of doctrine of the United Methodist Church.”
The complaint was sent on Monday (June 18) afternoon to two churches, one in Alabama and the other in the Washington, D.C., suburbs, said to be affiliated with the chief lawyer of the U.S. government." … -sessions/
What sawed off half pint Sessions doesn't say is that setting foot on his precious soil is actually a misdemeanor just like littering and jaywalking: Watch his creepy sadistic smiling smirk as he tries to quote scripture that his twisted little mind believes is justification for the unlawful atrocious act of tearing innocent children from their parents and intentionally abusing them by jailing them in unsanitary cages:
I suspect I am one of those being discussed by the forum dwellers here so let me explain a few points of truth , If this isn't about me , fine . Almost all of the ideological activism in America , as usual , is coming from the side of liberals , The left . That is a fact that I need neither backup facts , statistics or charts to prove AND any of you with a brain cell all know this.
The party of the activist left is one of only two parties here , let's not kid ourselves . You don't see conservatives on the campus' , in the streets , in fact on many of the news stations but one , they don't do the following to prove their points , burn police cruisers , kill cops , occupy political offices , call for violence against others , Conservatives don't work to destroy all American values to prove political points , We don't call for public obstruction and disturbances to prove points , We don't stifle free speech -even from our own side as liberals are doing as we speak . We don't call out to disrupt the free flow of either smaller or major corporate business' thus actually effecting the free commerce of the other party , AND also , We as conservatives are not the party of a absolutely dying political message .
The conservative party in America has maintained itself as all powerful by simply and quietly enduring the political war against it from the media purchased and driven left . Through" free speech" the Left has all but declared real war on people who feel as I do AND you here in this thread want me to categorically prove the defense of my ideology , my defense of American values ? What you want , Is to categorically stifle the defense of American values , to silence those like me ,in my opinion . True, I have at times been cut from forums for my angered opinions. What I have learned from that ; As long as I am civil ,........ I will not be silenced , not now , not ever .
If you don't like this message .
These threads are full of political advice from all of you .
My advice ? Get over yourselves .
My two cents. I thought you were probably who PP was referring to, also. I will say I do think you are close minded on a lot of issues and probably aren't interested in discussion as much as a platform to share your views.
But, that said. Again, it appears the right wants their voices heard and have that right,as does everyone. I don't see anyone on the right banding together to silence others, bully them into submission or terrorize opponents through violence. Nor do they celebrate such efforts. I am much more supportive of free speech from those who support it. The left seems to be less and less tolerant of alternative voices.
Most political "issues " are already decided , if not changed so much that they have one again returned to where they began in America . What's truly open to change ? I am firm , but because of my experiences IN and OF my once being actually from the party of the left .
The right is as close as can ever be to being ideologically "on it's heals " , though not anywhere near ready to fall , on the other hand the left is entering the last throws of a dying political party .So let's ask this question , Where would you or anyone stand ?
Let's ask one more question ; Of all of the media crap out there that people here use to "back up " their points ;and I am a media junkie , I've read it all . What is truly believable ? So , in this sense it is why I don't use much but my own judgement to debate the issues .
Church charges troll Jeff Sessions with Child Abuse and Racism: Demand he stop these crimes against humanity immediately:
"Hundreds of Methodists Seek to Discipline Jeff Sessions Over Family Separations"
"Hundreds of members of the United Methodist Church have filed claims of child abuse and racism against Attorney General Jeff Sessions under the church’s “Book of Discipline” after he enacted a “zero-tolerance” immigration policy that has led to the separation of thousands of parents and children at the U.S. border.
Some 640 clergy members and laypersons in the church have written an open letter to the leaders of the two congregations where Sessions, a longtime Methodist, attends church. They are calling on church leaders to reach out to Sessions and help him “step back from his harmful actions and work to repair the damage he is currently causing to immigrants, particularly children and families.” … eparation/
She doesn't have an answer, Pretty. She made the claim up. In other words, she Trumped it!
If you are referring to me you should speak my name. I just read that Peter Fonda came out with a statement someone should kidnap Baron Trump and cage him with pedophiles.
I'm certain you are just tickled by the thought.
Edit. I am tickled that the left proves my point as we speak.
Okay Denise somebody, Pretty Panther has asked you numerous times about your statement concerning Jake. I find it difficult to believe you haven't noticed it. I'd like to see you back up your claim as well.
And no, I wasn't "tickled" by Peter Fonda's remark, and he did later apologize for it. It's simply another example how Trump has affected the nation adversely.
Oh. So since you didn't deny it we can assume you are tickled by the thought of Barron being kidnapped. Crap. I really thought better of you.
I have explained my stand. You don't like that, so you pretend I didn't.
lol, Why om Earth would you expect patriotic Americans to show compassion for the son of an evil individual like Bozo Trump who is kidnapping innocent children by the thousands as we speak?
No, you didn't answer the question, Denise. Otherwise either PP, or myself would have seen it. Try again or simply stop making false claims against those you don't agree with.
I'm not condoning it, but Mr. Trump has abused innocent children by segregating them from their parents and cuddled up to and actually endorsed an alleged pedophile for United States Congress:
Yes, believe it or not, that happened and is still happening in what was once known as the USA, now a pathetic 3rd world dictatorship:
So what else do you expect patriotic Americans like Peter Fonda to say? And how else should we as true Americans react to these atrocious crimes against humanity Mr. Trump and his republican accomplices perpetrate daily?
Two works on separating children from their parents
Planner Parenthood
Damn Ralph, use spellcheck for goodness sakes!
I think he means Planned Parenthood which on occasion, facilitates abortions for mothers and perhaps fathers who receive in depth, comprehensive consultation with their physician and clergy prior to the procedure which is voluntary, not involuntary like the crimes against humanity being perpetrated here in what was once the USA by an orange faced, bizarre looking Hitler wanna be polluting the oval office:
Breaking BIG ******** : Federal Judge orders Trump Admin to reunite families he unlawfully and insanely tore apart with a deadline of 30 days: Apparently, the United States Judicial system has a 'zero tolerance policy' for Mr. Trump's illegal zero-tolerance policy which has become a humanitarian nightmare for thousands of innocent children:
Just one of many crimes against humanity Mr. Trump continues to perpetrate:
"California federal judge orders separated children reunited with parents within 30 days"
"A federal judge in San Diego issued a preliminary injunction Tuesday at the request of the American Civil Liberties Union that calls for all children affected by the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy to be reunited with their parents within 30 days.
In a strongly worded opinion, U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw wrote “the facts set forth before the court portray reactive governance — responses to address a chaotic circumstance of the government’s own making. They belie measured and ordered governance, which is central to the concept of due process enshrined in our Constitution.” … story.html
One has to wonder if the constitution also requires that the children of drug dealers, thieves, drunk drivers, murderers and rapists accompany them to prison, too. After all, "But, your honor, I only stole that television so my kids could have a better life!".
A very small percentage of Mexicans, Germans, Irish and English who cross our borders fit your description and those are the criminals the Obama Administration focused on, not innocent little toddlers fleeing atrocities happening in their countries of origin:
We should ship the Trump family down to El Salvador for a few days and see if they suddenly have an epiphany:
Genuinely worried about Rape and murder? Worry about and focus on American citizens first, they commit the most crime in this country:
What an unintelligent response. There are people here who commit crimes soooo let's not worry about foreign criminals coming in. Think first. Post afterward. Free advice.
lol, not bad advice from an individual who managed to publish 2 articles in 3 years: Anyway, if Americans commit the vast majority of crimes as they do, my focus would be on curing that epidemic, not tearing toddlers from their mother's arms and the Presbyterian Church agrees with me:
Not sure how any Presbyterians could possibly still support this national disgrace called Trump after their church excommunicated him for this insane 3rd world style crime against humanity, but I'm sure there will still be a few stragglers who cross over to the dark side against the church's will:
Last I read, your caim about the church is fake. That was pointed out to you, yet you continue to push it. Why would you expect anyone to trust someone who ignores facts? Just because you say it?
lol, save that ridiculous nonsense for the Trump cultees, I'm sure they'll believe it:
I don't have to believe everything that you regurgitate. Prove an allegation or move on to another rant.
by JAKE Earthshine 5 years ago
There is no other acceptable choice and or remedy other than his resignation which would conceivably still lead to immediate criminal indictment given the trove of damning evidence which currently exists: The political END must be near for this most absurdly unqualified and mentally shackled...
by JAKE Earthshine 5 years ago
Unprecedented instability, we’ve never experienced anything as chaotic and destructive as this: Greatest stock market crash in history, Unilateral trade wars with our allies instigated recklessly by Mr. Trump which is killing jobs for his own voters and everyone else, Americans dropping out of the...
by Sharlee 4 months ago
Feel free to discuss any Trump-related legal matters here without discrimination against any users. In my view, this HP Political forum is an open chat, and one is allowed to share views on political issues. Val has a similar thread in regard to Trump's Criminal trials. I shared a comment...
by Readmikenow 31 hours ago
I think harris lacks a lot in debate skills. She avoids questions from the press. Interviews she has done are very few. With the one national press interview done by her she was accompanied by her VP. It was taped. harris will have a difficult time answering questions...
by Mike Russo 11 months ago
The sweeping indictment, based on the investigation by special counsel Jack Smith, charges Trump with four felony counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against...
by Alternative Prime 6 years ago
How Will GOD "Intervene" 2 Stop Trump / GOP From "CRIPPLING" Your HealthCARE, Medicare And Medicaid?Will GOD once again use "Holy VESSELs" like Republican Senators John McCain, Bob Corker, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins all HEROEs, to STOP the Abominable Republican...
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