There Are More Jobs Than People To Fill them! Another Record Broken

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 6 years ago

    There are now  6.7 million job openings in America, and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them... This according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  April 2018 marked the second month in a row that there were more vacancies than available hires. This is a phenomenon that had not happened prior to 2018 in our entire history as a country.

    We have also experienced a sizeable wage gains, with average hourly earnings up on average  2.7 percent over the past years again an all-time record was broken.

    These are amazing stats, and give American's a reason to have confidence in the booming economy.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Pretty astounding, isn't it?  A good thing Trump isn't accomplishing anything! lol

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Yes , astounding !   I stand forever corrected ......;-}, If Trump were REALLY  accomplishing anything at all  we might  be seeing  ,  record low unemployment across the board ,  returning respect for our military , quieting on the campus trail ,   the possibility of a denuked No. Korea AND a summit , actual building of the wall and not just talk ,  the death of political correctness as a political engine , Nafta revisited , a new form of political -fear--US  respect around the world  the American mainstream media would be learning honesty ,integrity and accuracy again ............or going broke .

        Funny thing about the deniability of the left ,  they can deny they have TDS but still HAVE TDS.............I don't get it .

      2. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Wonderful! He accomplished lowering the unemployment rate by over 1% since he's been in office. Spectacular!  tongue

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          It is, isn't it?  The lowest rate in many decades!  Kind of says what happens when business isn't hamstrung and forced out of the country, doesn't it?

          1. Randy Godwin profile image61
            Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Kinda makes Obama's drop in unemployment numbers of 5% during his term even better, doesn't it?

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Yes , especially when he raised it what ,6 % or so .

            2. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Or not much at all, when the rest of the story is given - that it was the slowest recovery in history and ended with abnormally high unemployment.

              It's not hard to spend a thousand dollars...when you have a million on hand.  And it's not hard to lower unemployment when it starts on the sky side of the roof.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image61
                Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I assume you voted for Dubya, who caused all of the mess in the first place, or am I Wrong, Dan?

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Whoever can cause this kind of mess I will vote for!  (Don't know who Dubya is - another of your fantasies?)

                  1. Randy Godwin profile image61
                    Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Dubya is George W Bush who started the recession Pbama cleaned up. Did you vote for him?

        2. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          And put 7 trillion into the economy...  In 1.5 years.  Trump as actually broke record after record when it comes to the economy. Not sure why you don't just accept these facts?  h deserves credit for his accomplishments.

        3. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          For just one accomplishment  , Even at 95 ,000,000 workers in the US or 30% of the population  1 percent aint bad Randy ,but as usual you aren't impressed , you've got to get that TDS medicated at this point ,  it could do permanent damage .

    2. profile image0
      promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That's what happens when you shut off immigration, even the illegal kind.

      It's why past Presidents and members of Congress didn't do much to stem the tide and why inflation has stayed so low.

      But unemployment this low is actually not a good thing. It's highly inflationary. Healthy unemployment is between 4.5 and 6 percent, according to the Federal Reserve.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Now Mexico is slapping huge tarrifs on certain American products, bourbon, cheese, apples and other farm products. Canada is expected to do the same.Let the trade wars begin!

      2. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I think you're right - it's what happens when you stem the flow of illegal aliens.  Along with increased tax receipts, lower welfare and unemployment costs, higher wages, less need for support from schools to health care to police.

        Just as large unemployment is what happens when millions of illegal aliens are welcomed into the country to take jobs from American citizens.

        Of the two I think I would prefer the first.  Get people off the welfare rolls and encourage productivity (perhaps through automation).  Reduce the millions of $$ spent on supporting illegals each year and provide more for our own citizens and the country.

      3. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I think we are in for historical changes on how the new low unemployment, 7 trillion added new money floating around in the country may stave off inflation. This is once again something of a wait and see.  It will also depend on what is resolved in the NAFTA renegotiations.  Which has been going on under the radar for some time now? Funny how actually nothing much is being reported about that?  Inflation is a worry, but to consider having jobless citizens to top inflation seems nonsensical. So who has to be left idle for the rest of us to buy cheap goods?  I am not willing to be one, are you? This kind of thinking has lead to our huge national debt.

        In regards to immigration. It needs fixing. Mexican workers do benefit America, they just need to apply to work here. If they anyone wants to legally move here they need to do it legally. We need to top the flow of drug into the county.  Illegals are a burden on our school systems, as well as keeping up with providing them free health care.  One can justify these problems, but it does not solve them. In regard to DACA. Trump had hoped to solve DACA with a 12-year program to citizenship. Which sounded like a good solution to earning citizenship. IT is also very clear the Congress is not at all interested in solving the immigration problem.

      4. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        One other comment in regards to immigration. unaccompanied Children is up 328% this year. And we have a press reporting these children are being separated when most from their parents. When most that are being housed came over our southern border without a parent.  It is very clear we need immigration reform.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          You lost me there.  Unaccompanied children are being separated from their parents?  I suppose so, but they were separated BY their parents before even entering the country if they are unaccompanied - one can hardly blame the US for that!

          But yes, we need to find an answer here.  Illegals have found that if they will just send in the kids without them we will cry over the plight of those kids and support them here.  Which in turn reinforces the activity and more do the same thing.  Along with the "anchor baby" concept this needs to be stopped, and if it hurts our conscience it still has to happen.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I was making a point to PROMISEM in regards to the many problems that can occur with open borders and the effects that can occur other than keeping inflation low. Such as children that come across without parents, and we must house them, plus Trump is being blamed wrongly for separating children from a the majority of cases. The 328% is epidemic. It is clear we need a strong border to stop parents from dumping their children at the border.

            PromiseM "That's what happens when you shut off immigration, even the illegal kind.
            It's why past Presidents and members of Congress didn't do much to stem the tide and why inflation has stayed so low.".

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              That makes more sense!  Sometimes it's hard (at least for we senior citizens smile) to understand what is meant by a few written words in a forum.  Sorry 'bout that!

              1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Hey, I know just what you mean. Sometimes it takes two cups of coffee just to wake. I love being retired, but sometimes I become to relaxed. LOL

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Two!?!  Only if they're the giant insulated mugs that hold about 4 regular cups!

                  Yeah, I like retirement too (and HP certainly helps!).  Packing the camper now for a weekend trip with my son and family.  Been at it several days now - every now and then I jump and add something I just thought of.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                    Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    It' wonderful you can spend time with family.  And camping... this sounds fun.  Don't forget the marshmallows, and bug spray.

  2. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 6 years ago

    I am patiently waiting for some to seek a cure for TDS. It seems many are satisfied with suffering the obvious phycological pains as well as the embarrassing symptoms of the syndrome?  The symptoms would be hard to live with for any human being with common.sense. The embarrassing egg on the face, and the need to constantly deflect due to a muddled mind, and one of the worse symptoms, restore to calling names due not being able to use their thought process to see the truth.

    Horse, in my own circle of friend, I see many that sought a cure and are once again common sense human beings.


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