Canada totally legalized cannabis, let party!!

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  1. Castlepaloma profile image74
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    Canada is the second country that totally Illegalized CBD & Low-THC cannabis use. The most important and productive plant in human history. The hemp part of cannabis species can produce 30,000 different products. The THC and CBD part should go for the price of corn rather than on up to $5000 a plant.

    It is Not Marrijanna, that is a bogus name like your ID done in Capital letters, to sign on to Corperationism/Gov scams. Cannabis herbs and hundreds of other natural remedies are the most true treatment for cancer and many other diseases.

    Legalization cannabis means...

    1. Less chemo, radiation and surgery. The kilos of cure rather than the ounces of natural medicines.
    Less violent crime, don't try to fight on cannabis, you will be too friendly and sharing.
    An exit drug - herb, not a gateway drug.
    Kids don't get a hold of it, till after age18.
    Police steal your property and ruin your life. A too easy way to police for profit.
    Hospitals rather than prisons. Imagine over a plant, oh, forget it's a mediciine too.
    Raids with gun shoot your dog or rape cannabis doctor.
    Free choice and right for life.
    Spend drug money on education dorms rather than jail cells. Go in with a bachelor's in pot, come out with PHD in cocaine or theif.
    Clinic for addiction, although coffee is more addicting. Rather be addicted to love.
    Go figure, after the 3 biggest killers tobacco, prescribion drugs and alcohol. Cannabis has killed no one directly. Although the Goverment has proved, if you drop a 25pound bale of weed from a 10 story building, it can kill a rat

  2. profile image0
    Hxprofposted 5 years ago

    Don't Bogart that joint my friend......

    1. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Smoking anything is not good for you. Your better off vaporizing or better still, eating it in foods.

      1. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        It's still too expensive for us to buy and cook into foods, so I'm not sure how effective that is with certain types of pain. I agree with you that it should cost no more than corn, but that wouldn't help big pharma, now would it? We use the lotions and have had success with them.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image74
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Henry Ford created alcohol ethanol that was cheaper and cleaner than gasoline. Ethanol was use as fuel for 25% of the motor cars in the mid west. Rockefeller banned it. Ford made an entire car from hemp and fueled on hemp, banned again. Wars, prohibition don't work. Even being against things doesn't work because you become part of the problem, not the solution. Say no to a kid about weed without reason, he will say why not? and want it even moreso.

          1. MizBejabbers profile image91
            MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this


          2. wilderness profile image91
            wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            "Say no to a kid about weed without reason, he will say why not?"

            And saying "yes" to a kid about weed while pretending there are no negative effects gives rise to a kid suffering from those effects.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image74
              Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              There is upsides and downsides to everything. Research and use in degrees or in moderation.

              The downside to weed, if taken too much, it would lower my ambition.
              The greatest upside for me, taken only at night the indica strain for hypertension and sleep, about twice week for my heart dieses or more if needed. My girlfriend  uses cannabis for her brain cancer. Can't  imagine a greater up side of anything, since my research and personal experience shows it is the best treatment on the underground market. Plus if 63% of all people are going to die from either heart disease or cancer that makes it clear and doubtful that mainstream medicine causing  genocide and lying to us. It's best to share my personal success with the world. My daughter keeps telling me I am a genius between my cannabis, micro nutrients and sculptor business. For the ABCs of life survival is priority one, maybe time will tell, if I'm a genius.

              First time cannabis turned me on. Was from the Goverment bigots racist so called marrijanna, (Mexican weed). They spreaded their many propaganda films and laws around the world. They showed us in school Reefer madness, Pubic enemy no. One, . Marrijanna turns women into whore's and men into serial killers. Black men will dance with white women and think they are as good as whites. (At least at dancing, running, boxing and basketball.

              One film of a guy who only took one puff, in his high rise apartment. He started having LSD trips and clucking like a chicken. Then sqwackin and flapping his arms wail racing around the room. Then he crashes through a window, then plumethed to his death. A few kids said, WHERE CAN WE GET that SH_t!!!.
              Give them BS, 1000s of laws and most of all... fears, and it just doesn't work

              1. wilderness profile image91
                wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Your forgot to mention that weed destroys brain cells, and in about the same amount alcohol does.  You forgot to mention the dangers of driving or working high, or of being in the neighborhood of someone high (as an electrician I would NEVER consent to work with someone using weed).  You forgot to mention the psychological addiction that can, and does, happen. 

                There are a lot of negatives with using weed, as there are with nearly all chemicals and particularly mind altering ones.  You just don't want to address them.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image74
                  Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  I"ll address them.

                  If you trust the Goverment demonstration as evidence. Where dose cracking an egg open into a frying pan  then frying it, count as scientific.Then telling us. This is your brain on marrijanna. My brain never felt like an egg cracked and fried on marrijanna.

                  If you accept the Gov. experiment with a oxygen mask over their monkeys face, then force 50 joints into his mask . Then claim the monkey die of brain damage.  No.... the Monkey died of lack of oxygen.
                  No evidence cannabis harm your brain. In fact my girlfriend is using it for brain cancer. She is not stupid, she base her life on good sense and a   masters degree to boot. No one cares to watch my post on personal and doctors testimonies of brain cancer treatments.

                  Give workers blood test. Also check for dozens of other worse drugs than marrijanna.  Out of 1000s of artist I've hired. About 3 cases I sent home. One on cocaine and two on alcohol. Never had a serious accident in 44 years. Get fried or stone all you want after work, it's your life.

                  Holland is strict about mixing alcohol with marrijanna. In America there is 100'000 traffic death from alcohol, only 17 report from marrijanna. 

                  It's less addictive than coffee, alcohol, cocaine, tobacco and pretty well cannibs is at the bottom of the list. Cannabis has far many more positive than negative or the pros & cons list. A moderate amount of Cannabis makes my mind, body, sex, hunger, sleep and most of all medical treatment, work better.  It's my contitusional right and personal business, not the Goverments of what I take in or out of my body. My right for life and freedom, also the right for any plants to exist.

                  1. wilderness profile image91
                    wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    "Also check for dozens of other worse drugs than marrijanna."

                    Because there are worse drugs than weed means it should be legal?  That's a reasoning I cannot agree with.

                    " Out of 1000s of artist I've hired. About 3 cases I sent home. One on cocaine and two on alcohol. Never had a serious accident in 44 years."

                    I would imagine that artists do not generally depend on the one working next to them not to send 500 volts through them.  It is one thing to make sand sculptures and another to have to depend on a coworker for your life.  Whether weed, alcohol, coke, meth or anything else, I won't work with anyone not in full possession of their mental capacities.  Not in my line of work.

                    "In America there is 100'000 traffic death from alcohol, only 17 report from marrijanna.  "

                    And how many of those traffic accidents had the drivers tested for weed?  If more than one, how was it done?

                    "It's less addictive than coffee, alcohol, cocaine, tobacco and pretty well cannibs is at the bottom of the list."

                    Again, being slightly better than other addictive substances is not a reason, IMO, to make another one legal.

                    "A moderate amount of Cannabis makes my mind, body, sex, hunger, sleep and most of all medical treatment, work better."

                    That you choose to disrupt the proper working of your brain is not, IMO, much of an inducement to use it.  Neither is you believing that your brain works better when that functioning is disturbed, changed and modified.

                    "It's my contitusional right and personal business, not the Goverments of what I take in or out of my body."

                    The same can be said of coke, meth, LSD, Heroin and a host of other drugs...drugs that play an enormous part in causing criminal activity and harm to others.  Nevertheless, in this single matter I agree with you; it should be legal for anyone over 21 that wants to destroy their brain.  Just don't ask me to support you in your efforts, and don't ask me to swallow your outlandish claims of being the most important, useful plant on earth.  (How many people would die if all rice was removed from the planet tomorrow?  How may if all weed was removed?  That will give you an idea of what is important.)

  3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 5 years ago

    I'm all for it. I like to think that eventually, here in Texas I'll be able to legally enjoy. I'm keeping my guns regardless.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      On cannabis, you won't need guns. Same for troops in veitnam, they had the most difficult time getting their troops to kill wail on cannabis. War solves nothing and it's good for nothing.

      1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I'm still keeping my guns. Other humans do not get to determine what I 'need,' and nobody bases their life on 'need.'

        1. Castlepaloma profile image74
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          There is one good use for a gun. They make a hell of a shotgun bong. It's just  I want & prefer to eat it.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    "Low-THC cannabis is the most important and productive plant in human history. The hemp part of cannabis species can produce 30,000 different products."

    The THC and CBD part should go for the price of corn rather than on up to $5000 a plant.

    What do you mean the "THC part"?
    Are you saying these two countries also legalized cannabis use for recreation or "health"?

    you said, "It is Not Marijuana: that is a bogus name like your ID done in Capital letters, to sign on to Corporatism /Gov scams."


    Hemp use is fine but not "pot' in my opinion. … /marijuana

    1. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I think everything in moderation. If your worried about kids on weed. The major reason Canada accepted legalization is because teenager in Holland per capita were using marrijanna by half at schedule 2(like alcohol) Rather than Canadian teenager on marrijanna at scheduled 1, (no use at all) Meaning to me, marrijanna is less addictive than coffee and less harmful.

      Also all natural Alternative medicines and raw organic foods deserve to exist. Not hassled or destoyed at every turn by FDA and Pharmaceutical big crap. I can't promote the alternative, like vegan diets or micro nutrients, unless they (you support) promote fear and doubt about the existing. Scientifically, maybe breast milk is a gateway to beer... not going down that path.

      An american oncologist stop practicing chemotherapy because his veiw in the 60s... Only one in ten people had cancer. Today, he said one in two males have cancer and one three women have cancer. Its getting much worst Chemo and drugs spreading new cancers. With Chemo having only a success rate of 3% in 5 years. Meanwail Rick Simpson cannabis oil (80% indica THC) has a success rate of 70% from thousands of his patients. Green energy, clean water and the most importantly, the most productive plant and useful in the world, cannabis. These natural products will replace much of oil and FDA , the medical and pharmaceutical corps as they are the greatest cause of death in the world. Or humans will go extinct and cockroaches (unlike the political and greedy kind) will thrive and reparty like they did 350 million years ago.

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I think it is hypocritical to legalize alcohol and criminalize marijuana. Alcohol was criminalized because men were spending their money on booze and staying drunk while their families went hungry, which still happens today. I am not for prohibition of alcohol despite that fact because it opened the door to big crime syndicates and the mafia.

      Then along comes a politician and criminalizes the most medicinal plant on the earth. It was used for medicine by early civilizations, including the Egyptions, the Jews, maybe even Jesus Christ himself. People abuse prescription drugs, so do you believe we should outlaw them?

      My state has just legalized medicinal pot. I wish I could use it, but as with many "prescriptions," I could not use it. (For that reason, I believe Bill Clinton when he said he could not inhale it because of his allergies.)  As a young person, I tried to smoke pot, but as an allergy sufferer, I was very allergic to it. However, today I've found the lotions and oils to be very soothing to arthritis and we do use them at our house.

      I agree with Castlepaloma that it should cost no more than corn. I also believe that people should be able to grow it in backyard gardens like corn.

      You say:  "Hemp use is fine but not "pot' in my opinion." Pot is hemp. That's like saying that it's "fine to own a dog but not a poodle." You are certainly welcome to not use it. I won't be smoking it either, but I have no problem with others using it for recreational purposes, just as I have no problem with people having a martini or rum and coke. But I think a pot user should have a designated driver, just as a person out for a night of drinking should.

  5. Castlepaloma profile image74
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago
  6. Castlepaloma profile image74
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago
  7. Castlepaloma profile image74
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    History of marrijanna 101 is very good too.

    Every country in the world marrijanna/cannabis was legal a 100 years ago. Then US/UN outlawed cannabis in every country in the world. Till now, Canada  and Uraquay are the first to create a cannabis domino worldwide. Doesn't the maple leaf flag look like a cannabis plant.
    Watch the video before you down the most important plant in the world... Cannabis. No other plant can hold a candle to the cannabis plant.

    1. wilderness profile image91
      wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Current events and information are useful, too.  Neither the US nor the UN can outlaw cannabis in every country; none but the US are part of the US and some 54 countries are not part of the UN.  Kind of hard to pass laws within those countries when they don't recognize the authority of the UN.

      I'll ask again; how many people will die if rice disappears tomorrow and how many if weed disappears.  NOW which is more important to the world?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image74
        Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        That would never happen. Can't imagine anything disappearing in one day. Even if Corperationism tried their best to abolish rice like they tried to abolish  cannabis over 85 years worldwide, the people would win out. In the large state of Yacatan Mexican in a category 5 huracane hit and almost all plants destoried. Yes a few died, yet in a month they returned to normal. If rice totally disappear tomorrow, there would be plenty of other kinds of food to survive on. Or some people would live on their fat since obesity from corporatism kills more people in this world than starvation  A month fast would add to their health.  More backup from other countries would step in for the emergency to help out like always. Cannabis would be the best choice of new replacement than rice. Since it can grow in 2 to 3 months rather than taking 4 or 5 months for rice. Plus Cannabis is more nutritious making it healthier, plus better for the environment. Most important of all is cannabis, would create thousands of times greater variety of other products and jobs.  That would enhance the entire planet like explained in the docementary video above as the largest production plant  for a variety of products in the history of mankind. Corporations would really hate that, for all that to happen.

        Please force rice to disappear!!! Great idea!!!

        1. wilderness profile image91
          wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Avoiding the question, and then the only answer possible, does not negate the answer.

          But I agree - I don't care much for rice.  Do away from it so my wife will quit cooking it.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image74
            Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Hard to imagine of something that will never happen. Maybe a Christain can answer it.

            Since Jesus 4000 served, used majic mushrooms turning water into wine. The holly oil was the real reason for those miracle healings. Lol

            Marrijanna/cannabis per acre
            Hemp/cannabis per acre $60,000
            Rice per acre $600

            Don't tell the Asian, this secret, it might destory California. Asia already has more billionaire than North America.

          2. Castlepaloma profile image74
            Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Found a product that would drive American to suicide if it disappear tomorrow, COFFEEEEEEE..,.. For sure it more addictive an marrijanna.

            Cannabis was the backbone of America for 160 years, since George Washington ordered cannabis to be grown. To give Independent to American away from Europe. Hemp for Victory was make legal again by US to defeat Germany.

            Americans are the majority who want  Cannabis legalized again, today.
            Washington DC survey 66%
            Pew research. 62%

            Cannabis has saved my life. It will save my girlfriend life from her stupid chemo side effects. It will also kill those baby new cancers most likely from the chemo.

            1. wilderness profile image91
              wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              When you have 10,000 girlfriends with cancer, and have conducted a valid double blind test of the efficacy of weed in curing those cancers (or proving chemo caused them), then you can make that claim.  Until then weed is not known for curing anything at all.  Except incentive and alertness perhaps.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image74
                Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                No doubt in my mind the cannabis plant is the most important natural medicines in human history. Our whole bodies already have a Cannabinoids nerve endings. Synthetic drugs have every kind of side effects known. I care what I put into my body.

                It's all been approve by Health Canada this list below. Wail USA FDA and DEA codes cannabis hemp and marrijanna as schudule one -no use or benefits for humanity. You stick to these guns, that creates a world genocide. Not me, it's my humanity duty to promote and stay alive with natural remedies. Now going into the health business as my Constitutional right for life. NOBOBY! will cross this line on me this time, I stake my life on it.

                For Health Canada treated both my girlfriend cancer condition and my heart value surgery with many kinds Medical marijuana pills and oils. With strains that were most beneficial in saving our lives along with other folks with the same condition.
                That also other condition includes

                Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 
                Autism Bipolar Disorder
                Relief Bulemia
                Helped with Cannabinoids
                Most kinds of Cancer
                Psoriasis Symptoms
                Treat Symptoms of IBS Cannabinoids Alleviate Crohn’s Symptoms Cannabinoids Alleviate Dyspepsia Symptoms Cannabinoids Alleviate Symptoms Cannabinoids Alleviate Symptoms of Bruxism Cannabinoids and Cachexia Cannabinoids and mastocytosis Cannabinoids and Nephritis Cannabinoids and Pancreatitis Cannabinoids and Sleep Apnea Cannabinoids and Testicular Cancer Cannabinoids and Testicular Torsion Cannabinoids as Adjunct Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Cannabinoids as adjunct treatment for symptoms of OI Cannabinoids As Alternative Treatment for Post Concussion Syndrome Cannabinoids as Treatment for Colitis/Ulcerative Colitis Cannabinoids Can Prevent Cluster Headaches Cannabinoids cure Pruritus Cannabinoids Eliminate Nightmares Cannabinoids Heal Skin Disorders Cannabinoids Help with Symptoms and More-Bell’s Palsy Cannabinoids Lower Blood Pressure to Normal Levels Cannabinoids May Help Treat Darier’s Disease Cannabinoids May Inhibit Prostate Cancer Cell Growth Cannabinoids Relieve Colitis Symptoms Cannabinoids Stop Radiation Therapy Oxidation Cannabinoids treat Amyloidosis Symptoms Cannabinoids Treat Gastrointestinal Disorders Cannabinoids Treat Hyperventilation Syndrome Symptoms Cannabinoids Treat Scoliosis Symptoms Cannabinoids Treat Symptoms and More Cannabinoids Treat Symptoms of Cystitis and Urethritis Cannabinoids treat Tourette Syndrome Cannabinoids, Positive Results for Gout Cannabinoids–Anti-inflammatories and Analgesics Cannabinoids-Adjunct Treatment for Anaphylaxis or Reaction Cannabis & Alzheimer’s Cannabis and GI Disorders Cannabis Treats Meniere’s Disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease – Symptom Relief Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis Depression Diabetes and Medical Marijuana Diarrhea-Cannabinoids stop diarrhea Does medical marijuana help relieve panic attacks? Dupuytren’s Contracture-Cannabis Can Help Dystonia and Medical Marijuana Eating Disorders (Anorexia) and Medical Marijuana Ehlers Danlos Syndrome – Cannabis Symptom Relief Emphysema-Cannabinoids Endometriosis–Cannabinoids give symptom relief Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder Episodic Dyscontrol Syndrome/Limbic Rage Syndrome/Episodic Dyscontrol Syndrome Essential Thrombocythemia Felty’s syndrome and Cannabinoid Treatment for Symptoms Fibromyalgia and Medical Marijuana Friedreich’s Ataxia–Medical Marijuana for Symptom Relief Further research into cannabinoid treatment as adjunct Glaucoma and Medical Marijuana Graves’ disease – Cannabis for Symptom Relief Hemophilia A Henoch-Schonlein Purpura HIV / AIDS Marijuana Treatments Hypoglycemia-Medical Marijuana Treatment Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Cannabis Interstitial Pneumonia Lupus and Medical Marijuana Lyme Disease – Cannabis Treatment Marfan Syndrome-Cannabinoids Relieve Symptoms MD and Cannabinoids Medical Marijuana (cannabinoids) Relieve Muscle Spasms Medical Marijuana (cannabinoids) Treat Neuropathy Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) Relieves Symptoms of TOS Medical Marijuana and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Medical Marijuana and Asperger Disorder Medical Marijuana and Chronic Back Pain Medical Marijuana and Chronic Pain Relief Medical Marijuana and Insomnia Medical Marijuana and Migraine Headaches Medical Marijuana and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Medical Marijuana as Pasin Treatment for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Medical Marijuana as Treatment for Adenomyosis Symptom Angelman Syndrome Symptoms Medical Marijuana Can Help Overcome Methamphetamine Addiction- Medical Marijuana relieves symptoms of Melorheostosis disease Medical Marijuana Treats Incontinence Medical Marijuana-Treatment of CTS Symptoms Menopausal Syndrome Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Motion Sickness – Cannabis Treatment Movement Disorders and Medical Marijuana Muscle Spasms and Medical Marijuana Muscular Dystrophy-Cannabinoids-Symptom Relief Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Cannabis Treatment Nail Patella Syndrome-Cannabinoids Relieve Symptoms Nausea Neurodegenerative Disorders NF-1 and NF-2 Osgood-Schlatter Syndrome Palmar Hyperhydrosis and Medical Mrijuana Panic Disorder-Medical Marijuana treats symptoms effectively Pectus carinatum (pigeon breast/chest) Pemphigus-Autoimmune Disease/Cannabinoids-Symptom Relief Peutz-Jehgers Syndrome – Cannabis Treatment Polyarteritis Nodosa/Cannabinoids help with Treatment and relieve Symptoms Porphyria—Alternative Symptom Treatments Post Polio Syndrome Raynaud’s phenomenon – Cannabis Treatment Reactive Arthritis (Reiter’s syndrome) Restless Leg Syndrome/Wittmaack-Ekbom’s Sundrome–Medical Marijuana Treats Symptoms Scleroderma-How Medical Marijuana Can Help Symptoms Selectivemutism an Anxiety Disorder Shingles (herpes zoster) – Cannabis Treatment Sjogren’s Syndrome and Medical Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

                It goes on and on ect.... –

  8. IslandBites profile image92
    IslandBitesposted 5 years ago

    I thought of this thread when I saw this.

  9. GA Anderson profile image81
    GA Andersonposted 5 years ago

    Hmm... I think this might be a sneaky little aside.

    Your first thought could be innocent, or it could be an indication you would be a "No" vote. Of course, that may then also ask it that was an innocent "No" or a jab at Fox watchers. Hmm...

    However, the reverse may be true - you may be a "Yes" vote and the same questions work with just a little modification of that "jab" verb.

    Confess mujer guerrera, are you a yea or a nay?


    1. IslandBites profile image92
      IslandBitesposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      You see that blue checkmark? ---> big_smile

      (Yes, mine.)

      I was surprised when I saw the numbers.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image74
        Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        The real facts are majorly of American Support for legalizing pot at new high of 66% according to WASHINGTON, D.C. and by pew research center at 62%. Reefer Madd people should be laughing in their graves, like their propaganda films, like :Public Enemy number one:. Majority support across regional, age and political party groups. Yet, still non drug cannabis hemp, is still illegal by Feds.

        It no news that marrijanna is a fake name along with fake Fox News. Who are anti-marijuana isn’t really news, or the channel’s content in general. The right-leaning opinion found great success by scaring mostly older Americans about everything from immigrants to minorities and all the way down to centrist Democratic presidents, So why wouldn’t they add marrijanna to the list? Their portrayal of cannabis fails to provide accurate information or scientific evidence backing up claims.


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