what do you want in a leader (President of U.S.A.)?

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  1. mike102771 profile image71
    mike102771posted 4 years ago

    I remember hearing how anyone (fitting the constitution’s requirements) can be President of the United States. I also remember Jon Stewart saying him his book America The audiobook how that’s not true and people should stop saying that. How out of all those people that tried to win, only 45 people were ever elected, and most were as an SJW would say were old Cis white men.

    I started to wonder what people want in a politician.

    Do you want someone that looks like you a.k.a. visual representation like in the movies (Charlie’s Angels 2019)?

    Do people want the kind of promises that fit within their beliefs even if they are not attainable or legal (tax the rich to pay for the poor)?

    Is Gender important at all?

    Is sexuality (gay/straight/?) important?

    How important is appearance (think the difference between Bernie and almost everyone else running as a Democrat)?

    Should a candidate have a grassroots campaign (Bernie) or can they buy their way in (Bloomberg)? What about those receiving the bulk of their funding from PACs?

    I would think we all want a politician who tells us the truth (unless it’s a truth no one wants, just ask Walter Mondale).

    Post what you want in a leader. There are no wrong answers (just incorrect ones). If you have your horse, then post why you want to see them in the winner’s circle ready to take the blame for everything that will go wrong in his/her/they presidency.

    Thank you for your time.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I want me as a leader for myself. As far as leaders of Corporation-ism which US corp is. I'm not helping no more record breaking profits for the wealthy.

      1. mike102771 profile image71
        mike102771posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        As a Canadian, do you get a choice in who your Prime Mister is or this that something the majority party gets to decide?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Only time I ever voted in my life was Trudeau. Only because of getting marijauna legalized and he did it, regardless of America stranglehold.

          US election is a selection, and never was in modern times a true Demoncracy.

          Another stranglehold is US congress that is 95% Judeo/Christains. They got the worst criminals rap sheet inside and outside of the US. How they get the vast majority of people hypnostize into sheep and sheep dogs is beyond me. Although I do see some signs of a few waking up.

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Mike. I wonder if one reason you haven't received many responses is that Trump has made it almost impossible to respond without invoking his presidency.

      As a person who has been shocked and horrfied that so many Americans voted for such an obviously unfit man, my first responses to your question are almost certain to be viewed as flippant.

      What do I want in a president? How about sanity? How about the ability to speak 5 minutes without lying? How about a person who values integrity over corruption? How about a person willing to study and learn from his advisors?.How about compassion and the ability to bring us together during times of crisis?

      These things should be obvious, but in the Trump era, they no longer are.

      Conversely, a Trump supporter can no longer legitimately respond that they look for honesty, integrity, strength, compassion, measured judgment, or any number of positive  characteristics that typically would be applied to a person who would be president.

      That is my take on why people have been slow to respond to this question.

      1. mike102771 profile image71
        mike102771posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Flippant is better than silence. Wanting the best of humanity to lead us should be the most common answer.  It reminds me of that book, we end up getting the leaders we deserve and not the ones we need. Partisanship leads us to choose leaders that are the best in blaming and dreaming than truth and reality.  We end up with foul talking questionable moral people or people that will promise anything and everything just to get into office. Think Clinton 1992, Bush 2000, or Obama 2008. They all made promises that they could not keep. Just how gullible are we?

        I think there haven't been many answers because I don't do a lot of these types of questions and it just isn't being seen. Also, for many, any political question is seen as partisanship.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          When a president cannot achieve pass 25% of his promises. And I can meet 100% of my own promises. Then why would anyone choose a leader with worst than 75% failures rate. If nobody can not beat 75% failure in their own lives. Then join these sheep and sheep dogs to your own slaughter.

          1. mike102771 profile image71
            mike102771posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            It's been my experience that most don't slaughter their sheepdogs. Personal promises tend to be more rational and attainable than the type made to the public by a person running for office. Comparing a politician running to represent every kind of dynamic to your own ability to keep a promise is unrealistic.

            It could be said that the type of promise made tells the public just what kind of politician the candidate will be.

            Also, everyone goes into office thinking they can make a difference until reality sets in.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I think they take each president to the backroom and show them a video of JFK Kennedy being shot. Then say, any questions?

              Your right, they would not harm their sheep dogs or minions, unless they turn on their owners.


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