Do you think Trump will survive 2017 without getting impeached?
Yes, In fact I would be surprised if any impeachment proceedings are started. It would hurt the Dems (being seen as vindictive sore losers) as much as President Trump. Also a traditional impeachment would put the VP in as President. Many never-Trumpers like Pence. He would be harder for whatever left-wing Dem they want to win.
I believe we will see more arguments on de-legitimizing the election removing both President and VP. However I don't think it will be successful.
But you never know.
Dpes anyone have any grounds for impeachment? Bill Clinton was impeached but they didn't remove him from the presidency. they had evidence? With Trump they don't have any grounds. There is evidence that HRC & DNC influenced the Dem primary.
We live in a time where people have their "Own" truth and facts. Not having evidence doesn't mean they couldn't spend time trying. It all comes down to priorities and the midterm elections.
I heard that the Dems think Pence will be easier to control. I think they'll invent grounds for impeachment, but I hope I am wrong. Would that start a Civil War?
When 2018 comes election time, the dems up for reelection in congress will have some splaining to do.
Really, Tamara? Were you around for Watergate? I was and I remember it well.
I believe he will, at least I hope he makes it full term if not two terms.
The Dems should think about all the money they will raise railing over Trump"s Presidency. Spend the next 4yrs building a war chest and maybe finding someone worth voting for.
Two thirds in the Senate (67) -- makes it pretty clear it won't happen for at least his first term.
Don't you think that the question alone is just trolling. There is no basis, it is a tactic.
Brad be careful belittling a strongly held belief that there are grounds. Address it or let it go. Of course this question presented no facts. But folks have right.
There are some people out there who think that Trump is on the way out despite reality.
Also we need more Mikes answering this question.
He may survive this year but who knows how long after that. It seems everyday there's new allegation and evidence that there was something going on with russia. He demonstrates on a daily basis his inability to communicate or lead a country. Still, the deciding factor will be his base. While it appears many of them seemingly turn a blind eye to his deeds, one has to wonder when the spell he has over them will last. Once he loses that base goes, I can see the Republican in Congress distancing themselves...then impeachment may become a reality.
Give it a shot -- When? The last for state elections showed support for Republicans who supported the President. Do you have any stats or trends or polls that support your concept?
My comment was an opinion and didn't warrant stats. If I did that I'd just make it into a hub.
Excuse me. My bad. But perhaps you will not make a hub out of it because those things do not exist. Again my apologies if I was brash.
Dean, you may have a valid point. Trump has publicly admitted that the job of president is much harder than he thought it would be, but that might begin his trip into reality, if there is one.
Hey Bejabbers, if anything can be gleaned from the Howard Stern interviews, Trump's driving force is to be well liked. This is obviously disturbing. Still, it's conjecture. At this point, his behavior during these hearing are extremely revealing.
Just when U thought we had enough "Articles of IMPEACHMENT" to Fill a PARCHMENT Stretching from "COAST 2 Coast", Donald John TIGHTENs his OWN Noose A*G*A*I*N with "Obstruction of JUSTICE ~ Logical Deduction? Subconsciusly he's Self-Destructing
I hope so. I'm no Trump supporter, but I certainly don't want to see him impeached. First, and foremost, his brashness and lack of common sense may be a lesson to some of the other politicians and to the voters who are going to have to live with their decision. Case in point, our own brash Trump-to-be senator and wannabe president, Tom Cotton, seems to be mellowing out after perhaps seeing a reflection of himself in someone else. Trump has now admitted that being president is much harder than he'd imagined, so he may be facing reality and buckling down. He is already reneging on some of the unrealistic promises made during his campaign, much to the chagrin of his rabid supporters. His sabre rattling may be a deterrent to some of the mice that roar like Kim Jong-un, but Kim is crazy, so it remains to be seen. The flip side is that Trump may get us into a nuclear war, in which case, I will take my first sentence back.
Second, I don't like our system in which the vice president may be a person who invested no time or money in campaigning to the American people. I don't think that person pays his dues to become president in the event of the president's death, serious incapacity or forced removal. My reasoning is that in most cases, the person may be very well known to his or her own state or region, such as in Pence's case, but little known to the rest of the country. He/she does not, through the campaign process, earn the trust of the whole country because he/she does not go through the scrutiny and vetting process the sincere candidates went through. And because the veep is selected by the person being removed, in the case of impeachment, he/she may not be any more competent than the person he/she is replacing.
Perhaps it's time to change our way of selecting the veep to the no. 2 person in the elected party. History shows that it is impossible to allow the president to be of one party and the veep of the other.
Hasn't every POTUS said/indicated that the job was tougher than thought. And if they thought it is easier than they thought wouldn't that be scary -- like they are not serious.
True, but for Mr. Confidence to admit that indicates something extraordinary is happening.
But you see how that worked - you just had to throw in a personal jab. It is like some folks are just hardwired that they have to.
Truth is, Eric, I don't think he was serious when he ran and it was a surprise when he saw he had a chance. That is not a jab. That has been expressed by many.
Admit it. No matter what if someone mentions his name you are of the group that immediately go into the insult mode and the "if he did it, it cannot be right" mode. Mind made up before facts and then fit the facts.It takes away from credibility/discu
Now who is hostile? At least I admit that I don't like the man. I wasn't crazy about Obama either.
Really - are you claiming to be a victim of my "hostility", really. You think my comment (commentary) was hostile? Is telling your wife that the dress makes her look fat hostile? Being honest is not hostile at all.
It isn't necessarily what you say. It's how you say it.
I think that obscene sensitivity leaning toward making you one of the snowflake victims is that lack of backbone that has crippled my nation. My WWII dad would never be so insulted. He was a man who stood for something. Sensitivity = what?
I do not have a reputation for being sensitive, and neither did my WWII dad. I think it was my lack of sensitivity toward Trump that upset you. Why did you flipflop in your last comment?
That is an interesting thought. And for sure, just like with Obama I am a little sensitive toward bashing a United State's President. Maybe defensive is a better word - but point well taken.
I don't know.
What I do know is that Trump is seen in Europe as one of the less educated presidents ever.
Trump is a part of the establishments. His job is to get the 1% richer. You can see it at his recent tax reform. He is friends with Goldman Sachs and he is not attacking Wallsteet as he promised in his campaign. He is supporting it, just like H. Clinton does. They are both of the same elite. The difference is that Trump is better at golf.
Trump will probably not survive 2017 as he is not politically clever. He is used by people of Wallstreet and Goldman Sachs. But if Trump is impeached Pence will become president. He is more intelligent then Trump, but incredibly conservative and not what the world needs.
All in all the average guy in the USA will not get a better position in the years to come. Let alone the next generation who has to live with the consequences of climate change. A world wide problem that should be tackled but Trump refuses to acknowledge (as he lacks education and personal interest.)
So my answer is yes, but it's not directly a positive outcome.
I just love posts like this from folks who have never held a public office and have never been extremely successful. Wow they are so much smarter than those who actually become POTUS just amazing.
Great you loved my amazing post Eric but you're mixing up being rich with being intelligent. These are different things.
Correct rich does not = intelligence. But running a billion dollars worth of assets and winning a US national election for POTUS does mean you are very intelligent.
running a billion dollar assets has nothing to do with being smart. He got all the business from his father.
Besides being a good businessman is not equal to being a good politician. Different professions.
OK people who are not smart can run a billion in assets and winning POTUS does not indicate political intelligence. Well no one could argue with that.Google this it is fun.inherited wealth is gone within 5 years?
When you have a couple of million to play with Eric you hire specialists to do your business. This does not mean that you are intelligent yourself.
Well Peter let us just cut to the chase.
Do you really believe that Donald Trump is less than very intelligent?
Absolutely. Bush Sr and Jr where both more intelligent then Trump.
I guess it just irks me the same as armchair quarter backs. I have been around these super successful people and to a one I have noticed just how damn smart they. So it wrankles me when folks say like - HRC is stupid.
Eric, how can any anti-Christian like Trump have the support of conservative Christians?
Scott I always feel better when there are good folks like you telling us what is and what is not Christian or anti-Christian. What would those of us who do not follow your dogma/doctrine do without you? Who needs the Holy Spirit when we have you.
Eric, I hardly call that a Christian response to an honest question.
Yes Scott the is disturbing to you. There is this whole group of us who follow Jesus and the two great commandments on which all other hinge. And we think!! Amazing we can work with the Holy Spirit and still have a brain. Get on board it is good.
Eric, money and intelligence has nothing to do with each other. There are some great, amazing super rich. But there are also rich people with a low IQ. they are simply born rich, Like Trump. Not self made like Mark Suckerberg.
We will just disagree on this Peter. I think anyone who is elected President of the United States can and should be criticized by citizens. But I think anyone who has not done so should be smart and not think the winner dumb.
Eric, you didn't answer my question. If you truly followed Jesus, you would be more tolerant of other people and not tolerant of an anti-Christian sinner like Donald Trump.
OK. First I need to know why Trump is Anti-Christian. What does he do to make him not a Christian? And who on this earth gets to make that judgement?
Christian people who vote make judgments about their candidates on moral grounds. Trump's check list of sins go way beyond every normal person I have known:
- greed, yes;
- lust, yes;
- envy, yes;
- pride, yes;
- covetousness, yes.
Wow! A man is judged not Christian because he sins? Well bye bye to David, Moses, Solomon, Daniel and every single last one of the apostles. And for sure bye bye to you. There would be no Christianity at all by your standard.Only God knows repentence
Trump just told the media that he did not know the reason for the civil war! And thought that President Jackson lived during the Civil War!
I call that stupid. sorry.
Eric, I don't think you understood my post. I said, "Trump's check list of sins go way beyond every normal person I have known".
And you still haven't answered my original question.
Peter you know full well that is not what he said. He said AJ could have prevented the Civil War and indeed he well could have. Federalism vs. States rights. Had he moved the country further in either direction war would have been avoided. Remember A
Quote interview Washington post.
TRUMP: People don’t ask that question. But why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?
The whole interview sounds incredible naif to me.
The answer to the question is obvious. Slavery.
The fact that there was a moral reason behind the war does not mean it could not be averted. By your thought process any immorality would justify armed conflict no matter what. Trump's point is exactly correct - it could have been prevented.
I dont know how you deducted my thought process, but thats not how I think at all.
Trump is on muddy waters. The whole Russia connection stinks. Why did he fire Comey? He knows to much. The Flynn affair is rotten as well.
Trump will not make it.
That is a strange question. Of course we communicate so that others can understand our thoughts and at a higher level the process. On why Comey fired. Read Dem. Rosenstein's letter. First appointed by Obama.
As Retribution / Punishment For all his CRIMEs, Swindles, LIEs, CHEATING, HATE Mongering, Prejudice, Marital Breaches etc Donald John Trump has EARNED a Ticket STRAIGHT 2 HELL followed closely by Ivanka, Eric, JUNIOR & CON-Man Paul Ryan
Watch this Dutch documentary (spoken in English) and you'll find that Trump has to many shady deals in Russia.
He'll easily survive the year without impeachment. I don't see that coming for him.
Better we think about the circumstances that may lead to his impeachment. will the Syrian issue lead to his impeachment? Will the ban order lead to his impeachment? Will the make America concept make him unsuitable from holding the post of the President of U.S? or The construction of a wall along the Mexican border will make him ineligible to hold the post of the President of U.S? Will his ban order make him ineligible for the post of President of U.S? Or are the China and N.Korean issues rightly decide his suitability?
The people of U.S have been misled by the earlier president of U.S with alluring schemes which have not benefited them. The Obama care had its own criticism from many states. The common man was the ultimate sufferer. Most of the diseases were not covered under the Obama Healthcare scheme which many outsiders did not know and never tried to understand.
The Construction of War along the Mexican border was already in his election agenda. He has been stressing the importance of such construction as there are many undocumented illegal immigrants from Mexico constituting 39%. They are claiming a share in the U.S budget which otherwise would have benefited the native Americans a lot. This would have solved many of their unemployment problems, health problems. The Government securities to the tune of 1.39$ Trillions are with China and to the tune of $1.41 trillions with Japan.
In his every Election campaign he criticized the entry of Muslims into U.S. He even made a statement that he would ban the entry of Muslims into U.S. After he became the President, he took a liberal view and after studying the entire issue had included only those countries which have got sympathy and affiliation for a terrorist organization. He not even included the name of Pakistan though he wanted to include it, but for analyzing the impact of it on the nature of International relations. Many organizations made a hue and cry on the Ban Order of Mr. Trump which is totally unwarranted. They have made demonstrations saying that the ban order is against the democratic principles of U.S. I do not know how can I position myself as a foreigner and talk about the democratic principles of U.S when I am asked to leave the country? When the people are so much impressed with the freedom and democratic principles of U.S let they go to their respective countries and ask for the implementation or introduction of such principles in their own countries.(contd)
I don't think anything you named will lead to an impeachment, but a war with North Korea might, or if ties to Russian interference in the election are proved.
Yeah. He will survive. No one knows future so we have wait for that
I think that trump will be supported by the republicans no matter what he does, they will condone his every mishap.
Blessings my friend.
From what I have heard there are some Not-Trumpers in the GOP who want Pence as President
Shyron ~ Mishaps sure, but R "WEASEL" Paul Ryan, "SQUINTY" Mike Pence & "SHADY" Tom Price willing 2 GO "Down in FLAMEs" with Donald John as ACCOMPLICEs 2 his Law Infractions, COVER-Up & VIOLATIONs of OUR Constitution?? Party BEFORE Country??
Why would Trump be impeached? Has he committed crimes as a President? I don't think so. Like his predecessor, has he....?
Illegally armed Mexican drug cartels and ISIS militants in In Operation Fast and Furious
Illegally targeted conservative groups via IRS
Secretly obtained phone records from Associated Press journalists
Had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process
Fired Inspector General for discovering that his friend had embezzled government funds
Given tax dollars to campaign contributors and lobbyists, and falsely claimed the money was for “green energy.” (The company went bankrupt soon thereafter)
Eliminated the pensions of 20,000 retired Delphi employees in 2009
Been cited by nine states for committing 21 illegal acts
Violated the very same campaign finance laws that he claims to support
Nope. Trump hasn't done any of those illegal things. If he does, then you can talk about impeachment. Right now, it's all wishful thinking on the part of the Left.
So to answer your question, Yes, Trump will survive 2017.
Where's your proof of all this? No, Trump just robs people by running up bills on his investments and taking bankruptcy (4 times). Nothing illegal about that. He selects people for cabinet posts who resign in disgrace (Flynn for one).
Where have you been for the last eight years. All of the above should be common knowledge to any U.S. citizen. I could show you research all day long & you would deny it. Trump let Flynn go, unlike BO, who allowed those who lied to stay.
Sorry, you are right, Trump fired Flynn. I can't keep up with all Trump's mistakes. Where I have I been? Keeping my head down working for the government, watching the Republicans bankrupt my state and pass gun carry laws.
MizBejabbers, the new budget was a win for democrats. Your state likely has more money. In all fairness, 100 days in office is not enough to bankrupt anything. But thanks for the reply just the same.
How are tax cuts for the rich a win for Dems? The only win I see here is that the people may get fed up and vote Dems back into office. My state was left in great shape by a Dem. governor. The new Repub. is reorganizing the state. It will fail.
I hope not. So far the Trump presidency is working out just fine for Democrats. But I suspect his sins will catch up to him pretty quickly and we'll have a new president before the end of the year. (It might take until 2018 just because the process will be costly and time-consuming to the extreme. Heaven help us.)
Well that is a very calm comment from someone who thinks this is a foregone conclusion. Lately all we seem to hear from folks with this position is all Caps screaming and rather foul name calling. Thank you
Hard to see why Trump is likely to be impeached when Obummer got away with plenty of unconstitutional nonsense.
Kathleen, I also think his sins will catch up to him. If the economy tanks, it will be the GOP that pushes for his impeachment so that Pence can have the Oval Office.
Unemployment is at 4.4%. The stock market is higher than ever. Jobs are being created and companies are staying in the U.S. If that's your idea of "tanking the economy" then the sky must be green, by your standards.
Did I say the economy was tanking? No, I said "if the economy tanks". Please read my posts more carefully. Thank you.
The ECONOMY is indeed doing very well because "HAIR Plugz Trump" is RIDING Pres. Obama's Coattails ~ Donald John, at least until he's REMOVED, should continue 2 do NOTHING & just watch the POSITIVE Results Planted by our PREVIOUS Pres.
Incredible - my feed off the email notifications does not take me to the comment. Are answers and questions be phased out?
I want to respond but I cannot without a 20 minute search for the comment.
Is is just me?
Your comment was hidden due to negative feedback. Was that why it was hard to find?
"Hair Plugz Trump" might SURVIVE a while longer before many experts believe he'll be IMPEACHED and or Imprisoned for any number of LAW BREACHEs, however, the USA is ERODING at an Unprecedented Pace & Will NOT SURVIVE his Brief, EVIL Laced, Immensely Destructive TENURE ~ Beginning on his DARK "Pseudo INAUGURATION Day" just a few short months ago, when Uneasy, Telling Black CLOUDs Swiftly Engulfed his "Tainted Celebration of HATE", we have entered a "Gruelling NIGHTMARE" of Undetermined Duration ~ Within this short period of time, AUSTRIA, The Netherlands & France have ALL REJECTED their Radically INSANE "Trump Candidates" ~
GOOD Always TRIUMPHs over EVIL which means Trump, his Family & Strange Looking ACCOMPLICEs such as Paul Ryan, Mike Pence etc will ultimately pay a just price for their "Reprehensible Conduct & Actions" here on EARTH, but sometimes, unfortunately, it takes a MIGHTY Struggle 2 DEFEAT those who are "Dedicated & Determined" 2 PILLAGE "WE the PEOPLE" for Personal GAIN ~
by Castlepaloma 13 months ago
1 day ago — House approves impeachment inquiry into President Biden as Republicans rally behind investigation.Sounds too good to be true. Considering Three presidents have been impeached, although none were convicted: Andrew Johnson was in 1868, Bill Clinton was in 1998, and Donald Trump twice, in...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 7 years ago
Do you strongly contend that Trump will be.....IMPEACHED? Why? Why not?
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It's pretty clear that many conservatives do not believe that President Trump's latest actions are worthy of impeachment.So this begs the question, what is worthy of impeachment?Let's remember some things from history:1. President Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of...
by Ralph Schwartz 6 years ago
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Lets face it , there isn't much honesty coming from the Leftstream News Media of the last year or two , Please , please , please .......................just file for impeachment and see where it goes , that's far far quicker than inventing charges of incompetence...
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