Socioeconomic Class in the 21st Century-It WON'T be Pretty At All....

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 4 years ago
    As a result of more specialized education & skill sets, those who are born into the upper middle & upper classes will thrive socioeconomically in this century as they have the means to technology & education.   Upper middle & upper class children will have more myriad technological & educational opportunities than ever before.  These children will be the ones who will have the best jobs either inside or outside the corporate sphere.  Upper middle & upper class children will have creative jobs because they will have the means to create such jobs.   Meanwhile, children who are solidly middle, lower middle, working, lower class & the underclass won't have such technological & educational opportunities.  They will be consigned to lower level jobs w/little or no prospect of advancement.   Lower middle, working, & lower class children will be consigned to dead end menial jobs because they don't have the monies & opportunities to acquire technology in their homes & advanced education will be socioeconomically beyond their family's reach.  So such children will have drudgery jobs or will be semi-employed throughout their lives.  Forget about children in the underclass-they will be either imprisoned or be sent off to war.   In the 21st century, those who are upper middle & upper class are the ones who will survive.  Your thoughts?

    1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
      Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Seems to be more and more the case as time moves forward, with a marginal group of individuals who will overcome it, and it should be stressed more often that anyone can overcome these limitations so that no one gives into the "victim" mentality. That is to say, you can overcome it if you really put your mind to it and "make your dreams come true."

    2. MizBejabbers profile image91
      MizBejabbersposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure that I agree with your assessment, at least not in my state. Our Governor has some ideas about courses taught in public schools, and he is following through on them by getting the legislature to pass laws enabling these ideas. One such idea is teaching coding in elementary school on up. He has programs enabling the underprivileged (low income classes) to buy computers for their children at subsidized rates. Now most any kid can get this type of training starting in elementary school. There are only two things holding him back:  himself and his family.
      By that, I mean the student's own interests and attitude. And the support of his family. Of course if the child brings home a new computer, and his dad or older sibling pawns it to buy drugs, then the child loses the opportunity. But it isn't for lack of opportunity. But I can speak only for what is going on in the state where I live, not for other states.
      Then you have kids who aren't interested in technology. Our educational system is big on culinary, so maybe the kid wants to be a chef. We also have college programs in our state colleges that forgive student debt for up to 5 years or 100% depending on the profession. This includes teachers, nurses, doctors in general practice in rural areas, and more programs are being added.
      The problems that I see are kids who don't want to apply themselves academically, but then we are starting to rebuild our trade schools. If a kid wants to be an electrician or a plumber, the cost of his or her training doesn't tie him down to student loans for 30 years. That is the kid's choice if he wants to go into the service industry instead of making a corporate salary. But at least here he or she will have a choice. What we don't have anymore is the choice of becoming a line worker in a factory if one wants to work but won't or can't get past the 8th grade. That lack of line of work probably comprises a whole bunch of young people.
      Of course there will always be the underclass who are too lazy and who want to live by taking advantage of somebody else. Again that is their choice, not society-driven.
      I think there is a lot of whining and carrying on by people who would like to see socialism in the U.S. so they are painting a darker picture that what is actually here. But then I don't live in rural Appalachia or other coal mining state, or another comparable rural area where there has always been abject poverty.

      1. gmwilliams profile image84
        gmwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        In the 21st century, the poor will remain poor because they don't have access to myriad cultural & educational opportunities.   Such cultural & educational opportunities will only be available to those who are upper middle & upper class.  Even solidly middle class people will have less opportunities.   The access to cultural & educational opportunities will be less available to even the solidly middle class.   Only the upper middle & upper classes will have myriad cultural & educational opportunities needed to thrive in the 21st century.  The solidly middle class will have less opportunities as things are becoming expensive & the poorer class, forget about it- they are doomed, even damned to a dead end life.   The poor will become a disposable, slave class.

        1. MizBejabbers profile image91
          MizBejabbersposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          If that is so, then it is because the earth has run out of raw materials, and I keep hearing that has happened. If there are little or few raw materials to manufacture our sustenance, then the rich who have depended on the backs of the middle and lower classes to keep them in wealth will run out also. Where will they get the materials to build our technology that brings them in wealth?
          Grace, you keep harping on people's attitudes, but I think that if you are correct, then the rich will run out of raw materials to keep their own class running. They can't keep manufacturing a false economy, banking on nothing, and spinning dreams out of air. Think about it. Once they dispose of the slave class and the middle class becomes the dregs of society, then the whole society will fall.
          Did you not study the Great Depression and learn that rich men jumped out of windows to their deaths when they discovered their fortunes were gone? Some of those former wealthy who lived were reduced to begging on the streets. History repeats itself.


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