Check this out: Trump proposes 1T$ stimulus to shore economy

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  1. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 4 years ago … hecks.html

    Well, what do you know, Republicans decide to get Keynesian all of the sudden? They would not lend Barack Obama a finger during his TARP stimulus a decade ago. But, now they are going to explode the treasury with this proposal. I certainly would take my $1,000.00 like the next guy.

    What about the deficit and all of that? Prominent GOP have interesting if not muddled explanations or, if you like, excuses as to why such a stimulus is necessary now but was not in 2009.

    I don't trust Trump, he nor the Republicans have never really cared for the "little guy".
    I suspect this is a desperate move to shore up an economy easily ravaged by the Coronavirus. Trump's ego would never accept a loss this coming fall, and history shows that in modern times one term presidents generally were at the helm during times economic distress.  While he may not be afraid of Biden or Sanders, he is afraid of that.

    Everybody talked and criticized Sanders and Warren about Socialist give aways, so how are we suppose to pay for all this?

    Your thoughts, please?

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I, too, am amazed. And speechless.

    2. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I think this crisis is different enough to negate all of your "what abouts" Cred.

      I think this quote nails it:

      "So where’s all the enthusiasm for trillion-dollar stimulus coming from now? Several Republicans, like Alexander, made the distinction that these are different crises—that the financial crisis and the resulting economic fallout were the result of economic actors making poor decisions. Here, the economy was humming along just fine until some disease swooped in.

      “We’re not talking about businesses here that make bad decisions and are asking to be bailed out,” Rubio said. “We’re talking about a virus. We’re talking about an effort to control the virus that requires us to tell businesses to close, and people not to frequent them, in order to save lives. That is an extraordinary development. This is not an economic downturn, this is not some … normal event that happens in the cycle of an economy.”

      You "suspect" this is a desperate move? Well yeah. With entire states going to business lockdowns and with a majority of entire states' populations losing their income in one swoop, what else could it be but a desperate measure?

      The Democrats want that check to be $2000, yet you infer the Republicans are turning Keynesian for proposing a desperate measure to deal with a pandemic. Geesh.

      “We’re not talking about businesses here that make bad decisions and are asking to be bailed out,” Rubio said. “We’re talking about a virus."

      Don't you consider these nationally desperate times? What would you say of them if they didn't propose a desperate measure?


      1. Randy Godwin profile image60
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Modern Republican presidents always leave a mess for the Dems to clean up. Biden will have to pull another Obama to handle the inherited mess......again.

        Not blaming the coronavirus on the Right, but the tax breaks for the very rich is one example of why we're facing such an economic challenge at the moment.

        1. GA Anderson profile image82
          GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I think your point about the tax break is an arguable one Randy.

          How do you think it is responsible for the economic crisis brought on by the Coronavirus?


        2. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          The tax break (that we all got) was a part of the package that brought about a booming economy with jobs for anyone that wants one.

          But I guess you can use it to blame Trump for the effects on that same economy brought about by Covid-19 if it helps your pogrom to demonize your president.  After all, if those evil rich people had not been allowed to keep more of what they earned you would have to find something else.  Although that shouldn't be difficult - the neighborhood dog, relieving himself in your yard, should do as well as failure to confiscate what others have.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            How is giving the already filthy rich a tax break--much of it going to giving CEOs large bonuses and buying back stock--confiscating their money, Dan?

            The economy was already doing well without such a huge tax break, so who is this helping now?

      2. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        "So where’s all the enthusiasm for trillion-dollar stimulus coming from now? Several Republicans, like Alexander, made the distinction that these are different crises—that the financial crisis and the resulting economic fallout were the result of economic actors making poor decisions. Here, the economy was humming along just fine until some disease swooped in.
        Just a cleverly weaved excuse, GA. Trump and the GOP know well what will happen in November if they are at the helm and the economy tanks....
        “We’re not talking about businesses here that make bad decisions and are asking to be bailed out,” Rubio said. “We’re talking about a virus. We’re talking about an effort to control the virus that requires us to tell businesses to close, and people not to frequent them, in order to save lives. That is an extraordinary development. This is not an economic downturn, this is not some … normal event that happens in the cycle of an economy.”
        I am glad that the GOP is motivated but I don't appreciate them trying to distinguish between now and 2008 as if there is some unfathomable difference in applying this solution as acceptable

        But both BUsh and Obama went in for the bank bailouts, you did not think that the situation in 2008 was dire? What would we have done if any of this had happened in 1929? Republican never really evolve, you know. Years before "Socialist" FDR starting making this society and economy a responsible one. How do you think Herbert Hoover would have handled it?

        How about just another tax cut?

        What about rugged individuality and "personal responsibity". We blamed Obama for rising deficits, what do we blame on Trump in this regard?

        BTW $2,000 is better, I need all the stimulus I can get.

        Who knows, if the stable genius have had spared us his "hunches" and took this epidemic seriously early on, he may not have needed to take these dire measures. Well, in any case, the voters this fall won't be moved by excuses, results is all that matter.

        1. GA Anderson profile image82
          GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Zip your trousers bud. Your rant is showing.

          GA ;-)

          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            So, now that I take issue with your point of view, it is now a rant? I think that my point is quite valid, regardless.

            That is just the problem, the GOP operates with "unzipped trousers" and has been "hosing" us for years.

            Did I strike a nerve or left a burr in your saddle?

      3. Tim Truzy info4u profile image93
        Tim Truzy info4uposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Interesting, Ga.

    3. Tim Truzy info4u profile image93
      Tim Truzy info4uposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      With the rise of narrow minded politics-one has to wonder if someone close to him caught the darn thing. Not an unreasonable speculation considering the rest of the non-1% be damned until now. Besides, he'll make sure the poor pay for it.

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Tim

        Itis nice to hear that someone can see the merit of my observations regarding this matter.

        The only real substantive difference between now and 2008 was Barack Obama and anything he proposed. If the same concept is generated by Republica, it's ok.

        And he will makes sure that the poor pay for it AFTER he is reelected, if that is our fate.

    4. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      "I suspect this is a desperate move to shore up an economy easily ravaged by the Coronavirus. }

      WOW... What a statement. Did you ever think our government is working to provide a bit of cash to tide some over that really would be strapped to pay a bill or buy food? Could it be that simple? Could it be a bandaid to help some that will really be financially hurt by not being able to work? Why is it necessary to look for the negative in everything this president does? I can't even comprehend why something this good could be looked at as anything but good.  At any rate, I am so happy to hear that some will be getting some cash to tide them over. Call me crazy...

      Tarp was designed to keep the nation's banks operating during the 2008 financial crisis. well as corporations. This cash would be to bail out citizens in possible financial crises due to the Covid19 virus.

      Socialists give away, this is a crisis, not free college and healthcare for all. Does your comment really express your views? Do you not realize the situation some might be put in with the virus restrictions affecting their financial status being out of work for weeks?

      I can see your concern for the growing debt, but the rest, not sure I know where you are coming from.

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Sharlee, for your honest inquiry and you are deserving of an honest answer.

        "I suspect this is a desperate move to shore up an economy easily ravaged by the Coronavirus. }

        WOW... What a statement. Did you ever think our government is working to provide a bit of cash to tide some over that really would be strapped to pay a bill or buy food? Could it be that simple? Could it be a bandaid to help some that will really be financially hurt by not being able to work?
        Sharlee, I have no problem with the concept as provided and promoted by Trump, Republicans and Democrats for that matter.

        Why is it necessary to look for the negative in everything this president does? I can't even comprehend why something this good could be looked at as anything but good.  At any rate, I am so happy to hear that some will be getting some cash to tide them over. Call me crazy...
        I said in a earlier comment that the action is commendable, I just questioned the motives, and, no, you are not crazy. … 59e5443794

        A group that is dedicated to cutting Social Security and Medicare and other entitlements using cries about rising deficits while exacerbating the situation with tax cuts benefitting the wealthy and a bloated military establishment now wants to "help me"?

        So, it follows, with such and outlay expenditure to put money in everybody's pockets, when the crisis abates and there is a shortfall in the treasury that has to be paid for, with Trump and GOP, who do you think will bear the brunt of that required restitution?

        For every dollar that middle and working class families receive now, 2 will be taken back. It is not coming out of Thurston Howell's pocket, that is for sure.

        So, although many on the Right are going to disagree, that's ok. But, you can't blame me for being naturally suspicious.
        Tarp was designed to keep the nation's banks operating during the 2008 financial crisis. well as corporations. This cash would be to bail out citizens in possible financial crises due to the Covid19 virus.
        Obama also proposed infrastructure funding to bolster the economy. My beef with GA and others on the right is the idea that Goverment's direct involvement in the economy to abate a crisis situation is merited this time but was intrusive and socialistic under Obama. To say, tha 2008 was "different" is just a matter of opinion.  I say the distinction that Trump and Republicans make to explain the difference is merely partisan and not based on principle. That is what I resent in regards to this matter.

        Socialists give away, this is a crisis, not free college and healthcare for all. Does your comment really express your views? Do you not realize the situation some might be put in with the virus restrictions affecting their financial status being out of work for weeks?
        Yes, I am aware of the magnitude of the virus and praise Washington for attempting to address its ramifications regarding the economy. But, many of us consider the college debt crisis and a disfunctional health insurance situation for which the current administration has been reluctant to seriously address as separate crisis of their own.
        I can see your concern for the growing debt, but the rest, not sure I know where you are coming from.

        As, I have spoken regarding my concern about the debt and who will ultimately pay, I certainly hope that I have made my position easier to understand.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          You have certainly provided a good explanation of your position. I can see it is sensible and well thought out. I agree with most of what you said.

          However, this is a crisis, and at this point, I lean toward helping some that will be in dire need of cash.  It seems the humane thing to do. I find it hard to talk about what this crisis will add to the debt. The subject is so complicated. I for one have long given up on it.

          I really appreciate your honest opinion, not to mention how you presented it.

  2. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 4 years ago

    Geez. Can we all say, in unison, unprecedented crisis?

  3. GA Anderson profile image82
    GA Andersonposted 4 years ago

    You didn't take issue with my point of view Cred, you had a response for a quoted blurb from your link:

    "Just a cleverly weaved excuse, GA. Trump and the GOP know well what will happen in November if they are at the helm and the economy tanks..."

    However, since I do agree with the blurb that these are crises of different natures, then maybe you are disagreeing with one aspect of my view:

    "I am glad that the GOP is motivated but I don't appreciate them trying to distinguish between now and 2008 as if there is some unfathomable difference in applying this solution as acceptable"

    You may not appreciate it, but is the point invalid?

    And, nope. No nerve, no burr, just an observation of what you chose to criticize—the party politics instead of the issue. As in: "That is just the problem, the GOP operates with "unzipped trousers" and has been "hosing" us for years." Not a rant statement?



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