13 Dead Due To Recent Protests For Systemic Racial Injustice

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image87
    Sharlee01posted 4 years ago


    At least 13 people, all but two where black, have been killed in the past week as Americans flood city streets to protest police brutality.

    So, what is to be done about black citizens killing black citizens when they are searching for justice for a man that was killed by a police officer. If blacks are upset due to police brutality. unjustly taking lives of black citizens, why are they not outraged over one black citizen killing another while rioting and looting? Eleven black citizens lost their lives due to being shot, murdered by the hands of their own race.

    How is this kind of killing justified?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Can one conclude that black lives actually don't matter...unless they can be used in a political manner?  Unless they can be used to create a riot, giving people the opportunity to steal and destroy without worrying about the law?  Unless it can be used to perpetuate the myth that white people are racists, with undue privilege that must be taken away?

      Disgusting beyond belief, but is that what we're seeing?

      1. Sharlee01 profile image87
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        so many killed, I did not even mention the number that has been hurt due to these protests. It is disgusting beyond belief. I appreciate your comment, I felt not many would have the courage to address the thread.

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      "So, what is to be done about black citizens killing black citizens when they are searching for justice for a man that was killed by a police officer. If blacks are upset due to police brutality. unjustly taking lives of black citizens, why are they not outraged over one black citizen killing another while rioting and looting? Eleven black citizens lost their lives due to being shot, murdered by the hands of their own race"


      We our outraged over BOTH.

      Do you have a link to this that you can share?.

    3. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Sharlee, I liked this article, maybe you will too. When I think of 100s of thousands of participants across the globe, the death toll was still quite minor. We got the message out and that can not be ignored and just like the Rightwingers that are so adamant about not wearing masks in public, AKA Donald Trump, we needed to make our point and will not be denied. We shall remain silent no longer.

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        When we think of the, not hundreds of thousands but millions, of police interactions, and the truly tiny percentage that result in unwarranted death, it is beyond minor.  Right?

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          That is a fair assessment from your point of view. Everybody on notice to watch their cabooses in the future, to improve (prohibiting certain choke holds and requiring body cameras), it is a great start

          1. wilderness profile image94
            wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Is there a big difference between 13 people killed in riots in a couple of months and the 9 unarmed black men killed by police (warranted or not)?  I presume you disagree with the statement that the 9 is below consideration - can you explain the difference?  Except that one is the result of rioting and the other may have been justified in some cases?  Why is one acceptable and the other not?

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Nobody is saying that criminals do not have a role in violence and destruction of property during these protests. But, I EXPECT more from those that are there to enforce the law than I do from common thugs or criminals, that is the difference. It is same difference between black homicides rates in inner cities verses unjustified police caused homicides, I consider the concepts different. Obviously, black bodies are just black bodies for you regardless of the cause and source....

      2. Sharlee01 profile image87
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        You missed the point of my comment. To be blunt --- These persons died due to violence black on black violence. A three-year-old died last weekend due to a drive-by. A black man trying to kill another black man,.

        So, with as you say "When I think of 100s of thousands of participants across the globe, the death toll was still quite minor. "

        Perhaps you can tell me why black on black crime, killing does not matter? This is a bleak realization you need to face, but it is at the root of the problem of why some choose to discriminate against black people. It well appears black people do not care about black on black killing. You have made light of the 13 that are were killed due to the protests. These were human beings that did nothing but be in the wrong place at the wrong time and were shot, killed by persons of their own color... So, don't make light of it. This kind of thought process may be a big part of why blacks are discriminated against.  You completely submissively ignored the deaths of these 13 black people. You deferred to Trump not wearing a mask. This to me is a problem, you considered 13 a small number to die for your cause. These were people that did nothing but be caught up in a protest. for your cause.

        When all is said and done, all these protests have done is to leave more blacks dead... Maybe you should stop worrying about Trump, and consider the subject --- 13 innocent Black people dead at the hands of other black people. Yes, thee protests sent a loud message. I heard it loud and clear.  SOME black lives matter. Others, how did you phrase it --.some are quite minor"...

        This subject has nothing to do with Trump not wearing a mask or those on the right. And not sure if you realize there are and were many black people that made their point without shouting without protests without a minor death toll due to protests. Those are the black people that are in the history books, those are the people that earned respect due to the way they communicated...

        You play a good game, but the blame game never wins. It just never gleans respect.

        There has never been a president that has done more for Black people. Perhaps time to take a long honest look at that fact.

        Make a list, what have Dem's truly done, that list would be short in comparison to what Trump has done.


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