Dallas Sniper Shooting Another False Flag

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  1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
    wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years ago

    The United States government, and the media, are filled with professional liars. This is not surprising, especially in government. Many elected officials, like Hillary Clinton, are former lawyers, and American lawyers are "the"  best liars and con-artists in the world. Understanding this to be true, I am inclined to believe that the  killing of 5 Cops in Dallas is nothing but another false flag. The only thing I am uncertain about is whether they are really dead or not. Terrorist attacks carried out by U.S. government operatives, such as The Sand Creek Massacre, The Wounded Knee Massacre, The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Waco Massacre,The Oklahoma City Bombing,  and 9/11, have all proven that the U.S. government will not hesitate to kill innocent civilians in order to either make a point, or to further it's greedy imperialist ambitions. It follows that if the government can so conveniently slaughter women and children, that killing 5 cops wouldn't even raise a sweat. But on the other hand, we have all seen what Hollywood, and technology can do. A few government spooks in conjunction with a few Hollywood professionals, and a government controlled media,  could easily create the illusion of 5 dead Cops in Dallas.

    And so, "Dead or Alive?" That may  forever remain a mystery. But it is no mystery that Black Lives Matter is seeking to empower black people. And racists have never fancied the idea of black people having true economic and political power. In fact, the very notion scares the hell out of them! The purpose of the real, or imagined, killing of 5 Cops in Dallas is a blatant attempt to cripple the Black Lives Matter movement by turning public opinion against the movement.

    Hello Government Spooks! I Can See You!

    This is the same thing that happened on 9/11. The government wrote a wonderful script, put together a team of mercenaries, then sacrificed and killed thousands of innocent Americans so that the American people would sanction a bloody war in Iraq. It worked then, and their hoping it will work now. Yes, destroying the momentum of Black Lives Matter is the most obvious goal, but the end game appears to be Marshal Law. And I feel that's what this episode of the Dog and Pony show is really all about. And of course, the government has a sense of humor. It is quite ironic that only days after the American people celebrated their imagined freedoms on the 4th of July that the government would stage this event; an event that will make every American citizen a bonafide prisoner of the Police State.

    Black Lives Matter has absolutely nothing to gain by the killing of Cops, in Dallas or anywhere else. What white racist Americans need to do is to back up off the black people, forget about their racist ideology for just a little while, and focus on the common enemy that threatens us all. Once the common threat is eliminated,  they can then go back to burning crosses and watching Duck Dynasty.

    1. profile image0
      promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The most racist people I have ever met are not white.

      1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
        wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Of course you would begin with a fiction delivered in a soundbyte. In the context of what has been happening here for over 500 years, your cavalier attitude can only lead us to one conclusion about your overall character. I will let you fill in the blanks.

        1. profile image0
          promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          My life experience is fact, not fiction. I didn't state which race has shown the most racism in my experience. (The planet has more than two, you know.) Therefore, you can't deduce the race from my comment and link it to the last 500 years of America.

          I also didn't say an entire race is racist. I simply said the most racist people I have met are not white.

          And you certainly can't call me a racist for sharing my personal, experienced-based observations about the racism of other people and races.

          If I were a true racist, I would name the race and say that entire race is racist, which it is not.

          In fact, the race I have in mind has both the most racist people I have ever met and the nicest people I have ever met. It just happens to have more extremes than I have seen in other races.

          1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
            wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this


            Then why won't you expose this "mystery race"? I'd love to know who is more racist than Archie Bunker.

            1. profile image0
              promisemposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              There are actually two of them. I won't name them because it isn't necessary. You are too busy calling me a racist to understand what I'm saying.


          2. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            This is a very  true and comprehensive response to the truest and often hidden racists of today ,  we do know who they are and yet   I will go so far as to say that  most racism comes from much of the extreme left . How you ask ? By  accusatory statements calling something that ISNT racism at all , racist ! 

            That is the greatest problem today !  The  slickened  use of an old outdated word or wording.   And , if many here today will falsely scream out " racism "  where there is NONE ;  then they are the truest and most genuine racists on earth!

            1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
              wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Then I am curious, how you would explain the disproportionate amount of Indigenous and African citizens  who are killed by Cops in a country where whites are the majority. Science teaches us there is a reason for everything; a cause and an effect. And we can see that this is true in our daily lives. So we can see the effect, which is more minority people being killed by Cops. If not racism, what is the cause?

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Why don't you tell us how to find an answer to that question??? And this one:  If not some other cause, why racism?

              2. mrpopo profile image74
                mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Ask yourself why there is a disproportionate amount of men being killed by cops in a country where women are the majority. Would your answer be "sexism"? Or would it be an accurate recognition that most criminals are men?

                If you aren't aware you should recognize that there is a disproportionate amount of black criminality in your country: https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/c … /table-43. Blacks are disproportionally arrested for every category of crime, other than alcohol related crimes. Naturally, greater criminality will amount to greater hostile police interaction which will amount to greater shootings.

                If we look at the victims of police killings (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-i … -database#) 24% of them were black so far in 2016, and 26% in 2015. That adequately lines up with the 28% of black criminal arrests in the United States. If we look exclusively at violent crimes - in other words, situations in which police are more likely to use lethal force - it looks even worse: blacks accounted for 52.1% of murders and nonnegligent manslaughter, 52.6% of robberies and 33% of aggravated assaults. If anything, given the rate of violent black crime we should be seeing more than ~25% of police victims being black.

                These numbers are even more disturbing in cities like New York: http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/downloads/ … d_2014.pdf

                75% of shootings committed by blacks, in a city where blacks make up 25% of the population.

                As for the Indigenous, I'm not sure where you're seeing that they're killed disproportionately. 1% and 2% of police victims in 2015 and 2016 were Native Americans. They're about 2% of the American population. Sounds about right, all things being equal.

                1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                  wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  OK George, I get it. Black people are bad people who deserve to be killed, even 12 year old kids. Got it! Now tell us about rabbits one more time.

                  1. mrpopo profile image74
                    mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Are you saying men are bad people who deserve to be killed, even 12 year old boys?

                    What a typical reaction - I give you the answer that explains the causality, but it's not the one you like so you attack my character, without evidence.

                    But then again you weren't interested in discovering something about reality, were you? You're just interested in living in your own little bubble where cops are evil and racist.

                    You'd have to conclude they're sexist too, but that doesn't fit your narrative, does it?

            2. colorfulone profile image79
              colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics
              July 03, 2013
              http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ … _hispanics

              The figures might be slightly different if the poll was run in July 2016, or a lot different.

              1. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I think that is very true ,   I truly don't have a racist bone in my body ,  But  I  do have many angry ones !
                So here is the point I try always to make  even though I do not articulate it well enough  ,-   If I am called  racist because I am part of the white race  --and aren't a racist ;   Who then IS the real racist .     And I don't truly believe that this is coming only from black America   as much as I DO believe it's an invention of the  intellectual and divisive leftist media and collegiate think tanks !

              2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this


                Thanks for the link. I looked at the polls but such polls aren't reliable. If you ask a racist white person what they think about racism in the black community, of course a majority are going to go with the negative report. And if you ask a room full of NAZI's what they think about the Jews, they're also going to deliver a negative report. And so such polls give us very little insight into how the black   community feels towards whites in general. But from my own experience I have discovered that very few African or Indigenous people are racist.

                When people say a certain minority person is racist against whites, what they are commonly doing is using racism as a synonym for "dislike", or "hatred". And that is a perversion of the term.


                A. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

                B. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

                We can see from the definition above that the operative words are "superior and "inferior".
                We do not see "dislike" or "hatred" in this definition. Of course we can take license with any term and pervert the meaning, and this explains a big part of the problem we are having with race relations here in the United States. The language is being perverted and misused in order to support a racist agenda, which makes it difficult for us to communicate feelings and ideas.

                I can tell you from experience that the general feeling in the African community as well as in the Indigenous community is frustration, anger, and a growing hate for a system and a people who refuse to give any quarter, or any relief; a people who expect us to continue living in denial, when the Police are using our people for target practice. And when we stand against this evil, they say that we are also racists. But I have just proven that many Americans do not understand their own language. Am I angry ? Absolutely! Do I hate the racist American, the Police State, and this evil system? Absolutely! Am I a racist? Absolutely not!

                Hate is not a four letter word! Once again, the world has been deceived. Any man would be a fool not to hate what seeks to  dispossess him, to discriminate against him, and to destroy him and his people. Many Americans express hatred toward the Muslim Terrorists. Many of my people are expressing hatred toward the Christian Terrorists. And so it appears we have a lot in common. Perhaps we should start from there.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  ~ today there are whites who feel superior to any other culture or race??? TODAY????   Only ignorant hicks who live in the hills maybe …  surely a small minority.

                2. mrpopo profile image74
                  mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Those definitions are not the only definitions of racism:


                  3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

                  1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                    wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    The definition you added I have already covered. In my experience with white racists, which is quite extensive, I have found that a feeling of superiority and entitlement almost always precedes an emotional reaction such as anger or hate. Unless someone is totally mentally deranged, people always have a reason for hating someone else. The average racist doesn't normally start hating on black people until they feel like they are being threatened economically, romantically,  in a violent confrontation, or in some other manner. Otherwise, hate is not a necessary component of racism. But a feeling of superiority is an essential component that must always be there in order to qualify as racism.

      2. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        You hit that nail right directly on the head !    Wrenchbisket' ,  in his   egocentric ,extroverted ,anarchist  doubletalk   would sooner see anarchy in our society .   His responses to  all forum posts are in effect  the same as Ward Churchill  , A pretend native American victim  who  went around the country  accusing all Americans of being little Eichmann's' ,for the purpose of self promotion after 9/11 ,  and when found out  that he isn't even native American  , lost his esteemed professorship   and has since all but disappeared  from the American public.

        I  will speak for the   VSMM ,   anyone remember the Vast Silent Moral Majority of America in the eighties ?   

        My message to the men [women ] in blue in America , IF there is a war on the police authorities in America   , you have our  support to  send the perpetrators home in body .bags !

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          yeah, and I remember Archie Bunker, too.

          You conveniently ignore the police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota. I say, long live BLM- No justice , no peace.

          I do not excuse the killings of police in Dallas. But, they will not be used as political misdirection from the loathesome Right to divert attention from police brutality in Black communities and against Black people without just cause, period.

          If we don't have that understanding and if you insist, we will let loose the dogs of war. YOUR idea of peace will not happen with the price being my subjugation. Always better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

          1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
            wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I agree. I have lived a good life. I'm not going to ruin it by dying a coward. If the "men in blue" have to rely on onhorseback and the Archie Bunker Brigade they are in deep manure. These "white nationalists" love beating their chests and talking about how brave, and how patriotic they are, but the truth tells a different story. Where were all these defenders of freedom and the American way in 2014 when Samantha Ramsey, a young white woman, was murdered in Kentucky by a miscreant cop. The details of her case reveal that this was cold blooded murder, yet the low life who killed her was cleared of all charges. But her story is just one drop of innocent blood in a very large bucket. Although it is true that the Indigenous and the African are disproportionately murdered by cops, it is also true that being the majority, more whites are killed by cops than any other group. So why aren't the KKK and all these white nationalists marching in protest? Why are they not demanding justice for their white brothers and sisters? I will tell you why. It is because they do not really care about justice for the white man. They only care about the white man when it involves an issue about race, especially when that race is Native or African.

            The cop who murdered Samantha Ramsey claimed she was drunk, and ran over his foot! And so we understand the following: a citizen can be executed by a miscreant Cop for running over his foot in Kentucky, a citizen can be shot in the back and executed by a miscreant Cop for running the other way in North Carolina, a child can be killed by a miscreant Cop for playing with a toy gun in Cleveland Ohio, a woman can be lynched in the Walker County Jail for disrespecting a sadistic low life wearing a badge! Enough is enough! No, when I think of all of the white people, all of the black people, and all of my people who have been tortured and murdered by cops, I am all out of sympathy for Cops who get killed in the line of duty. How many Texas cops had sympathy for Sandra Bland? How many Texas cops took to the streets and protested the lynching of Sandra Bland in the Walker County Jail?  And as far as the rhetoric about the "good cops", if they are so damn "good" then why has the senseless murder of U.S. citizens by the people hired to protect them  continued unabated?

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, indeed, I have not had any crosses burning in yard my lately. For me, life has basically been good.

              Unfortunately, a byproduct in living in this culture as a black man comes a certain amount of anger and rage at inequity, that is not only ignored, but denied. Because of a fortuitous advantage or two, that anger is channelled along productive paths rather than destructive ones. What awaits the undisciplined expression of that anger is prison, drugs, a marginal existence or death.

              But, part of my mission is to remind people that we still have unresolved issues of race and class and that there will be no comfort for anyone unless there is comfort for all. Taking my time to remind people of these things through information and debate is how I channel the energy.

              And, yes, the KKK are only involved in issues of intolerance, short of that they are dupes of a corrupt system (plutocracy) willing themselves to be oppressed by it before they ever considering the rise of a wooly head in protest.

              The case in Minnesota crosses the line, as even the Governor of that state acknowledged jackboot tactics as to the way this innocent man was treated.

              Oh, by the way, the Missus says 'Aloha' to you

              1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Aloha! I wish I was back  in Hawaii. Florida is nice, but Hawaii is better. I always felt  more comfortable around the people there.

                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, the climate is more even, and there is a spiritual aura about the place that is lacking on the Mainland.

            2. Matt Jordan III profile image60
              Matt Jordan IIIposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              The fact that you can click off the names of these people so readily is proof of how rare they are. We have over 187,000 cops in this country. Millions of interactions, positive and negative with citizens every day. MILLIONS. And we have these incidents held up as emblematic of cops across the country when we see five or six a YEAR. And we only hear about them because of video and a 24 hour news cycle, run by sensationalists, not journalists.

              1. mrpopo profile image74
                mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Oh, don't bother showing him measures of proportionality and incidence rates. Even if such analysis adequately explains the extent of the problem, he doesn't like math. He thinks it's a racist invention of machine-like and reptilian Europeans.

                Out of curiosity, is that number the number of federal policemen, or an overall number?

                1. Matt Jordan III profile image60
                  Matt Jordan IIIposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Total number of cops.

                  1. mrpopo profile image74
                    mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Really? I've been seeing much higher numbers than that, admittedly through quick Google searches: http://blog.skepticallibertarian.com/20 … n-the-usa/

                2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                  wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I would like to see the analysis that explains why you don't have any original ideas. It appears you base everything that you say on what someone else said. Did you ever try to think for yourself?

                  1. Live to Learn profile image60
                    Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Thinking for oneself is good but if you are easily proven wrong, on a consistent basis, it might mean you aren't thinking as much as you think you are.

                  2. mrpopo profile image74
                    mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    You can find that analysis in your local library, right next to “Why Pigs Fly” and “Why wrenchBiscuit Is the Sexiest Human^2 of All Time” in the fiction section.

              2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                You are like a majority of Americans, and so you are not alone. But I do not accept the label of "American". You think and talk about percentages. The civilized man, or entity, does not think in this manner. If only one child in a population of 300 million is killed by a miscreant cop, then we have all failed that child; we have all failed that family. Life is the most precious commodity in the entire universe. Without life there is nothing but rocks and stones. If you have a child, and you have love in your heart for that child, the death of that child is the death of you. From such an event there is no recovery. But your cavalier attitude is not surprising. This is why Americans can so easily celebrate murder and genocide on Columbus Day, and on the 4th of July. But just as the Jews say, "We Will Never Forget", and in time we will recover our culture, our lands, and our continent.

                But that is not all. You defend this evil force by suggesting they are not all murderers. This may be true. But certainly, without a doubt,they are all extortionists who extort money from the citizen in the form of traffic fines and penalties; fines and penalties created for the express purpose of extorting money from the citizen. For example: The current DUI Laws were designed to bleed the citizen dry; even citizens who are not drunk or impaired, but who have only exceeded an arbitrary limit. This is nothing but legalized, organized crime. Anyone can do the research and see that far more people are killed by sober drivers than drunk drivers. Look it up and see for yourself. The notion that there are "good cops" is a myth.If they were "good" they would not stand behind the bad cops. If they were "good" they would not enforce laws designed to extort money from the citizen.

                I cannot be defined by evil or misguided men. And so, any vicious attack upon my character is only the sound of dogs barking.

        2. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          It's this type of violent mentality that is fueling the problems in America today. Thankfully, such people are a small minority in our country.

          1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
            wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I'd hate to have to rely on that support. Maybe he's gonna provide some lemonade and other refreshments, while their out there dodging rocks, bottles, and bullets.

            1. jo miller profile image95
              jo millerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              while 'they're' out there......

              1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                It is remarkable that you would focus more on a typo than on the overall message of a thread. Even if you had your own original insight it would be refreshing. Many suffer from low-self-esteem, and because of this they will commonly attack and criticize others over trivial matters. I suppose it must energize them, or give them some kind of a "high".I suggest that you try to actually add something of value, as that provides an even greater sense of satisfaction.

                1. wilderness profile image91
                  wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I've notice that too, from those with low self esteem.  I'll even add that they often tend to brag about themselves; their "massive" intellect, their race or even their sexual prowess.  It's never true but it seems to build themselves up in their own mind.

                  1. mrpopo profile image74
                    mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this


                  2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                    wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    That's funny wilderness! I love how you are so "absolute". I'll bet you were standing right there when the world was created. Because it would be impossible for you to be so sure of yourself otherwise. I find it remarkable, and quite fascinating that people seem to be more concerned about social etiquette, and my delivery, than the wonderful message that I bring. And I am bringing a message of hope and deliverance to humanity.

                    I am showing people how to save the human race, while also showing them how to improve their sex life. The fact that you cannot accept that you are watching pure genius unfold before your very eyes, indicates that you do not feel that you are worthy enough to have a ring side seat to such a marvelous spectacle. But please, and I mean this sincerely without the least bit of sarcasm: You should not feel that you are not worthy, as I truly feel that you are just as important as any other man. Having a superior intellect does not mean that I am "better" than anyone. It simply means I am what I am. Let's face it, a car has a motor and 5 wheels. Metaphorically speaking, my intellect is the engine that makes it run, but without people like you, (the wheels) I would be going nowhere at all. And so, there is no need for arrogance, or jealousy, as we must all work together.

    2. Matt Jordan III profile image60
      Matt Jordan IIIposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Strange, this kind of race-obsessed, Aspergers rant usually comes from Billy Bob, sitting in his mom's basement, next to a rebel flag, in his underwear. It's oddly refreshing to hear it from a BLM fan. Still disturbing, but refreshing.

  2. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Credence , Wrench , <personal attacks snipped>, the fact that cowardly statements like yours are even allowed shows me  that we need speech control-and  not gun controls !    It is  mass- idiotic statements like yours that are the reason for  acts like  these . Neither one of you nor anyone you know is a victim of racism  in America today or ever will be !  Nor have you or they been such for  decades , and yet  you continue to ride out the P.C.. stupidity and  glorify the pasts of  forgotten hatred and violence .

    This is all fueled by nothing OTHER than a glory romance with the  sixties revolutionary era in America .
    by and for other twisted individuals like  the old black panther stupidity  , Neither of you are victims - and neither of us are perpetrators , I suggest you grow up  , mature up and learn a respect for  the vast  majority of  our awesome law enforcement community . 

    Fortunately  , law enforcement is winning and will continue to do so !

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well, horse, some of us revere the First Amendment and based on that will not be silenced. You want your guns, and I will acquire those when needed AND keep my free speech, thanks...

      The stuff you dribble about is really quite ignorant. There is little bit of Panther in every Black man. We are already 'grown up', you don't think that I don't know about your 'system' inside out?

      I certainly want justice for the police officers assualted, but I want justice for those civilians assualted by the rogue cops, it is the same for me.

      I cheer the Sixties, it is just unfortunate that too many folks like you failed to learn its lessons.

      I don't know of anyone of color who have not been subject to racism during their lifetime. So, what planet do you hail from?

      You show, time and time again, how naive you are and how little you know. Mayberry is a fictional town, so turn off the TV, go live and see the world for what is is.

  3. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 8 years ago

    There is a million Americans killed or imprisoned each year over Marijanna. Cannabis being the most important plant on earth.

    Only two cops where killed this one year of raids I know of. What happen to cops laying down their lives for it's citizen's rather than the other way round.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Castle , you need to go do a doobie , nobody cares about cannabis  anymore , most states are legalizing   in fact why don't you return from Canada and join  one of the medical clinics. 

      Just where in the world do citizens lay down THEIR  lives for cops ?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Marijanna was rasist calling it the Mexican drug in order to deport Mexican. They claim Pot made blacks think they were good as white. Then this drug was used to police the World in 160 countries also to enforce oil dollars.

        This 80 year war is slowly losing along with bankers on the attack and run. Confusing people all to hell.

        When cops kill more than 8 times greater than all terrorist combined, then citizens are laying down their lives over complete nonsense.

  4. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 8 years ago

    Some things here you have hit on, sadly, may be true...I feel sorry for the young ones in our world who have such a bleak future, if things don't change very soon. There seems to be a concerted effort to create a world of racial hatred and this will only lead to more violence. If we don't believe in a god, it's time to get religion and start praying. whonu

  5. willmcwryter profile image56
    willmcwryterposted 8 years ago

    wow you false phlag conspiracy theorists are nutz.  o no the walmart is out of fishsticks it must be a false flag operation perpetrated by the men in black working with aliens who are stealing the fish supply to feed the aliens on there hoam planet also i'm totally not a racist even tho i'm obsessed with black people and trannys.  wow get a life guys.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh wow everybody , here's another one !

      1. willmcwryter profile image56
        willmcwryterposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        wow go make a hat


        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Perhaps you've just arrived on HP forums ,   do yourself a favor and  get over your need for   hitting your  "look at me  " button  too many times ,  there is a serious conversation here .

          1. willmcwryter profile image56
            willmcwryterposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            you mean seriously stupid

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Only yours !

        2. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          LOL. That's priceless.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            like this one ?

            1. Live to Learn profile image60
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              LOL. That's a good one too.

            2. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Is that an illegal Alien? Lo

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That was brilliant. Have you seen Jonathan lately?

  6. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Anyone have a comment on the fact that the Dallas  PD. fully and equally represents the ethnic mix of its very citizens   ,seems to me  BLM  kind of doesn't have a leg to stand on there !  The crime rates there have declined to the lowest levels since  1930 , Yet watch as   our media promotes and blames  "racial inequity " in Dallas.

  7. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

    Maybe it should be politically correct to allow blacks and hispanics to break the laws and be disrespectful to police. Yes, we should give them a pass. Then the world be at peace.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this


      You make the assumption that all of those killed by the cops were either disrespectful or breaking the law. Not True. But most importantly, you seem to forget that the duty of the Police is to keep the peace, and to arrest those who are breaking the law so that they may answer to a judge and/or jury in a court of law. Even if someone has committed multiple acts of murder, the Police do not have the right to be judge,jury, and executioner. Furthermore, white racists are treating this strictly as a racial issue. And so we need to go back to school for just a minute. As I stated earlier, the numbers show that although minorities are disproportionately murdered by cops, overall,more whites are killed by cops than any other group. So Katherine, if you choose not to care about my people I can accept that. But I would think that you might be concerned about your own people, as they are also at risk. We are living in a Police State where they have unlimited powers over the citizen. That's what a Police State is. That means any freak can pass a test and become a Cop. At that point he can pull the citizen over in their car,rape them, sodomize them, and even kill them. And this has been done many times over. Just read the news reports over the last ten years.

      And let me tell you something else you probably didn't know. I served 6 years in the USN. I joined at the age of 17. I would guess at least a quarter of the people on the last ship I was on were gay, homosexuals, whatever you want to call it. They were men who liked having sex with men. I know this because several were good friends of mine. Of course I was a quick study even back then. Once I overcame the initial shock and disillusionment of the whole thing, I realized it was actually a blessing,  because it meant less competition for women when we were in port.

      Yes, I was initially disillusioned, not because I had a problem with homosexuals, but because of being so young and naive. I had subscribed to the lie that men in the military were necessarily  "Macho Men" like John Wayne, Rambo. etc., But I found that it just ain't so, and it really does make sense. If you are gay, where do you really want to go? You want go where there are lots of available, and single men. It is no wonder that gays would be attracted to the military. The same holds true of Lesbians. My girlfriend (a Wave) in San Diego had many lesbian friends who would come visit and go to the Padre games with her when I didn't feel like it. So what is the moral to the story?

      Gays and Lesbians are attracted to the military like moths to a flame. By the same token, psychopaths and sadists are attracted to Law Enforcement. Why wouldn't they be? I don't need to fill in the blanks. And what you all should be concerned about is the fact that there is no proven method, or psychological testing that can weed out these freaks of nature. Sweet Jesus, it has been known for decades that criminals can fool lie detector tests. How hard do you think it would be for a psychopath or a sadist to put on the proper face when necessary, and give the proper answers on a psych evaluation? Every time you get in your car you are playing Russian Roulette. And the person who pulls you over could be a predator with a badge,a gun, and the authority to use it.

      1. Matt Jordan III profile image60
        Matt Jordan IIIposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Paranoia and delusionment.

        1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
          wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          That's why you have guys like Justin Timberlake and then you have guys like Pat Boone. In spite of being white, Justin Timberlake, at some point in his life, learned how to "loosen up". But Pat Boone never did. And so, Pat Boone has always had what many refer to as "White Man's Disease", which is slang for ,"He Ain't Got No Rhythm". Get some rhythm in your life before it's too late.

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      First of all, are you suggesting that being disrespectful of a Cop warrants a death sentence? Really? And why do you see a need to respect Cops any more than anyone else? How are they deserving of that respect? They are not only killing innocent people, but they extort money from citizens everyday across the country based on laws dreamed up by legislators to do just that: Extort money from citizens!

      For example, a friend of mine had the door frame on her front door replaced in order to swing a new door. Code enforcement claimed she had to pay a $500.00 fine for not first paying for a permit! Thankfully, a contractor friend was able to lie about it so she was able to avoid the fine. This woman is retired and on a fixed income. This happens all the time. The whole system is corrupt. No, I have no respect for thieves who have developed a million ways to "legally" steal money from senior citizens, and then use the Cops as muscle to collect their ill-gotten revenue.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "The 'average racist' (?) doesn't normally start hating on black people until they feel like they are
        1. being threatened economically
        2. being threatened romantically 
        3. in a violent confrontation
        4. some other manner." Such as perceiving one's LIFE is threatened?

        "Otherwise, hate is not a necessary component of racism.

        "But a feeling of superiority is an essential component that must always be there in order to qualify as racism."
        This commentary is on point. Talking about enforcing rules and regulations is not. Police signed up to uphold the law. Maybe they should not sign up.

        1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
          wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          If they are so afraid of their shadow that they feel compelled to shoot and kill unarmed civilians: civilians with gun permits who are reaching for their ID as requested, or children playing with toy guns, or men running in the opposite direction, then yes, the cowards should not sign up. I am not afraid of 12 year old boys with toy guns. And if I am wearing a bullet proof vest, and I am in a police cruiser, and I have another cop with me , along with a radio, tasers, and several guns, I would simply pull up a safe distance away and say over the loudspeaker: "Please put down your weapon", and the young boy would comply, and no one is killed.

          Common sense tells me what to do in order to protect  my life and the life of a child. This requires no special training. The Cop who killed Tamir Rice is a cold blooded  murderer without a doubt. He could have done exactly what I just described. And no one has ever explained why he didn't. No one has ever explained why within 3 seconds of arriving on the scene this low life felt compelled to shoot a 12 year old boy who was threatening no one. Yet the racist grand jury in Cleveland did not charge the miscreant with murder. You should not wonder why people are angry.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
            Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Of course there are good and bad cops, but for every couple of bad apples… there are lots just trying to serve and protect!!!!

            1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
              wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this


              That's not acceptable. And it's obviously not true . A great many of these cops are sadists and psychopaths. And good people do not go along with murder, the harassment of citizens. and the enforcing of laws that are designed primarily to extort money from the citizen. You apparently do not know what evil looks like. The American people would be better off without them. We do not need an occupying force of thugs to protect us. The citizen can protect himself.

              Even today, what do you think would happen if a criminal approached a citizen who is armed, and tried to rob him?  The robber would most likely flee or end up dead. If the citizen is unarmed , the robber would most likely succeed in his endeavor. In the latter case, we see that having a police force does not prevent  robbery or theft. And when we consider serial killers and rapists, we see that having a police force does not prevent such crimes from happening. The citizens can police themselves just as well as an occupying force of thugs in uniform. Furthermore , as we have been reminded of late, the police notwithstanding, if you are white and have money you can even rape women and get away with it.

              Former CEO of Massey Energy Don Blankenship (who made 17.8 million in 2009, more than any other coal executive) was sentenced to a year in prison and given a $250,000 fine for the murder of 29 coal miners! (Most likely he will not serve a day in prison) Where were the police? Did they bring Blankenship to justice? No! How many men did Tamir Rice Kill? How many men did Sandra Bland kill? How many men did Walter Scott kill? The answer is "0". But they were all executed for the crime of being black.

              1. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Kathryn is right ,  yet  anyone who thinks we would be better off in Anarchy , without cops  to keep the peace of the vast majority against the  lawless few , is blind , naïve and disconnected from all moral  righteousness .   Anarchy  -   is brightly illustrated in places like the Middle Eastern countries where  the open and accepted abuses of women , children , certain  religions ,  and  every moral compass point in humanity is under attack by mostly lawless , morally challenged  , men. are at fault ! Not  men of authority .

                1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
                  wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Anarchy exists nowhere in the Middle East to my knowledge. You don't even know the definition of Anarchy. Anarchy is not synonymous with chaos. Educate yourself and be free.

                  1. Live to Learn profile image60
                    Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Anarchy exists in many parts of the Middle East so your knowledge is limited by a lack of information.

                    Educate yourself and be free.

  8. profile image50
    Bruce Conklinposted 8 years ago

    You are an idiot.  The Sand Creek Massacre was carried out by "volunteers" on their last day of required service.   Actual soldiers present at the attack refused to participate in the fighting precisely because there were no orders to do so, and no justification.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Didn't 150 natives die, mostly women and children?

      1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
        wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Numbers vary up to 300 according to some estimates.  But you should ask the genius who just came to play. Perhaps he/she/it  has a more accurate figure.

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's really bad news for you Bruce, because since I'm obviously smarter than you, that makes you less than an idiot. That makes you idibitty !!!

    3. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this


      What I would like to know is why you are so angry. Surely it couldn't be over an historical event. I would guess that you represent a particular group, race,nationality, or club, and feel that I have offended you. Or perhaps the girl or guy you are dating took off. Where's the beef Bruce? Would you like to share your anxiety with the entire world? I welcome you to let your hair down and let it all hang out. Maybe you're just having a bad day, and are really a very nice guy.

  9. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    You guys are dividing words and meanings when all you have to understand is that it is each human heart that is  inclusive of all human conditions  , good and bad .  There are perfect examples of all of the bias'  hatred and  prejudice right here in the forums.  I have read very few  opines that show a complete understanding of human failings .For the most part  , You , you  and you and including I  ,are biased  , prejudiced ,at times  hateful and it matters not what " color ' any of us are .  Black ,white or blue it matters not , the evils of humanity lie in each  and every heart !

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes there are assumed entitlement to being white. There is also downside, like false happiness from being over focus on money.
      Then being charged twice as much because of the tourist price in the third World.

      Many of my Latin friends have a good laugh when I tell them. We whites are suffering more than them.  That's like Jesus telling the people in hell, he is suffering more than them.

      Latino happiness comes from knowing that most of them own their own home, their family clossness and not indebted with heavy private debt and nation debt for life along with their children. They smile more often and don't stare at the ground so often like we do.

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this


      The are three kinds of people onhorseback. There are people who give a damn, those who don't give a damn, and those who like to pretend that they give a damn. The later category  constitutes the majority here in the United States. Anyone can look at the decimated populations of the Indigenous here in North America and understand that something really wrong has been happening here for a very long time. Populations simply don't disappear for no reason.  Populations do not of their own accord simply walk away from the land and the resources and willingly live on reservations. Neither do Africans magically show up on a strange continent far, far from their homeland in the middle of the night.

      But at least on the face of it, it is not little green men who have set the stage, and who are committing all of these atrocities, and making all of these changes. I have been talking about the definition of a word because evil men, and the ignorant masses that follow them, attempt to cover up their evil deeds and motivations by perverting the meaning of words. It is very popular to say that Black Lives Matter is a racist organization, or that anyone who identifies the source of the problem here in America is a racist, a race baiter, someone who possesses a victim-mentality etc.. This method of trickery is something relatively new that the racists had not yet discovered during the Civil Rights movement of the 50's/60's. And many people, white and black, have fallen for this deception, and they have been silenced because of it.

      We can see the same pervasive evil in the United Arab Emirates. It is no wonder that they would be sleeping with the Americans and the British, as they are all drinking from the same well. Just recently a young woman of the UAE who was gang raped was ordered to receive 200 lashes and 6 months in jail for being the victim of gang rape! The judges reasoned that she put herself in harms way and broke the law  by not following the prescribed rules  of conduct. The logic of the UAE in cases like this is the same logic that racist Americans use when considering the plight of the Indigenous and the African people. From the racist perspective it is  always the victims fault.

      The racist will bring up numbers and statistics (as we have seen here)  to demonstrate that the black man is his own worst enemy. I have even heard Uncle Toms like Larry Elder express the same sentiment while commiserating about black on black violence in Chicago and the inner cities. But the superior intellect understands that you cannot put people in a pressure cooker, turn up the heat, and then expect to see good results. Elder, being the perfect meat puppet,  has cited the broken black families, fatherless children, and the gang and drug culture as being at the root of the problem. But when we step back and look at the big picture, we see that these are only symptoms. When we look at numbers and statistics, such as have been presented in this thread, we are still only looking at the symptoms of the problem . And anyone should know that you cannot cure a catastrophic condition in the human body by simply treating the symptoms. Giving a man morphine will ease his pain, but it will not stop the cancer from growing. The black community cannot rise up while the KKK is patrolling their neighborhoods in squad cars,  funneling drugs into their communities, and provoking violence against the police and among rival gangs. Before the black community can realize it's full potential, a system of white supremacy must be abolished..

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Whites are afraid, they are surrounded by 86% of people of color in this world. Blacks will increase most in 20 years and whites will decrease to 9% of world's. There is karma for you. Mix all colors up and you got brown people in time. From traveling so much I'm color blind.

        1. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Whites are afraid? LOL. Doesn't sound very color blind to me.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Personally I'm fearless I told Trump and GW Bush team personally where to go with their bigotry and racism. 

            Since Trump came along look at all the up rasing about racism. To me skin color dose not matter yet in culture identity American are afraid of their skin and their class. If people were all equals and in their own individual ways of no harm. Greed and human race would never be an issue.

            1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
              wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I agree, racism is a trivial pursuit. But unfortunately there are many people of various races who want very badly to be white. And many are truly white on the inside. It horrifies and angers them when people speak as I do, because they live for the approval and the acceptance of the white race. I am looking for no one's approval, nor am I trying to make Facebook Friends.  I think I have made that very clear.

              By the way, here is a good test: Ask your Facebook Friends for a dollar and see how many unfriend you, or even respond. Better yet, ask one of your real friends, or a relative for a dollar, and see what they do. People are so cheap and so evil; such liars and hypocrites. I am not surprised that they take pleasure in killing each other, or when they make excuses for the killing.  I look forward to a peaceful death so that I will not have to look at them anymore, or listen to their idle chatter, or hear them boast about being free when they've got a brass ring in their nose, with a log chain and a fence post hanging from it.

        2. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          No !   You just think you are and yet , read your own Lies .   The greatest racists  in America are often the minority  who  calls out racist !

          1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
            wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            That's what you want people to believe because you have no where else to go with your argument.
            I can smell your fear. You can see the writing on the wall. In a couple of years you'll be a member of the largest minority in the U.S.A.. You'll have great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, named Achmed,Abdul,Fahim, Fatima,Jose, and Alejandro. Karma ... it's a beautiful thing!

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              "The largest minority in  the US" ............anyone else read immaturity into that statement , don't continue to shoot yourself in the foot  wrench ,   it's just looking worse  and worse for you . I have no fear ....remember  ? I am  the Ali  of the white race .    The quintessential  well armed militia .    No my friend , this entire hysteria that  you and yours are projecting with the help of the Disney media   is but a flash in the pan .........do you know what that means , I do .  I have no fear of that which comes .

  10. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Any reference to human slavery is but a self- disgust with the self- addictions you  all face at being totally encased in  a puritan work ethic that WE ALL  have to swallow , try not to self hate so much , its so  not- cool . its not self  enriching ,    Really it's simply a cry out in the long night of darkness of humanity ............I feel for you though .  Advice  , get with the program , stop whining like Sissy -Mary's ,   we're al victims of ourselves .

    There is hope for you yet !  oh......gotta go ,.time to go to work.

  11. word55 profile image75
    word55posted 8 years ago

    Hummmm wrenchB, I can't imagine there being any truth of governmental conspiracy in any of these killings. I prefer you to write of how we can resolve these differences and have love for one another. Thank you. Money and power are not everything...

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Money and power are everything when these are used to subjugate, and to kill. And what is there to love about evil? You only need review the historical record to understand what this government is capable of.

      First of all, a majority are assuming that these men are dead. But how do you know they are dead? Because you saw them fall in a cheap video? Have you ever seen Die Hard, or Rambo, or any other action movie? It looks very real doesn't it. Do you realize how easy it would be to script and stage the killing of 5 Dallas Cops? I assure you, it would be far easier to do, and far less expensive than an action scene from a Rambo movie. And are you not aware of the witness protection program? Witnesses are given new identities, SSN's, new jobs, and relocated. Sometimes, even their families do not know where they have gone. This is one possible scenario.

      And as I  may have already commented, if they were killed it could very well be a government OP. I have no doubt elements in the U.S. government are behind 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing. And if you don't believe that, then you cannot deny the Sand Creek Massacre, Wounded Knee, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Waco Massacre. These are all well documented crimes against humanity  that illustrate the level of barbarity that the U.S. government is capable of. And if that is not enough, just look around wherever you go. How many "Indians do you see?" Unless you are near a major res, you can travel all day long and not see a single one of us. Why? Because our people were exterminated . Over 100 million by the dawn of the 20th century. We are all out of "Love", and it won't be coming back.

      The point is, with such a track record, it is not a great leap to suppose that they would sacrifice 5 cops to achieve the desired outcome: to discredit Black Lives Matter and to provoke civil unrest so that they may justify Martial Law. You speak the way you do because you are a good man. But these men are not good men.  If you have not read the Patriot Act then read it. If you have not Read Executive Order 13603 which once again legalizes slavery in the United States, please read it.This government has never been a friend to the African or the Indigenous. Now the Euro-Americans are about to realize and experience an evil hand of oppression that my people  have known for over 500 years.

  12. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 8 years ago

    Perhaps an old safety first photo or a metaphorical representation of innocence betrayed. Either way, this child, without supervision and in grave danger.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One thing we can all agree on: If he ever felt the shock and lived through it, we know he never did it again. At that point he didn't need any more supervision.

  13. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years ago

    Anarchy might work if all men were angels … and children were allowed to be what they are in their essence.
    Boundaries must be set without destroying their joy of life.
    The knife should be taken away in this case and the word "NO!" said very firmly.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sure anarchy would work much better than this banking system feeding both sides leading many into war.

      Something in between would be best. Just don't allow leaders be too creative, just have them managed the small stuff.

  14. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 8 years ago

    Why can't people accept the simple facts?

    White cops kill disproportionate numbers of young black men.

    A movement has grown to protest this.

    During a legitimate demonstration in Dallas, a gunman saw an opportunity to carry out an attack on police that he had long intended.

    Cops were murdered. Families were deprived of fathers.The whole business of being a cop and also of being young and black got harder.

    The issues that that arise from the shooting are difficult enough without idiotic conspiracy theories.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You think it is a conspiracy theory because an individual or agency in a position of authority that you trust didn't tell you first. If I would have told you that the government was going to use CS gas to murderer little children at the Branch Davidian Compound two weeks prior to the incident, I am sure you would have thought I was nuts. I would have too! The government doesn't go around gassing men, women, and children do they? But now we all know they do. And if you have ever watched the grilling of Janet Reno by Sonny Bono, you'll understand that the bitch couldn't provide one good reason why it was necessary to slaughter all those innocent people. Also read the Patriot Act, and Executive Order 13603 which legalized slavery in America for the first time since the end of the Civil War.

      Sonny Bono Grills Reno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hswcbvx2Z8c

  15. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 8 years ago

    There are certainly conspiracies, usually involving small numbers of people with a profoundly shared interest.

    Conspiracies are hard to sustain when large numbers of people are involved. There are a remarkable number of individuals on this planet who believe in the truth. There are also a lot of journalists and writers keen to make a name for themselves by exposing wrong doing.

    Given how much harm conspiracy theories do, sensible people need some serious evidence before making these kinds of accusations.

    You have none.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I have a horn of plenty! You need to read more, and get out of the house once and a while.The FBI issued a warning in 2006 that the Ku Klux Klan had infiltrated police departments throughout the U.S.. Are you suggesting that such information is not reliable? And why do you suppose they would go to the trouble of doing that? To  hand out parking tickets? The Klan is out to destroy the black community which has always been it's goal.

      The goal of the government is to subjugate and control the populace. That's not theory, only fact. That's why the police have been militarized, that's why taxes are levied against you, that's why you pay all manner of fees and fines. It's all part of a system of control. Now they are coming for the guns; namely assault weapons that could pose a threat to Martial Law.The Patriot Act will help to insure that citizens suspected of challenging government tyranny will be detained indefinitely without habeas corpus. EO 13603 insures that citizens can be forced to work in labor camps and on public projects with no monetary compensation. "Force" + "No Compensation" = Slavery. All fact, no fiction. And all verifiable.  Police across the country are also ordering Drones to use in the increased surveillance of cities, towns, and rural areas. All fact , no fiction.

      The government appears to be at odds with the Klan, but they both have their fingers in the pie. Provoking violent public reaction to police killings, as well as the fear of "terrorist attacks" appears to be the governments strategy. With enough violence and fear generated the majority will willingly accept  Martial Law  as the lesser evil. All you have to do is fill in the blanks. Do you really think that CNN or Fox News is going to do that for you?

  16. Will Apse profile image90
    Will Apseposted 8 years ago

    There is a genuine and increasing threat to the well being of ordinary people, and democratic values, as wealth and power becomes concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

    But you are not helping anyone with wild imaginings and wild exposition.

    Train yourself to communicate with others in a credible way and you might be of some value.

  17. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 8 years ago

    I get WB

    I think veteran artist are vital to society and like truth warriors can express for the people, things to the King without having their heads chop off or be locked up in a cage.

    If your king is not working, why not just get rid of your King, or better get rid of Kings, all together. Remember Artist have contributes and influence human civilization far greater and longer than politricks and Religion has.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image67
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You only know this because you are also an artist. I cannot fathom the life of a man who only uses his mind for practical purposes, such as mating with females, and working his job to collect his peanuts. I could not live in such a manner. The human mind is very mysterious, and there are many things yet undocumented and widely unknown about the power of the human mind.

      Those who rule over us are tyrants. I cannot believe that you,Castlepaloma, would send the sons and daughters of Americans to fight and die in a desert for oil and money.And I  would not even consider such an evil plan. But these are the evil men that the people elect to rule over them. It can only mean that the people are very stupid, or that the people are also evil, or perhaps all of the above. It would be better for the people if they forcibly removed these tyrants from office, and imprisoned them for life. Then we could go look at them on the weekends, like monkeys at the zoo. They deserve such a fate far more than the monkeys.

  18. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    I just heard someone say, "The high level of the police is bad, the low level of the police is good."   That rang true to me because of Unions (with political agendas).

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      When the most employed group of people disguise a Corporation in the World. Is the Justice system and military, it harms our security and our freedom.


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