In All Fairness

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 3 years ago
    To Liberals only, what about Conservatives you wish that you could remedy?  Do you feel that Conservatives are so divorced from change & growth?  Do you feel that Conservatives are apprehensive of progressing when they know that progress is inevitable?  Do you contend that the conservative way of life will eventually become extinct?  Do you maintain that Conservatives are on the WRONG side of history?

    1. Justin Earick profile image67
      Justin Earickposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Conservatives want to conserve the past, meaning that they are literally on the wrong side of history at every moment in time.
      I don't want to change anything about them. I just want a better education system and better media, so people aren't so easily brainwashed into being wrong about basically everything

      1. GA Anderson profile image90
        GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I think your description of [C]onservatives needs some expansion.

        Conservatives don't want to preserve the past—as in remain in it, they want to preserve history's prescriptive lessons and traditions. There is a difference.

        For instance; we don't want to keep women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, but we do want to preserve the reverence of their value to our society.

        We believe in the preservation of moral order. Not the past moral order of religious beliefs, or of the pre-Civil Rights era, but of the societal moral order of right and wrong, justice and honor, duty and responsibility.

        We believe in preserving the past's traditions and customs that have preserved and improved societies since the earliest Greeks, not the traditions and customs of societal factions.

        etc. etc.

        That is what I think [C]conservatives want to preserve about the past Justin. And I think history has proven that we are on the right side of history. However, had you intended to describe [c]conservatives, which are typically partisan, I think you are close to being right.

        (obviously, I think it is important to separate my [C]onservative thought from that other [c]conservative stuff. ;-) )


        1. gmwilliams profile image84
          gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Great answer, Gus.   You deserve to be called Mr. Anderson as a sign of deep utter respect from me.

        2. MizBejabbers profile image88
          MizBejabbersposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with your answer, GA. When I was a child, believe it or not, there was such a thing as a conservative Democrat. My father was one, so I grew up in a household with this attitude. My dad was also an atheist, so our household was a little unusual. I call myself a "middle-of-the-roader" and still believe in a lot of it. But things have changed a lot since the 1950s and 60s, and we have had to change with population growth and technology. As Southerners, my father and his friends used to preach "progress." That's why I don't think real conservatives want to tie themselves to the old ways, anymore than I think real Democrats want socialism. But I can't agree with the radicals who want to put us back in the 19th Century, and they seem to have taken over the Republican Party just as socialists are attempting to take over the Democrats. (Sorry, I know this thread isn't about radical liberals, but I felt it fair to throw that in.) Once in one of the forums someone called me a "yellow dog democrat", but the new term is "blue dog democrat." I guess you can call me that if you want to. lol
 … ocrat.html

          1. gmwilliams profile image84
            gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Exactly, totally concur with your premise.  My parents were moderate to traditionally liberal Democrats.  I classify myself as a traditional liberal Democrat.   There are moderate, centrist or even conservative Democrats while there are Liberal Republicans.


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