Biden's Foreign Policies Talk Loud Insult Whoever...

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 3 years ago
    It is early to determine how Joe's foreign policies will work out for America. However, he appears to be starting off with an ideology that he will speak loud and strong, and carry a big-ol' foam rubber stick.  In comparison to our previous president that stated on several occasions "keep friends close, and enemies closer"...  He clearly showed verbal respect to any and all leaders,  but came down heavy with sanctions as necessary. Which he as a rule was greatly demeaned for by the left media.

    I have created this thread to offer a place to keep an ongoing eye on Biden's foreign policies. The good the bad, and perhaps the ugly.  Hopefully, this thread will organize Biden's dealings with Foreign  Nations. I have been told I add threads that are duplicates. So, hopefully, this thread will be a place to keep Joe's foreign policies "under one roof".

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Biden answers powder gage question.  Is putting a killer? ---  Biden said, "I do". Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

      On Wednesday Putin responded,  with a message that was somewhat ominous.. Wishing Biden "good health".

      Wed March 17, 2021 ----
      The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday it was recalling its ambassador, Anatoly Antonov, for urgent talks after Biden said in an ABC interview he thought President Putin was a killer who would “pay a price” for alleged U.S. election meddling - an accusation that Moscow denies.

      Putin responded to Biden by citing a Russian children’s playground chant that “he who said it, did it”, and offered to hold live online talks with the U.S. president, a proposal Biden has not so far taken up. … SKBN2BD07O … SKBN2BA0S1

      Is it smart to insult a world leader on the world stage?

      Was Putin offering Biden the sentiment of wishing him good health a clear threat Russian style or just a slapstick insult referring to Biden's cognitive state?

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Hey, Joe what now?

        "North Korea fired missiles after US military exercises with South Korea
        "We take this opportunity to warn the new U.S. administration trying hard to give off [gun] powder smell in our land," Kim Yo Jong said in a statement, referencing the joint military operations in the region".

        "Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, issued a warning to the U.S. on the heels of the visit.
        "If [the U.S.] wants to sleep in peace for the coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step," she added, according to an English translation." Fox News … outh-korea

        North Korea---Reuters   "WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea fired two short-range missiles at the weekend, U.S. and South Korean officials said, but Washington played down the first such tests under President Joe Biden and said it was still open to dialogue with Pyongyang." … SKBN2BF2T7

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          South Of The Border ---Biden debería haber pensado en su política de inmigración antes de cancelar las políticas de la Administración Trump. Oh mi joe

          "Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed President Biden for the migrant surge that has erupted into a full-blown border crisis, arguing the “expectations” he set left migrants with the perception that they would be let in the US."

          "Expectations were created that with the government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so,”

          1. Ken Burgess profile image69
            Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Of course, why would anyone expect differently.

            Biden has stated he will fully support the Global Compact on Migration.

            This essentially calls for open borders and humane care of all who cross, care which quite frankly exceeds what our own citizens can expect from their government.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yes... Biden may have felt his open border approach would be lapped up by the left. It does seem as of today the media is ready to play the blame game, and they are blaming Old Joe. He is a disaster, I think the Dems that voted for Biden are feeling they may have had a pale of ice water poured over their heads. He makes one mistake after another.  It's actually hard to keep up with his political blunders. His administration is floundering fast.   I guess that could be a good thing in a way, a good wake-up call.

              The country looks so weak and unattended, like  --- nobody home at this time call back later.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Hey Joey --- Are you home? North Korea wants you to come out and play.

                "Satellite images show renewed activity at a North Korean nuclear facility, suggesting that Kim Jong Un's regime is preparing to start or has already started reprocessing plutonium for nuclear weapons, experts say.

                The commercial satellite photos show steam or smoke rising from a small building at the Yongbyon Radiochemistry Laboratory and from an adjacent thermal plant. The lab reprocesses spent fuel rods to extract plutonium for nuclear bombs."  Source … 00107.html


    2. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Sharlee, what would you expect from a disillusioned foreigner like me to say about US foreign politics? Apparently Americans elect presidents in recent years who with elegance put their foot in their mouth whenever they can. 

      Don´t know what ..."keep friends close, and enemies closer"...  means with respect to the former president. Actually he was at odds with every US "friend".

      Mr. Biden seems to follow suit and make a fool of himself on the diplomatic stage.

      But this is only personal (mis)behaviour of presidents (Biden and Trump). What is more important is the geopolitical strategy of the US. And here we have only minor changes. Matters are less erratic, now more stable. But nevertheless unchanged.

      I live in a semi-occupied country: Germany. We have no right to kick foreign troups out of the country. US troups in Germany are outside of German jurisdiction, 3 generations after WWII. When Trump wanted to pull troups out of G., may were cheering: "take the nukes with you". Of course this is reversed with the new administration.

      Geopolitics have not changed. The US is firmly pursuing every avenue to jam and divide the big Euro/Asian continent. Something like the Northstream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany was opposed by the Trump administration and is of course also opposed by the Biden administration.

      However the wind of geopolitical influence is changing. Before Trump the word of a US president was taken serious. Now we have a situation where people, leaders don´t listen any more. Partly due to the rise of China, but also partly due to amateurish politics and diplomacy of the US.

      I was very critical about the Trump administration with this child in office. I am very critical about the Biden administration. I have the feeling the new administration is too close to the military, industrial complex. I hope they are not trigger happy.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "Sharlee, what would you expect from a disillusioned foreigner like me to say about US foreign politics?"

        I expected your truth, and I found it refreshing. How does one debate common sense? IMO we either have a president that is eloquent but not suited in any respect to run the country or the last two that had a foot in the mouth disease.

        It has become clear that over a few decades the US presidents are figureheads, and yes only tolerated on the world stage. It's cone time to admit the US Government at this point ended up in a state of nonsensical. gridlocked. A body of mainly politicking hypocrites. And China's long venture to become the most powerful county is at close hand.

        In my view, Biden is a Howdy Doody puppet, and your guess is as good as mine on who is controlling his trigger happy finger. One thing is clear they can control his loose lips all of the time. I must say they try.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Iran, China Sign Economic, Security Agreement, Challenging U.S. Pressure

          March 27, 2021 --- "Iran and China signed a wide-ranging economic and security cooperation agreement, defying U.S. attempts to isolate Iran and advancing Tehran’s longstanding efforts to deepen diplomatic ties outside Western powers.

          Foreign ministers Javad Zarif and Wang Yi signed on Saturday what both sides bill as a “strategic partnership” that will last for 25 years. The deal, which was five years in the making, was signed in Tehran.

          In return for investments, China would receive steady supplies of Iranian oil, Iran’s semiofficial Tasnim news agency said Saturday, adding that the two countries also agreed to establish an Iranian-Chinese bank. Such a bank could help Tehran evade U.S. sanctions that have effectively barred it from global banking systems." … 1616866936

          This new agreement has China investing $400 billion in Iran over 25 years in exchange for a steady supply of oil to fuel its growing economy under a sweeping economic and security agreement signed Saturday.

          In my view, this China/Iran deal should stand to show that those who thought the world would warm to U.S. interests once Donald Trump left the White House have received a rude awakening in the last two months.    One only need to consider the latest sign is the weekend’s 400 billion dollar deal between China and Iran, an example of U.S. adversaries uniting to advance their strategic ambitions.

          Apologists for the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are saying this doesn’t add up to more than the status quo, and thus shouldn’t interfere with renewed U.S. courtship of Iran. Don’t believe them. This is a big deal that advances the strategic interests of both sides—at the expense of the U.S. and stability in the Middle East.

          This is a strategic deal that helps Iran completely dodge American sanctions, and the huge cash infusion will ease economic pressure on the ruling mullahs.  Iran now has a long-time buyer for its oil exports that were reduced by U.S. sanctions. The foreign-exchange income, if that’s how the payments are made, will finance the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and proxy forces in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.  It will also ultimately and quickly work to denature the American dollar... 

          It certainly appears China has made a huge step at becoming the most powerful, the richest nation in the world.  And Biden sits by and talks about masks.

          This president is well on his way to a huge foreign crisis. And in my book, it's clear with his recent policy proposals of far-left BS, he is not in any respect equipped to handle this form of foreign crisis.

          We are headed toward a disaster. One that a mask won't fix.
          It would seem many American's are willing to be lead down a path of -- just concentrate on what I tell you, not see the pending disasters of what is truly going on behind the scenes.

          Hey, Joe What You Know!

          1. CHRIS57 profile image60
            CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            The recent deal between China and Iran certainly is the result of the long term process of China rising to power and the US loosing ground. Negotiations for this kind of a deal were not done overnight. They started well before recent US elections.

            If the US still thinks they can whistle and everyone stays put - this thinking becomes more and more illusional.

            In this situation it will be important to use diplomatic skills to keep the big boys like China or Russia within the system (the world bank, WTO). Otherwise the loss of influence will only accelerate.

            I doubt that the US is able to stand up to this task. Too much diversity and quarrel within the country. How can an administration resolve conflicts and create alliances if they are failing to achieve this on their home turf.

            The Biden administration seems to be loud talking and clumsy, yes. But the Trump administration only threw fuel into the fire on the world stage, destroying alliances wherever they could.

            There will be more "deals" coming. Between China and Russia, between China and the EU, between the EU and Russia. Climate change related issues will become dominant (Less need for fossile fuels and resources). The continent with the most human and economic development potential is Africa. The US is not present in Africa. Lost chances.

            What does any domestic struggle about left or right, red or blue, black or white, you name it ... help in the geopolitical mess?

            1. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              We are in perfect agreement.  Yes, the domestic struggle and wide division in our society have brought us to this geopolitical mess. The great divide only becomes worse daily.  In my lifetime I have never witnessed such discord.

    3. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I think its fairly obvious.

      Day one he re-joined the Paris Accord
      Day two he rescinded late restrictions Trump enacted against China

      I believe Biden will talk tough on occasion, for it to be digested by the American media only, but his actions will be counter to any hard words he has for China.  The CCP of course, is well aware of this..

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Ken, we live in scary times... And seem to be spinning out of control. It would seem so many are willing to ignore the growing discord. And opt for a Government that offers some form of refuge.  A type of control that in the past we fought against.

    4. peterstreep profile image81
      peterstreepposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I think it won't be a bad thing to read foreign newspapers to understand different perspectives towards the foreign politics of the US.

      Did you know for instance that Ethiopia is almost at the brink of war? There are reports of ethnic cleansing. And how will the US react on this?
      Biden has sent Senator Cris Coons to talk with the Prime minister.
      Just a small example of the thousands of foreign political affairs of the US you will hardly read in the news.
      So how can we have a proper judgement about the foreign politics of President Biden if we do not know the complete picture? Interesting indeed, but we will always see a small part of the big picture.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        You have pointed out a very important aspect, and yes ultimately time will tell how Biden's foreign policies will be helpful or hurt America.

        I will be adding anything relevant to this thread.  The media certainly pick and choose what they report focusing on what they feel will get clicks. This is unfortunate.

        Thanks for heads up


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