Bombshell Durham Report. Hillary paid to spy on Trump Campaign

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  1. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 2 years ago

    Some journalists, Republican lawmakers, and other notable public figures responded to an explosive report from over the weekend involving Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe by saying that the Trump White House was spied on.

    Durham said in the court filing that lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower and the Trump White House in an effort to establish a “narrative” linking President Donald Trump to Russia.

    “In connection with these efforts, Tech Executive-1 exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data,” the filing states. “Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.” … ny-of-this

    1. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I don't understand how this is new, we knew years ago about how the dossier was fabricated, how Clinton's campaign along with the DNC paid for it.

      How the Obama administration got warrants to tap phone lines from a judge with that fraudulent information, etc etc.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        It is now in an official governmental report.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image69
          Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I am pretty sure that was official back back in 2017.

 … story.html

 … n-dossier/

          "Obama for America began the payments to Perkins Coie in April 2016 — the same time the law firm hired Fusion GPS to look into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, The Federalist’s Sean Davis reported Sunday.

          This revelation could mean that President Obama and other administration officials may have, along with the Clinton campaign and the DNC, helped fund the unverified Trump dossier, which was used by the FBI to get a surveillance warrant on a Trump campaign official and used as a roadmap for the FBI’s investigation into any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia."

          I am sure the likes of CNN and MSNBC downplayed or called this information outright lies, but the facts have been out for a long time, all the charges of collusion with Russia were lies falsified by those supporting, or paid to create it, by Clinton, the DNC, etc.

          1. Valeant profile image75
            Valeantposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            All the charges of collusion with Russia were not lies.  This was a report by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, including noted Trump brown-noser Marco Rubio.

   … ittee-find

            1. Readmikenow profile image96
              Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              It's a bit of an opinion piece.

              It even states "It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense."

              I think it would be right for this same level of scrutiny be placed on the biden administration and their relationship with China.

              I'm sure many interesting things would be discovered.

              biden's son Hunter has a very interesting relationship with China.

              "Hunter Biden: What was he doing in China and Ukraine?"

              In 2013, Hunter flew aboard Air Force Two with his father, who was then vice-president, on an official visit to Beijing, where the younger Biden met investment banker Jonathan Li.

              Hunter told the New Yorker he had just met Mr Li for "a cup of coffee", but 12 days after the trip a private equity fund, BHR Partners, was approved by the Chinese authorities. Mr Li was chief executive and Hunter was a board member. He would hold a 10% stake."


              1. Valeant profile image75
                Valeantposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                This one is not an opinion piece and details the same facts that Manafort passed along internal campaign polling data to known Russian Intelligence member Kilimnik.

       … sia-report

                1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  I fail to see how social media and such described here equates to collusion by Trump.

                  It seems to me Putin had a dislike for Clinton and her interference in Russian and Ukraine elections and was merely paying her back.

                  Context matters. Details matter. Knowing the history between the involved parties matter.

                  1. Valeant profile image75
                    Valeantposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    No one said it was collusion by Trump, but by his campaign, specifically his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who shared internal campaign polling with a known member of Russian Intelligence - Kilimnik.

                    You're right, details matter.  Look further than what your far-right media tells you happened and what Congress uncovered.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Ken, Add this to all we do know, and yes we know plenty ---  The new filing contains new information. It's not an indictment,  Instead, it relates to a conflict-of-interest matter in Durham's ongoing case against Sussmann, who worked at the law firm Perkins Coie, which represents the Democratic National Committee. Sussmann was charged last year with lying to the FBI while trying to get the FBI to investigate an allegation that the Trump campaign used a secret email server to communicate with Russia's Alfa Bank during the 2016 campaign. The FBI did not uncover any evidence of such a connection after investigating Sussmans allegations.

        Durham's new filing (Feb 11, 2022) said there's a potential conflict because the law firm representing Sussmann, Latham Watkins, previously represented Perkins Coie, and the lawyer Marc Elias, who testified before Durham's grand jury.

        The new motion offers more details at a February 2017 meeting in which Sussmann flagged to the CIA that internet data he had obtained suggested someone using a Russian-made smartphone was connecting to White House and Trump Tower networks.

        The filing also says Sussmann got the data from an unnamed technology executive who Durham said "exploited" DNS traffic to gauge if there was a link between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives during the 2016 election.

        Multiple media outlets have (leaked) reported that the executive is Rodney Joffe, who works at the American tech company Neustar.

        Durham's filing says some of the internet data that was mined was connected to two Trump buildings in New York City, the executive office of the President (EOP), and an unrelated Michigan hospital company that had also interacted with the Trump server.   It added that Joffe had access to this data because his employer had a set of "dedicated servers" for the White House as part of a "sensitive arrangement" in which it provided DNS resolution services to the White House. As Durham pointed out later in the filing, these DNS lookups started as early as 2014, when Barack Obama was in office and continued until early 2017. Durham's filing noted that the lookups took place on a broader scale as well. According to the filing, Sussmann claimed the lookups "demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations."
        Between  2014 and 2017, there were a total of more than 3 million lookups of Russian Phone-Provider-1 IP addresses that originated with US-based IP addresses," the filing said.1,000 of those lookups came from IP addresses affiliated with Trump Tower.

        The information Durham laid out raises questions about the ethics of Joffe using the data his company had legal access to for purposes that went beyond the scope of what the firm was hired to do. And it's true Durham is alleging that criminal conduct occurred. But the crime that's being alleged is lying to the FBI, not domestic political espionage or anything related to spying or hacking, thus far.

        That doesn't mean Durham won't bring more serious charges down the line related to Democratic efforts to establish a Trump-Russia link, or that Sussmann and his source didn't behave unethically.

    2. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Not so much of a "bombshell" is it? 

      The REAL news are the rack of bombs just dropped on Trump in the insurrection hearings.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, the bomb that their key witness may have lied .. You do realize if it is proven she lied this entire investigation is tainted?

        It may go down as just another unproven witch hunt,

        I will wait and see, if the committee does not show the three secret services' testimony to collaborate her story, I will look at her as a criminal. A woman that lied under oath, and needs to be punished.

        Thus far the three secret service men have denied her story --- let's see what the committee said. I will reserve judgment.

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I see you are still listening only to right-wing propaganda.

          You, for good reason I suppose, didn't answer my question from the other forum.

          Are you claiming (without evidence) that Hutchinson didn't hear someone else tell her about the episode in the limo?? Answer if you dare

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            We have three men that have said her story is not true.

            1. My Esoteric profile image85
              My Esotericposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              I am sorry, can you not read?  It is NOT HER STORY. She was repeating somebody else's story, 

              And here you go jumping to conclusions again regarding the veracity of whoever (it was Meadow's deputy chief of staff) told Hutchinson about the incident.

              So, if anybody is lying, it is him.  Got that?  So we need to hear from him, as well as the three men who will allegedly say it didn't happen the way it was decribed.  Why haven't they come forward if they are trully willing to testify?

              You also claimed she lied about hearing the story.  SO, I ask again, what proof do you have she lied about that?  Your answer CANNOT be "there are three men who will supposedly say the events she related are not true.  That is irrelavent!  What WOULD be relavant is if the deputy chief of staff saying he didn't tell her about those events. 

              In any case, all of this is a huge deflection away from Trump's guilt.

  2. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 2 years ago

    As expected, Durham came up empty and wasted a lot of money doing it.

  3. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 18 months ago

    I just had to note that the "Bombshell" turned into a nothing-burger Dud.


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