Joe Manchin Voted No On Dem Abortion Bill

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image89
    Sharlee01posted 2 years ago
    Liberal pundits and celebrities tweeted against Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., on Wednesday, after saying he’d vote against his party’s abortion bill.

    The moderate Democrat told reporters he would oppose The Women’s Health Protection Act when it came to a procedural vote, saying it doesn’t codify Roe, but actually "expands abortion" by wiping out hundreds of state laws on abortion.

    He later blocked the legislation formally.


    1. GA Anderson profile image84
      GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      It was the right move against a wrong move. This is not an issue you decide by a partisan tie-breaker vote.


  2. IslandBites profile image89
    IslandBitesposted 2 years ago

    No surprise.

  3. Credence2 profile image79
    Credence2posted 2 years ago

    Manchin is a terrible DINO, the biggest Nemesis that Biden faces. He is a damned Republican disguised as a Democrat.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image89
      Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I will say he certainly appears to have the same values and morals as many conservatives share. He also has common sense and is unafraid to vote his conscience.

      The Democratic party can't abide by a non-team player.

      1. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        When I think of MCCain, Cheney or even Mitt Romney, the GOP does not seem to work well with those that do not toe the Trump party line.

        If Manchin is going to be a conservative, so that he is indistinguishable from a live Republican, why not simply change his party affiliation so we can get him out of the way?

        1. wilderness profile image96
          wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          LOL  And the entire Democrat side, voting in lockstep virtually every time a vote comes up, does work with the other side?

          It is truly sad that virtually every member of our Congress, our leaders, refuses to work with anyone not of their party.

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Republicans are ethical and independent thinkers? Dont  make me laugh...

        2. Sharlee01 profile image89
          Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I agree, that Manchin should become a republican. I would not be at all surprised if he does not switch.

          It is clear Democrats can not abide a free thinker, and man that just won't get in line with their ideologies.

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Ask the Republicans what they think of their free thinkers like MCCain, Romney or Cheney? Why would I want someone clearly pulling for the opposing team?

            This Manchin is holding back Biden's agenda single handed and no one person should have that power. We need more Democrats in Congress and fewer Republicans.

            1. GA Anderson profile image84
              GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Manchin was not alone, he wasn't 'one man holding up Biden's agenda', he was one of fifty-one in the majority. If a Republican switched Manchin would be in the minority and your criticism wouldn't apply at all. He would probably just get a Party frown and raised eyebrow instead of condemnation as a traitor.


              1. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                We're not the "50" Republicans, GA? They all voted lockstep to a man or woman.

                But no Republicans are going to switch as they naturally resist the Biden agenda and like the automatons they are can be expected to vote against it as a reflex action.

                We did not elect a Biden presidency to be obstructed by Republicans and,if you like, traitors from the states of Arizona and West Virginia.

                1. GA Anderson profile image84
                  GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Sounds like integrity is a damn inconvenience to political achievement.


                  1. Credence2 profile image79
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    It is unfortunate, but at this current level of partisanship, this is where we are.

                  2. Fayetteville Faye profile image62
                    Fayetteville Fayeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Calling it integrity is a leap of faith.

                2. Sharlee01 profile image89
                  Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  First, it is well documented Manchin is Pro-life period. So, not surprised he would vote his conscience. I guess he is a real problem in the Democratic party, I mean someone that won't stamp on his own beliefs to go along with the party...  You call him a traitor" we call him a man that voted his conscience, and a representative that assures the people that sent them to Washington voices were heard.

                  Oh my,   Why in the world would you even think Republicans would vote for a bill they disagreed with. The Republicans have been fighting for 50 years to overturn Roe.  All Democrats but one voted yes... It's all about the bill itself. And it is apparent that one Democrat feels very differently about abortion than the Democrats that voted. Our Congress at this point is so evenly split, that it should be expected that voting would be split by party. However, abortion is a very personal issue. Ya had a man speak his conscience or the conscience of the people he represents. He represents a very red state --  West Virginia is a heavily Republican state, with John McCain winning the state in 2008, Mitt Romney in 2012, and Donald Trump in 2016.

                  Was he not sent to Washington to represent the people of West

                  Biden was distended to be bucked by Republicans.  Why would you think Republicans would support his agenda, his policies of spending, and ripping down our traditional values... Sorry, it would seem you would have known we would find Biden unacceptable
                  from day one.

                  The country could not be more split in regards to values and ideologies.
                  Seems odd you would not have realized Republicans would buck Biden. He does not reflect what we Republicans want for America. He reflects the complete opposite. So, I would get accustomed to seeing the Republicans fight his policies. My God this is why we Republicans vote for strong fighters to represent us. And as of late we have up our game. We want very strong representatives that have agendas we hope to see progress.

                  In Nov, we will hear a majority, in 2024 we will hear a majority...  It will be like no other election --- we will hear a different voice of which way the majority hopes to take the country.

                  In my view --  I say the era of the BS is over... People have had a great big dose of the reality of what all the leftist BS brings, and are well over it.

                  The Dems voted for a weak, yes guy, that is clearly too old,  who has said yes to the wrong crowd.  You got what you voted for.

                  1. Credence2 profile image79
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Fine, but Manchin is a DINO, if you are going to walk, talk and chew gum like a Republican why not just become one?

                    Democrats and the Left will erect a similar firewall against Republicans, their leaders and their ideology.

                    I see America from a different perspective and so do many like me. We, too, have no intention of being silenced.

                    But to the winner goes the spoils,  yet the year 2024 may well be like an eternity in politics and things may not turn out the way the Rightwingers hope.

        3. Readmikenow profile image93
          Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I have no idea why cheney or romney don't change party affiliation.  I say you get one more Manchin type DINO on your side and we can do a trade.  Sound fair?

          1. Fayetteville Faye profile image62
            Fayetteville Fayeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Romney is squarely rooted and based in his Mormon tradition. There's no doubt about it.  Manchin, on the other hand, generally shows nothing but disdain for the citizens of his state. Claiming that his citizens will use child tax credit money for drugs. While this has a grain of truth in it, it is ultimately so shameful because he does nothing to address the  outrageous opioid issue in his state.  I think he is squarely in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry.
            I think he's a man who should get in line with addressing the crisis of the people he pretends to represent are in.

            1. Readmikenow profile image93
              Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Have you ever been to West Virginia? I would say he is right in line with the thinking of many people in that state.  ALL the politicians in West Virginia are in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry.  It's how business is done there.  I used to write for a coal mining magazine out of West Virginia.  It is a place with beautiful landscape...and some very interesting ways of doing things.

          2. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            We don't need any more DINOs, but I will see your side turn against the "Kingmaker" and join the rank of RINOs, now that is a deal. I need full blooded Democrats not even RINOs are good enough.

  4. Sharlee01 profile image89
    Sharlee01posted 2 years ago

    SAY IT LOUD - SAY IT OVER AND OVER --- and 2 + 2 will equal  3

    "What did the filibuster have to do with the failure of the Dems' abortion bill in the Senate today???? 51 Senators -- a majority -- voted NO on the bill. It's like living in some surreal twisted world where Dems and media allies keep pretending the filibuster stopped the bill," wrote journalist Glenn Greenwald.

    This is an example of a leftist mindset...  A minority is what I say it is...  But say it enough and many will believe her math, and take up her crazy logic.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was blasted by critics Wednesday for oddly claiming that a "minority" of senators blocked passage of an abortion bill despite a majority of senators voting against it.

    "I believe in democracy, and I don't believe that the minority should have the ability to block things that the majority want to do. That's not in the Constitution," the liberal senator told CNN reporter Manu Raju following the vote.

    Critics took to social media to blast Warren, mocking her for claiming the 51 vote majority was actually a minority, with some calling her "confused," and others suggesting she didn't know how to do the math.

    "Um, a bipartisan MAJORITY of the Senate just voted down the Dems’ radical abortion bill. 51 is greater than 49, even using Harvard math. You don’t get to call the losing side the majority just because you agree with it," wrote Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, referencing Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., joining all Republicans in voting against the bill.

    "I mean… the filibuster didn’t even factor in. It lost 51-49. The majority literally did what it wanted to do: kill the bill," wrote conservative commentator Jason Rantz, while Republican California Senate candidate Mark Meuser tweeted, "We live in a constitutional [sic] republic, not a democracy. Please read your constitution, something you already should have read since you took an oath to defend it."

    1. GA Anderson profile image84
      GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Here lately, almost anything 'Elizabeth Warren' probably deserves a thread of its own, except there would probably be too many. ;-)

      I'll leave the issue discussions aside just to note she strikes me as having gone over the extreme edge. Her behavior reminds me of that presidential candidate that yelled away his primary victory. She is yelling her way, (with statements like you noted), to political insignificance. She has become a fringe of her party.


      1. Sharlee01 profile image89
        Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this


      2. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        But I will support her over any of your preferred candidates.

        1. GA Anderson profile image84
          GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I will let you know when I find my preferred candidate, then we can compare.


          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this


  5. GA Anderson profile image84
    GA Andersonposted 2 years ago

    It seems the only difference between a RHINO and a DINO is whose party they offended. Both sides seem to have the same opinion—they're traitors for not towing the party line. Both sides will eat their own 'for the good of the party', (that's the translation of their "for the greater good of the nation).

    Since Manchin came on my radar I have liked his DINOism. He has the courage to keep opinions he believes to be right. That we even have those labels seems proof that kind of integrity is a rare thing.

    I can see Manchin's position to be like that of John McCain's on the Republicans' bill to kill the ACA. I see both bills as partisan 'pure political grab' efforts that were more of an illuminating embarrassment than a noble effort. Neither one should have seen the light of day. Look what happened when they did.



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