Chicago Teen Take Over -- No Really

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
    Sharlee01posted 17 months ago

    Chicago ‘Teen Takeover’ Floods Downtown Area, Two Shot And Several Beaten By Mob

    Teen Takeover’ terrorizes Chicago as hundreds of teenagers destroy property, attack tourists -  Massive police presence needed to restore order

    "Hundreds of teenagers stormed the streets of downtown Chicago, smashing car windows, attacking bystanders and sending panicked tourists running from the sound of gunfire.

    "Where are their parents at? That's my question," a woman who identified as a Chicago native told Fox 32 as the unruly scene played out in downtown Chicago on Saturday night.

    Fox 32 cameras captured video of teenagers crowding the streets and police seeking to restore order to the area.

    Large groups of teens were seen blasting music from Bluetooth speakers and roaming in front of traffic, with some attempting to gain access to the city's Millennium Park, which is off-limits to those under 21 after certain hours, and the downtown Art Institute.

    Some teens in the group began jumping up and down on cars, smashing windows and attacking people inside. One woman told Fox 32 her husband was attacked from the driver side of his vehicle and beaten after a group of teens jumped up and down on the couple's windshield. The man was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

    Hundreds of police officers assisted by SWAT teams descended on downtown in an attempt to restore order as gunfire was reported multiple times amid the unfolding scene.

    Police were seen escorting frightened tourists back to their cars or hotels to escape the chaos, and traffic on Chicago's Michigan Avenue ground to a halt as police attempted to restore order.

    Police say a 6-year-old boy was shot in the arm near the Chicago Loop and a 17-year-old boy was shot in the leg. Both were taken to Northwestern Hospital and listed in fair condition, according to a report from WLS.

    Fox 32 reported that the chaos appeared to be another "Teen Takeover" of the city that was planned on social media, noting that a similar scene played out in Chicago last year.

    "I understand kids having a good time, but this is simply bad parenting," the Chicago native witness told Fox 32. "We have to do better as parents. Our kids should not be out here."

    Video available … li=BBorjTa


    1. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

      This is out of hand, obviously we need to increase penalties for such crimes.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image70
        Ken Burgessposted 17 months agoin reply to this


        That was good, I like to go to bed on a good laugh, thanks.

        This new Mayor is great, I did a quick search and found this:

        Chicago’s new Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson told a group organizing for a “police-free future” that black people should be removed from “state-sponsored policing” as a way to fight “white supremacy.”

        During the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020, Johnson came out in support of the “defund the police” movement and spoke on a panel titled “We Don’t Call Police: A Town Hall on a Police-Free Future” in which he praised organizers for pushing “an agenda that actually can transform people’s lives,” the Chicago Tribune reports.

        “And part of it is removing ourselves away from this, you know, state-sponsored policing,” he said, “but also the tools that have been placed against Black folks that have been used violently, whether it’s policing, or administering standardized tests, or … around how white supremacy finds its way in every facet of our lives, that we have to fight and resist that.”

        Johnson also defended looting during the Floyd riots, stating that “what we’re seeing obviously is an outbreak of incredible frustration and anguish” that’s tied to “a failed racist system,” Wirepoints reports:

        Johnson was asked by a WGN-TV interviewer at [the time widespread looting was taking place], “Do you worry about stores leaving Chicago and the county because they don’t think it’s safe?”

        Johnson bristled at the concern. He replied, “these companies have insurance and assurance.” He also said, “you can’t take a certain level of urgency to protect capital and the wealthy and not have that same tenacity to provide relief for families that have been devastated through structural racism for generations.”

        Johnson amplified the point, saying, “We have to redirect dollars away from a failed racist system and move it into the hands of people who really are trying their very best to survive day-to-day. And if we can’t do that as a government, we are failing to meet the moment…

        Johnson vowed to decriminalize looting, declaring it to be "the ultimate victimless crime. Smashed windows, broken-in doors, and stolen retail merchandise are all easily replaced. In fact, insurance usually covers the cost of repair and replacement. So why should Black folks have to go to jail for helping themselves to the reparations to which they are morally entitled?" … hould-not/

        They should make him the next primary speaker for the DNC convention, or better yet, get him running to replace Biden.  At least he would be a real believer and not some washed out corrupt hack that struggles to remain lucid with every waking moment.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

          What an idiot.  That's the only comment I can offer; What an idiot.

        2. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

          And a GOP supported mayor would have prevented this crime? How so as I consider that just unsubstantiated speculation?

          I can see from the gist of your comments that you are just another one of "Them", ready to blame any liberal or progressive while giving a wide berth to any rightwing oriented initiative.

          It is a pretty simplistic idea that Democrat municipal and mayors correlate with greater crime. All large cities have crime problems and virtually all of them are run by Democrats, so how do you make the distinctions that a Republican governance would have been so much more likely to control crime? Where is an example outside of Hooterville and Petticoat Junction?

          As I mentioned, I do not excuse hoodlums and their behavior, it is just that your folks and their consistent use of false equivalencies is quite threadbare in my opinion.

          Diverse, well educated and forward minded people that you find in urban environments naturally vote for democrats, I would not be surprised.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image70
            Ken Burgessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

            All I said was thanks for the laugh, as it was near hysterical that YOU stated "This is out of hand, obviously we need to increase penalties for such crimes."

            All I did thereafter is quote the newly elected Mayor and his views on the matter.

            You drummed all the rest on your own... "Them"... rightwing... etc.

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

              Why would you think that I would support lawlessness anywhere under any condition? Is that funny?

              If you received that impression from me than you really learned much about my stand on things.

            2. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

              If you refuse to understand the different results from a Democrat mayor cutting police protection and a GOP one adding to it's police that's on you.

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

                No it is on you, the idea that any Republican thinks that if any of them were ever giving the chance to run a large city that they would do better is the greatest of fantasy in my opinion.

                I have no evidence  except for the usual mumbo-jumbo from the Right.

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                  Well, I have never heard of any Republican thinking that cutting back the police presence will reduce crime.  That takes a very special pattern, known to exist only in liberals.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

                    Who cares what they mouth off about? The proof is in the pudding, show me an example of a Republican mayor in one of our 30 largest cities that can boast of an exceptionally low crime rate as compared with comparable cities?

                  2. profile image61
                    JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                    Where was there a cutting back? Specifically

                  3. Valeant profile image78
                    Valeantposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                    There are plenty of notoriously uninformed people in the country that often need basic events spoon-fed to them and if they have not heard of something, that does not make it true.

                    The American Rescue Plan, which had $350 billion dollars available for states to use to hire law enforcement got exactly zero Republican votes.  The 2021 Trump budget that came out of the White House recommended eliminating the COPS program that provides funding to state and local law enforcement agencies.  The leading politician for the GOP nomination in 2024 just made calls to defund the FBI and DOJ.

                    Seems that 'special' pattern exists in both parties if people would take off their rose-colored glasses and look closer at their own policies.

                    1. wilderness profile image95
                      wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                      Of course.  And refusing federal money for people to hire cops for their specific neighborhood is exactly the same as reducing their budget for keeping the cops they already have on the payroll.

                      I disagree.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 17 months ago

      Cred, We really do.  This is sort of sobering, I mean where the hell are we headed as a society?

      I was pleased to hear at least 15 have been arrested..

      One woman whose car was damaged by the mob reported her husband was beaten while sitting in the passenger seat, and was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

      I think this kind of violence will become part of what we accept. I mean thus far we have...

      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        It may be a pattern stimulated by social media where these kinds of assaults may be coordinated across the country.

        We are going to have to step up curfews and start involving parents over their responsibility to supervise minors in their charge.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

          It was said this mob was planned on social media. I think your suggestions are positive and would help curb these pop-up riots.

    3. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 17 months ago

      As the Bible states

      "for whatever one sows, that will he also reap"

      Chicago is reaping the harvest of criminality from the mayor they elected.

    4. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 17 months ago

      Today's Fox article gives some further insight into the Chicago Mayor's perspective. He condemns that event, yet says the youth shouldn't be demonized. Blame is blame, right?

      Chicago mayor-elect condemns 'Teen Takeover' chaos, but says it's 'not constructive to demonize youth' … 4f7ad3082b

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        Can ya see why these kids do this kind of crap?  I mean why not?  I am sure many blue cities will deal with this all summer --- weeee

        1. profile image61
          JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

          Any examples of smaller cities having teens congregate?  And because they are smaller so are the scale of the issues?  How are large city youth different than small city youth?

          'Can ya see why these kids do this kind of crap? '
          No. Why?

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

            Because in some areas there are no consequences to their actions.  Because they can.  Because no one cares enough to stop it.  Because they have nothing else to do and are bored.

            1. profile image61
              JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

              Looks like the perpetrators of violence were arrested? Want more do you want?

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
                Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                Fifteen young people amongst how many others?
                And why fifteen?
                That's a lot.

                and it was planned.
                ... as in premeditated.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                  Were they paid?

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                    What will their consequences be after arrest??

                2. profile image61
                  JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                  15 among hundreds who showed up to socialize?  Yes, a few ruin it for the group. But obviously they were scooped up and punished.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                    We are entitled to our own views and opinions.
                    However, we can only deduct from what the news media reveals.
                    Kids were wounded by gun shots.
                    Pretty fun socializing.

                    1. profile image61
                      JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                      So that means the Entire group was lawless? I don't get your point at all.
                      If you were among that group on that night, I should assume you were there for criminal reasons rather than a nightout? What?

                3. profile image61
                  JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                  Planned ? How so?

            2. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

              Yes, and that would be factual Blue cities that lack consequences,  many blue cities have out in an hour no bail or what one can afford. 
              Sources of blue cities with lenient bail laws.
     … onitoring.
     … t%20means.
     … %20safety.

              1. profile image61
                JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                "Yes, and that would be factual Blue cities that lack consequences"
                How so?  Seems that any law breakers were scooped up and arrested? What more should happen? And as far as bail what are you sources?
                What"blue" city is different than any "red" city?  Specifically

              2. profile image61
                JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                And posting bond on a bondable offense means what?  If you have the money you're out regardless. If you don't have the money we pay for you to sit in jail .  I don't get it
                If I'm caught on shoplifting charges like the guy next to me and he can front the bail but I can't then what's your problem with getting rid of the bail system in cases of cash bail offenses?  They make people sit in jail for no reason all on the basis of who can pay and who can't but ultimately tax payers pick up the cost

              3. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 17 months agoin reply to this

                And what examples can you provide to show in comparably large cities that there would be such dire consequences for hoodlums if Republicans would be in charge?

                Not just here or there, but solid evidence and not conjecture?

    5. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
      Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months ago

      "Fox 32 reported that the chaos appeared to be another "Teen Takeover" of the city that was planned on social media, noting that a similar scene played out in Chicago last year."

      It's Technology. Its being a teen and taking power (group power!) in any way possible.
      Its being high on who knows what and getting high on violence. It's no boundaries, no consequences and no morals ...

      and no Love.

      Love comes in the form of setting standards, boundaries and rules of decent behavior and standing behind them.
      No one is setting boundaries.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        I agree.  Teens that have better values, and common sense would not be in the streets rioting, and outwardly breaking the law.

        1. profile image61
          JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

          Or maybe teems come out and a few ruin the time for all with violence?  But some want to condemn the entire group.
          It doesn't seem that anything started  as a "riot"  what if you came out on your town for a night out and disruption started due to a few?  You were obviously there in support of a "riot?"
          So very much simplified reasoning here.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
            Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months agoin reply to this

            the videos show more than "a few".

            1. profile image61
              JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

              What does it matter how many want to come out? I don't think there are restrictions on how many come out to enjoy their town?  You miss the point completely

            2. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
              Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months agoin reply to this

              Technology/internet enables them to organize on a widespread level.
              How do BLM members organize, congregate and riot?
              Why deny what is happening?

              How can it be stopped?
              Good question.

              The youth are suffering. The youth are not given what they need:

              Love in the form of boundaries.
              Fathers in the home.
              Mothers in the home.
              Schools that educate.
              A government that facilitates a percolating economy, rather than shut it down.

              1. profile image61
                JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

                This is far from a political gathering as it seems you imply. This is a shout out on social media by couped up terms to show up at a location. Seemingly out of the desire to socialize.

    6. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
      Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months ago

      Baby, baby, baby, baby
      Baby (yearning), baby (and)
      Baby (talking), baby (well)
      Baby (thinking), baby (walk)
      Baby (lost), baby (found)
      Baby (yearning), baby (and)
      Baby (talking), baby (well)
      Baby (thinking), baby (walk)
      Baby (lost), baby (found)
      Baby (yearning), baby (and)
      Baby (talking), baby (well)
      Baby (thinking), baby (walk)
      Baby (lost), baby (found)
      Now that he has no sense of destination
      Now he's running for the love of speed
      When the child goes bad it's no cause for celebration
      Like Jimmy Dean, he don't talk back to me
      Failures as fathers, mothers to chaos
      No, baby, no, baby, no, baby, no
      Hello humans, can you feel me thinking
      I assume you're seeing everything I'm thinking
      Hello humans, nothing starts tomorrow
      I'm the baby now
      Baby, baby, baby
      Baby (yearning), baby (and)
      Baby (talking), baby (well)
      Baby (thinking), baby (walk)
      Baby (lost), baby (found)
      Baby universe (baby, baby)
      Baby universe (baby, baby)
      Baby universal (baby, baby)
      A speck of dust has settled in my eye
      Doesn't matter, I've seen everything anyway
      Failures as fathers, mothers to chaos
      No, baby, no, baby, no, baby, no
      Hello humans, can you feel me thinking
      I assume you're seeing everything I'm thinking
      Hello humans, nothing starts tomorrow
      I'm the baby now
      Baby (yearning), baby (and)
      Baby (talking), baby (well)
      Baby (thinking), baby (walk)
      Baby (lost), baby (found)
      Baby universe
      Baby universe
      Baby universa

    7. Kathryn L Hill profile image82
      Kathryn L Hillposted 17 months ago

      Fly for the Venus fly trap, I will not be.
      See ya 'round.

      1. profile image61
        JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

        Good choice

      2. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        Me neither... LOL

    8. profile image61
      JMickelsposted 17 months ago


      Chicago police spending is up 15% since 2019. That's almost a quarter billion dollars in new police spending since 2019. … /12324846/ … ne-mandate

      Of the 109 budgets analyzed, only eight agencies cut police funds by more than 2% and 91 agencies increased law enforcement funding by at least 2%.

      In 49 cities or counties, police funding has increased by more than 10%.

      Hopefully some will read the above article. It offers common sense perspective.

    9. profile image61
      JMickelsposted 17 months ago

      The issue of policing and allocation of funds is much more complex than the watered down narrative rightwing media pushes.

      Police spending doesn't drive crime numbers
      Even if the cuts were real, the premise that lower police spending leads to increased crime (or the other way around) is counter to decades of evidence, according to public data and criminal justice experts.

      An ABC OTV analysis of state and local police funding and violent crime data in the U.S. overall between 1985 and 2020 found no relationship between year-to-year police spending and crime rates. (An analysis by the Washington Post found similar results from 1960 to 2018.)

      Further analysis of Los Angeles County's own crime data show violent crime numbers don't move up or down with any relationship to money spent on law enforcement or the number of officers on patrol.

      Kimberly Dodson, a retired law enforcement officer who is now a criminologist at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, said that's because police mostly react to crime.

      "Crime happens. Somebody calls the police, and they come and take a report. Then, they try to solve the crime after the fact, right? So, saying that the police deter crime is not actually accurate. Because they're more of a reactive agency," Dodson told KTRK in Houston.

      She said one reason police agencies feel stretched is because communities have been asking them to "be all things to everybody. And that doesn't seem fair."

      Police are called upon to react to problems caused by longstanding mental health issues, family conflicts or entrenched poverty that took hold over decades. It's something that officers talk about a lot, Dodson said.

      "We've had many conversations and we always talked about as police officers, we go out for 10 minutes, and we fix something that's been wrong and put a Band-Aid on it, something that's been wrong for 10 years. And it's just an impossible task," she added.

      To change that, the way emergency calls get handled would need to change too, something Ray, the Brookings Institution's senior fellow, works on.

      The idea is to narrow the police mission to crime and safety, and reallocate government resources so that problems that don't require police intervention can be handled by others.

      "Are there better ways by which to think about calls for service, whether that be with mental health responses, whether that be with different sort[s] of traffic officers handling those particular issues?" Ray pondered. … /12324846/

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

        From what you say the country is wasting billions of dollars on hiring police and equipping them every year.  Wouldn't that money be better spent reimbursing the victims of crime and help them rebuild what they lost?

        1. profile image61
          JMickelsposted 17 months agoin reply to this

          Not what my post said at all. Not by a long shot.

          1. Valeant profile image78
            Valeantposted 17 months agoin reply to this

            Standard modus operandi.  Reads a post then creates their own narratives not based on the words written, but how they want to believe others view things.  I not longer tolerate those delusions and cut off the conversation at that point.

          2. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 17 months agoin reply to this

            ??  You showed (although without data or links) that hiring more police and equipping them does not reduce crime rates.  How is that not wasting money?


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