1 day ago — House approves impeachment inquiry into President Biden as Republicans rally behind investigation.
Sounds too good to be true.
Considering Three presidents have been impeached, although none were convicted: Andrew Johnson was in 1868, Bill Clinton was in 1998, and Donald Trump twice, in 2019 and 2021.
What would a US President have to do to be convicted with treason onto its people. Killing millions of women and children is out.
To much smoke, This inquiry will provide the committee the power they need to have all their questions answered. They will need to put up or wear big-time eggs on their faces.
I have read the two IRS whistle-blowers were once again questioned this past week. If anyone would have the goods it would be the IRS. They had the power to follow the money.
Dec 14, 2023 "IRS whistleblowers respond to Hunter Biden: 'Ample evidence' of his father's involvement"
Quote --- "Two IRS whistleblowers said Thursday there is "ample evidence" that President Biden was involved in son Hunter Biden's business dealings as a former federal prosecutor, accused of protecting the first family, was deposed behind closed doors on Capitol Hill."
https://www.foxnews.com/media/irs-whist … nvolvement
It would appear these two WBs are standing behind what they offered in the first hearing, and have the documentation to back up their claims...
I think Joe will be impeached just due to paper evidence.
I rather expect Joe to be impeached...and the impeachment ignored in the Senate as completely unfounded.
Isn't that how it goes today? One party impeaches, the other ignores.
The evidence does seem to be mounting, and serious. What strikes me as odd the Dec 14, 2023 interview was not covered widely. Fox interviewed the agents two IRS agents, and they are truely making shocking allegations. In my view, I think it fair we give these men the benefit of the doubt. It would well seem Fox has done this while other cable news has not. This kind of pick-and-choose media leaves room for alarm, in my view.
See live interviews with agents.
I don't trust Fox not to manipulate the news. What actual crimes did the IRS agents accuse President Biden of?
I provided a link for this specific purpose. The two IRS Agents were interviewed live, and I believe it's more reliable to hear directly from them rather than me paraphrasing their statements. While they didn't specify the exact crimes, they emphasized that there was substantial evidence implicating President Biden in his son Hunter Biden's business affairs.
It's crucial to listen to their words to understand the nuances. In my opinion, if the IRS is making such claims, there is likely concrete evidence, considering their authority to trace financial transactions, which usually leaves a paper trail. I've expressed my views on this matter previously, asserting that if there were any connections between Joe Biden and Hunter's business dealings with foreign countries, the IRS would have uncovered them through their legal investigative capabilities.
Trump came VERY close to being convicted in the Senate for his insurrection. All it would have taken is three more Senators to break away from his clutches and vote on the evidence.
I notice that your source was Fox News. Great evidence source for impeachment. They are going to have to do better than that. Let's see, out of all the impeachments only one was Republican: Andrew Johnson, Democrat; Bill Clinton, Democrat; Donald Trump, Republican; and now Joe Biden, Democrat. See a pattern here? I don't think impeachments mean anything anymore.
You are correct: since the two fake impeachments of Trump I believe we can expect nearly every president to be impeached. Or, if the House is the same party, an impeachment inquiry. Whether they are punished or not remains for the future to reveal - while Trump was not, all it will take is an undivided Congress.
A few months ago, I found the IRS whistleblowers to be highly credible during their testimony before Congress. Their recent testimony, presented last week, was quite convincing as well. I'm uncertain if other cable news outlets covered their latest remarks.
It seems impeachment has become more of a political tool than its original intent, as demonstrated by the precedents set in recent times. I don't feel an impeachment should be brought unless there is purely factual evidence of a crime. Smoke is not fire.
Yes, it has become a political tool to remove political rivals rather than one to remove incompetent presidents. It started with Trump and will, I think, continue indefinitely.
I agree, precedence has been set, and we will most likely see president after president is investigated, and yes, accused before found guilty.
I think this clip is telling of how Biden conducted his business as VP. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=479059886319451
He has never been known for his brightness, and his family has been under investigation for some years, due to peddling Joe's name. Just this morning I noted this WAPO article. Fresh off the press so to say...
"James Biden’s dealmaking caught on FBI tapes in unrelated bribery probe - While Joe Biden campaigned in Mississippi, his brother planned to build a powerful consulting business -- a deal that brought him to the periphery of a federal case"
WAPO Dec17, 2023
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics … ery-probe/
I have noted many of his media lackeys have no taste in promoting Joe, but are stirring the pot about possible corruption.
Yes, before each damming article ends, one will see "no clear evidence to connect Joe Biden to wrongdoing"... But, these articles sure leave one to thinking, that something is just not right here.
"But, these articles sure leave one to thinking, that something is just not right here."
And right there is what I see happening. Not so much to inform as to sow doubt and discord. To affect the next election, perhaps, or just make everyone doubt about the current President. Just what was accomplished with Trump - there was no real evidence presented, just enough to make people wonder.
The funny thing is that with it, it is possible that Joe will lose out on the nomination for 2024, while his running would probably be the best thing Republicans could hope for.
Joe running is the big cherry on top of the sundae. I also feel that Joe will not drop out, as most likely those who make the decisions have asked him to do. He may just have gone rogue. In reality, no powers but impeachment can move his butt out if he is not willing to go. Plus, I dislike thinking about what he will screw up next. I mean he just does nothing, and problems become bigger and bigger due to being ignored. His administration seems as incompetent as him.
Left media have placed a bullseye on Biden.
Oh, the democrats could make him lose with their super delegates, just as they made Clinton win. Not difficult when you can stack the election regardless of the voters wishes.
Did not consider that... Sounds plausible.
I think we should be speaking of a Trump win over Hillary here rather than democrats. Hillary did win the popular vote. So did Al Gore. Speaking of stacking elections.
No real evidence against Trump, ROFL. Because I have eyes, ears, and a functioning brain, I see absolute, incontrovertible evidence against Trump.
How come with much more solid evidence against Trump do you not think something is just not right with him?
I strive to maintain a common-sense perspective on Trump and the numerous allegations surrounding him. I make a conscientious effort to approach these issues with an open mind, delving into all claims to place them into context. Up to now, my investigations have led me to the conclusion that many allegations lack a solid foundation and are often derived from Trump's statements rather than his actions.
While I find certain characteristics disagreeable, I prefer to reserve judgment until final outcomes regarding the accusations emerge. Personally, I don't believe he committed any form of insurrection, and I am keenly anticipating the forthcoming Jack Smith trial. Given the ample time for gathering evidence, I am interested in seeing if any concrete proof of a genuine crime surfaces.
Actually, it started with Clinton. He in no way could be considered incompetent, just foolish in his personal life. If the truth about Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's had been made public, he probably wouldn't have been impeached and removed under the 25th Amendment, but I'm not sure what Congress would have done. So the solution was to keep quiet and let Nancy and her astrologer run the country as some have said. But did she really? How much power did George H.W. Bush actually have after Reagan became incompetent?
What crime did these IRS agents accuse President Biden of?
Johnson - political tool (although he richly deserved it)
Nixon - for real crimes but he resigned before they could impeach him
Clinton - political tool
Trump I - real crime
Trump II - Insurrection, which multiple judges have now found he engaged in.
I did not say the IRS agents accused Joe Biden of crimes in my comment. This was what I said --- I don't feel an impeachment should be brought unless there is purely factual evidence of a crime. Smoke is not fire.
The two IRS whistle-blowers were questioned a second time behind closed doors. Both felt Joe Biden was involved in his son's businesses. They both gave an interview on Fox shortly after they were questioned. I have offered the kink instead of quoting them.
https://www.mediaite.com/biden/whistleb … usinesses/
It does appear both feel Joe was involved in Hunter's businesses.
Joe Biden has not been found guilty of anything that I know of. I am sure more details will be presented in the impeachment. He will have his day before Congress and have the opportunity to defend any accusations.
Regarding Trump, We may not know how the Republican candidate will be until the National convention. Both political parties hold national conventions to select presidential and vice presidential nominees. It would seem at this point they would nominate Trump, just due to his great popularity with the people. In reality, it really means little if his name is removed from the ballot in a few states. It will all come down to who the GOP wants to run. They will be looking at conducting polls and considering the primaries and caucuses. In the end, all the allegations will mean little if Trump has the support of a majority.
This is what motivated my comment - "I have read the two IRS whistle-blowers were once again questioned this past week. If anyone would have the goods it would be the IRS. They had the power to follow the money."
This was written in the context of impeaching President Trump.
I may have not communicated clearly; my focus was on the statements made by the two IRS Whistleblowers regarding Biden. I don't see any connection between these whistleblowers and Trump. I'm curious about your thoughts on the interview they had after they were interviewed by Congress/James Comer. In my view, it was damming not only in regard to Hunter, but also Joe.
It's worth noting that these individuals weren't involved in Trump's impeachments. From my perspective, they seem poised to be witnesses in a potential impeachment proceeding against Biden.
Oh, you mean that Trump propaganda company that has admitted lying to its viewers? That Fox?
What paper evidence? If the Republicans have any, they are holding it close to their vest. (My guess is because they don't have any.)
Why aren't they investigating Trump receiving $5 million from the Chinese gov't while he was in office?
"Some Republicans in the Senate have also expressed doubt that anything uncovered amounts to impeachment-worthy wrongdoing by the president.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said last week that he had seen “no evidence” that Biden was inappropriately involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings.
“If there were a smoking gun I think we’d be talking about it,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday during an interview on “Meet the Press.”
Personally I've seen nothing that could be construed as real evidence. Comer and Jordan are not trustworthy and make a lot of innuendo, accusations that shrivel under scrutiny.
"If there were a smoking gun I think we’d be talking about it,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday during an interview on “Meet the Press.”
I think full context should be presented regarding Graham's statement, share the full answer he offered.
View full transcript - https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/ … 3-n1308182
Okay. Let's turn to the other big story on Capitol Hill: the impeachment of course – the impeachment inquiry – into President Biden. Your colleague, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, said that he does not see any evidence, quote, "That the president is guilty of anything." Do you agree with him? Is there any evidence so far?
You know, I haven't really been paying that much attention to it. They have to prove that President Biden somehow financially benefited from the business enterprises of Hunter Biden. We'll see.
Have they done it yet, in your mind?
If there were a smoking gun, I think we'd be talking about it. But, you know, the narrative that Hunter Biden presented is falling apart. The idea that Joe Biden knew nothing about the business dealings is falling apart. I'm not worried about impeaching the president right now. You know what I'm worried about? Helping the president bring the Mideast to a better spot, trying to convince the Arabs and the Israelis to not let Iran get you off track, give Israel the space to destroy Hamas. I'm trying to find a way forward to secure our broken border before we're attacked. That's what I'm more worried about than anything. I've never been more worried about an attack on our homeland than I am right now. And there's an opportunity in the Mideast, in the middle of all this carnage, rape, murder, torture, heartbreaking visuals. There's a chance to change things. That's what I'm working on: changing things for the better at home and abroad."
The Grassley's statement on the subject in fuller context --"I’m going to take the same position that I’ve taken since 2019 that all I can say is there’s some indication, maybe some compromise with China particularly, but I have no evidence of it,” Grassley told CNN’s Manu Raju on Wednesday.
Grassley says he has seen ‘no evidence’ of wrongdoing in GOP Biden probe
BY LAUREN IRWIN - 12/13/23 6:42 PM ET
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that he has seen “no evidence” that President Biden was involved in his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.
“I’m going to take the same position that I’ve taken since 2019 that all I can say is there’s some indication, maybe some compromise with China particularly, but I have no evidence of it,” Grassley told CNN’s Manu Raju on Wednesday.
He continued, saying the facts “haven’t taken me to that point where I can say that the president’s guilty of anything.”
https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/435 … den-probe/
At this point, I have witnessed conclusions formed based on incomplete information. The committee at this point has the power to finish their investigation. I feel there is too much smoke to ignore.
What context were you referring to? It seems both Graham and Grassley haven't seen the things you have claimed to see from the Republicans.
My comment was to add a full context to what both men said. The media took a sentence or two and left out both men's full thoughts on the subjects they were sharing.
This is the statement the media were feeding up --- "If there were a smoking gun I think we’d be talking about it,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday during an interview on “Meet the Press.”
One only needs to read the entire interview to obtain full context on his thoughts.
OK, I'll buy that. But, if it were me saying that I would have started off with "while true, there is more context to his statement."
It seemed to me you were suggesting that the context diminished from the statement the media quoted.
I just feel after reading both men's statements that some of the media reported it very skewed.
Both statements seemed very reasonable and shared much more than was being reported. For instances -- ""If there were a smoking gun I think we’d be talking about it,” Sen. Lindsey Graham
He gave a different impression throughout his interview. such as read the full context ---- "If there were a smoking gun, I think we'd be talking about it. BUT, you know, the narrative that Hunter Biden presented is falling apart. The idea that Joe Biden knew nothing about the business dealings is falling apart. I'm not worried about impeaching the president right now. You know what I'm worried about? Helping the president bring the Mideast to a better spot, trying to convince the Arabs and the Israelis to not let Iran get you off track, give Israel the space to destroy Hamas. I'm trying to find a way forward to secure our broken border before we're attacked. That's what I'm more worried about than anything. I've never been more worried about an attack on our homeland than I am right now. And there's an opportunity in the Mideast, in the middle of all this carnage, rape, murder, torture, and heartbreaking visuals. There's a chance to change things. That's what I'm working on: changing things for the better at home and abroad."
In my view, he was saying no smoking gun BUT smoke.
'shrug' There was nothing on Trump, either, but he was impeached anyway.
When politics matters more than truth, anything goes.
None of the far-right members of this forum can show any evidence that President Biden has profited off his current office, which is the Presidency. Any impeachment is dead on arrival to both the American people and the Senate because the Republicans in the House have shown things that took place with regards to Hunter Biden, but when Joe Biden was out of office or when Joe Biden was Vice President. If they wanted to impeach Vice President Biden, they are around seven years too late.
Sounds to me just like the impeachments of Trump; DOA at the Senate and with the people.
I have not noted anyone on the forum saying there is clear evidence that Biden profited off his office.
Plus, I would think that even if clear evidence is presented, the Senate will let Joe slide. Is that not the current precedence?
Hopefully, the Americans will judge anything the House produces, and make their judgment. In my view, Congress is not working for the people.
Drugs, sex and rock en roll has sure changed from President JF Kennedy day, to what happens in the White house today. If Presidents can't really be impeached, other option to get rid of a president. Then it would have to be by assassination and only one has within my lifetime. JF Kenny tried to change the banking system and it cost his life. I wonder before a president swears in as President. They take him in the back room and show them a clip a of the ssassination of being shot, then ask, ........any questions?
From Biden gets especially poor marks on inflation and immigration; few Americans say he is paying enough attention to their concerns Monmouth Poll (Dec 18, 2023) comes a quote;
"The Monmouth University Poll also finds that opinion of the job the U.S. Congress is doing stands at its worst mark in more than a year – 17% approve and 77% disapprove. Each of the three congressional leaders who were in office when Monmouth last polled on the leadership in July have seen their ratings go down, including among their fellow partisans. The U.S. Senate’s Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell earns the lowest overall rating (6% approve and 60% disapprove among American adults), and is the only leader to receive a net negative score from his fellow partisans (10% approve and 41% disapprove among Republicans). On the Democratic side, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (21% approve and 41% disapprove overall and 48%-18% among Democrats) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (21% approve and 22% disapprove overall and 45%-6% among Democrats) enjoy positive ratings among their fellow partisans if not among the public as a whole. Each of these three leaders have seen their approval ratings drop between 3 and 6 points and their disapproval ratings rise between 4 and 10 points since the summer."
https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-instit … us_121823/
Yes, the general public is dissatisfied with Congress as a whole. In my view, our Congress is bogged down due to partisan politics. They have been for decades. They do little of the work they were sent to do.
I see very little can be done to stop the deterioration of America. The American people are the ones ultimately standing by watching, demanding little. One only needs to look at the border --- there are current laws that could decrease the flow, Congress could call it a crisis, and close our borders to asylum seekers until our backlog is cleared. I think we have been had, concurred. Americans have become very submissive people, and controllable --- For instance
"Workers install membrane bioreactors at the Metropolitan Water District's pilot water recycling facility in Carson in 2022. California is set to adopt regulations that will allow for sewage to be extensively treated, transformed into pure drinking water and delivered directly to people's taps" https://www.latimes.com/environment/sto … 's%20taps.
I mean putting up is easier than standing up. Oh well.
Agreed, the border is an issue that demands change! As I see it is a crisis and is growing. The can is being kicked down the pathway by the two branches that cause change for the better - executive and legislative. It is being ignored while its detriments are being felt by the populous. I am all for being humanitarian, but I am going to take care of my family first without apologies.
I am unsure of the article that was recommended, having read it. It distresses me that drought is a problem in California and where I live in San Diego County. It is not that bad today, yet what of tomorrow?
Water restrictions are always in place.
Water Use Restrictions for the City of San Diego. Take a look at the permanent restrictions.
https://www.sandiego.gov/public-utiliti … strictions
Ken just posted this on another thread --- "BREAKING: Bill Melugin reporting that authorities are "suspending railway operations" at the southern border to free up agents to help with the flood of illegal immigration.
"In other words, they're shutting down international commerce in order to help speed up processing of these migrants."
I would think this decision will increase the costs of most imports that we get from Mexico. Which are many due to Trump's trade agreement. Oh well, wonder how much the general public will put up with decisions such as this, and all to move through illegal migrants more quickly what a wonderful invitation... What a half-ass decision. The border could be closed to asylum seekers due to crisis, and not to mention we have a very small cap on the books that are to be accepted for asylum. We need to follow a few of the laws we have standing.
Regarding the water problem in California -- Several desalination facilities already pump out drinking water along California's coast, could not more be built to save the population from drinking sewage? I mean I would surmise that would be more costly than building a few more desalination facilities. I think some states could become rich by selling sewage water to California. So, maybe some states could profit. Not kidding, this could become a reality. However, California has every right to govern and make decisions for the people of California. So be it, to each their own.
What is shocking, I think the people will take to this solution. Now that said something in my book. Something pretty odd. Hey, could there be something in the water that makes people a bit nonsensical? Just joking, but it is hard for me not to be a bit sarcastic on the subject of drinking sewage water.
Yes, as I said, the border is an issue in my mind. And, I repeat, the can is being kicked down the pathway by both the executive and legislative branches. That is where I place the blame. Biden is not taking it seriously. Congress bitches about Biden, but WTF are they doing?
Maybe today's negotiations will be productive. I don't mind the Republicans holding Biden hostage regarding funding for Ukraine and Israel. There may be a slight bit of hope. I don't know for sure.
White House open to new border expulsion law, mandatory detention and increased deportations in talks with Congress by CBS News (Dec 12, 2023)
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigratio … portation/
As far as the need for sources of drinking water and having a solution that may not be appealing, I must confess my ignorance about the science of it, the cost of it, and public sentiment. I do know there is a need for solutions for the 'long range' perspective. I have an open mind at this time.
To me, desalination is a solution, too. Maybe both will be needed. I do know our source - the Colorado River, is in question today.
Understanding California's relationship with the Colorado River by SFGate (Feb 11, 2023)
https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/ … 762725.php
"After decades of drought and overuse, the Colorado River system is on the verge of collapse. To prevent that, every state that draws water from the river must significantly cut back on what it takes in the coming years. How much that affects California, which receives by far the largest portion of any state, will depend on how we fare in a battle now being waged between states, Native American tribes, agricultural giants and the federal government."
Trusting the American people to determine the validity of the propaganda they are being fed is a tall order. Especially when one of the main media networks admitted to lying to their viewers in a court of law, and some 70% of those viewers still believe the lie - even after being told they were lies.
In my view, we have moved far beyond media reports, and what is or what is not possible propaganda. One could sum this up as --- too many accusations, and too much smoke to ignore. In my view, we have accepted a form of justice that accuses and then searches out to prove crimes.
As of now, there is no conclusive evidence indicating that President Biden personally benefited from his position. Nevertheless, Chairman James Comer of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has presented a substantial amount of information to the public. This information, including documents, emails, and testimonials from associates and whistleblowers connected to Hunter Biden, suggests potential criminal or wrongful activities involving President Biden.
It is crucial that these allegations undergo a thorough investigation and are transparently shared with the American public. The President must not be vulnerable to compromise or influence from other nations based on suspicions of trading favors.
The current challenge lies in the serious nature of these accusations. Consequently, it is imperative for "We The People" to have access to all relevant facts or lack thereof. Allegations that the President has misled the American public regarding his awareness of and involvement in his family's questionable international and domestic business dealings heighten the significance of a comprehensive examination.
One of the accusations against Biden was that he gave money to his son, as it was hinted, for nefarious purposes. But it turned out that while Hunter was fighting his drug addition and about to lose his vehicle, a vehicle that daddy Joe had signed to help him buy, Joe made the payments because he was legally responsible after signing for it. How many more of these is the court going to turn up.
I was not aware of that accusation, there have been many that have created an abundance of smoke. I am sure if this is the truth, (which I have no right to say it may not be) bank records from P. Biden's accounts will more than prove he was paying some bills for his son.
I think Comer needs to at this point put up or shut up. That is my personal feeling. This to me has dragged on long enough.
I read this story on one of the news services on my phone, and I wish I could remember which one. Probably AP, and that is why I didn't publish the source. I also take Reuters, but I don't think that was the source. Another one it could have been was the Guardian, the Catholic newsfeed. I also wish Comer would shut up because he's caused enough trouble starting back in 2016, and he's spent enough time trying to justify the trouble he's caused. I think he's out for personal gain, not any kind of justice.
'As of now, there is no conclusive evidence indicating that President Biden personally benefited from his position. Nevertheless, Chairman James Comer of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has presented a substantial amount of information to the public. This information, including documents, emails, and testimonials from associates and whistleblowers connected to Hunter Biden, suggests potential criminal or wrongful activities involving President Biden.'
It only suggests it if you ignore the witness testimony, under oath, that specifically stated that Joe Biden was not part of Hunter Biden's goal to sell fake influence to his father. If one ignores that any monies flowing between Joe and other family were first given from Joe and then repaid. It only suggests it if you ignore many of the time frames when those monies exchanged hands, which happened when Joe was either Vice President or out of office completely.
Again, none of what Comer has presented has happened during Joe's current term of office. At this point, Comer is less a representative and more a gossip columnist. And those that repost his propaganda campaign trying to link the shadiness of Hunter Biden to this term of office are just as gullible as those that believed the big lie from Trump, in my opinion.
I would think if your view is found to be true, Comer and Jordan will be made fools of or they will be celebrated in history books for bringing down a president that used his job to make money from some of our worst foes or anyone that wanted a favor.
As of yet, the jury is out... Again, my view, as of now, there is no conclusive evidence indicating that President Biden personally benefited from his position. And I will add, if there is no there there Joe has nothing to fear. If is proved there is no there, there, Biden will have a big mighty club to bash Republicans with if he campaigns for the 2024 election.
Highly likely Biden won't be impeached. According to the system pattern in the history of US Presidents not getting impeached.
More of Biden issues are over flood of legal immigration, refugees and illegal aliens. Funny that word illegal aliens, like Mexican came from another planet,when America STOLEN nearly half of america with Mexican occupation on it. About 80% of democrats want a ceasefire in Gaza. The Ukraine and Israel war has already been lost and US cannot afford to continue wars with China or potentially Russia. Or able to fund wars during a huge inflation, lack of GDP growth and total financial collapse. . At lease Trump didn't start new wars. Biden needs a whole time nurse to guild him around from falling all over things.
Or a Biden English interpreter to translate his Bidenese. Or better, turn the teleprompter around so we can read it. Before he slips on the nuclear WEAPONS RED BUTTON. Or says push it BY ACCIDENT.
At least Biden didn't start new wars.
I seriously doubt you could keep up with Biden's schedule and do as well as he has done, I know I couldn't.
We, in America, understand Biden perfectly. It is Trump who has a real problem communicating - especially the Truth.
A permanent ceasefire before Hamas was destroyed would be devastating to Israel in the long-run. I disagree with those Democrats and Republicans who call for a ceasefire. Instead, I would push for Hamas to separate themselves from the Palestinians they are cowering behind. It is NOT Israel's fault that so many innocent people are dead. People easily forget it is Hamas' fault. If Hamas put down their arms today, Palestinians would stop dying.
Can you imagine the middleeast all putting down their arms , so America can complete their one world religion and US corperationism world order.
US has killed 6 million in Muslims countries, that is as equal to the 1000 holocaust zionist movies and assume jewish deaths. In Gaza,they are starving them to death faster per capita than world War 2. And breaking records rate for killing journalists. When 3 quarters of the one killed are women and children since October 23rd that is simple ordinary mass murder. Its the same ratio for the pass 74 years of Israeli Apartheid, occupation, ethnic cleansing and genocide ratio. If not Hamas, who? Israel will killed totally all Gazans, at this rate and still have 10,000 hamas soldiers left over.
War solves nothing, except more violence and more murders, No heros ,more victims. Biden has cause the greatest threat to China, Russia ,Middle East and the most potential world War 3 within my lifetime. Trump kind of liked China, Russia and not too much problems with the Middleeast. Yet he owns me $10,000 and I don't trust any President as far as I can throw them. And Trump is pretty big and fat.
"Can you imagine the middleeast all putting down their arms " -Why would you suggest such a thing? I certainly didn't.
What makes you think America is the one responsible for the Palestinian starvation? What is preventing you from identifying Hamas as the real culprit?
How has Biden "cause the greatest threat to China, Russia ,Middle East and the most potential world War 3"??? Are you saying those are peace loving countries that wouldn't hurt a fly, or your dislike of anything American?
US is by far the largest military complex in the world and Israel is the 4th military Might. Israel is like a 51st state. Or US would put some other terrorists group in
the middleeast tto help steal their oil or force any country in the world into war. When if they don't join their Centro banking cartels. Gaza itself is sitting on a half trillion $ of oil and gas. Plus the major map silk routes from India to Sweden. Netanyahu presented a map to the UN eliminating Palestinians totally like they never existed, like damm those animals!!!
Netanyahu asking Hamas to lay down their arms. So what is left for the Gazan people for defense? USSR did that and how did that work out for all those eastern Block countries?.
House and Senate clash over Taiwan military aid levels
Jul 20, 2023 — The House foreign aid bill slashes that top line to $52.5 billion, 24% below President Joe Biden's budget request. China hasn't had a major war since 1979. Yet they have been gearing up for this one. The East refused to be steamroll over, by the US and NATO. As far as Americans, I'm no better or worse than anyone else and have no enemies. There some Americans just hate that.
Remember, Netanyahu and Trump and Putin are three peas in a pod. What you say about Netanyahu is mostly true, he bears a reasonable portion of the blame for Oct 7 with his continued violation of Palestinian rights and autonomy. But, Netanyahu, like Trump, is not Israel, he is an aberration that the right-wing (ironically fascists) has managed to put in power. Until Oct 7, the majority of Israelites including Netanyahu's opposition, favored a two-state solution. Given the horrific way Hamas acted, I doubt that is true anymore.
But, there is no excuse for the invasion by Hamas on Israel or their inhuman violations. Why did Hamas attack now? Many think it was because Israel and too many of the other Arab nations were getting close to reconciliation. And Hamas, whose sole reason for existing is to repeat the Holocaust, decided it was time to execute their plan, years in the making, to a stop to it.
Don't know how this 8 hour deadly assault in Israel has been compared to the Nazis’ genocide of 6 million Jews. Other than the Zionist horrible history of vistimhoid in creating more victimhood in this never-ending story of megalomania monopoly and the endless wars of nothingness. But there is disagreement about invoking that epochal evil in the context of a military campaign. More jewish died in those concentration camps than anything esle. Now imagine Palestinians living in a concentration of Israel for 74 years. Far too many Israelis lies about that 8 hour attack when there were 1/5 of the kills were Israel soldier's. So many of the Israelis citizens were killed by their own soldiers in the crossfires. More lies about Muslims rapes and burnt babies that Biden keeps repeating. When that's not the Muslims style. Although that it is the Israelis and the American style throughout the middleeastern barbaric insane wars. No wonder Israelis are fighting now on 7 territories or Muslims countries fronts. American created the greatest genocide in world history with the American natives and Hitler was most impressed. As the same white supremacist stories continues where the brown are about the earth and spirit. And the white people are about creative fire and technology. The apocalypse-bliss balance is happening. Nothing that you or me can do about it, as the world will change itself.
I don't either. I didn't know the whole nation of Israel feels that the invasion was another Holocaust. I thought it was just one idiot saying that.
That said, but I find our follow-on discussion particularly disgusting and an indication for me to start ignoring you and your conspiracy theories.
All my conspiracy theories have come true, and everyone conspires something, it's part of life.
People can ignore the facts and truth all they want. Everyone lies, it just in degrees. I only know that I can't live a lie or be against my conscience.
Always open.
Ya know what? I don't think I'll follow this anymore. To quote a famous line in a famous movie, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." As I said in an earlier post, I'm sick of the whole middle eastern mess that goes back to biblical times, not 1946 as he keeps posting. They'll always be squabbling over something.
If it isn't Israel and Arabs, it is Sunni Arabs and Shi'a Arabs.
Muslims refugees are flooding into Canada and Muslim are 5% of our total population and parade and cry on loud speckers down many street yelling Free Palestine!!! Being a very curiosity artist and interested in all cultures and humanity. Most part jews and Muslims seem to ignore us. Talking about ethical orthodox jews who condemn the zionist most. These jew won't marry out of their faith. My conscience can not ignore the most suffering people now in Canada the homeless. Where I provide the best possible service of efficiency and cost possible of tiny houses and urban farming for Canadain homeless and homeless refugees because they are humans too.
My daughter helps me a great deal.
Next heartless Canadain plandemic can end up becoming like the next palestiinains concentration camps. Along with our already indoctrinated school system. All the best veterans artist I know and people are self taught.
Surrounding Israel territories and Muslims countries has a highest homeless tent cities in the world.
Both of you maybe right, this deep apathy can be too much on my plate. My Government and the Mad greedy have been over whelming to my best cost and service toward the most poverish people and we are
only as strong as our weakest link. . I'll be more self serving now and leave you guys with the never ending increasing mess to not be addressed.
Trinidad or Belize is where my humanity services will be more appreciated.
Regarding the possibility of impeaching Biden, I'm hesitant to support such action without concrete evidence. However, I hold the opinion that Biden may have been leveraging his name for financial gain over the years, and I doubt his ability to sufficiently cover the tracks of these financial dealings. Proving a potential case of pay-for-play should, in my view, be relatively straightforward.
I share your perspective on the term "illegal aliens," acknowledging that I may have used it carelessly in the past. Spending winters in Mexico, I've come to appreciate the hardworking, family-oriented people there who generally possess positive outlooks on life.
In my assessment, Ukraine is unlikely to prevail in the war against Russia, given Russia's sizable population and the capacity to endure prolonged conflicts. Considering the substantial U.S. National Debt, I doubt the willingness to allocate funds for Ukraine beyond humanitarian aid. Concerning Gaza, it seems evident that Israel, as in previous conflicts, aims to expand its territory, enforcing its rules on those unwilling to live under their governance. While desiring a peaceful resolution, doubts linger about its feasibility. China's rise to becoming the world's second-richest nation has positioned them as indispensable, with the world heavily dependent on them.
Expressing discontent with Biden's leadership, I perceive him as inept, a characteristic that has persisted since his entry into Washington. Observable signs of cognitive challenges and the perception of being led like a puppet contribute to my disappointment. I am genuinely ashamed that Congress has not taken action, either through impeachment for the disastrous Afghanistan pullout or in response to his visible signs of confusion.
I think Iran would be more likely to press the button... Just saying
A fair accessment, yet US has only one that have used nuclear weapons in war. Then more my concern Russia has the best abilities to push back. I didn't liked Ronald Ragan book on how to win a nuclear war. If Biden is not stopped. My last book will be. How to bend over and kiss my as... goodbye. Trinidad and everything south of the equator has only 5% of the world's war machines.
I have come to fear wars of religion more than power-hungry Russians. Hopefully, no leader will ever choose to use a nuclear weapon. But religious zealots that get pushed into a corner --- Oh boy look out.
Russia has gotten really religious and we know how Iran is extremely religious. And more people have been killed in the name of God than in any other reason. Thank doG! the fastest growing group is non believers or spiritual rather than religious. Anarchist are more and more coming out of the misunderstood closet too. Only looking up or down for an escape is not my plans, that plan would make God laugh anyway.
Please Universe, let the correct answers be work, peace and love!!!.
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