Kamala Harris's Misrepresentations of Trump's Agenda

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 4 months ago


    Kamala Harris has made several misleading or false claims about Donald Trump's agenda, particularly during her ads and rallies. One of the key points she often emphasizes is that Trump's immigration policies are rooted in cruelty and racism. I believe this characterization overlooks the complexities surrounding border security and the necessity for lawful immigration processes. Harris also frequently suggests that Trump’s economic policies benefit only the wealthy while leaving middle-class Americans behind. However, data shows that unemployment rates for minority groups reached historic lows during his presidency, and many Americans experienced wage growth.

    In her rhetoric about health care, Harris accuses Trump of trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without providing a viable alternative. This portrayal, I feel, ignores Trump’s efforts to expand health care options and reduce costs through various initiatives. Additionally, Harris has criticized Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming he ignored warnings and mismanaged the response. While it's true that there were mishandlings, I think this narrative simplifies a complex situation and overlooks the rapid vaccine development under Operation Warp Speed.

    Regarding environmental policies, she accuses Trump of rolling back protections to favor corporate interests, suggesting he disregards climate change. In my view, this perspective fails to recognize Trump's attempt to balance environmental concerns with economic growth and energy independence. Harris has also claimed that Trump and his allies sought to undermine democracy and election integrity, which I believe dismisses legitimate concerns about election processes and the need for transparency.

    When it comes to law and order, she positions Trump as a proponent of violence and chaos, especially in the aftermath of the 2020 protests. I find that this narrative mischaracterizes his intentions and neglects the larger context of civil unrest. Furthermore, Harris has made alarming claims that Trump would ban abortion, eliminate Social Security and Medicare, cancel Biden’s lower insulin costs, arrest his political enemies, and deport children born in America to undocumented immigrants. These accusations, in my opinion, are not reflective of Trump's actual message or policies. Lastly, she has suggested that he would use Project 2025 to implement these extreme measures, which I believe also misrepresents his agenda. Overall, her framing of Trump's policies elicits strong reactions from his supporters, who view her claims as exaggerated or misleading.

    1. Willowarbor profile image61
      Willowarborposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      "Trump’s economic policies benefit only the wealthy while leaving middle-class Americans behind.".

      But a large number of well respected economists believe that her plan is vastly superior to Trump's. 

      "she  has outlined an economic agenda that would be "more sustainable and more equitable" than the policies proposed by Republican contender Donald Trump.".

      "His proposals "will lead to higher prices, larger deficits, and greater inequality," the economists of the Economic Policy Institute wrote.

      "Trump's tariffs would raise consumer prices by $2,500 to $3,000 per year"

      I don't think she's making false claims in terms of his economic agenda. She has quite a foundation of solid support to stand on. 

      In terms of Trump killing the ACA... He certainly did take a number of steps toward a repeal while he was in office...

      including signing an executive order in January 2017 that said “it is the policy of my Administration to seek the prompt repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” 

      So I don't think she's out of bounds with this one either.   Will he try it again? Who knows.  In his history, he has waffled on the ACA probably more than anything besides abortion.

      Would he veto a national abortion ban if a bill  made it's way to his desk? A very simple, easy question that he would not answer, several times.  So, in my book if you don't answer,  I'm left to wonder.   

      Arrest political enemies? I don't know, what's worse?  Throwing someone like Jack Smith  out of the country? 

      Trump a proponent of chaos and violence?  How many hours did he sit in the White House in dining room watching the chaos of j6 on his TV? 

      There is a case against everything that you've mentioned in your post. I don't think she's "lied" about any of it.

      https://www.forbes.com/sites/mollybohan … ts-repeal/

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 months agoin reply to this

        I believe she has been dishonest on every issue I’ve discussed, and I won’t defend what I see as lies. Your perspective seems biased, and there’s not much more I can say while maintaining politeness.

  2. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 4 months ago

    CNN's Tapper live fact-checks Harris on Trump's quote on protecting women: 'Just quote him accurately' --- Former President Trump described how he would 'protect women' from illegal immigrants. 

    Tapper clearly highlighted the full context of what Trump said compared to what Harris claimed. Harris openly lied, as she does every day. This kind of politicking is dangerous for the country. Presenting lie after lie about one’s opponent is not only dishonest but also inexcusable. It’s time for Americans to recognize and reject such unethical tactics in politics.

    When Trump claimed he was going to protect women, whether they liked it or not, he was specifically addressing the issue of illegal migrant crime. He had just shown a powerful video featuring the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl who was tragically murdered by illegal immigrants. The mother recounted the horrifying moment her daughter disappeared from her bed, and the next time she saw her was when she followed the pings of her daughter’s cell phone, leading her to the police and the yellow crime tape surrounding her daughter’s beaten body. Trump spoke emotionally when making that statement, affirming his commitment to protect women against such heinous crimes.

    Harris blatantly lied at her rally, insinuating that Trump’s statement about protecting women was related to abortion, suggesting that he believes he has the right to make decisions about a woman’s right to choose. This misrepresentation shifts the focus from the real issue at hand, which is the protection of women from violent crime, particularly from illegal migrants. Migrants that her administration is responsible for releasing into the country.

    "Now in America, one in three women lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban, many with no exceptions, even for rape and incest, which is immoral. And Donald Trump’s not done. Did everyone hear what he just said yesterday? That he will do what he wants, quote, and here‘s where I‘m going to quote ‘whether the women like it or not,’" Harris said. "

    This is only one of many lies she shares daily --- Aa a rule she has been going unchecked. Perhaps some will take the lead as Tapper did.

    1. Willowarbor profile image61
      Willowarborposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      The use of the  whether  they "like it or not comment".  Was the issue.  The implication by Harris is that it goes to his mindset.   It was a bad choice of phrase for him to choose.  It has a gross undertones.   His "bro" centric,  toxic masculinity campaign focus is a huge turnoff to a lot of women. 
      Especially with his  grab the women by the you know what history... Which is super interesting because the Access Hollywood audio is trending on tik tok.  It's being introduced to millions who were too young to be cognizant of it at the time but can now vote...

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 months agoin reply to this

        The point is she lied, actually twice in the quote.

        Harris is a liar, and I find it unconscionable to defend someone like her. That’s my perspective.

        You may feel differently, and you often believe your view is the final word, but it doesn’t reflect mine. We see things from opposite sides. Personally, I prefer a man who embodies masculinity and acts as a full protector. I love being cherished and cared for—that’s the kind of marriage I’ve enjoyed.

        I won’t engage in discussions about your archive of negative Trump stories. I consider myself too intelligent to dwell on old news or dirty laundry. I see this as a tactic that liberals often try to use, but it doesn’t work on me. I focus on the present and use common sense, refusing to let the past of Trump excuse the lies and many shortcomings of Harris.

        I don't subscribe to liberal nonsense in any respect. It seems that liberals resort to pulling out old videos because they want to distract from the emptiness of their candidate and avoid a closer look at her many faults. Perhaps you underestimate the younger generation. I’m not sure why you even attempt to defend someone like her—oh, I forgot, you also defend Joe.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
          Kathryn L Hillposted 4 months agoin reply to this

          Thank You.


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