Is It a Plane? A UFO? Nope, Just a Bidrone!

  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
    Sharlee01posted 2 months ago

    Beware, this is current news...   LOL

    What’s that up in the sky? A bird? A plane, UFO, perhaps as I like to call them, Joeloons (last year's mysterious Chinese spy balloons)? Nope, it’s the Biden administration’s last bit of credibility going up in flames, perfectly symbolized by these mysterious drones hanging out over New Jersey, and now being sighted in a few other states. I call these "Bidrones".

    As Biden shuffles off to Buffalo ♪ or more likely Delaware ♪ after what has been a downright dreadful presidency, these drones hovering over New Jersey perfectly capture the vibe of his administration: a never-ending “don’t ask, don’t tell” routine when it comes to the American people.

    We weren’t supposed to notice Biden’s mental decline. We weren’t supposed to question whether he’d ever consider pardoning Hunter, even though his denials felt about as solid as wet paper. Transparency? Yeah.

    A trip down memory lane--- Remember back in 2021, when vaccinated folks were coming down with COVID left and right, and Fox’s Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki how many cases had popped up in the White House? Her snarky/rude response was, “Why do you need to know that?” Excuse me, Jen, but isn’t that literally your job—to tell us what’s going on? But no, as always, the answer was, “You don’t need to know.” Period!

    Fast forward a few years, and that attitude hasn’t just stuck around—it’s gotten worse. This administration has made it painfully clear that they’ll decide what we’re allowed to know, and even then, the truth seems to be more of an optional feature. It’s starting to feel a bit like the dictatorship-style government the Democrats warned us about if Trump stayed in office. Meanwhile, they’ve managed to convince a lot of people that up is down and down is up, flipping reality on its head.

    Now let’s get back to these Bidrones. Giant objects the size of minivans are hovering over New Jersey, and the White House is shrugging like it’s no big deal. Are you kidding me? Knowing what’s floating around in our airspace feels like the bare minimum we should expect from a president. But with Biden, even that seems to be asking too much.

    Instead, they send out Admiral John Kirby to tell us, “We don’t know what these things are, but hey, they’re definitely not dangerous.” Oh, really? How can you claim there’s no danger if you don’t even know what they are? Just keep repeating-- "We don't know what they are, but don't bother worrying". Believe it or not, this all kind of silly works for some.

    And, of course, it’s Kirby out there instead of Karine Jean-Pierre. You think she’d stand a chance trying to sell us on this? After the web of lies she’s spun about Hunter, Biden’s mental state, and his reelection plans, I can’t imagine anyone buying what she’s selling. Can you picture her saying, “I know I’ve bent the truth on everything else, but this time I promise I’m being honest”? Please.

    This administration loves calling itself “transparent,” but if being “transparent” means being this easy to see through, I guess they nailed it.

    So here we are folks. These drones might be some elaborate prank or part of an actual threat—say, an operation from another country. Either way, shouldn’t we have answers by now? And let’s be real, even if the White House did provide an explanation, would anyone actually believe it, after a month of BS we have been fed? They’ve burned through their credibility so thoroughly that I wouldn’t trust them to tell me the sky is blue, or that big blazing thing in the sky is the sun.

    Here’s the good news: Trump’s about to step in, and he’s already made it clear that if this mystery isn’t solved soon, he’s open to shooting one of these drones down just to figure out what’s going on. Finally, someone with some common sense! I mean, shouldn’t we have done that days ago?  “Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!! DJT” Trump

    More importantly, Trump’s new team—especially incoming Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt—has a real shot at repairing the damage. If she can stick to the truth and avoid the endless spin, there’s a chance to rebuild the trust that’s been completely shattered.

    At the end of the day, it’s not just about what the public needs to know—it’s about what we deserve to know. And unless it’s some top-secret national security issue, the answer should always be: whatever we ask for.

    Biden and the Democratic party couldn’t grasp that simple concept, and it’s a big reason why voters tossed them out.

    Any thoughts?

    1. tsmog profile image88
      tsmogposted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

      Bumping with some info from Tangle with their survey recently presented in their newsletter today (12/22/2024)

      Note: Respondent count is at each category.

      You can right click and open in new tab for better clarity, otherwise from left to right . . .

      ** Commercial planes, satellites, and celestial bodies (1,172)
      ** New government technologies (1,467)
      ** Foreign government technologies (212)
      ** Alien or unknown technologies (93)
      ** Unsure/no opinion (41)

      We had several sightings here in San Diego County and Orange County bordering us to the north.

      East Coast drone sightings reach San Diego by Fox5/KUSI News (Dec 15, 2024) … san-diego/

      More mysterious drones hover over parts of San Diego County by CBS 8 News (YouTube video - 2:22 min.)

      The video following that (1 day old as of 12/22) is very informative by vlogbrothers.
      Fine, I'll Talk About the Drones... (YouTube 17:18 min.)

      Notation: We have USMC Camp Pendleton in the county as well as Pacific Fleet home port at San Diego along with off shore vessels.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 7 weeks agoin reply to this

        Thank you for posting... This thread has not gathered any interest. Can you imagine if this happened 20 years ago?

        The poll was interesting but not surprising. It’s strange how a large majority don’t seem to be concerned. I can’t speculate on why that is, but does it reflect a mindset of growing complacency? Last year, we had those massive balloons pass overhead, and we still haven’t been given any clear explanations about what they were or what they were doing.

        I find myself not fitting into the complacent group but instead among those who have given up trying to get answers. It seems like one of two things is true: either we’re not prepared to identify these drones or figure out what to do about them, or the government knows exactly what they are and has chosen not to tell us—for reasons we can only guess.

        I hope they don’t pose an immediate threat to our population and are merely Chinese spy aircraft gathering data simply because they can, exploiting the current administration’s perceived weaknesses. It’ll be interesting to see if these incursions stop before Trump takes office again, assuming he would take decisive action and shoot them down. I’d imagine that whoever sent them wouldn’t want to risk losing billions of dollars in equipment.


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