global warming? hahaha~

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  1. rednek profile image60
    rednekposted 14 years ago

    global warming? ha!  okay you might want to go get sum coffee now ...
      as we all know a lot of things have been blamed on global warming here lately through out the world  but maybe thats  not entirely wrong for say
    okay so mother nature is pissed with all the earthquakes and a few valcainos blowing their wads and the weather,super storms (ect) well one has to step back and not look at just part of whats going on but the whole damn situlation (WITH OUT PUTING RELIGION IN TO IT)well we cant just look at whats going on under our feet but whats going on above our heads yea them old guys  had it right.. the sky really can tell you whats gona happen okay heres the kicker...  we got us a north and south pole right  them places where a compus points to north well as the earth rotates around the sun say moveing twerling around going one general direction and slowly well falling over kinda like wobleing drunk we'r like falling on our side here  wel as thats going on well  keep in mind theres always a reaction to any action makes only since if some things happening under our feet only thing is theres a hell of a lot more things to be effected down here on the ground  okay  so we got the worlds spining cockeyed off side ways and while this is going on the ground under our feet is moveing  the earths not gona shut down well in our life time any way less well something  drastic like a big ass rock hits us from outerspace and interupted the rotation motion  but thats another story and mostly a what if!.but tha earthquakes yea the known land masses are shifting to keep up with the whole earth danceing like a drunkard and yes  this all happened before  why we got the ice ages before and this could be a very good reason why the world was covered with water  why if froze  and why it thawed out   but pritty much if a person sits down reads history  not just what happened yesterday eather keep going way back and  now  since history  only goes back so far  welp gota find what hapened out else where  welp this is the part where myths and ledgons  play in the part and well you got the occerences  from the "holy bible" some what comes in to play and verices other religon based happened  lets all face it okay it doesnt matter really what you belive in  when it comes down to it the bases of al religons have the same storys  just told by different people.... but all in all whats what every thing going on about the world nature wise  is just a normal reaction to an action   the rest..well thats just a state of confusion
    1 person can be the smartest human around  get a bunch togeather that one person becomes stupid in a big ass group  and with all the noise  things tend to go off the edge in to another direction or several    not saying im completly right about all this but i have sat back and took a look around  some one might ask how do we fix it?  i dont think we can fix it  best thing to do is look out side and dress to what the weather is becouse whats the real only thing we have to do servive  people are always gona be people  that cant change no matter or where your standing at at some point some one is gona be haveing a pissing match with the next person   so  now there you go life as we know it in this dirtball spining out of control we call earth

    1. Obscure Divine profile image61
      Obscure Divineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Geez! awaits ya...  neutral

    2. Urbane Chaos profile image93
      Urbane Chaosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ....and now we know where all of that hot air comes from. neutral

  2. thisisoli profile image79
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    If you edit that post and insert some paragraphs I might even read it!

    1. Obscure Divine profile image61
      Obscure Divineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ha-ha!  ...Same here; I also didn't make it too far through the jumbled mess.  wink

  3. tobey100 profile image61
    tobey100posted 14 years ago

    It's hot in here!  Is it me or Al Gore?

    1. Obscure Divine profile image61
      Obscure Divineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Methane in tha mutha fu*kin' house...  Ha-ha!  Yeah, that's some global warming for that arse...  LOL!

  4. profile image0
    Justine76posted 14 years ago

    "i dont think we can fix it  best thing to do is look out side and dress to what the weather is becouse whats the real only thing we have to do servive  people are always gona be people  that cant change no matter or where your standing at at some point some one is gona be haveing a pissing match with the next person"

    yup. have to agree with that. people will alwyays be people.

  5. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    I just read an article last night about the latest worry - global cooling caused by the volcanic eruptions. Maybe the volcanoes and global warming can even each other out!

  6. lightning john profile image61
    lightning johnposted 14 years ago

    WOW  WEE!

  7. lightning john profile image61
    lightning johnposted 14 years ago

    Rednek, are you from Ft.Worth? and is Rednek tattooed on yer neck?


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