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  1. PJ Jones profile image60
    PJ Jonesposted 14 years ago

    Truth and honesty is not part of american politician when they tell us the so called "new". You don't have to know anything about politics to know this.  But it's our responsibilities as americans to look at what you are being told by the politicians versus the facts.  It's our duty to hold the congress and the president to act on our behalf. I know it's hard to become a news junkie....so that you get more than snatches of the news than the whole truth.  But somehow we need to get better.  We are believing these "snatches" of news and thus we are getting confused and mad.
    Here is an example. The republicans will have you believe that the "main stream media" is comprised of liberals and democrats.  It is not! There are more far right radio talk shows and t.v. channels that hate Pres.Obama than those that wish him well. I call them haters!  I don't love Obama, but I believe in looking at the facts. I'ts easy for the main stream media to spread divisivness, almost to the point of sedition and treason. As long as people do not have time to hear and evaluate all the info coming out of Wash., groups like the Tea Party will spring up.  People who don't want big government, but want thier welfare and disability left alone, people who are complaining about taxes, but Obama has not raised taxes.  People who want thier america back..back from whom?  These People are confused. Hitler once stated that "How fortunante for leaders that men don't think"!  Bush in a speech once told us not to think; go shopping and waive the flag.  We need to start listening to the whole truth, looking for actions and not snatches of news. We need to start think and looking at the facts.  Not emotional tugs of the heart that the republicans try to use to keep you in the dark about real issues like medicare. They claim that too much of the taxpayers money will be spent..well if the taxpayers money can't be spent on the taxpayers..who should it be spent on?

    1. profile image57
      logic,commonsenseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The problem is most of it isn't being spent on taxpayers!
      How about they let us keep our own money and we decide what to do with it, without the government  middleman.  I don't hate Obama, just what his actions have done to take this country down the path of potential destruction.  We are on the precipice.  What the voters do next will tell which way we go.

  2. JON EWALL profile image60
    JON EWALLposted 14 years ago

    PJ Jones

    Arrogant,incompetent,inexperienced and not up to the job of the President of the United States. He has shown himself to be a neighborhood  organizer, part time Illinois's Senator, part time US Senator and now a part time president.
    Each week he travels to help endorse his political views and campaigns.
    He appears in front of the cameras telling half truths, don't take questions and promptly leaves before questions can be asked.
    The above is what Obama calls change, transparency and open government. Sorry, people who voted for him expected a lot more of him keeping his word and promises.

    It's all about Barack Obama, the present, the past and '' let me be clear ''.
    It's been very quiet since the healthcare reform bill was passed. The press is keeping the problems in the background except for the big companies complaining about the cost.

    The jobs for the private sector, nowhere in sight after 17 months. Unemployment went up to 9.9% from 9.7%. President Obama said we are coming out of the recession ( the one he says he inherited with a democrat controlled congress 2007,2008,2009 and now 2010 ).
    Check out my old hub
    Let us look back to what candidate Obama pledged to the American people if elected. President Barak Obama pledged:

    1.To bring back the jobs lost in 2007 and 2008. In 2009 the nations
    unemployment went from 7% in 2008 to 10%( in some areas
    17% ). Obama’s administration bailed out the auto industry,
    banking industry, saved the union workforce and even helped the
    unions get ownership in the companies by forcing the creditors to
    lose their financial investments in the companies. The Obama
    administration has increased the size of government by 10%, added
    more union jobs and commissions. Government unemployment
    stands at 3% and government employees and congress did get a raise.
    in 2009 while the deficit increased.

    2.To fix the economic problems by passing the $787 billion Tarp
    bill (congress passed the bill without reading or debating the bill
    as required by constitutional rules.), promised that unemployment
    would not exceed 8% and shovel ready jobs were available to jump
    start the economy. As of today approximately 60% of Tarp has not
    been spent and unemployment remains at 10%. Recently the CBO
    projected Tarp will need $85 billion more added to the $787 billion
    bill. One should note that all of the above is borrowed money adding
    to the nations skyrocketing debt.

    3.To have fiscal responsibility and control spending, Barak Obama
    promised to go line for line and strike out pork in the Tarp bill. The
    president signed the Tarp bill without cutting any pork out of the bill.
    On wed.1/27/10 in the state of the union speech Obama stated he
    would put a freeze on spending. Congress on 1/29/10 passed
    legislation to raise the national debt by another $1.9 billion, the
    second increase in 60 days, raising the debt ceiling to$14.5 trillion.

    4.To rid Washington of lobbyist and special interest groups. Presently
    in his administration Barak Obama has at least 30 lobbyist, some
    appointments are know as czars. Obama has been meeting with
    union officials ( special interest )at the white house on a regular basis.

    5.To surround himself with experienced and capable people, like tax
    cheaters, Marxist, communist and socialist. known as czars. These
    employees were not background investigated as required by the FBI.
    The question remains as to why the procedure was exempted. .

    6.To have an open transparent government and to allow C-Span to
    televise the debates and congressional meetings. Folks it didn’t
    happen, C-Span was denied access (that is called censorship.) The
    president and the democrats met behind closed doors denying the
    minority party’s participation in the negotiations. By the way the
    minority party was elected by the people to represent the people.
    Essentially the people were locked out and ignored.

    7 To close gitmo last year. The president sent some prisoners to
    Bermuda, a terrific propaganda move. More could be said but for now
    a continuing story to be told. Gitmo is still open.

    8.To end the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the president and his advisers
    are talking in the whitehouse. To be continued .

    9.To give 95% of the people a tax break and not to tax anyone below
    $250,000, by the way according to some officials the ceiling has
    dropped down to $100,000 with a possibility to $85,000 due to lack of
    money coming into the treasury.
    Check this out, president Obama and congress will tax the rich.
    If 2 or 3% are the rich and they pay 50% of federal taxes, according to
    Obama 50% of the nation don’t pay federal taxes, I wonder who will be
    paying the taxes. ( the middle class )?FUZZY MATH?

    10.To not allow no bid contracts in his administration. A major news
    source reported that Obama approved a $25 million no bid contract to a
    donor of his campaign. The contract recently was cancelled after being
    exposed by the media..

    11. To reduce the deficit by 50% in his first term. The fact is that the
    Obama administration has triple the deficit in his first year in office.
    The proposed budget for 2011($3.85 trillion )given to congress will
    be the largest ever in our history if passed by congress.
    The above information you will not see in the bias press or reported
    on ABC,CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, or other liberal news medias.
    Watch C-Span or Fox News, they report and broadcast the actual
    uncensored news

    The presidents rating is ‘’F’’ in his first 19 months ?
    Not even close to keeping his campaign promises.

    PJ Jones
    Arrogant, incompetent, inexperienced and not up to the job of the President of the United States .He has shown himself to be a neighood  organizer,part time Illinois's Senator, part time US Senator and now a part time president.
    Each week he travels to help endorse his political views and campaigns.
    He appears in front of the cameras telling half truths, don't take questions and promptly leaves before questions can be asked.
    The above is what Obama calls change ,transparency and open government. Sorry, people who voted for him expected a lot more of him keeping his word and promises.

    It's all about Barack Obama, the present, the past and '' let me be clear ''.
    It's been very quiet since the healthcare reform bill was passed. The press is keeping the problems in the background except for the big companies complaining about the cost.

    The jobs for the private sector, nowhere in sight after 17 months. Unemployment went up to 9.9% from 9.7%. President Obama said we are coming out of the recession ( the one he says he inherited with a democrat controlled congress 2007,2008,2009 and now 2010 ).
    Check out my old hub
    Let us look back to what candidate Obama pledged to the American people if elected. President Barak Obama pledged:

    1.To bring back the jobs lost in 2007 and 2008. In 2009 the nations
    unemployment went from 7% in 2008 to 10%( in some areas
    17% ). Obama’s administration bailed out the auto industry,
    banking industry, saved the union workforce and even helped the
    unions get ownership in the companies by forcing the creditors to
    lose their financial investments in the companies. The Obama
    administration has increased the size of government by 10%, added
    more union jobs and commissions. Government unemployment
    stands at 3% and government employees and congress did get a raise.
    in 2009 while the deficit increased.

    2.To fix the economic problems by passing the $787 billion Tarp
    bill (congress passed the bill without reading or debating the bill
    as required by constitutional rules.), promised that unemployment
    would not exceed 8% and shovel ready jobs were available to jump
    start the economy. As of today approximately 60% of Tarp has not
    been spent and unemployment remains at 10%. Recently the CBO
    projected Tarp will need $85 billion more added to the $787 billion
    bill. One should note that all of the above is borrowed money adding
    to the nations skyrocketing debt.

    3.To have fiscal responsibility and control spending, Barak Obama
    promised to go line for line and strike out pork in the Tarp bill. The
    president signed the Tarp bill without cutting any pork out of the bill.
    On wed.1/27/10 in the state of the union speech Obama stated he
    would put a freeze on spending. Congress on 1/29/10 passed
    legislation to raise the national debt by another $1.9 billion, the
    second increase in 60 days, raising the debt ceiling to$14.5 trillion.

    4.To rid Washington of lobbyist and special interest groups. Presently
    in his administration Barak Obama has at least 30 lobbyist, some
    appointments are know as czars. Obama has been meeting with
    union officials ( special interest )at the white house on a regular basis.

    5.To surround himself with experienced and capable people, like tax
    cheaters, Marxist, communist and socialist. known as czars. These
    employees were not background investigated as required by the FBI.
    The question remains as to why the procedure was exempted. .

    6.To have an open transparent government and to allow C-Span to
    televise the debates and congressional meetings. Folks it didn’t
    happen, C-Span was denied access (that is called censorship.) The
    president and the democrats met behind closed doors denying the
    minority party’s participation in the negotiations. By the way the
    minority party was elected by the people to represent the people.
    Essentially the people were locked out and ignored.

    7 To close gitmo last year. The president sent some prisoners to
    Bermuda, a terrific propaganda move. More could be said but for now
    a continuing story to be told. Gitmo is still open.

    8.To end the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the president and his advisers
    are talking in the whitehouse. To be continued .

    9.To give 95% of the people a tax break and not to tax anyone below
    $250,000, by the way according to some officials the ceiling has
    dropped down to $100,000 with a possibility to $85,000 due to lack of
    money coming into the treasury.
    Check this out, president Obama and congress will tax the rich.
    If 2 or 3% are the rich and they pay 50% of federal taxes, according to
    Obama 50% of the nation don’t pay federal taxes, I wonder who will be
    paying the taxes. ( the middle class )?FUZZY MATH?

    10.To not allow no bid contracts in his administration. A major news
    source reported that Obama approved a $25 million no bid contract to a
    donor of his campaign. The contract recently was cancelled after being
    exposed by the media..

    11. To reduce the deficit by 50% in his first term. The fact is that the
    Obama administration has triple the deficit in his first year in office.
    The proposed budget for 2011($3.85 trillion )given to congress will
    be the largest ever in our history if passed by congress.
    The above information you will not see in the bias press or reported
    on ABC,CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, or other liberal news medias.
    Watch C-Span or Fox News, they report and broadcast the actual
    uncensored news

    The presidents rating is ‘’F’’ in his first 19 months ?


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