I am really tired of this! Respond if you want.

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  1. brimancandy profile image78
    brimancandyposted 14 years ago

    Is anyone else tired of certain senators getting up in front of congress, and saying that "This" is what the people want.

    I just saw a report on the news of some Senator claiming that Cut's in programs and spending are what the people want. I don't know about you, but I have never told a senator that I want cuts in anything. Who are they talking about?

    Here is what I think a majority of people want, and this is just a guess. I would like for the people who run our country to get over their stupid party agenda, and give up their personal interest projects for the over all good of the country. Imagine how much money they would save, if they gave up all their pet projects, and just worked on what this country needs.

    Another thing they should do is ban all lobbys from capital hill, until they come up with a balanced budget. Or, make them pay big bucks to be allowed to bring their agenda to capital hill.

    I just want to say to them. Don't tell me what I want. Because you would be wrong.

    1. Doug Hughes profile image60
      Doug Hughesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The founding fathers were not of one mind.

      The 'People' of the original 13 states were not of one mind.

      Our current leaders are not of one mind.

      Voters today are not of one mind.

      This isn't hard to grasp. The con game of claiming to speak for everyone is a transparent hoax, which suggests by implication that the opinions of those on the other side - don't count.

      1. brimancandy profile image78
        brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        They are certainly good at creating that hoax. because they never shut up about what we want, while they continue to accomplish nothing.

    2. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well no question if both political parties COULD put aside their differences and act in the best interest of the country, then we would be a lot better off.  Hell, even George Washington feared that having a two party system was a bad idea.  However, you have to keep in mind that in any bureacratic democracy it's going to be next to impossible to get any significant changes done immediately.  Plus, you have to factor in that capitalism rules over this country more so than democracy, as many billionaires in this country have privately funded political campaign parties for years dating back to the rockefellers themselves.  therefore, if congress were to pass laws that wasn't in the best interest of big corporations, then how do you think those same said corporations would save money?  Lay off more people perhaps?  Move their businesses overseas, and decrease the job market? 

      Sadly, there's no easy answer to this question.  I get what your saying, as nobody ever wants to see a decrease in spending, but where else can they save money?  Many financial analysts predict we might head into another recession soon, so the government has to do something.  They can't raise taxes, as that would upset and piss off a lot of big businesses, so what else is there?  Therefore, it's an unnecessary evil that we have to reduce spending; besides, I think the issue isn't how much we spend on things...it's HOW we spend it is the important issue.  Take education for instance.  did you know that our government spends more money on education every single year, but they keep getting the same results?  Seriously, how is that possible if we keep spending more money on schools?  Thus, the real question isn't how much or how little our government should spend our tax paying dollars.  it's more along the lines of HOW we should spend it to make it more beneficial if you catch my drift.

    3. Sapphireid profile image59
      Sapphireidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hey there Brimancandy,

      I like your post above and I just created a Legislative letter to send to my District Representative. And yes, I do have many who are estatic that I have and are readily and willing to sign the Supporting signature list. I totally agree with your reaction to hearing a Senator make a public statement of: This is what the people want, regarding cuts.

  2. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 14 years ago

    I don't know specifically who is getting up in Congress and making such claims, but based on the content, I can guess.
    And it ain't Democrats!
    The simplistic view of what will "solve all our problems" is to cut, cut, cut. Just cut a certain percentage (20% has been suggested) from all government programs. Regardless of the impact on citizens. Just CUT.
    Obama recognizes that things are not that simple. He is willing to make cuts. He is even willing to cut whole departments that are redundant with other departments.
    Simply slashing government spending and programs does not address the #1 fundamental issue facing our country today.
    People need JOBS!
    People need and deserve HEALTH CARE!
    We need to do a much better job of EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN!
    We need a lot of other stuff, too, but (IMHO) those are the most pressing.
    So those congressmen who claim to speak for "the PEOPLE" speak
    only for the simplistic people who think that "cut and shrink" is the opposite of "tax and spend" -- as if either one were a solution unto itself!
    My two cents.
    So yeah, I'm sick of them, too.

  3. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Personally, I don't care what politicians say to other politicians. They all are blowing smoke up each up others A$$.

    The truth needs to be put out in public, and people need to learn it as a stated fact.

    What is the best way to deal with the Economy?
    What is the best and proper way to use America's way of life?

    These two things are unknown to approximately 75% of the rest of the nation.

    It's absurd that politicians continue to distort, pass along misinformation for their own agenda. hmm

    1. brimancandy profile image78
      brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Tell that last part to the Tea Party, who suddenly believe that they are better than everyone else. And, what a great party to join, because when the crap hits the fan, these people can say that they had nothing to do with it. They join it, because they know that people will blame either the democrats or the republicans for our problems while they sit back wringing their hands, hoping to sneak in after the fallout. (NOT buying it.)

      Sorry, but I don't trust any of them. And, that is very sad, because a lot of people would like to know that they can trust them. Ever since Bush, people are wondering who to believe.


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