Beck Insults Reform Judaism, Apologizes

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  1. lady_love158 profile image61
    lady_love158posted 13 years ago … -time.html

    Those that don't watch Beck and only read about his antics in their favorite leftist propaganda publication will be smiling today at his foible, but why I love Beck is he isn't afraid to admit when he's wrong and apologize for it! He's a good man!

    1. pylos26 profile image69
      pylos26posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      He must say what you like to hear. pity.

  2. superwags profile image67
    superwagsposted 13 years ago

    I'm from the UK and when I first saw a clip of this guy on youtube I thought it was a Colbert-style parody of a news presenter. Turns out he's (probably) for real!

    I mean obviously this is just one example, but there's not a cat in hell's chance that you'd get away with your job for saying something this ridiculous in the UK.

    Sometimes when I've got a few free minutes, I go on youtbe and watch clips of Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly and laugh my head off!

    1. wormdo profile image62
      wormdoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Boy, I wish I lived in the UK sometimes. We have some real nutcases (like Beck) who are given such publicity over here. sad

      1. superwags profile image67
        superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The weather's a bit crappy though! We have our fair share of nutters too, we just don't let them read the news. Or what seems to constitute the news. The news in the Uk actually has to be unbiased and can't take an obvious political standpoint, ragrdless of the network.

        I don't know if you've ever seen the movie "Network", but you'd have thought it was based on Beck and O'Reilly (if it hadn't been made pre-them)

    2. lady_love158 profile image61
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes here in America its known as free speech, our most valued of all freedoms... you should try it sometime.

      1. rhamson profile image69
        rhamsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am all for free speach as Beck sinks himself in more and more muck.

        He will probably go down as one of the great conspiracy theorists of the 21st Century.

        I tune in occassionally for a good laugh.

      2. superwags profile image67
        superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hang on let me try this brand new concept straight in my head "Free Speech"?! Nah, it'll never work. Thank You America for your guiding moral light.

        O! Say can you see....

      3. superwags profile image67
        superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh wait, ignore my last post. Turns out that I was wrong and we've actually had freedom of speech in the UK for well over 200 years. My bad.

        1. DTR0005 profile image61
          DTR0005posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Beck is analgous to giving a 6 year-old with attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder a microphone, a chalk board, and a brain-dead audience and saying, "Go spread the good news..." Seriously, not to one-up our English brethern, but I doubt you have anyone THIS insane in your public media.

          1. superwags profile image67
            superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Haha, as much as a hate to admit it, I reckon you yanks might have us beat!

            1. Hugh Williamson profile image74
              Hugh Williamsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Damn right we do...



              1. superwags profile image67
                superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Haha. USA! USA!

        2. lady_love158 profile image61
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

 … ected=true

          You mean you USED to have free speech!

          1. wormdo profile image62
            wormdoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Free speech does not include hate speech. I have no idea why you would so desperately want to protect the right to incite hatred and violence against innocents.

            1. lovemychris profile image78
              lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It's so much less hurtful to their fragile ears than poopoo talk.

            2. lady_love158 profile image61
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Yes but decides which speech qualifies as hate? That is a road you don't want to go down!

              1. wormdo profile image62
                wormdoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                The law decides. Hate speech is defined as "language which is designed to incite violence or prejudice against an individual or group".

                1. lady_love158 profile image61
                  lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  That's pretty broad and vague isn't it? Once such laws are in place what prevents their expansion?

                  1. superwags profile image67
                    superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I actually agree with you that the law is too vague. I have signed petitions against the religious hatred law, in particular.

                    However, in entering into a debate about this I'm making it sound as though there are ever convictions for this offence, which of course, there are not.

          2. superwags profile image67
            superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, everytime I make a forum post I'm terrified of being carried off by MI5.

            I actually disagree with the hate speech laws to a large extent, but they are never used in all but very extreme circumstances - ie. muslim clerics advising their flock to go out and bomb shopping malls (would you condone that?)

            I think you may be using a tiny peice of British legislation and drawing a huge conclusion from it without a lot of knowledge about what it is your talking about.

  3. AnnCee profile image68
    AnnCeeposted 13 years ago

    Well then, how about Glenn Beck's track record in terms of his predictions.  He makes predictions constantly.  Is he wrong more often than he is right? … ming-true/

  4. mikelong profile image61
    mikelongposted 13 years ago

    What Lady doesn't understand is that we also have limits on speech in the United States...

    But Beck didn't write that on his chalkboard

    If there was free speech in this nation, the several ministers who thought it a good idea to burn Qurans on 9/11 this past year would have carried out their acts...

    But, by hook and crook, their ridiculous, shameful/less, and ignorant acts were thwarted...

    And perhaps Lady should practice her freedom to speak at a movie theater by yelling "fire!"

    Don't be fearful Lady, the Pandora's Box logic you are projecting does not always hold true...

    As for Glenn Beck:


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