Do The Evil LEECHES Of Zionizem control Hub Pages?

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  1. profile image49
    steman2011posted 13 years ago

    Do they? shame if they do, not enough they control the whole of the western media? I used to think maybe there was a hope for the hub as a free forum.
    All of the Zionest out there and you crawl all over America, I bet it`s killing you that people in the middle east are finally trying to get rid of your SON Qadaffi.
    Why I am saying that the Hub pages are controlled by the LEECHES of Zionism is because I was told that the person who posted an attack on Qadaffi

    (you would think real American would like that wouldn`t you) is banned from posting in forum again, there were no roles broken just an honest opinion, but the evil of Zionism will eventually destroy us here in the west, at the moment they have got us by the short and curly but we will rise against them like the brave Arab people who they made us demonise for nearly 100 years, and all that because of an evil occupying raciest entity called Israel.
    Anybody wants proof about Qadaffi here plenty of prove below, and all from an Israelis sources so you LEECHES out there can come out and accuse their own people of being anti Semitic,please do, give us a good laugh. … fault.aspx … l-suddenly

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well, a good part of my hubs are basically anti Zionist rants.  Yes, Ashkenazi Jews own the banks and the media; but that in no way is reflective of that group of peoples, by and large.  In fact, the truly religious Jews, the ones that actually are Jews, i.e., practice Judaism, are understanding of the way that the very term "Zionism" has been utterly perverted and corrupted in the same manner as Pat Robertson's sick, disgusting pesudo Christianity is.

      1. profile image49
        steman2011posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Could explain the matter at hand, that Qadaffi is a sun of a Jewish mother and is that the reason he is in power for 42 years destroying his country and killing unknowing number of Libyans, not to mention the strife he caused all over the Arab world, for who? how would really benefit?

        1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
          Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I'd never heard that about the man.  I don't think it matters at all who his mother is, your mother is, or anyone's mother is.  Having a "Jewish" mother is just as wonderful as having any other kind of mother.  It's what a person does with his or herself that matters, and it matters none at all who their mother is.  Please don't talk about a person's mother.  That's shameful to insinuate that having a Jewish mother is somehow analogous to criminal activity.

          I do understand the idea that you are getting at; but I do not think that Zionist put the man in power  I could be wrong, but I know for a fact that Libya DOES NOT HAVE a Rothschild and Rockefeller controlled central banking system.  Libya is not a part of the criminal banking cartel that runs this world.

          1. fadma profile image57
            fadmaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I agree with you; not all jews are zionists,even though zionists are jews.It is really a shame that this country who cheriches all freedoms falls a slave to the zionist power, especially on the media coverage and media personels.The recent example is CNN Rick Sanchez.
            Lybia is not a part of the criminal banking cartel that runs the world.But,definitely Ghadafi is blood sucking individual ,that no one so far dares to stop.
            Did you know that the airplanes that were firing on protesters on early days of demonstrations are F-16s sent to him by Israel.
            The United States invaded Iraq to save iraquis from a dictator. Thousands of soldiers died,hundred of thousands of Iraquis lost their lives,and even more 100 of thousands of soldiers are handicapped.
            Don't tell me that it is up to Lybian people to choose their destiny..........

            1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
              Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Well, you have to understand that the very meaning of the word "Zionism" has been changed completely.  Zionism no longer has anything to do with being pro Israel.  Zionism is now a system of global government, and Israel still awaits it's prophesied messiah, who will rule the world from Israel.

              So Far as the invasion of Iraq goes, before the U.S. invaded Iraq, there were six nations without a Rothschild central bank.  Now there are only five.

              1. profile image0
                ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                The Rothschilds have been known in history to effectively decide the outcome of wars, even back in Victorian times when they put their money behind Britain in the Napoleonic Wars. It was no coincidence that they were subsequently elevated into British nobility by Queen Victoria, going to show that "cash for peerages" etc has been going on for years wink

                Of course the only people to truly oppose the Zionism of the Rothschilds have been the Nazi's and other Aryans, great, who should we choose? Although it has even been suggested that the family provided finance to "both sides" in WWI and WWII.

                In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote:

                Dear Lord Rothschild,

                I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

                His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of
                existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

                I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

                Yours sincerely,

                Arthur James Balfour

                Naturally, the family were subsequently given loads of land and apparently met the expenses of the first Jewish settlers in Israel. They are, indeed, a very scary family!

  2. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "Do they? shame if they do, not enough they control the whole of the western media?" If they controlled hubpages don't think I would have ever seen your rant.

  3. profile image49
    steman2011posted 13 years ago

    That`s gobbledygook, care to elaborate?

  4. Jeff Berndt profile image72
    Jeff Berndtposted 13 years ago

    No, but people who care about spelling and grammar know that it's "Zionism."

    Also, perhaps you should look into one of these.

    1. profile image49
      steman2011posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      you care more about spelling heh? but not the killing by your Zionist
      (is that a good spelling for you)
      friends, typical Zionist response, not having the courage when confronted by facts,
      shame on you,
      is the murder of innocent Arab or Muslim people less important to you than spelling? 
      I bet you were one of those people who cheered at the site of Palestinian children being slaughtered couple of years ago.
      I rest my  case.

  5. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    Libya and Iran are the only oil producing countries in the Middle East not controlled by western oil companies. I wonder why they are demonized?

    1. profile image49
      steman2011posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You must be joking, where do you think Libyan oil goes to? even in the eighties when America bombed Libya( surprise surprise Qadaffi was not there, I wonder who tipped him,? or was it just a plan to make him popular in Libya so he can role for long time and achieve the aims he was brought in for) the oil never stopped going to the west.

      Still nobody seems to comment on the links I posted?

      Truth hurts.

  6. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    You will now.
    "the oil never stopped going to the west."
    NOt talking about where the oil goes. Talking about where the money goes - to an oligarchy or to the services for the people.

    1. profile image49
      steman2011posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Where the money goes to?
      Just an example, Lebanon just before the civil war started there, that is just one of many, the latest of his money was to darfur in Sudan.
      The theory is easy, the more trouble and mayhem in the middle east is only good for one thing and one thing only, and that is Israel.
      Also to give reason for all raciest of this world to say oh look at the Moslems and Arabs, how terrible they are.

      I think the game is up, people in Europe are beginning to wake up to that fact, the American people will soon unshackle themselves from their slavery to Zionism and join the rest of world to join the forces of light, and rid themselves from the real enemy Zionism.

      1. John Holden profile image59
        John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Can you run that by me in English this time please!

  7. Ron Montgomery profile image61
    Ron Montgomeryposted 13 years ago


  8. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    What is "LaLo" a restaurant?

    1. John Holden profile image59
      John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Something like that! A place of popular entertainment at least smile

      Sorry Lady Love, couldn't resist it.

    2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
      Ron Montgomeryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It used to be.  It was shut down by the health department due to huge piles of bovine excrement found on site.

  9. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    Excretionary expenditure.

  10. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "The theory is easy, the more trouble and mayhem in the middle east is only good for one thing and one thing only, and that is Israel."
    As an excuse to expropriate Palestinian land under the guise of fighting terrorism - true. But since most of the people in the Arab world are against this, don't think that Israel is all that interested in destability in the Middle East, where this sentiment becomes the ruling dominant.

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