Wow--the level of debasement is unreal.

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  1. lovemychris profile image77
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    I'm listening to C-Span as I do the dishes....
    Gingrich is on there. He just said: "Ask any American if they would rather have food stamps or a job. If they say food stamps, don't worry about it, they're just liberal Democrats."

    Can the snobbyness get any worse?
    Uppity a-hole.

    Let me guess, If you're divorced 3 times and say that oral sex is not adultery, that makes you a Republican, right?

  2. lovemychris profile image77
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    "Bitter minority, mean and destructive"...who is he talking about?
    "If you want to have a paycheck"......

    Who doesn't want a paycheck a-hole?
    YOUR friends sent all the jobs away, and got a tax breaks for doing it!

    I see what his campaign is going to be about: marginalize and use politics of hate.
    In other words...more of the same.
    F off Tewt. You are a horrible example of an American.
    And a Christian.
    And a human being.

    "Love they neighbor"...but smear him first.

  3. iQwest profile image49
    iQwestposted 12 years ago

    It's truly unreal that people like this get such a prominent stage and are always given a free platform to preach their nonsense to the masses.

    Unfortunately, they do because of the American people. We're always so careful to comment on how the American people will "get it right", but the truth of the matter is too many American people have their head buried in the sand and are not even remotely close to getting much of anything right.

    Don't get me wrong, I've got plenty of holes in my socks, but many of these things can be figured out by my four-year-old.

    As an example, I saw a poll yesterday that essentially had 33% of the recipients still questioning or completely convinced that Obama was born outside of the United States.

    As long as there's that many people who can't figure out the obvious or have enough hatred to be blinded by reality, we'll continue to get people with multiple divorces preaching about the sanctity of marriage and other candidates who claim to be foreign policy experts since they can see other countries from their backyard.

    1. John Holden profile image60
      John Holdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As Winston Churchill said, "you can always depend on the Americans to do the right thing . . . after they've tried everything else".

  4. lovemychris profile image77
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    I just hate the hatefulness of him.
    He is really demeaning and if "those others" aren't fit to wipe his shoes.
    Oh sure--all liberal democrats don't have a job, don't want to work! In fact, all democrats are dumb lazy slobs!
    We are taking America back blah blah blah.
    Politics of destruction, the same old same old.
    AND- he's a college, hello! Don't they lambast Obama for being a college professor? The "elite", out of touch thing? Doesn't it apply to Tewt?
    Bullsh*t on parade.

    Cenk Uygur: Why Newt Gingrich Won’t Be President

    1. iQwest profile image49
      iQwestposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't like it either.  It's utter nonsense and these individuals have absolutely no compassion for the least fortunate among us.  In fact, they seem to be giddy about padding their pocketbooks off the backs of the hard working men and women in this country.

      However, while obscene amounts of money can be made from politicking (for lack of a better term) and intentionally misinforming people, we'll continue to get these far out individuals.

      The American people need to wake up ... I'm not holding my breath.  And, I don't make this comment lightly because we can see how many people are being seriously hurt due to this overwhelming apathetic attitude.

      When we can spend trillions on wars, cry that we can't afford healthcare, and then extend tax cuts for the uber wealthy, we've got serious problems.

  5. Moderndayslave profile image61
    Moderndayslaveposted 12 years ago

    Influence peddling,greed,corruption and stupidity?


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