I am so happy to see the conservative vote rallying around the Newtster.
You are absolutely right to abandon Romney. He's a shameless flip-flopper, he wears funny underwear and while he does love big business, he just is not mean spirited enough about all the things you hold dear in your cold, black hearts.
But Newtie? Oh, he has the spirit! http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/12/09 … ich-video/
We pointy headed liberals just love that you seem to want to put this man forward to run for POTUS.
Thank you, from the bottom of our misguided hearts!
For real! WHAT are conservatives thinking?? Even though I usually vote R and am from GA, I have no use for Newt. IMO, he's the epitome of political corruption. I will never vote for him. Pity Huntsman couldn't get more traction.
I honestly try to vote for the person and not for the party. Romney and Huntsman seem to be good men - thoughtful, smart, and reasonable, in most cases. Newt represents so much that I hate. Why aren't others seeing this? I just hope he self-destructs soon.
Even for those who don't think Mitt and Huntsman are "conservative enough," don't they realize that Newt will never appeal to moderates and independents?? He'd be trounced by Obama!
Obviouusly the last couple of elections have proven a couple of things , One ,America is no longer capable of electing a leader. Bush , Obama ......look at the choices today , Its sickening ! As a "middle of the roader " I can say this Newt is a bumbling fool, Mit is just an image ,an empty suit, Obama is a preacher , and the only real possibilities have either dropped out or care to much about their future to throw it all away on the "american idol" for president circus tour!
Only problem with his meesege; its empty! No leadership there , maybe he needs another vacation!
The problem with Newt, aside from his obvious character issues, is that he is the original extreme partisan bomb thrower. If you like the current deadlock and polarization in Washington, Newt's your man. But if you believe that a return to comity and cooperation in the House and Senate on public policy issues would be helpful don't support Gingrich.
As an American citizen I am truly ashamed at what has happened in American Politics. I can not believe the antics of the President we have much less people attempting to vote in someone like Newt. How far we have come as we have traveled down this politically correct road that is going to lead to the end of America as we know it.
If it was up to me we would get rid of all the Republicans and Democrats and start over with a party that would be for America first and to hell with the rest of the world. America is truly broken and it needs fixed. If we don't fix it then America I fear will go down the same road as Russia and break up into several small countries. Or slide further down into a truly third world country.
If you were to travel today through some of Americas southern cities that were once filled with textile mills you would think you were already in a third world country. The only way that we can fix America is to make some radical changes that are really going to piss off the rest of the world. One of the first things we need to do is to ban textile imports of any type into the United States. Another thing that we could do is to make marijuana 100 percent legal and collect taxes from it. It is going to take radical changes like these to ever change America for the better. We can not continue down the same old road or we are doomed to failure.
We should not elect any current political candidate to any office. We should refuse and demand new candidates that are for America first. Bring back the American Dream.
Ditto about the textile mills. I live in the Deep South, and many cities' industrial parks are all but abandoned.
Pissing off the rest of the world is hardly the right attitude, they re the ones supporting us and covering our debt, if they refuse to do this anymore and ask for their moeny back then the US as we know it ends that very day.
The only way we can save America and restore it to its former glory is to piss off the rest of the world. Maybe we just should not repay the debt to a country which is daily committing human rights violations and what about Tibet. I say screw China. And any other country we have to so that we can restore America. The days of being politically correct have to end.
I don't care if we have to screw over the rest of the world to put America back on top.
Newt is simply disgusting.
How the hell do you cheat on your wife - who WAS your geometry teacher in high school - and then divorce her when she's in a hospital bed with cancer?
Utterly disgusting.
If you can't take your vow to your wife honestly, we can't expect you to take your vow to the Constitution seriously.
Actually, that's not true. She didn't have cancer, and the divorce was a mutual agreement that was made before the benign tumor was discovered:
http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/correc … ad-cancer/
There are still plenty of real reasons to dislike Newt, however!
"divorce was mutual." people have selective hearing abetted by selective reporting. every thing said is viewed thru the slant. Gingrich comments the truth bout Palestinians and the-wise wags nodding claim he put his foot in it.
is there any in government that don't think first "how this affects me"?? Gingrich has not been a campaigner since his speaker-ship. the whole scandal thing with checks was a program made for convenience of law makers and newt was way the hell down the list by factor of 30 or forty. some say he's too chameleon. fits in too well. I don't know for sure not paid enough attention of late but any thing is better then a Saul Alinksy follower, which by that way seems to be Clinton temperament.
I usually work bugs out of comments on my own processor :S
Are you an idiot? Ron Paul has been married to his high-school sweetheart for over 54 years?
What the idiocy are you spouting?
Think McCain did the same thing. Seems to be a requirement for certain political circles.
Looking at the field from both parties, it seems to me the pickings are slim! How can silver spooned officials relate to the problems of the ordinary American? When they have no concept of what a gallon of milk costs, how can they represent anything but their own interests? Best way out of this mess is to clean house. Elect folks who can relate to the average Joe in this country.
That's not possible now and may never be.
Better to stick with Obama and encourage him and other Democrats to embrace the policies that really gave us prosperity. Democrats have been too fearful of their own base,
It would be if the average American were not afraid to stand up to the government. We must stand up and tell the US Government what we want out of the government. After all it is we the American people that is electing the government.
But I seriously doubt if the current politicians either Republican or Democrat are ever going to stand up for the rights of the American people. Their are to many special interests involved.
We need to refuse to keep electing the same old Republicans and Democrats that are never really going to change anything. They are just going to keep playing games and trying to push their own special interests.
We need politicians that are going to be for America first and to hell with the rest of the world. We are going to need to make major changes in how America conducts business. We need TV commercials asking for help for people here in the USA not overseas.
To Pcunix: I like your pun regarding this issue. We need a president who is strong and KNOWS how to run this country. We need someone with the combination of humaneness and intestinal fortitude. This pussyfooting by our current politicians have gone TOO far. Let me say this, we need a strong grassroots, no nonsense person who effectively reform this country by instituting strong work programs, eliminate superfluous government waste, and the other nonsense! We must get this show on the road so to speak!
New Jersey's Gov. Chris Christie. But he's not running.
Are you suggesting there's no difference between these two men?
I would think not.
Romney is a flip-flopper who will think and say whatever he needs to to get elected. I don't see that as a reason for a Republican not to vote for him; I think he'd stay true to the gal who brings him to the dance. It's just that when gearing up for the next dance, he'll look around to see who's the purtiest then.
He's dishonest in that sense, but I'd be real surprised if he ever got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His sleaziness is political, not financial.
The jobs issue is a complex one and it's not entirely clear that he really knows beans about creating anything. He made his fortune restructuring companies. It would not be fair to say that he did all of that with deep cuts, but it would be fair to say that was part of it. As President, his priorities almost certainly would lean toward deep cuts rather than raising taxes, so I could never vote for him just because of that. He is a typical trickle-down fool on that issue.
I could be wrong, but to me, Romney seems to have more scruples and personal moral fiber than Newt.
I don't think you're wrong. I think the same thing (although I do think that "more moral than Newt" isn't saying a whole lot!).
No doubt. But his political opinions are entirely pragmatic. Newt has real opinions. Nutso opinions, but genuinely held. Romney will hold any opinion that will get him the most votes.
We had him here in MA. You wouldn't know he was the same person today, but getting elected here requires different opinions.
Which does he really hold? I doubt that it matters to him. He just wants the job.
Sounds exactly like the current President.
No, only that Romney should be or has been "Newtered." My cornball attempt at humor.
Sorry, Ralph - that went over my head. I get it now! lol
I think Newt is the one who needs to be "Newtered."
He'll be "newtralized" before the convention.
That is, if the GOP has any intention of taking the White House from Obama.
I believe you are correct, MM. He is riding the wave for now, mostly because Herman Cain left. People like to hear straight talk, bluntness and those two weren't afraid to say it like it is. That said, neither one were presidential material. One thing about Romney, he has enough of his own money, he can't be bought like those politicians less fortunate than he.
Which brings me to the $10,000 'bet' the media is making such a fuss about. I'm guessing that there are few among us that haven't at one time or another, said, "I'll bet you a million dollars that..............". Even though we did not have anywhere near a million dollars. It's just trying to make the point that you are sure you are right and the other person is wrong regarding whatever you are disagreeing about. It was never about the money, it was just something he pulled out of the air, because Perry was so insistiently wrong, and trying to bend the truth to fit his ends. Which is what all politicians do.
I have to laugh at the overly indignant media for making such a fuss over it. I guess they didn't have the fireworks they were looking for, so that had to gin something up trying to create controversy.
That wasn't a figure of speech. Romney would make a bet like that - he was absolutely serious, which why it DOES show how out of touch he is with the concerns of most of us.
I agree. The MSM is making a mountain out of a mole hill on this one. I had a commenter on my hub about my old iron skillet who said he'd trade me his car for my frying pan. Was he serious? Of course not! It's called "hyperbole." I'll bet a hundred bucks!
Does it show that the Obamas are "out of touch" with the common man when they go on lavish vacations while much of the nation is suffering financially?
Maybe they are thinking if they vote for him they will all get gifts from Tiffany & Co.
I'm with Mortimer Jackson.
I want to know WHO these "fans" actually are?
They are certainly not "fans" I would want here on Hub Pages -- way too fickle.
What kind of convictions can this party actually have to be so easily swayed by the puppetmasters?
Does Gingrich really stand for conservative values?
Or, let me ask this another way. If you are a conservative, does Gingrich stand for YOUR values?
Seriously. We have a lot of conservatives here on the forums.
Yet I have not heard one -- not ONE -- who has consistently (or even recently) come out as a Newt supporter.
Habee -- Haven't you for months had your eye on Hunstman?
Well, I think he may actually be the man.
The come from behind Iowa surprise.
At least now they're finally covering his remarks on the news.
And he sounds sane. And reasonable. And he looks presidential.
Could this have been the plan all along?
Anyone else see this?
This stuff: http://jon2012.com/index.php/issues/jobs-economy
is not sane. Not in my book. It's just more GOP trickle-down gobbledy-gook.
I should have clarified my point (for anyone who might not immediately understand my inherent LIBTARD bias).
I meant sane and rational in comparison with the other GOP candidates.
Which is to say, on an absolute sane and rational scale from -10 to 10, Huntsman is less far in the negative numbers than the other inhabitants of Crazytown.
Hope that clarifies my comment, Pcunix.
BTW, still waiting for a representative -- ANY representative -- of the Gingrich clan to step forward. Helloooooo????
Yes, but I think Huntsman is too sane for the average GOPer. lol
That's sad but likely true, Habee.
It's not getting any less weird in the field, is it?
Beckles is anti-Newt and no one seems to be pro-Romney.
Somebody's gotta tell the "average GOPer" who to vote for.
Oh right -- ANYONE but Obama. Still the mantra out there in Rightieville, I guess.
That's such a positive statement in and of itself
I will vote for Obama over Newt, Perry, Bachman, or Paul. I don't know enough about Santorum to form an opinion.
Yep, that's what I keep hearing in GA - ABO (anyone but Obama). At least Obama is a decent human being, although I don't consider him much of a leader. Still, I'd take him over Newt any day!
And just so you know, I don't care about Newt one way or the other, but your guy doesn't want to go up against him. Gingrich is way too smart for Obama.
Ok, remember that if he gets the nomination, Obama will look very,very foolish. Even more than he does now, if thats possible.
Of course you'll think that. But when most Americans hear Newt explain his weird ideas, they'll react the same way they react to Ron Paul - "Eeeew!"
Newt even wants to do away with all child labor laws. I think he'd like things back to the early 1900's when men could build their mansions on the backs of the poor.
As you can see from my comments, I don't like Newt and would never vote for him. Newt, however, is smart AND sly AND crafty AND knowledgeable and experienced with politics and government. He's also more of an attack dog than Obama is. Newt would beat Obama in a debate.
He's not smart. Smart people don't have crazy positions that would even make staunch GOP supporters drop their jaws.
I've known several very smart people who were crazy.
I've started calling Newt "The Gingrich Who Stole Christmas."
Ted Kaczynski had some crazy positions, I guess he wasn't smart either.
Many crazy people are smart.
Doesn't mean they should be POTUS.
But for a typical conservative, smart, dumb, crazy or not doesn't matter. What matters is the voters precious money. As long as the candidate remembers to chant "No more taxes!" and "Small guvmint!" regularly, they don't care what else he or she says.
Guess I'm not a typical financial conservative. I want someone who's smart AND reasonable.
He has to learn to handle Bachmann first before he tries an adult. Newt continues to pile up the absurd positions that will kill him in a one on one.
Palestinians are an invented people.
Poor kids should replace janitors.
Obama appeases terrorists by killing them.
Memorizing historical trivia does not make a person smart. He has to form his first cogent position before he can be taken seriously as an intellectual.
“The idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument.” [To Mother Jones magazine, October 1989]
Your point being? Besides I dont agree I dont want a representative who owes his position to private companies, he may be tempted to put that debt before his responsabilities to the people, its very ximple and not socialist. That being said can people stop using socialism as a bad word? most of the ideas that make America what it is are socialist ideas: Equality for all people, forty hour week, welfare, free education etc etc
I don't think you caught that this was a Newt quote.
Which GOP candidate is smart? All of them failed miserably their debate. Gingritch tells you what you want to listen. I will bring food in your plate. I will tax you less. I will give America a new lifting... And, you true believers are all ears. Oh, my god, did you hear what I heard? One man who will be here for us!
It makes sense. He doesn't do it for his own ambitions. No. Only for you! Only to represent you! I guess, he will be the first one judging your enthusiasm.
I envy your naivety. It's been a long time ago I've abandoned it.
I don't think the Survivor season is finished yet.
Gingrich is the latest distraction du jour.
He'll crash and burn (in hell) before the GOP convention.
But Cain's withdrawal and Newt's ascent into the spotlight is raising some interesting points. Do Republicans care about moral fiber at all?
Who votes for Newt in these polls? Who's doing it? I really want to know. Newt Gingrich is a creepy old lecher with policies that are at least just as bad, if not worse, than any other Republican. He isn't socially appealing, and let's face it, he's ugly.
It seems that every republican candidate with the exception of Ron Paul is useless.They don't want to back Paul because he actually want's to change the status quo, so what are they thinking?
They don't want to back Paul because even GOP nutcases realize Paul is even more crazy.
When the entire system is crazy AND evil, the sane good man looks crazy.
I know - you think Libertarian ideals are sane.
They WOULD be if everyone was sane, rational, and kind. Unfortunately, we have enough people who are nasty, cruel, greedy, judgmental and just plain whacko to make Libertarianism very dangerous.
I know you can't see that. Maybe you are lucky enough to live in a place where it actually could work. The rest of us are not, so we won't be voting for Ron Paul or anyone like him.
Actually, libertarian policies punish those who are greedy, etc. I've explained how numerous times, and it's pointless to talk about it any more.
What the flaming hell? Ron is posting a Ron Paul commercial?!
Even a broken cuckoo clock is right twice a day.
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