Soul Mate Does It Exist? And How To Find Love And Where To Look?
Soul Mates
Soul Mate Quote Where Is Your Soul Mate?
"A Soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be complete and honest with who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life."
Richard Bach quotes an American author
Does A Soul Mate Exist?
We hear it all the time " I have met my Soul Mate" People searching for that special someone they can connect with. What does it all mean? I have been exploring this topic for quite sometime and have come to the realization that it does exist. There are three different levels of a Soul Mate.
Level One- Your mirrored image
This is where you are very much alike. They are a mirror of each other, although they do not have to be exactly the same. However, each one compliments the other with their individual strengths and weaknesses and they will understand each other by being on the same 'wavelength'.
Level Two- The Supporter
This type will help you through your darkest days and help guide you to make the right decisions. They are faith full and will take the time to listen and care about your feelings. They want the best for you.
Level Three- The Provider
This type you may only run into for a moment at a certain place or time. They are there just when you need them. Like a guardian Angel. They may not be in your life for long but you appreciated them at that particular time in your life.
We have many Soul Mates. The friends and family in your life you will look back and reflect on the types that you have come across.
The next Soul Mate is the one the " Soul Mate" Its not even described as a level because it is the highest. It is unconditional Love. Loving someone as they are. You will have differences. You will not be a like or the same. Every article of a Soul Mate describes as being very much alike. This is not true. You will like many things and do things together but your differences will compliment you as being together joined as two Soul Mates that will eventually lead back to God. God brings a man and a woman together as one flesh. To work together as man and wife. This is the ultimate it is a combination of all three levels.
Do you know many people who are married will divorce. The rate is over 50%. Why? Because you are mislead. The media ,movies, Ads all have the wrong idea of A "Soul Mate" They lead you to believe its this perfect person who you will just fall in love with and be happy forever after. This is bull. How many times have you heard a friend say I am just getting divorced he just doesn't understand me anymore. " He's just not my Soul Mate"
A Soul Mate is a very deep connection between two people. They have a love and respect for one another. You can face challenges in your relationship together. No matter what happens you always make it through the good times and bad. "For better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you part" Do you remember saying your vows? Most people forget about that part when the bad starts to come. It will not always be bad. The light will shine again one day. The connection and memories hold you together. You can face anything because you are together. As a couple, sometimes you can lose track and take advantage of one another but the love is always there and never goes away.
It's always knowing you can depend on this person. To support and love you the way you are unconditionally. You gain a few pounds, don't worry your Soul Mate will still be there. Did you lose your job? If they are your soul mate they will understand and help you try to get another job. They will not invalidate you. They will be loving and supportive especially during the tough times. This is how you really know you are with your Soul Mate! This is my experience of what a Soul Mate is. Make the one you love be your Soul Mate before its too late!
Its never to late to reconnect and get the intimacy back. Do things together and start making time for one another because that's all we have when the end nears. Time to remember and reflect on what was once there.
If you want to find your Soul Mate the first thing you need to do is work on yourself. You need to clean up the garbage in your life and start focusing on yourself and God. God will naturally bring you to this person when you start to change. What do you want to do with your life? What are you doing now that is making you happy? You have to make yourself happy and not rely on another person to do so. When you really start to focus the law of attraction, will take effect and that person will be drawn to you. It will happen naturally.
This is my view point on a Soul Mate!!
Soul Mate
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