What goes through your mind when you wake up in the morning? Are you grateful?

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  1. Inukshuk profile image60
    Inukshukposted 14 years ago

    What goes through your mind when you wake up in the morning?  Are you grateful? Excited? Inspired?

    I now start my day off, while laying in bed, with a smile.  A program I viewed on the Discovery Channel last year showed that even just smiling can create the feeling of happiness, as your brain chemicals are influenced by your muscles. Then think of at least 5 things you are grateful for.  If you are in bed with your life partner, a cuddle will release oxytocin and create more of a bond. Stretching, making a list of 5 things I want to accomplish today and mild exercise really set the tone for a lovely day in body, mind and spirit. I'm in recovery so I also as God to be with me through my day.

  2. Madison22 profile image60
    Madison22posted 14 years ago

    There are some mornings I feel ready and inspired and others where I don't. But, I am always grateful and try to keep a positive attitude toward life. I too am in recovery so I know it's progress not perfection and always, One Day at a Time.

  3. profile image0
    Dominique Tengposted 14 years ago

    When I first met my beloved husband, he asked me how often did I smile. He himself smiles just once: when he wakes up in the morning. The smile never fades from his face during the day.
    I wake up rested, happy, and motivated most of the time. I feel grateful for all the good things in my life and for all the "lessons" that I had the opportunity to learn. There is absolutely no routine in my life, so every day is different.

  4. Lor's Stories profile image60
    Lor's Storiesposted 14 years ago

    This day has got to be better than the last. Then I do morning prayers. Listen to the birds and start moving.

  5. Dobson profile image86
    Dobsonposted 14 years ago

    Recently thoughts about my recently deceased mother plague mine. Knowing I am the last of my original four family members makes me sad and puts me into a neutral gear. I find this particular parting much harder to overcome.

  6. Laura Thykeson profile image65
    Laura Thykesonposted 14 years ago

    I am glad that I woke up, first of all! Then I am inspired to begin writing or creating art...I live in my right brain most of the time...

  7. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 14 years ago

    Everyday I wake in the morning, I thank God for giving me another day to live.  And before I go to sleep at night, I thank God for a wonderful day.. even if it wasn't so wonderful.  Life is good.

    P.S. The first thing that comes to mind when I wake up in the morning is I got to go pee.

  8. goddess888 profile image46
    goddess888posted 13 years ago

    When I wake up in the morning, I am excited on what the day has in store for me. Everyday is a challenge in making a difference and doing and learning something new.

  9. iviskei profile image71
    iviskeiposted 13 years ago

    "I'm still sleepy." That's usually what goes through my mind. Because of my odd schedule, I'm usually still sleeping in the morning.

  10. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 11 years ago

    Hmmmm. a puzzle for sure. Soon, it will change too. Seems I will be getting up at 4am before the break of dawn. Good more than different I would suppose. I wake up slow. I probably smile about 3rd or 4th, yet that may be because as you mentioned there isn't any foot flirting or nudging going on seeking a smile.

    Upon awakening I orientate myself as to which planet I am on, since sometimes it is that one and not this one, odd I know, yet it be. Think KPAX or Scotty beams me there instead of home sometimes. I'll have a talk with him some day or maybe EleL of Fleet Admiralty, the best navigator known of the Athena quadrant and more, may have the answer.

    Yet, that does not answer the question. What goes through my mind when I awaken first thing in the morning is two things almost simultaneously. I made it back safer and what day is this?


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