is it still rape when you can't remember because alcohol is involved?

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  1. DJ Chinita profile image59
    DJ Chinitaposted 14 years ago

    is it still rape when you can't remember because alcohol is involved?

    if you wake up from a night of partying, hungover, realize that your clothes have been removed, there's another naked person besides you, and you don't know what happened?! (my friend describing her experiences after a night of drinking with friends. I dunno what to tell her)

  2. manthy profile image60
    manthyposted 14 years ago

    Hard to say rape if you don't even know what happened, NO it would not be rape

  3. Kelley Harmon profile image60
    Kelley Harmonposted 14 years ago

    Waking up with someone is typically considered more of an "Oh ****" moment than rape. Obviously, the situation might vary, but if you don't remember and you know you were drinking too much, it doesn't quite seem appropriate to cry rape.

  4. wychic profile image85
    wychicposted 14 years ago

    Unless there are witnesses who do know what happened and saw anything to imply that it was non-consensual, then it is not rape. My cousin went through a similar issue when a woman accused him of rape after a night of drinking, and since he was in the military he was court-martialed for the accusation. The story that finally emerged was that she claimed she was so drunk she thought he was her husband. Because it was consensual to the best of his knowledge, there was absolutely no crime committed.

  5. profile image0
    dracaslairposted 14 years ago

    well i went through something like shouldnt drink around guys.thats why i wont.its better to drink alone.yes you might want to go to the hosptial and get checked out.i was taken advantage of by a ex.

  6. MIriMetaphor profile image58
    MIriMetaphorposted 14 years ago

    YES! Law has been passed that if you "Touch" someone who is drunk or stoned, its sexual assault. If sex follows, its rape. Because when drunk or high you're not in your right mind and it doesn't count as consent. Even if both parties are also drunk/high. Its not an excuse so you cant say "I was wasted too." Yes its rape.

  7. Karysmatic profile image59
    Karysmaticposted 14 years ago

    I wouldn't classify it as rape unless there was proof. Like a bruise in an odd place or something that gave you an intuition that the night wasn't completely consentual. Hard to say when there is alcohol involved, and with both persons probably drinking heavily, you'd never know if she ever said no... But in my opinion, If the woman feels like she wants to call it rape, then there would only be two reasons. 1. She is ashamed of her actions, for whatever reason, and needs an outlet to explain them. 2. Something happened that was not consentual and she probably wasn't sober enough to stop it.

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