Fundraiser for a much needed Handicap Van

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  1. destinyny12 profile image61
    destinyny12posted 11 years ago

    I have tried but have had no luck. I have mailed out over 1000 flyers to companies, organizations, baseball leagues, football leagues and all I get is we have too many requests for help and we can't help you. I have been working so hard on getting the word out for my daughter but have had little luck. I was thinking of doing a you-tube video with my daughter talking and asking for help, what do you think?

    1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 11 years agoin reply to this personal opinion is that i would not try to raise funds via youtube....i work in the charitable sector.  People tend to like to donate locally unless it is some established national charitable organization.  People want to know they are contributing close to home.....based on my experience.  That's why I'm suggesting local lions or kiwanis or some other group that targets childrent....sending letters in the mail is not the way to go either....face to face.....those folks get letters all the time and tend to work closely with people they know and trust.........there are a lot of scams something face to face and tell your story...establish relationships...face to face.....people remember a if something comes'll be on their 2 cents again

  2. destinyny12 profile image61
    destinyny12posted 11 years ago

    Thank you for the information. You are so right about scams out there. Unfortunately I have to work full time, but I will be working on going out to the community in the weekends and talking to organizations and people. It is a great idea.

  3. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 11 years ago

    I think the media is your best bet, destinyny12. When I worked in television I ran a story about one young woman who needed cash for a medical issue. Within a couple of days she had received either $140,000 or $170,000 - can't remember exactly how much - but the majority of it came from $20 donations from families who were more than happy to do their bit to help.
    Don't wait until you lose your van. Email the Today Show, newspapers etc asking for help. Attach a photo of your son. Good luck.

    1. LongTimeMother profile image95
      LongTimeMotherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh shucks, sorry. I meant your daughter. Forgive me. (Can't trust a journo to get a story right!)

  4. destinyny12 profile image61
    destinyny12posted 11 years ago

    Thank you so much. I have sent photos and information on my daughters fundraiser to the local tv stations, radio stations, the Ellen Dejeneres show, Opra, the View, the new Kelly & ...... show, can't remember his name. I was given a suggesting of verbally or  personnal contacting the places, but unfortunately I have to work full time and only have the weekends to do this. I will try during my lunch breaks this week in making phone calls, hopefully I have some luck.

    Thank you, if you can think of any other suggestions, please let me know.

  5. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago

    Sara: She needs a handicapped van. Medicaid/Medicare is like insurance companies, they don't want to pay for anything. They DO NOT PAY FOR VANS. If she is lucky, they might pay for a regular van to be converted, but you don't hold your breath while waiting to see what they will do.

    1. profile image0
      Sarra Garrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      my bad having a bad lupus day.  Why not try  It's a website where you can post requests for medical needs through fundraisers.  They are reputable as well!

      I am still having a problem with this child having spina bifada for 1 year.  This is a birth defect you are born with it, it just doesn't happen overnight.  Not to mention that if she is 1 year old she still needs to be in a car seat/booster seat and not riding in a van sitting in a wheelchair.  Now if she is 12 yeas old and just suddenly got spina bifida then there is something wrong with this picture. 

      I am not being cruel, something just seems fishy.

  6. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago

    Destiny: This company has some financing information, grant information,etc. They also have new and used vans for the handicapped.

    1. destinyny12 profile image61
      destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank yu I will look into it.

  7. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago
    1. destinyny12 profile image61
      destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks I will.

  8. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago

    I don't know how much help this org will be but

  9. Cook n Save Money profile image70
    Cook n Save Moneyposted 11 years ago

    You may do better asking for help with the additional costs of modifying a vehicle than asking for the entire thing.  Your family would most likely have a vehicle if your child had a disability or not, so asking others to provide a new vehicle in addition to the cost of modification equipment to make it easier to get in and out, like a mounted wheelchair ramp, seems a bit much.  Have you looked into all the options?

  10. Lisakelly profile image61
    Lisakellyposted 11 years ago

    Try having a community yard sale.  We had a yardsale to raise money for a local man with major health problems.  We advertised that all proceeds were going to this cause. We involved friends and family in donating items to sell at the event.  We used signs, facebook and soacial media as well as an ad in the paper to spread the word.  We raised over $700.  It may not buy the van, but it could give you a chunk towards it.  Good luck.

  11. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
    Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years ago

    Honestly, I sympathize with your situation and I will pray for you and your family. But, I have to admit I was a little caught off guard when I initially ready your post about needing money for a new van. When I see someone asking for help in a way that I cannot contribute it creates feelings of guilt which are negative feelings. I attempted to not really get involved with the conversation when I saw it in my Hub Feed but every time someone responds I am reminded of it. So I ended up checking out your question and then I couldn't help but notice your Hub score which at the time was a 22. I assumed that your low score was the result of your account being new but checked out your profile to see what else you had going on. But it is apparent that you have been here for about 2 days and honestly the couple of Hubs that you posted are quick rants that yet again express your need for a new van. Is your HubPage account solely for this new van? Will you be sticking around? Do you want to be a part of the Hubpage community? I'm only asking because it seems very thrown together with one purpose and it may come across offensive to Hubbers who dedicate so much time and energy to this community.

  12. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago

    Look, the economy stinks. A child is involved and the keyword here is CHILD.  As suggested earlier, get the media involved.  I would hit FOX TV first.

    Now my idea is if the media get involved, with a poor economy, WHAT A WAY FOR AUTO DEALER TO GET FREE ADVERTISING BY DONATING, EVEN A USED VAN to the family for this child. It is psychological, people need cars, etc.  If  a dealer donated and it was on the news, people would see this dealer as a saint, caring about people and not profit. They could get an increase in sales from something like this.  So, hit the media hard and don't give up.

    1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
      Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I hope I haven't offended you or destinyny12 for that matter but I was kind of trying to give a gentle heads up to what other, long time Hubbers might be thinking. Also, sometimes there is no magical answer for getting through a tight situation and then the answer must come from the original source anyway, so there is no point in wasting time looking for it somewhere else if you have take care of it yourself anyway. Trust me, I left a 10 year abusive relationship and had to start an entire new life with 2 kids after having been a stay at home mom for 10 years working on a college education. My kids may not have physical disabilities but I have struggled for the last 5 years trying to figure out how to have some of their most basic needs met, even toilet paper has stressed me out. But you realize that nobody cares or if anyone does they aren't usually capable of doing anything about it. I even went to the county when I first left looking for some help to get into a home and they turned me away because I was getting a college education.

      1. destinyny12 profile image61
        destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        How do you know what others are thinking. Not everyone thinks the same. I was in your situation years ago, in an abusive relationship, he even put a gun on my head, but I left and never looked back. I have struggled for many years and have always worked since the age of 15 in NYC. When I left my daughters father I only needed help with food and applied for food stamps, they only gave me $15.00 and they gave the guy next to me who was on drugs $150. I went over and made stink about it and raised hell and was given more. All I wanted was to feed my girls not money assistance while I lived on the sofa of my father and his wife until I got my own place. I have a college degree myself and realized that now a days it is not worth anything, because of the lack of jobs out there. No jobs are secure anymore. I am not forcing anyone to help me with my daughters fundraiser, it needs to come from their hearts, Doing good for others is not bad. God does not like ugly meaning heartless and uncaring people.

        1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
          Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I am sorry, just scratch what I said earlier. I truly didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. I thought I was talking to you "girl to girl", maybe I don't well you that good to try to speak to you so intimately. Please, I didn't mean to sound heartless. Some of the people here are intimidating and I thought some people may have had harsh things to say, so I was trying to say them in a friendlier way, but yes, who the heck am I? Obviously you're a strong lady and I'm sure you're a good mother. So don't pay any mind to those that don't understand where you're coming from. I'm sorry, that's all I can say.

          1. destinyny12 profile image61
            destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you, it's takes a big person to say sorry and I am sorry too. Peace and new start in a positive way.

  13. mattforte profile image86
    mattforteposted 11 years ago

    Sorry...can't sympathize. On the internet...a new person to HP, a camouflaged attempt at asking for donations...flyers and letters cost money and are time consuming...that could be spent attempting to make money for just such an issue.
    So...if this is real (which I doubt) you say the current one is "about to go". Repairs are generally cheaper than a specialized van. Finance a full repair and make the payments. Sorry for sounding cold....but when a person decides to have children they take on the risk of having big expenses like this. It is a responsibility and a big one. Can't expect to have a child with a disability, but it is common enough that it should be considered before having children. Cancel the cable bill, ditch the smart phones (and their required $30 a month plans), cut back on spending and make payments. That kind of responsibility, widespread, would do this country and its economic problems a lot of good.

    1. destinyny12 profile image61
      destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Let me tell you something people like you is what makes this country an issue. You have some nerves judging people with out knowing them. I am a proud hispanic with a college degree and my own home. I pay may bills and  pay my taxes. If I could have afforded to  purse a handicap van on my own, I would have, but they are the price of a freakin lexus or luxury car and it's a necessity. I was talked into a fundraiser from the community I live in and not on my own, so do your self a favor and don't reply or comment on any of my blogs, I don't need any negative words around me. Good luck in your negative life.

      1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
        Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I shouldn't be responding to this because then I take responsibility for the remark you are making and I certainly hope you aren't referring to me as being "people that makes this country have issues". First, I have volunteered my time, sweat, blood to a fire department for over 12 years where I am a Captain, EMT, Search and Rescue. Yeah, maybe you're thinking, bla bla bla, but I get up in the middle of the night and go to strangers house's to try to save their lives. I stand outside at car accidents in January in Upstate NY at 2:00 in the morning. I don't ask for thanks and I don't brag. I vote, I pay taxes, I volunteer. I give and I have nothing! I cry over stories about strangers, I cry over the newspaper and the news on television. I feel bad for victims, sufferers and the helpless in our country. I couldn't me more compassionate or sympathetic. I thought "girl to girl", "newbie to newbie" that I might have been pointing out how people may have perceived your post. FINE I WAS WRONG. I express my deepest apologies, sincerely. If you reread my post, I didn't say anything offensive, I tried to be very careful NOT to offend you. If you want to take it that way because other people started jumping on your bandwagon, not to mention at least 2 other people shared similar opinions as mine and the one above me is what cemented my opinion. But nobody says anything to anyone else. My life isn't negative. I hope you don't have such a hohum, woe is me, the world is so tough, so sad, so bad kind of attitude in front of your child or it will make for a long sad life. And I never judged you, I didn't call you out on anything. Tell me one thing that I sad negative or bad about you and I'll donate $100 that I don't have directly to your Van bank account.
        I thought I could relate to you because there was a time that my children and I were escaping a horrible situation and were in desperate need of help, but it didn't take me long to realize that a lot of people didn't care and then I regretted putting myself out there like that. So sorry that I tried to help.

        1. destinyny12 profile image61
          destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I don't need your money or your pity. I felt like you were attacking and I even had some else read your post. I don't act negative in front of my children, again you are judging. I commend you for what you do, I have always said    those who risk their lives for others are under pay. I never acted like woes is me. I had a rough life growing up with an abusive stepfather and cold mother,  because of that I promised to love my children unconditionally. I was told I was not going to amount to anything and that made me work even harder to prove them wrong. I just get offended when people misread me. I love to help others, that is one of my weaknesses never saying no. If I came on too strong is because I never let my guard down, its how I was brought up.

          1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
            Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I honestly wasn't trying to offend you and from the beginning I didn't judge you. I don't judge people because I have no right. Again, I'm sorry, if I would've know I was going to offend you I wouldn't have said anything. I am sorry for all the crappy situations that you have been through but I like to think that everything happens for a reason and He doesn't give you more than you can handle. I give you tons of credit for your hard work ethic and for raising four kids. I'm sorry, seriously, I did get a little defensive after I felt like people were attacking me and I probably did change my tone a little more negative so I'm sorry. Honestly, if there is anything I can do, let me know, seriously. Like I said from the beginning; I don't have money to give and that immediately makes me feel helpless but there are other ways people can help.

      2. mattforte profile image86
        mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        On the contrary - I didn't pass any judgement (except that I "doubt" the realism of the story - and the word doubt means to have some disbelief, not complete disbelief). I was honest, and realistic. Realistically - repairs are going to be cheaper than a new van. Realistically, this is an expense one needs to consider when having kids. Realistically, cancelling the cable bill, ditching the smart phones, and cutting back on spending would allow to finance repairs.
        Realistically - an overhaul can't be over ten grand, which could be easily financed for under $200 a month. And unless your household is already eating beans and rice, there is surely a way to cut costs to afford that. (Based on your existence here, you've got an internet bill, which should be way less important than your kid. The likelihood that you are paying a Cable/Sat bill is pretty high....those bills rarely amount to under $100 a month)

        Get defensive all you want. Sure, there are plenty of people here that will give you all the kind words to tug on your heart strings and make you feel better. That won't pay your bills. Sorry, I don't sugarcoat things when sugarcoating achieves nothing but heart-string-tugging. I will point out the realistic approach...(and I will point out that I won't sympathize with somebody that joins an internet site and their first moves involve nothing but talking about how they need to raise money). If you can't handle that - then good luck...but luck isn't going to do you much good.

        And, I never said "you are the problem with America" so at least learn to read before taking offense. I said "That kind of responsibility *widespread* (It is currently not widespread) would do the country and its economic problems a lot of good." Pointing out that certain actions are good, does not make the lack of them bad. Example: Somebody who jumps in a bullet to save a life is "good"...not jumping in front of that bullet does not make them "bad," it simply means they are in the majority.

        1. mattforte profile image86
          mattforteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Also, it's Spina Bifida.

        2. Uninvited Writer profile image75
          Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thank goodness most people are not like you.

  14. destinyny12 profile image61
    destinyny12posted 11 years ago

    How dare you! I was not aware I was pregnant when I was pregnant with my daughter! This is a real fundraiser and we don't need your negative words. I was not going to have an abortion.

  15. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 11 years ago

    Hey destinyny12,
    Welcome to HupPages. Thanks for considering that hubbers in a creative community like this one might be able to offer you a solution to your problem. According to cantuhearmescream's profile page, she joined 7 weeks ago so please don't accept her comment as a reflection of the feelings of long time hubbers. People often ask for ideas about how to raise money, get a job, find cash for one thing or another ... as sarra knows, because I participated in one of her questions when she was down and out and in a bad spot. smile

    Responses to questions like yours tell hubbers a lot about each other. For instance, I have just become a follower of LindaSmith1 because she is obviously awesome. How wonderful that she took the time to make repeated suggestions. I will also follow Cook n Save Money, and Lisakelly because I respect and admire their attitude.

    I sincerely hope that you can find the time to write hubs, given the huge demands placed on any parent of a child with spina bifida. Hopefully you'll benefit from the ability to vent occasionally ... and hopefully you'll be met with sympathetic ears. Those who don't have anything positive to offer can easily avoid your hubs. If they don't, hubbers like me and a surprising number of others will happily speak in your defense.

    Good luck, keep going, follow LindaSmith1's links and the other positive suggestions. Plus, if you like, you can email me a copy of the information you sent to the media and I will give you a few ideas on how you might be able to make it more appealing to a media outlet. Heck, I'll even rewrite it for you.

    1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
      Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am a “newbie” and I said that I wondered if long-time hubbers might feel like that and apparently I was wrong. I heavily debated saying anything at all and wondered if it would come off rude or offensive. I figured that one comment would be better than a hoard of people saying more harsh things. Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about and maybe I shouldn’t have voiced my opinion. I wasn’t trying to be hurtful, I was trying to be helpful and it’s bad enough that I may have offended the author but I’m not so sure why you are taking it so personally. I didn’t speak on behalf of the hubpage community I just presented a possibility. Yes, I did only join 7 weeks ago and I hardly know what I’m doing yet, but I have gone out of my way and dedicated many hours a day in an attempt to be a good “Hubber”, I have tried creating hubs and communicating with the community through comments, questions, answers and forums, so I feel like your words might be a little harsh; way to welcome a new comer.  By The Way: I was extremely impressed with LindaSmith1’s dedication to this author and forum and thought very highly of her compassionate nature and even personally addressed her because I didn’t want to come off offensive. I guess some people have all the answers, but not simple folk like me who only ben here for nuttin more den a fue weeks.

      1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
        Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        PS. Mr. Forte was much "harsher than I was, enough to really upset destinyny12, but you attack me; yeah, I'll take it personally. I guess newcomers get attacked instead of supported on here.

      2. LongTimeMother profile image95
        LongTimeMotherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, I'm sorry. Did I attack you? I'll leave that up to other hubbers to decide. I was in the process of writing a comment to congratulate you on your active participation and prolific writing and to put all this in context, when your fresh comment accusing me of attacking newcomers popped up.

        Cancelled that planned comment to address this more pressing problem. Why did I mention you in my comment instead of mattforte? For starters, your comments appear in my feed above his, and you made more comments than he did.

        The main reason though is that you appeared to speak on behalf of other hubbers. To another newbie, like destinyny12, that can be very intimidating and isolating. MattForte on the other hand, was clearly voicing his own personal opinion.

        Welcome to HP to you as well, Cantuhearmescream. I'm sure you'll get the hang of how the HP community works with the passing of time. You'll find it much more comfortable here if you don't take everything personally. Or, if you do, then try imagining how your words might strike into the heart of someone like destinyny12. She has her own story to tell, just like you do. It is highly unlikely that she would not be offended by negative comments, whether or not you meant to hurt her.

        But, she's a grown woman and can let you know how she feels. I'm just hoping all hubbers allow her to be heard. smile  Hope that cleared up this issue.

        1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
          Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Honestly, I am extremely sorry about the way this forum and conversation has gone. I didn’t think that it would be highly trafficked and I thought that I could sneak my little comment in there to the author without ruffling others’ feathers. I am absolutely not a negative, aggressive or abusive person and I heavily debated commenting in the first place. But I detected some concerns from another Hubber with a much higher score than mine and I feared where this forum may be going. Yes, I guess I did take it personal and because most people here have been so warm and comforting and welcoming, you kind of caught me off guard and I guess I got a little defensive. I’m sitting at my computer in a heavy sweat and all emotions running wild. This is not the kind of banter I am looking to have with others. I am a happy go lucky kind of person and I never mind being someone’s ear.  I probably should have walked away from the computer and cleared my head before responding to you. Sorry. I shouldn’t have called Matt out like that, there was no need for me to drag him into my problems, but I did feel like he pointed out specific harsh things where I just gave an opinion. I guess I felt singled out.
          I’ll tell you right now, the next time I hesitate… I’m just going to walk away. It’s not worth creating enemies or hurting feelings, neither of which I was trying to accomplish. Again, I’m sorry and I value you as a HubPage member, please don’t let this one incident decide what kind of person I am. Thanks for the patience.

          1. destinyny12 profile image61
            destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you for this. I also need to learn to keep cool. I just take things to serious sometimes. I have been through so much in my life, that I don't trust anyone. Its said to say but its so true. I have been disappointed since a young girl and as an adult. I love my girls with all my heart and wish I could do everything on my own, but I can't and that is why I am learning for help from others. I wish my daughter didn't have to be in a wheelchair while her other sisters are able to walk and do things she can't but I can't change that, if I could I would have a long time ago. But enough of the mushy stuff. I don't want to be the bad guy or the huber who stands out as a loud one.
            New beginning.

            1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
              Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              We're good now, glad we got that out of our system. So I know that you have a ton of stuff on your hands, but if you had time, I think it would be awesome if you uploaded some really great pictures of your beautiful daughter and make the story realy personal; Ciara's Journey, explain some of the trials and tribulations and hurdles that you've had to overcome. Talk about her strengths and perseverance, maybe include a brief description about her medical condition for those who don't know. I am so easily touched that a story so personal like that would probably touch me and having a Hub with more content, pictures and maybe a link or two would probably generate a lot more traffic and you'll get more responses? If I can help you with any of it I will, just to prove I'm not such an ass. :-)

              1. destinyny12 profile image61
                destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Thank you so much. I will definitely post pictures of Ciara and her journeys and struggles. Ciara is a young girl you would love to meet. I is so sad that she has family from her father's side just a few minutes from where I live and  don't pick her up to do things with her. It kills me inside to see her sad or hurt by them, but that's why she has me to fight for her. Thank you for your words and I will definitely put more information on her and pictures of my Diva Ciara.

                1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
                  Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  As hard as it might be for you to justify your ex-in-laws actions, you have to find a way to let Ciara see that she is super important and not let her see that as some kind of dismissal. I worry so much about kids' self-esteems and want every kid to feel loved and worthy. I'm sure you give Ciara tons of love and I don't want her to see this as somehow not being enough, you know?

    2. destinyny12 profile image61
      destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for those kind words. It is not easy raising a child with Spinal Bifada, when I have her father's(my ex)side of the family a few minutes away from me and don't even bother to come pick her up to take her to the park, a movie or even to their house. I have to see her hurt or sad and all she wants is to be accepted by everyone. I always tell her not to be a follower but a leader and nothing is impossible in this world. I will send you my flyer so you can take a look at it. Thank you again. It means a lot.

      1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
        Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I can't even imagine what you're going through. Sometimes I am exhausted just being a mother to 2 healthy kids. So yes, I know you must be a super strong woman. I would love a flyer and I really think that people could benefit from your story. Make people understand Spinal Bifada and not fear what they don't know. I would love to see you put something together, people should see Spinal Bifada personalized.

        1. destinyny12 profile image61
          destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you, I actually have 4 daughters. Ciara is my third daughter. I have a 29 year daughter who is married, a 26 year old who has my beautiful granddaughter, then comes Ciara who is 24 and then I have my 8 year old. I had another child after 17 years. She was actually IVF, my miracle baby. As life is, she was born with a heart defect and had surgery at the age of 2 months old, but is now a healthy 8 year old. Just has to see the cardiologist every 1 yr and 1/2. I will go into my desk top computer and down load to hub my flyers, pictures of Ciara and information on Ciara and Spinal Bifada tomorrow.

          Thank you again

          1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
            Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I know it must seem like it doesn't make sense that one person would have to endure so much, but apparently someone more important than me thinks that you can not only handle this, but maybe He thinks you were the person that these children needed to thrive here.

  16. destinyny12 profile image61
    destinyny12posted 11 years ago

    Thank you

    1. LongTimeMother profile image95
      LongTimeMotherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I'm glad you and Cantuhearmescream are now on the same page, destinyny12. You've both spoken and been heard. That's a good thing.

      I don't feel the need to jump in and offer an opinion on all that was said before, but I will offer you both a couple of suggestions. I'm sure it is clear to both of you now how important it is to ask questions instead of making assumptions about individual hubbers. Often a click to a person's profile page will give you a few hints about who you are talking to.

      And, a particularly helpful hint for newbies when participating in a question thread is this ... Try to remember that it takes people time to type a comment and send it, even when they are sitting at the computer. To further complicate the time factor, remember that you can be typing one moment but have to answer a telephone, talk to a child, or respond to some other event in real time - so how long it takes to receive a response is not a reflection on you or what you wrote.

      Keep an eye on the time clue next each comment, because you don't want to react to something that is actually 'historic' in a conversation that has moved on. And, most importantly, instead of assuming that someone's comment is directed at you, click on the clue that says 'in reply to this'.

      That could have saved you, Cantuhearmescream, from reacting in outrage to a comment destinyny12 made specifically to mattforte. All water under the bridge now. Glad you've both moved on.

      Let's just hope there's a nice hubber who is an auto dealer and picks up on LindaSmith1's brilliant suggestion of positive media coverage. smile

      1. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
        Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You're right, guilty as charged. I never meant to be offensive but apologized anyway and maybe that heated conversation had to exist for me to see deeper. I am here and willing to help however I can. I appreciate your insight, thank you.

        1. LongTimeMother profile image95
          LongTimeMotherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You're welcome. smile

  17. Cantuhearmescream profile image75
    Cantuhearmescreamposted 11 years ago

    I'm sure you've already checked out this website, but I just stumbled upon it and it has tons of resources; … 7/Home.htm

    1. destinyny12 profile image61
      destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I have been in contact with them, but with the economy the way it is. They did put an artice about Ciara on the their website.

  18. Uninvited Writer profile image75
    Uninvited Writerposted 11 years ago

    Good luck raising funds for a van. There is a guy around here doing the same thing, people have held fundraisers for him, gotten restaurants to give a portion of profits, etc. He still has a way to go.

    Nothing wrong with asking for suggestions on ways to help.

    For others, even if I cancelled every single extra cost I would never be able to buy a handicap van. Not many people can.

  19. Lisakelly profile image61
    Lisakellyposted 11 years ago

    I don't see the problem here.  If you are not donating your personal money, than what is the risk?  Offering suggestions is a risk-free simple thing to do.  So back to the question at hand, before all the drama began-"How to fundraise" Try contacting an organization called "Aiden Cares".  This is an organization that was created by a young boy that plays the harmonica to raise money.  He has raised and donated large amounts of money to those in need.  He even helped another mother buy a van for her handicapped son.  The media is all over him, so his actions are often covered.  It is worth a shot.

    1. destinyny12 profile image61
      destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much. I will contact Aiden Cares.

      1. profile image0
        Sarra Garrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Try it is a site where you can put your fundraiser on for medical and other reasons.

        1. destinyny12 profile image61
          destinyny12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you so much


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