The best thing about being a woman is...

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  1. stricktlydating profile image77
    stricktlydatingposted 14 years ago

    The best thing about being a woman is...

  2. C.V.Rajan profile image60
    C.V.Rajanposted 14 years ago

    The capacity to tame and manipulate the animal called man!

  3. ajuvr profile image59
    ajuvrposted 14 years ago

    filtering the buddies for just the goodies for the social decency to prevail

  4. fucsia profile image60
    fucsiaposted 14 years ago

    That mixture of sweetness, sensibility, movements, voice, empathy, altruism that might be called "femininity"

  5. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 14 years ago

    I love being a woman.  I love wearing makeup, I love wearing high heels, I love nail polish, I love being courted, I love flowers, specially roses, I love crying my eyes out while watching a sad movie, sometimes I even sob.. and the best thing about being a woman, for me?  is being able to change my mind.

  6. Veianet profile image58
    Veianetposted 14 years ago

    being able to express with emotions , being beautiful, loving yet strong when there is a need to be...

  7. Digital Friend profile image59
    Digital Friendposted 14 years ago

    the best thing about being a woman is to be able to make your man a sandwich

  8. alba101 profile image60
    alba101posted 14 years ago

    that everyone is nice be nice yourself you get  a ring when you  get married !

  9. Klena profile image69
    Klenaposted 14 years ago

    that we can look like two different women depending on whether we wear make-up or not. That consideration and the feeling of community is ingrained into us.

    I love dressing up. I love the whole process - choosing an outfit, painting my nails, doing my hair, doing my make-up to suit the situation. The look on my partner's face once I'm dressed.

    The best thing about being a women is everything. Well...maybe not the cramps wink

  10. profile image0
    fashionjewelry10posted 14 years ago

    Have limitless tools to beautify ones self. Cosmetics, clothing, hair color, fake lashes, plastic surgery, botox, silicone injections, bath and facial products, can't forget photo shopping, etc.....

  11. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 14 years ago

    that she was chosen to be just that, and represent the meaning of it to the best of her ability!   We are given the gift to produce in so many ways.  One important way is to bring either sex into this world.  We're able to warmly nurture and educate everyone whether they are grown or still a baby.  Well that is only if we choose to do so.  That is why the word "choice exist"!  ciao

    Vonda G. Nelson

  12. bookblog profile image60
    bookblogposted 14 years ago

    Femininity and girlfriends and being a Mum.

  13. EmmaMedu profile image68
    EmmaMeduposted 14 years ago

    Being able to give birth and become mom.
    Being able to wear beautiful clothes and look glamurous.

  14. Leann Zarah profile image86
    Leann Zarahposted 14 years ago

    Being on equal footing with men - if only all cultures and all men and women would allow it.

  15. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 14 years ago

    Men will buy things for you and do things for you.  That won't happen to a man unless he is gay and an older gay man is interested in him.

  16. 123chri123 profile image37
    123chri123posted 14 years ago

    Is to be a fantastic mother,wife and lover.Don't let men get scared of you.Have uncanny ability to pull together every aspect of your life and make it work.

  17. Karonher profile image61
    Karonherposted 14 years ago

    Shutting a toilet door behind you. The idea of just carrying on with no privacy and just being all in a row is weird.

  18. Neon Tiger profile image60
    Neon Tigerposted 14 years ago

    Just being feminine. Having soft skin and features as opposed to being masculine and rough. And being able to express emotions more freely than a man.

  19. micahjoy profile image61
    micahjoyposted 14 years ago

    the ability to be strong and soft at the same time.

  20. Sullen91 profile image71
    Sullen91posted 14 years ago

    Ummm probably the expectation that men are supposed to pursue you, as opposed to vice versa.

  21. xxfourthelement profile image60
    xxfourthelementposted 14 years ago

    Being able to wear pants, shorts, a dress, or a skirt without being limited by that silly "masculinity" thing.

  22. sureye profile image60
    sureyeposted 14 years ago

    how beautiful we are.
    not our looks, yes that is always a plus, but how beautiful our hearts are.
    that without women this world would be cold and without love. We are the glue to the popsicle stick house.


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