Is it right for a girl to wear transparent cloths to attract a man?

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  1. How? profile image38
    How?posted 13 years ago

    Is it right for a girl to wear transparent cloths to attract a man?

  2. dosborne08 profile image67
    dosborne08posted 13 years ago

    Yikes! Not sure it's right but it will work more times than not.

  3. Apostle Jack profile image61
    Apostle Jackposted 13 years ago

    I look at the inside first.What kind of person she is,is more important than sex appeal.

  4. sylviastone29 profile image60
    sylviastone29posted 13 years ago

    Absolutely no! The beauty of spirit comes first. I will appreciate those guys who pay much attention to a girl's inner beauty.

  5. Mindtrapz profile image59
    Mindtrapzposted 13 years ago

    Ok, I want to be all politically correct when answering this question but there lies this one problem. Is there a wrong answer? Do you expect a guy to honestly mean in his hearts of hearts that a female wearing a transparent outfit would just sicken him? Ok I'll say the politically correct answer.

    We men coming here with sound mind and body swear that it would shame our eyes to see a travesty of justice like this. We do not condone such behavior and furthermore think it's blasphemous!

  6. profile image55
    TajSinghposted 13 years ago

    Generally it's not alright for a girl to wear that kind of clothing only to attract a man.

  7. shanaya profile image59
    shanayaposted 13 years ago

    A girl shouldn't wear those cloths just for getting attraction. if somebody got attracted..that means "Body attraction" nothing more thn that...he wouldn't be her lover..he ll never understand her inner beauty.

  8. Roger Rabbit profile image61
    Roger Rabbitposted 13 years ago

    I would probably assume that she is a prostitute.

  9. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    sure. people need to relax and quit judging others by what they wear. if a woman feels ok wearing transparent clothes, it is her right to do so. the problem might end up being what kind of men she attracks though.

  10. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    Wardrobe is a personal decision.
    There is no 'right" or "wrong".
    There is only what feels "right" to YOU.
    No matter what one wears others will have opinions.
    The ultimate goal is to find someone who appreciates you for who you are. Your wardrobe is a personal statement about you.
    Be true to yourself!

  11. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    Why not just go nude instead?  Surely, the simple mechanics of the brain will have provided a definite answer to the simple question - but nothing of real value.

  12. larry1987 profile image54
    larry1987posted 13 years ago

    obviously it is not appropriate for a girl to wear transparent clothes to acctract a man, especially in hot days. Transparent clothes will make men have some irresistible desire...

  13. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    depneds on what kind of message you want to send the man dont be supprised if you attract the wrong ones

  14. downpourofwords profile image40
    downpourofwordsposted 13 years ago

    Wearing clothes for attraction is a known thing but if it is done in search of a long term relationship, it is not right. If it is just for attracting someone physically and having a fling, it serves its purpose. In any case, a girl would not  resort to skin-show if she is looking for a long term commitment.

  15. nifty@50 profile image71
    nifty@50posted 13 years ago

    The type of bait you use determines what kind of fish you get! In similar fashion, dress trashy if you desire to attract trashy guys.

  16. bswan17 profile image61
    bswan17posted 13 years ago

    It depends on what she's expecting. If she just wants a fling/sexual encounter, then it would be 'right'. But if she wants to attract a guy for a long term relationship, I think it would be better for her to impress him with her personality and character. Just my two cents.

  17. profile image0
    The Taco Taggerposted 13 years ago

    I don't know... If I were to see a girl that were wearing transparent clothing to attract me, then I definitely would see it as window shopping. If she's attractive and I like what I'm seeing.. well.. then her plan worked. Otherwise, keep the clothing on and let that winning personality shine through.

  18. misiuloaf5 profile image59
    misiuloaf5posted 13 years ago

    It fully depends on what type of man you want to attract. Do you want a good guy or a guy that calls you at 1AM wanting some booty?

  19. ithabise profile image71
    ithabiseposted 13 years ago

    Really? We have to ask this question? This type of behavior only lends itself to the terrible statistics of marriage and home in this country. If we'll be a little more perceptive in building the foundation of the things we dream about, we'll get monuments of success and lasting outcomes we could have never imagined.

  20. stariswhoiam profile image61
    stariswhoiamposted 13 years ago

    In my opinion, I think a person should wear what they wear because they choose to themself. After all it is their own choice. I don't know if it's right, it depends on the context.

  21. mathira profile image72
    mathiraposted 13 years ago

    A man might be attracted if a girl wears revealing clothes, but he will never respect her. Respect comes when you dress with decency and your dress should accentuate your best aspects in a decent way without revealing your body too much.

  22. Hezmyjoy profile image60
    Hezmyjoyposted 12 years ago

    Its advice I heard a long time ago from an elderly man. He said if you advertise, don't be surprised with who answers the ad.

    Prostitutes wear the clothes they wear because they are not particular who they get as long as the interested party has the money for the services provided. If a woman is hoping to get a man of substance and quality, then she has to present herself in the same manner. It would also be good that she has an education, that way this sort of question would never be on her mind.

  23. Availiasvision profile image82
    Availiasvisionposted 12 years ago

    If that is the thing he most notices about you what makes you think that he isn't or won't do the same to other women?  Real men are worth waiting for.  Yes, they do exist.


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