Why is it looked at as wrong for men to wear panties:}

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  1. profile image51
    convertible67posted 15 years ago

    Why is it looked at as wrong for men to wear panties:}

  2. Dark knight rides profile image59
    Dark knight ridesposted 15 years ago

    Because in our society, men are still supposed to be the strong masculine type and part of that image means not wearing panties. But, hey, if that's what you enjoy, then more power to you.

  3. profile image0
    R.G. San Ramonposted 15 years ago

    IDK. But I have a friend who wore one because he needed to. Guess it's better than going off to work with a dirty brief.

  4. EdG. profile image60
    EdG.posted 15 years ago

    Well, to be honest (not that I've tried) they look really uncomfortable. Tight pants, or panties in this case, are not exactly healthy for the male genitalia. But of course, that is just a physiological reason for why men SHOULDN'T wear panties, not a reason for why it is considered "wrong." That is just an old-fashioned societal taboo.

  5. profile image50
    starfiendposted 15 years ago

    You need to read Hope Alexander's hub pages to know why it shouldn't be wrong. I love them.

  6. kimberleee profile image58
    kimberleeeposted 15 years ago

    Only if you go around shouting at the top of your lungs "I'VE GOT PANTIES ON!!"

    Otherwise, I don't imagine it's anyone's business what you're wearing underneath your pants  (or skirt... or fuzzy bathrobe as the case may be...)

  7. profile image0
    iwhcpantiesposted 15 years ago

    I LIKE TO WEAR PANTIES MYSELF! It is a society thing. You can be a guy and be gay and its ok, but you can’t be a guy and wear panties? I personally wear panties but I do so secretly. My wife knows I wear them and that is all that needs to know. I will talk about it in forms as this, but it is not for show.  Some things just need to stay private and underwear is one of them.

  8. Kathy T profile image60
    Kathy Tposted 15 years ago

    Woman’s panties are usually made of a light weight material. Personally I don’t think there strong enough to give a man the support he needs for his private part. Hanes and jockey make a good men’s bikini underwear, that would be both comfortable and hold that stuff in. Hey, I think in private roll playing a man in woman’s lingerie can be quite sexy. So play all you want!!

    1. lingerieluver69 profile image56
      lingerieluver69posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I wear ladies nylon panties 24/7 & I enjoy wearing assorted items of lingerie, like stockings, lace bra, lacy slips, night gowns etc. I wish that men were as "FREE" to wear clothing, as women are allowed to.

    2. profile image57
      MikeyPeteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I wear panties myself and they'r strong enough to hold in my "stuff". I met women who wished that men should show their feminine side but get mad when we do.

    3. profile image52
      chrismeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      the light material is the best, very strong and comfy

    4. profile image60
      FemboyCLA3675posted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Actually panties give better support to men with average to small packages in their underwear so to speak not every man has a monstrous size male package if you get my drift. Because boys or men's y front don't give enough support whatsoever nor do male boxer shorts boxer briefs, or male bikinis because take a school setting we us men were boys we have to sit down with our legs together and whatnot unfortunately our testicle fell in between our thighs would basically be squeezed and squished if you ever wondered why boys dug into their pants before puberty hitted minus itch to scratch this is the reason why but when I tried panties for the first time wearing them underneath my male clothes, no more testicle squishing.

  9. cabrerjc profile image60
    cabrerjcposted 15 years ago

    Let's just say that hypotetically you actually tried some panties on as a dare...I personally....I mean hypothetically think they would feel weird, like all slippery if they were silk. Just give me something cotton with support and I'm good...no flowers on them though.

  10. profile image0
    Talmonposted 15 years ago

    Personally I like to wear panties.  I do not own any male underwear.  I also like to wear nylons and garter belts.  Occasionally I like to wear a bra.  I personally do not see any thing wrong with it and what I wear under my male clothing is no one's business.

  11. RachelLynn profile image61
    RachelLynnposted 15 years ago

    Our society today has strong ideas and beliefs about gender roles.  Men are supposed to be seen as the dominant sex, and wearing feminine articles of clothing emasculates him in the eyes of others in society, which is seen as wrong.  However, if you're a man who enjoys wearing feminine clothing, then that's fine too.  Our society is too close-minded to realize that there's more genders than just males and females, and that sometimes people who are males and females just enjoy different things.  I hope this clears this up for you.

  12. profile image48
    Kevins245posted 14 years ago

    I belive that it is just what we were taught while growin up as kids. I personally dare any women to wear a pair of mens breifs for a week. not the same pair of course. The Thick cotton stiching that goes around the legs cut into the groin. The thick bands of elastic cut into the waist. They are hott i mean temperature wise cause you to sweat an stink down their. Boxers are another joke i'm a over the road truck driver yeah feels real good hitting a bump in the road and sitting on your nuts. Thats why I don't wear the uncomfortable mens underwear that we are suppose to wear and be uncomfortable. Plus the only way anyone else would know. I was is if I was wearing low rise jeans or telling the world.

  13. profile image50
    aguchiposted 10 years ago

    I've asked to the elders men who better understand and know it in year 90s about men wearing real women panties/underwear issue is necessary to understand and know. So men wear panties It is okay, actually it does not matter for men for who knows and understand in our society, and it is not mean a gay, before I ever thought it is looked wrong for men to wear it.

    1. profile image50
      aguchiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I've asked and seen to a man who have better understand and know it, in year 90's about men wearing real women panties this issue is necessary to understand and know. So men wear panties It is okay, in our society it is okay, no matter for men who kn

  14. Speedy1990 profile image56
    Speedy1990posted 7 years ago

    I'm a guy that like  wearing women underwear I find  nylon underwear the most comfortable to wear I use to like to wear men then I tryed women underwear I find them more comfortable then men underwear

  15. profile image52
    Christafayeposted 7 years ago

    It isnt wrong for us men to wear panties i wear boyshorts 24/7 and cami's and bra's and capri's but im a crossdressing male that is wanting to become mtf and im to a point to really believe im a gay male i want a bf but its nothing wrong with us wearing panties and  nighties and other female clothing all we are judge by is other men and women that are jealous that us gay men look good in it

  16. girdledhubby profile image61
    girdledhubbyposted 7 years ago

    For some people it seems to be wrong if a man wears panties. But these people are bound in their oldfashioned prejudice and believes. Many men wear women´s lingerie and nylons. Simply because it it a great feeling. What should be wrong with that?


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