What are 10 awesome things about being single?

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  1. KrystalD profile image67
    KrystalDposted 12 years ago

    What are 10 awesome things about being single?

    Could you also name some activities that are especially wonderful for single people?


  2. NightFlower profile image61
    NightFlowerposted 12 years ago

    1. You ain't gotta answer to nobody (where you been, what time you going, when you gone be back, when you get the new shoes?)

    2. Me time is really me time

    3. I don't have to straighten up when I don't feel like it around the house.

    4. I learn more about myself with the opportunity to be a better me

    5. Free falling girl talking

    6. I can eat what I want to then lay around and MOOOO

    7. I can buy all the shoes I want and I don't have to strategically
    smuggle them in with the groceries and hide the until I can say
    "Oh these aren't new I have had them a few months (see number 1.)

    8. I can talk to other men without being accused of trying to flirt with them
    or them trying to be with me.

    9. I have more time to choose the right guy if he comes my way.

    10. and last but not least I have control over the remote control.

  3. Mariaam Bhatti profile image60
    Mariaam Bhattiposted 12 years ago

    LOL I like this one girl :-)

    1. I feel in total contol of my own life.

    2. Cook when I feel like

    3.Never under pressure to change bed linen on the same day every week :-)

    4.If I earned enough,I would save easily

    5.I can do things like meetings,conferences, dance classes etc  after work ,no need to rush home ,nobody to answer to.

    6.Can go to a movie or for coffee or just a chat  with any male friends anytime as much as I like without any expectations of anything from them or them from me.

    7.Have regular dates with myself at McDonalds or at a place where I can dance all night and take my stilletos off in the end and walk home alone to my lovely bed :-)
    8.I decide which friends come to my place for a visit and when

    9.I watch 'chick flicks' and laugh out loud like I am possessed by demons till I fall asleep on the couch with my feet on the coffee table :-)

    10.I have control over my expenditure

  4. Mary Stuart profile image68
    Mary Stuartposted 12 years ago

    1. My home is peaceful.
    2. I get to set my alarm and get ready for work in the morning without worrying about disturbing the Ex.
    3. I can cook dinner or not depending upon how hungry I am.
    4. I have far, far less housework.
    5. My house stays tidy.
    6. I can pursue my own interests and hobbies.
    7. I am no longer walking on eggshells.
    8. I can park my car in my garage.
    9. I am no longer frightened of life.
    10. I get to read in bed.

  5. ahrenhelen profile image61
    ahrenhelenposted 12 years ago

    1. You don't have to share the bed with anyone, sprawl out.
    2. You don't have to deal with any jealousy.
    3. You never have to look at the toilet seat always being up.
    4. Never have to share TV remote, watch what you want all the time.
    5. You save on groceries.
    6. You don't have to buy a Valentines/B Day present.
    7. You can have girls night every night.
    8. You don't have to worry about being quiet ever.
    9. You can flirt with whoever.
    10. You can focus on yourself more.

    Some activities for singles:
    You could go on a wine tour with a girlfriend or two.
    Go hiking.
    Head to a local cafe.
    Join the YMCA or swim on your spare time.
    Go to a yoga glass or Zumba

  6. bigsands profile image37
    bigsandsposted 12 years ago

    There aren't 10 awesome things about being single, maybe 1 or 2.


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