What is your attitude toward the close friend who does not read your hubs?

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  1. MsDora profile image92
    MsDoraposted 12 years ago

    What is your attitude toward the close friend who does not read your hubs?

    He/she claims to love you, encourages you to keep writing because the first hub you wrote was excellent.  However, he/she admits to being too busy to read anything else you write.  What effect (if any) does this have on the friendship?

  2. Jesus was a hippy profile image61
    Jesus was a hippyposted 12 years ago

    You cant expect someone to overlook everything you do. Most of my friends havent read any of my hubs and it doesnt bother me in the slightest.

  3. ALUR profile image59
    ALURposted 12 years ago

    I have learned not to expect or force my writing on others. I cannot explain some people's detachment to the ONE thing I hold dear, including family that pretends this is merely a "hobby". Instead of harping on the subject, I relish in my followers that see my writing as a gift.

  4. Denise Handlon profile image84
    Denise Handlonposted 12 years ago

    Oh, that wonderful question of "why aren't you reading my hubs?"  How does it affect me?  It doesn't anymore, because I understand that we are ALL busy writing, reading and working.  I try to read other hubs and it can be overwhelming...especially during a contest.  Some people manage to write one or more a day and I could not possibly keep up with all of that reading.

    Now, I am satisfied writing and reading a few and getting a few comments.  If people do not read my hub, I try to be understanding and reflective-perhaps they are miffed I haven't spent more time on their work.

    If I am always reading their work and never get a response from them I would contact them privately and inquire.  Then, the choice is accept the answer and the behavior or move on ...

    Have a good weekend approaching , Ms Dora.  smile

  5. TENKAY profile image76
    TENKAYposted 12 years ago

    My best friend writes better than I do, she is a hubber too. I read her hubs but I don't comment because ... well, I just don't. She doesn't comment on my hubs too, if she does it's just to leave some message (not related to the topic), if she can't contact me through my celfone. I can't help but check on her hubgrade sometimes and it tickles me pink if mine is bigger. My point is, there is a good reason for your friend not to read what you write, respect whatever her reasons are and just accept it. Probably she did read it and just don't want to let you know that she did because she envy your talent.

    Whenever I ask my friend how's my writing, her answer was always positive, and you what, I don't believe her because she is my friend. she will always say what I want to hear. It's crazy because I know for a fact that she doesn't lie.

  6. Jynzly profile image63
    Jynzlyposted 12 years ago

    My best friend is a real person and a real life angel, she is not an internet personality...I got no real friends in the internet...can't even imagine that...readers are just readers who would try to analyze and figure me out or judge me based on what I write...Whether my best friend reads or not my writing is actually irrelevant to our friendship...writing is just fun...my daughter doesn't even read my hubs but it never affects her being my daughter in any way. That's the same with my best friend...I have nothing to prove to her and nothing to expect from her as well...if she reads then she reads and we got something to laugh about...and the same with her...

  7. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    It would not bother me in the least. A lot of people don't read much of anything these days. Ironically when it comes to being a public figure whether it is as a writer, performer, or politian; the odds are that (people who don't know you will admire you much more than the people who have known you for many years). Strangers know the "you" that has arrived. Family, friends, and lovers "knew you when" and they very often are not likely to applaud as loudly or as often. I'm fairly certain for example that Michael Jackson's family was not "awestruck" when he came around the way some die hard fans would have been. To his family he was still a sibling or a son no matter how many records he sold or awards he won.
    Having friends who are neutral is better than having friends who are (naysayers or negative). In those instances sometimes one is better off getting away from them and cultivating relationships with people who are positive, believe, and support their dreams. Odds are your "biggest fans" won't be your family or friends.

  8. Riverfish24 profile image81
    Riverfish24posted 12 years ago

    Its absolutely fine! Even close friends have different interests and I cherish my friendship more than having common favourites. In fact my best pal doesn't give too much importance to my hubbing! smile

  9. Eunice Stuhlhofer profile image59
    Eunice Stuhlhoferposted 12 years ago

    Sometimes those that claim to be our friends have difficulty acknowledging our success . . . even family members.  Take courage, God will send you strangers to read and encourage you. I have had my share of that kind of disappointment, but I haven't allowed it to stop me. Most people who have given me valuable feedback on my blog and hubs are total strangers. Your call is greater than your opposition.

    TD Jakes speaks about 3 types of friends . . . Go to YouTube and watch him talking about them. I wanted to link the video here for you but wasn't able to.

    1. MsDora profile image92
      MsDoraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There were many good answers here and I have learned from all of them, but this one seems to "hit the spot."

  10. Dee aka Nonna profile image59
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 12 years ago

    It hurts, can't help but hurt.  I try to understand because I try always to support my friends in everything, but understanding is difficult.  In the end I bless them and move on....the hurt is then lessen each day.  Great question.

  11. BobMonger profile image60
    BobMongerposted 12 years ago

    At first these sort of things bothered me, but as time goes by I my skin gets thicker and such trivialities fade in significance. The fact is I write whether anyone reads what I write or not. I deal with that certain someone by saying, "gee, look what you're missing." There are a lot of things in this life to worry about but this isn't one of them.

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