Whats your idea of the perfect date?

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  1. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 14 years ago

    I'm just asking to see how many of you single folks out there, wouldn't mind sharing your thoughts on what you think the perfect date should be like, in your own opinion.  Or if you've already had it, then please tell us your story of this perfect date.  And please folks, don't skip on the details.

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this
      1. profile image0
        someoneyouknowposted 14 years agoin reply to this
      2. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        good answer

    2. TammyK profile image59
      TammyKposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      my perfect date would be simply being be the person I genuinely liked.  For more specifics.  Maybe dinner where we both dressed up, especially if it would be both of our first time.  a moonlit walk, if it's cold outside he offers his coat or jacket.  candles, privacy and a good kisser.  and a man who is equally passionate, not selfish or likes to skip or rush foreplay

    3. Singlesstreetlife profile image60
      Singlesstreetlifeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The perfect date for me when I was single was being taken out by my then fiancee to the park and then rowing on the lake.

      Why is was perfect for me was because we were just being ourselves.  We were relaxed, no airs and graces, no need to impress each other, we just chilled out in each others company.

      The whole time was spent talking and finding out about one another.  It was such fun.

    4. Rayalternately profile image60
      Rayalternatelyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Show up naked, bring beer. big_smile

    5. Cagsil profile image72
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      An idea. smile

    6. Angela Khan profile image65
      Angela Khanposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      A picnic on a beach side sounds nice. It needs to involve wine and cheese. And a conversation about how we can become better human beings. That sounds like a good time to me.

      1. Perspycacious profile image66
        Perspycaciousposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Nice thinking.

    7. profile image52
      kellyksposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      in the life of any girl, perfect date seems like the most exciting thing. A prince charming riding on a white horse is quite old school. But I was looking forward for my perfect date in the similar fashion and I got lucky that he asked me out for prom night. the date of prom came and it came very soon and he was supposed to come pick me up. Also I forgot to mention that I had a cat back then and she was pretty attached to me. Just a day before my prom she fell sick and didn’t allow me to leave her side at all. But now it was prom with my dream man and I had to go. The doorbell rang and my mom went to answer it meanwhile Ginger (my cat) also woke up. I went downstairs to greet him and as she sensed that I was about to leave she leapt and feel cutting my dress from the back. It was so embarrassing and I almost ended up crying which he sensed and calmed me down. I got up to change and he picked up my cat started playing with her which I really fell for. Eventually he told me that my kitty needs to be with me and even he needs to be with me so we stayed at my house. We had a lot of fun, my parents instantly liked him and wanted me to be married to him since he was so caring.  After about 4 years we got married and we have been very happy since then. We have 1 beautiful daughter and we both love her to the core. Even till day we remember that night and laugh about it.

    8. Francesca mcbarron profile image61
      Francesca mcbarronposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Someone that has a wicked sense of humor and loves life actually, rather than complain and become a dreary mess

    9. profile image52
      lushxbbyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Generically, the idea of a perfect date would simply be where the two of you are absolutely comfortable with each other. You're both 100% acting as your natural selves, you both are understanding towards each others views and you both know how to have a laugh without taking everything so seriously. When the ice is broken between the two of you and you are both saying things you never thought you'd say out loud in front of the other person, that's when you know it's already perfect.

      However, if we are talking locations, my idea of a perfect date would be at the movies or maybe even a concert. Chilling at home watching a movie on Netflix would be cool too, but just being with the other person would be perfect for me.

  2. Jery profile image61
    Jeryposted 14 years ago

    I think the perfect date is one where you both seem to "click" or connect on every level. You know where you kinda know what the other person is going to say even before they say it.

  3. prettydarkhorse profile image65
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    hi, there is no such thing as perfect date, just be true to yourself, listen to your date and be sincere, and if your a man, pay the bill,,,lol

    and if you have time you can read this one

    <no links allowed>

    1. lovelife999 profile image60
      lovelife999posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      you have quite broad knowledge about perfact date? how come?

  4. floating mind profile image69
    floating mindposted 14 years ago

    That's easy.  For me, the perfect date would be, "just spending time together."  It does not matter what we are doing; from working on a puzzle together, or dining out, or a movie, or cross-country skiing ... as long as we do it together, it's a perfect date for me!

    1. Dame Scribe profile image58
      Dame Scribeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I 2nd the e-motion! big_smile bravo, lol

    2. Dame Scribe profile image58
      Dame Scribeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I 2nd this e-motion big_smile lol lol

  5. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    When I was single it was always the one that put out.

    1. blondepoet profile image72
      blondepoetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hahahahhahaha most definitely Ralwus

  6. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    It would be a nice day doing something fun and a nice meal. Then not being told to,"Stop-it! If you don't stop I'm going to kick your butt!"

  7. HCOvolleyballbabe profile image59
    HCOvolleyballbabeposted 14 years ago

    My perfect date would be spending the whole day and night with them. First i would have him pick me up from my house and take me to a pretty beach to spend the evening in the water, walking, collecting shells, teasing eachother, playing volleyball. Then when we'd get hungry he'd take out the lunch he picked out for us something cute with strawberries so he could feed it to me, kind of like a picnic on the beach. Then as it go t darker we'd lay out on a blanket watching the sunset, until we kissed. Then we'd go in our hotel room that he booked for us, and we'd lay down next to eachother and watch a movie on the television while snuggling. Then we'd fall asleep together,and wake up to eachother smile

  8. blondepoet profile image72
    blondepoetposted 14 years ago

    A guy who has teeth,not shorter than me,was not born Martha and who buys me prawns instead of flowers.

    1. profile image0
      Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      it would be nice if he said thank you, as an added bonus!!!! smile

      1. blondepoet profile image72
        blondepoetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Oh most definitely must have manners lol.

  9. Ivorwen profile image66
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    I want my husband to take me out for a long ride via horse back to a secluded spot along a river or stream for a picnic* and lots of talking, playing and loving. 

    *The picnic must be prepared and careful thought out, not caught or an MRE.

    1. lovelife999 profile image60
      lovelife999posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well, tis is the quite imagination need to be true. If you wish this you must realize your importance and try to be her girlfriend instead of wife. good luck !!

  10. Jonathan Janco profile image60
    Jonathan Jancoposted 14 years ago

    The one where I have no idea it's a date! I worked in a mall when I was much much younger. It was one of those women's clothing stores. I was the only male on staff. They needed someone to climb the ladders and put away the stock and hang the promotionals. That was me. We could only go on lunch two at a time. One day, when I was being assissted by one of my young lady co-workers, we got to a point where there were no more deliveries coming in that day. So I said to her, "before I take down all these signs, why don't we go get some lunch?" Purely a co-worker to co-worker kind of lunch, as far as I was concerned. We talked and ate, and I didn't think much of it. Turns out, she wasn't taking lunch. She was at the end of her shift. I put my right hand out for a friendly handshake because it was the first day I really encountered her. She took my right with her left hand and pushed it aside, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. Not a friendly kiss, more like a 'let's be way more than friendly' kind of kiss.
    I was delightedly shocked!

  11. Colebabie profile image61
    Colebabieposted 14 years ago

    April 23, 2005

  12. profile image0
    philip carey 61posted 14 years ago

    ...one where she looks at me with big brown eyes and says, "I adore men who leave the toilet seat up and drop their dirty clothes just anywhere in the house."

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image65
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      was laughing at this one, men always never do that, all the thre men I have been with, they all do that and I have to clean after...

      perfect date?? just a coffee and good conversation and you never want to end it..

  13. prettydarkhorse profile image65
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    NY giants are winning LOL

  14. prettydarkhorse profile image65
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    anybody here??

    1. weblog profile image58
      weblogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Lol For a date?

      1. lovelife999 profile image60
        lovelife999posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yes pls tello >

  15. Hanna Bambina profile image60
    Hanna Bambinaposted 14 years ago

    I've never been on a date so I wouldn't know...

    1. lovelife999 profile image60
      lovelife999posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      why so?

  16. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 14 years ago

    Well, I think it's a little different when you are in a relationship.  We've been trying to get away to go to Santa Fe now for a couple years and it never happens. !

    So that's it:  Christmas in Santa Fe when they light the place up, looking at galleries, listening to music and dancing.  And hopefully a nice hotel with a good bed, wink.

    1. real relationship profile image61
      real relationshipposted 14 years ago

      Perfect date? You can make it in whatever way you want it to be perfect as long as you enjoy being together. Perfect!

    2. H.C Porter profile image77
      H.C Porterposted 14 years ago

      Someone opening the car door for me- saying I look beautiful not insulting me when i give an opinion/ although arguing their opinion is acceptable and of course chewing with their mouth closed.
      That would be a great date...  smile

    3. blondepoet profile image72
      blondepoetposted 14 years ago

      For me it would be a guy who brought me prawns instead of flowers and hand fed them to me in the spa with a bottle of delectable white wine.

      1. H.C Porter profile image77
        H.C Porterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        if you meet a guy like that with a brother like that> send him to TX  wink

      2. Sean Leong profile image63
        Sean Leongposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        No problem, I can do it for me. Any time.

    4. profile image0
      ralwusposted 14 years ago

      prawns will kill you eventually. I prefer feeding her truffles.

    5. secondreview profile image59
      secondreviewposted 14 years ago

      A perfect date is when you've really enjoyed the other person's company and walk through your door with a smile plastered on your face.

    6. Alessia Amnesia profile image60
      Alessia Amnesiaposted 14 years ago

      The perfect first date is the date that wasn't really a date to begin with. Accidental first dates are, in my opinion, the most romantic and enjoyable.

    7. Diskobolos profile image58
      Diskobolosposted 14 years ago

      The one where you just met at some random place (so I guess it's not exactly a date as you did not really arrange it) and there's such chemistry between you going on that you decide to do something a bit crazy together. Like both do the same tattoo on the same place or whatever... after that you just spend the wild night building on that chemistry...

    8. Bill Manning profile image71
      Bill Manningposted 14 years ago

      The most perfect dates I have ALREADY been on were when I took her to a theme park here in Orlando. At a theme park you can be yourself, wear casual clothes and have a great time.

      You really see each other as they really are, having fun on rides and you have lots of time to talk as your in line for the rides. It just really cuts all the crap and shows each other how they each really are.

      1. Diskobolos profile image58
        Diskobolosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Bill, did you hold the door open for her?smile

        1. Bill Manning profile image71
          Bill Manningposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yup, even opened her car door for her! wink

          1. Diskobolos profile image58
            Diskobolosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            That is fine, as long as you opened her the door of your apartment afterward.smile

    9. profile image52
      sheehanentposted 14 years ago

      Ive been on at least one undred dates and its typically difficult to leave a date and say, Wow this was perfect. One instance I had went like this. The date was sponaneous, spur of the moment. Ive been talking to this girl for some time over the phone and I finally said, Lets meet up and get some coffee. I said coffee because it was very late at night and neither of us could sleep. We met up for the first time and our conversations were endless. Time went by faster than it ever had and before I knew it I was there for over 3 hours. We had endless conversations, a lot of laughs, no interuptions, eye gazing, and in the end we felt like we knew each other for ever; easliy said that there was a second date to come. In the end she wasnt my type... long story.

    10. nyalawoe profile image60
      nyalawoeposted 14 years ago

      CHEMISTRY!!!! That's all I need
      Rarely do I meet a man that gives me butterflies anymore
      Don't know if I'm jaded, but we could literally do whatever if thers chemistry and great energy between us

    11. Will Say Plenty profile image61
      Will Say Plentyposted 14 years ago

      Any date in which I am the male and not a lot of money is spent by anyone would be a perfect date!  (Trust me!)

    12. h.a.borcich profile image59
      h.a.borcichposted 14 years ago

      I was never one to call going to the movies a great date. A great date needs to involve sharing of yourself and learning about who you are with...interacting. My best date was in a coffee shop smile Holly

    13. blondepoet profile image72
      blondepoetposted 14 years ago

      Snuggling and caressing in front of a warm fire place in a beautiful log cabin in the middle of a rain forest, complete with a spa bath and champagne.
      A beautiful glass ceiling that shows the evening skies.


      1. Hokey profile image60
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        This and BP!  tongue

        1. blondepoet profile image72
          blondepoetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          There is one just like this an hour away!!!

          1. Hokey profile image60
            Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Oh yeah!  Where pray tell! smile

            1. blondepoet profile image72
              blondepoetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I'll show you.

              1. Hokey profile image60
                Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Can't wait!  tongue

    14. GoodnewsBassey profile image60
      GoodnewsBasseyposted 7 years ago

      my perfect date for me is to be sincere to my mate always.

    15. realtalk247 profile image77
      realtalk247posted 7 years ago

      Perfect date is spending time with someone you love.  Someone that gets you, flaws and all.  Someone you love despite their flaws and all.  It's the feeling of being comfortable with someone that gets you. 
      To quote Anthony Hamilton - It's simple....having you near me.


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