What is your biggest Pet Peeve?

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  1. windygreen profile image60
    windygreenposted 11 years ago

    What is your biggest Pet Peeve?


  2. Billie Kelpin profile image88
    Billie Kelpinposted 11 years ago

    People who stand too close to me in a checkout line can make my mood go from cheerful to agitated in two seconds flat. Here in Orange County, CA it seems as if there is a great feeling of "entitlement" among the RICH.  Yes, that's right, to me, the wealthy, not those on Social Security or in need of Government aid, are those who feel the MOST entitlement in society and are unaware of others' needs, especially the need for space. Right up there as a pet peeve is loud speech. I understand that there are people with conductive hearing losses who don't realize they are speaking too loudly, but there are enough others who don't have hearing losses and, nevertheless, talk about 10 decibels above everyone else.  It really blocks out others and is offensive and uncouth to me. In general, any action that doesn't consider another person's feelings and rights, any action that shows "man's inhumanity to man" if only in a small way, is, for me,  a pet peeve.  Of course, my family could provide a long list of pet peeves they have in relation to "moi" - my rants about injustice in society, my need to plan "fun" things every time we're together, my "counseling" instead of listening.  I DO try to pick up on what annoys them about me and try to improve.  I think that's the key - to listen to the pet peeves of others and try to be more gracious in our own lives, cognizant of their needs, and respectful of them. It doesn't matter whether or not we agree that the action is a pet peeve.  What's important is that we respect that it is a pet peeve for others. I would suspect that if each of us reading your excellent question would try to change one pet peeve that some others have written, we will have made the little worlds around us run a bit more smoothly.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      (Spoken with great attention to maintaining low tones and from a safe distance away) Great Answer !!!!!  In my house, we call our personal space "our bubble", and one must have the individual's permission to enter it.  smile

  3. Mr.NGR profile image60
    Mr.NGRposted 11 years ago

    When people complain about things constantly yet do nothing about anything. Well that and poor driving by people.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Chronic Complainers irritate me too... a constantly negative outlook on everyhting, with no suggestion for or hope of happy ending. My mom used to say "Stop focusing on the problem, and start focusing on solutions." I think bad drivers annoy everyone

    2. Relationshipc profile image80
      Relationshipcposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This would definitely be on my list too! It is amazing how many people choose to have a victim mentality about life.

  4. cre8ivOne profile image69
    cre8ivOneposted 11 years ago

    Oh goodness!  I guess there are several things that are peevish to me.  Probably my biggest source of anguish comes from poor driving.  Getting cut off, almost run off the road or people trying to budge the long traffic line that everyone else is patiently waiting in, and these dummies come flying up on the right shoulder and want to pass several dozen cars.  JERKS!  I hate that.

    I would venture to guess that a great majority of poor driving is stemming from people in a hurry and talking/texting on the cell phones.  Nothing gets me more after I've been cut off to see that culprit ahead of me was on their phone!  I wrote a hub about distracted driving because these things were just seeming to be so prevalent and needed addressing.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Bad or rude driving is one thing.. distracted driving quite another.  But both are common and equally aggrivating - not to mention dangerous !!!!

    2. cre8ivOne profile image69
      cre8ivOneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Bad and rude drivers can stem from distraction.  But yes, all in all, people need to pay attention to the road and be more patient.

    3. Billie Kelpin profile image88
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The phrase "man's inhumanity to man." keeps popping in my mind when someone cuts me off or won't let me in when they see my blinker on.  I think people have a lot of pent up rage (me too, if someone beeps at me the nano-second I didn't move on green.

  5. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    I can not stand being interrupted when I'm in the middle of doing something. Unfortunately, since I have two small kids at home, this is an everyday occurrence, so I've had to learn to deal with it. Haha.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL,  I know the feeling !

  6. Relationshipc profile image80
    Relationshipcposted 11 years ago

    People who drag their feet while they walk. If you can, pick up your feet! My second pet peeve is people who sit right next to me when there are a hundred other chairs or tables to choose from.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Some peoples' legs do seem to be heavy LOL.. And as for choosing the seat next to you..although annoying,  that could be a compliment.. Maybe you smell nice .. or they want to copy your work..  smile

    2. Relationshipc profile image80
      Relationshipcposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I try to think that it has something to do with my charisma, and I do try to take it as a compliment. But I'm one of those people who do not like other people in my personal space, and it takes all of 1 minute for me to get really annoyed.

    3. Billie Kelpin profile image88
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      R: People sitting rt next to me like that drives me CRAZY! Now that I'm old 'n don't care what people think, I rudely move away from them and then feel guilty all day. But I HAVE TO stop dragging my flip flops. Coming from MN to CA, I LOVE doing that

  7. RolyRetro profile image86
    RolyRetroposted 11 years ago

    Other people's phone conversations on the train, the inane drivel I have to sit through, listening to every detail of what someone had for breakfast, what they were wearing today and the trouble they are having with their hair.  What the hell do they have to talk about when they meet in person?

    Rant over!


    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL .

  8. klidstone1970 profile image59
    klidstone1970posted 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, I think I have too many to list.  Mainly, I think rudeness is at the top.  There rarely seems to be any social graces in polite society any longer and that's a shame.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I think many specific annoyances fall under this general category of rudeness or uncaring of the feelings and desires of others.

  9. JusticeBlaze profile image60
    JusticeBlazeposted 11 years ago

    To me I would defiantly have to say certain people's ability to be extremely ignorant. Certain channels kid's watch now days teaches them it is OK or cute to be stupid.

    1. windygreen profile image60
      windygreenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I dont mind if someone is truly uninformed or unknowledgable... but to play dumb, act stupid, or show disreguard for the obvious,,, that annoys me too.

  10. renegadetory profile image60
    renegadetoryposted 11 years ago


    I know this question is 2 months old, but I just had to post this one...

    People who are too lazy to throw their garbage into the garbage bin and just dump it outside!  See the square on the side?  If you look you will see that the bin is not full, nor are the lids chained together either.  People are soo lazy!  And when garbage gets dumped like this, the wind blows it all over the place, including in our yard!


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