divorce because of being childless???

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  1. dhmt profile image54
    dhmtposted 13 years ago

    I wonder that will a man divorce to his wife because of being childless? He said that his marriage just have 60 percentage happiness, 40 percentage is sadness because of being childless and it causes of his wife. If he met another woman whom he would love and could give a birth, will he divorce to his wife??? Or he does not want to be a bad man because of leaving wife when she could not give a birth? Which way will he choose?


    1. DiscoveryCounseli profile image69
      DiscoveryCounseliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The couple needs to seek out a family counselor who can help them work through the issues.

      Issues, no matter what, can fester and pull the marriage apart.

    2. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      How about adopting a kid or two. There's plenty of childless couples out there, and even more parentless children.

    3. kerryg profile image84
      kerrygposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      First, both of them should get tested to figure out which one has the underlying condition causing the infertility. A lot of men rush to blame the woman because they don't want to feel "unmanly" or something, but men can be infertile too. Also, if they figure out exactly what's wrong, that makes it more likely that they can figure out a treatment.

      Secondly, even if the problem is with the wife and it's not treatable, divorcing her is not necessarily the best option. If the marriage has other problems, then it may be worth considering, but if the marriage is happy and successful except for being childless, there are other ways to get children.  They can have a child through a surrogate, or  they can adopt.

      A final option is to consider how much they really want children as opposed to how much they think they "should" have them. Many people have children because it's expected of them, not because they really want them, and this leads to a lot of problems in the world, from child neglect and child abuse, to overpopulation. If they think about it, maybe they would be perfectly happy spoiling their nieces and nephews without having to deal with changing dirty diapers and being woken up several times a night and shelling out tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for clothes and food and toys and education and all the other things children need. Or maybe they wouldn't. Either way, it pays to think seriously about it before doing anything drastic.

    4. iwannagetpregnant profile image58
      iwannagetpregnantposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Infertility is a couple’s inability to conceive a child after 12 months of unprotected sex. It is widely assumed that infertility has more to do with women rather than men, however it is not so. Estimates suggest that 30% of infertility is caused by male factors, another 30% is caused by female factors and the remaining 40% is caused by a combination of female and male factors. Men also suffer from infertility due to genetic reasons, lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, and age.  HENCE before deciding for divorce just because she is not able to conceive is totally ridiculous. Both of you should get tested for infertility and get the treatments done.  You can decide on the option of surrogacy also to become parents.  Get the detailed info at http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com/surrogacy.asp

  2. pisean282311 profile image62
    pisean282311posted 13 years ago

    it is hypothetical question since i am not married...but i wont leave my wife is we remain childless because she can't conceive...adopting child is better idea...

  3. sofs profile image76
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    Wow what an attitude.. Did he married her to produce children or for who she is.. May be he got married for all the wrong reasons.

    How does he know that she is the one responsible for them not having children..

    What is the guarantee that he is going to be happy when they have children,... he may come up with another excuse.. 

    The whole situation sounds immature and these people need to grow up first before they bring children into the world and cause misery to them.


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