taking into consideration that all women are negative and all men are positive.
That tens of thousands of same sex couples are in love. Are you not curious as to what evidence there is that opposite sex people "get in love"?
Men do not carry a positive electrical charge, nor are they eternal optimists (the only two definitions of the term "positive" I can think of) any more than women carry a negative charge or are eternal pessimists always looking for the worse possible scenario.
About as absurd a rationale as any that reduces same-sex love to an "abominable act".
May the anions and cations be with you...
Now, now, there you go being all NEGATIVE again, LL!
True story....negative-ion surfactants are much more effective at cleaning than positive-ion surfactants.
That's because dirt tends to be positively charged.
Rocked your world, huh?
So what are you saying? That women are dirt?
No... by that logical men (positive) are....
Oh, right!
I get so easily confused by absolute pronouncements.
Men are positive and from Mars.
Women are negative and from Venus.
Venus is therefore a clean planet and Mars is dirty.
I'll put my logic up against the OP's any day!
Does that mean that those nasty women have stolen all our electrons from Mars?! We want 'em back!
why else would a man want another man to put his @%@%^@%$ up his @#%@#%@^% if not for love
They fact they say so. And I have no idea what you mean by "positive" and "negative" unless it is "have a penis" and "have a vagina"--and these are not the organs that experience "love". They experience just one method of having sex.
Our body is made of cells and molecules. It is not charged as a whole.
Gender has no effect on this lack of charge.
Sex has not effect on charge.
electrons do not require a pair of anything.
Chromosomes are not charged.
You, sir, are not only wrong, but seriously delusional.
Do you believe our body is made up of just energy and that everything on earth is sorely made up of energy? Have you study the mitochondria of the cell in its detaile form, there we just talk of electrons and energy. The prove is that when you eat either plants or meat is to gain energy and when we talk about energy, we cant leave out atoms, electrons, protons and what so ever is concern.
No. There is also matter.
That is true of the earth and my body. Matter and energy are both inseparably necessary.
Yes I have studied the mitochondria, they aren't in all cells and they create ATP, a form of chemical energy. Have you? At which university or from which sources? They allow biological processes to occur but do not give the body or any of its organs a "charge" with a "positive" or "negative" valence. You do understand the difference between chemical and electrical energy, right?
The fact food becomes chemical energy in our metabolisms has no bearing on your bizarre claim that humans have different charges according to gender and that we need heterosexual pairing to... something to do with these imaginary charges (does celibacy cause spontaneous combustion, then?).
They don't. It doesn't. Utter nonsense.
Even before we get to the anti-gay agenda this doesn't make sense.
That to tell that our body function due to this presences of charges which play a role in producing energy for our cells, organs and systems. So, if this charges can play this role in producing these energy while do the same for our feelings. When you get to study what we call life you will find out that life is all about energy. All what we do is base only on energy and attraction and there is no attractionif the charges are of the same kind, that I dont have to teach you.
You don't have anything to teach me, or anyone else here.
I hope you arent making it a personal problem. We are just discusing okay?
Discussion would involve interaction. You are just repeating the same nonsense and ignoring the fact that it bears no relation to physical reality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_electricity
It's hard sometimes, isn't it? This has to be what happens when one believes whatever they find on the web; certainly this incredible concoction of distortion and fabrication didn't come out of a high school somewhere!
Gawd, I sure hope not!
This theory seems to be the other end of the spectrum from creationism, but equally ... I don't even know the right word.
I know the correct word, but the filters will just star it out anyway.
See, this community (as a whole) is actually a relatively intelligent lot. Even though we don't all agree.
If this crap was posted in a forum with less educated or intelligent people the response might be "look at all those big words, he must be smart" It wont fly here, even with the religionists, but that's how stupidity gets spread.
I read the hubber's hubs just out of curiousity...
Some of my favorite quotes:
"2- Babies eat a lot and hence pu pu a lot also, and when this happen since the pu pu comes from inside and is very hot it makes the baby feel unconfortable."
"So, you should always "breast feed" them. I insist on the this word "breast feed" that is, you give them breast milk and will also contriduct in increasing the mother and child relationship."
So yeah, that's what we are dealing with.
??? No mention that the pu pu is negative, and that's what makes a positive baby "unconfortable"? I have to say that I'm totally shocked and disappointed here. Such learned discourse should certainly include that commonly known fact!
I have to interject here, did one not notice a lot of hot poo when they read the title?
Let's turn this question on you:
What evidence shows that people from the opposite sex get in love?
When you figure the answer out to this one then you will find the answer to your question.
You see, females are covered with negatively-charged thetans, and...
Sorry, Hollie, but it's hot "pu pu". Come on!
When two people of the opposite sex meet and that the fall in love, there is a sort of connection between them. This connection has to do with what they feel for each other and when we talk of feeling we talk of hormones. When this hormones are secreted between these two opposite sexs there is a very complex reacWhen two people of the opposite sex meet and that the fall in love, there is a sort of connection between them. This connection has to do with what they feel for each other and when we talk of feeling we talk of hormones. When this hormones are tion that take place in them at that moment and this reactions excite the charges in them to the highest which lead to that attraction. But, it is not always the case because some people from the opposite sex meet and this attraction is not significant and hence nothing happens. This is because the electron, the charges in them have not been excited. Here you have to understand that, the connection done with the eyes is not only done at the physical state but also at the atomic state. Because when someone of the opposite sex attracts you, more charges that is a very huge amount concentrate at the level of the eyes. In some people this amount of charges is so high that it can even cause neurological ( electric) confussion for a few second when the connection is cut off a brusk way. This concentration of charges is due to the presences of these opposite charges existing in the opposite sex which emmigrate from different part of the body with majurity comming from the brain.
Imagine a DUM containing a huge amount of +ve charge and another one containing a huge amount of -ve charge. When the two meet you can imagine what will happen. This just an example dont rely to it.
You have to understand that, on earth and in the universe as well as paradise is you want everything work in pair and the pair here is and will always be opposite that is, -ve an +ve, light and darkness, good an bad, women an man, fire and water etc This all is to set up what the call equilibrium.
More garbage. I will address only one item in this morass of misinformation; the idea that you can "excite" the charge on an electron.
An electron has a negative charge of 1 e, or about 1.6021765 × 10−19 coulombs. It cannot be changed and is forever static. It cannot be "excited", whatever that means to you.
I can't imagine where you are getting this strange information that flies in face of all we know and see in chemistry, biology, physics and nearly every other field of study of sub-atomic particles and/or electricity. Are you just making it up as you go along?
Like I said energy and attraction are the basic of life. If these two are not, isnt also. And when we talk about attraction we talk about opposite charges.
No, when you talk about attraction you talk about opposite charges and electrons.
No one else does; the rest of the population recognizes that human bodies cannot carry even a semi-permanent electrical charge. They certainly recognize that electrical charge is not what determines the sex of a zygote.
Only metaphorically when it comes to human bodies. The human body has no charge other than a bit of pitiful static electricity from time to time. In which case perhaps we are meant to mate with carpets.
I'm sorry, Psyche, but that doesn't sound like much fun. Rug burns and all you know.
All in all I think I'd prefer a human for mating purposes. They may not be much good for walking on (squishy, uneven and noisy when being tromped) but much better for mating.
I'm sure there's a fetish in their somewhere, but I sure as heck am not going to Google "human furniture"
Intelligence and stupidity? Clarity and obfuscation? Good grammar and nonsensical writing?
After reading these posts, my equilibrium is completely messed up. Time to go read some truth.
Hormooones! I can tell you what mine do when I meet a really attractive woman that I connect with- contents too inappropriate for this hub, thought BUT I can tell you that when I run into an attractive lad my hormones lay dormant. I guess thats what lube is for.
This is certainly one of the most ridiculous posts I have yet to see in the forums. All women are negative and all men are positive? Is that a joke. Are we some kind of electrical equipment?
What evidence? Love is love no matter who you love and have nothing to do with protons, electrons or whatever else is involved in physics.
You have to understand that life does not only end 'here'. We are human being and everything that happen to us we have to understand when, where, how and how it happened or will happen. If the world is develop and developing today is because of that fact. And in todays world one of the things that attrack our research is 'US' our body, our brain. Man on to understand how he function and many studies have been done and proven about some reaction that take place in our body. Why then do you want to accept some and refuse others? Ina days many people bilieve in science that is why they go see doctors when they are sick or whatsoever. Is because the bilieve in this science.
Everything that you are saying, every 'fact' as you call them states that ALL humans, all men, and all women, are EXACTLY the same. With exactly the same make-up, exactly the same 'feelings' exactly the same negatives/positives etc. We are not. Aside from our appearances each human body has differences. Scientifically, your knowledge on this subject is highly incorrect. Where ARE you getting your information? I've seen several people ask you throughout this forum but have yet to see you reply as where you are getting this info???? If it is even coming from a reliable source AT all, they themselves are highly misinformed and if I were you, I'd consider punching them for providing you with such a sad misrepresentation. If this is coming from an actual person, WOW, and if it's coming from the internet, also WOW! Please use YOUR own brain instead of believing all that you see and hear from the amount of nuts who commonly post random crap on the internet.
Not everything in this world can be chalked up to pure scientific fact, even though I've not seen any of that in your statements. Whether you agree or disagree the fact is we are not all of the exact same build and further more we are changing EVERY day. There is still SO much information that is yet unknown about this world, and yes, even the human body. The fact IS that men can love men, and women can love women, as well as men loving women etc. This has gone on for centuries truth be told. Unfortunately, of the past most societies have been completely close-minded until the last 50 years or so. They were spouting some of the same stuff you have been. Simply because it may be different than the way you think it should be, then it MUST be wrong. Aside from that, you haven't given 1 original reply yet, you simply state and re-state your original statement over and over. To me, and my opinion here means next to nothing, but it sounds like YOU just don't LIKE it. You can't prove your statements, and you certainly cannot disprove what any of the rest of us have written here. If that is your personal opinion and you just don't care for the idea of same-sex love, you'd be best to just wrap it up and keep it to yourself.
You seem to have missed the best parts: the DNA of males and females carry a different electrical charge, and it is that charge that determines the sex of a baby. Not the x-y chromosome, but the charge on your DNA.
Throughout their lives, then, men and women will have opposite charges (better not kiss anyone - that spark would HURT and sex is out of the question!).
As opposite electrical charges attract and like charges repel, that is why men love women and can't possibly love men.
Some very...uh...interesting concepts being promoted by our friend here.
Thank goodness for that! I would hate to think that I could ever actually understand (or believe) this nonsense.
AND STILL Amelbi, You have NOT once mentioned WHERE in the world you are getting your information??? I have asked above, along with several other people. DO tell! And please let us know who this all knowing wizard of wonder is, with the perfect system of 'charges' and 'sparks' and whatnot that determines who can love who??
HAH I DID miss that! I'm no scientific genius here that's for sure, but the way that it is described this 'charge' business has become terrifying!
You've already raised three different points of complete nonsense, let's not drag God into it as well.
But God and His wife (everything must be in opposite pairs, such as man and woman) are the only thing that is neutral. It happens when a man and a woman (with their opposite charges that will now neutralize each other) come together and make a baby. They become God and His wife that way.
As Jenifer said and everyone else...there are things science cannot answer and things, we as humans, cannot even fathom. Your argument is non-existent. At first I thought this was a diss on women being negative LOL and men being positive, and not electrically LOL good for a laugh
Perhaps I have had too many martinis, but this question doesn't make any sense to me.
Well, I don't understand what "get in love means." Or what exactly it means to describe women as negative and men as positive.
Read down through the thread. Men and women have opposite electrical charges; women have excess electrons while men are short in them. It is also what causes the sex of a baby.
So what makes a hermaphrodite, alternating current?
Must be, as are those that are bi-sexual. First they go one way, then the other.
Is that what causes bi-sexuality? Good to know... I'm going to go get some rubber boots and 9 volt batteries. I'll cure myself in no time.
I'm just not sure what direction I want to cure myself towards...
Oh, the choices...
Maybe I'll just tie a key to a kite string and toss the dice. I don't really give a warm pu pu either way.
Please be warned that while an electric shock can turn straights gay, gays straight, men into women, and women into men, shocking a bisexual (keeping in mind all the ve+ and ve- dipoles) would tear open a hole in the time-space continuum and jeopardize all existence currently occupying the first four dimensions.
ROFLMAO... I almost woke everyone in the house up laughing.
Jesus, If I would have known that I was such a time bomb, I wouldn't have worn wool socks on my shag carpet. I shall retire now to my rubber safe-room where I will live out the rest of my days in solitude to protect the universe... If you happen to see any other cute bi-sexuals they should definitely be locked in here with me.... and could you send a couple of bottles of good blackberry Merlot as well?
Thank you for making my morning!
*pictures all those LHC doomsday scenarios as you brush your hair*
Sure, depending on their charge, though.
Sorry, merlots are well known to have an opposite charge (ve+/ve-) charge to bisexuals (ve-/ve+). I'm keeping it away from you for your own good.
Damn it, now I have to cut my hair... I so didn't want to go butch...its such a cliche.
Maybe dread locks?
I know for a fact that Southern Comfort is (ve-/ve+)... I guess if I am forced to go butch, I might as well go full Monty.
So send me either an effeminate male bisexual (ve-/ve+) or a lipstick porno bi-sexual thus charged.
LOL! What about "flock of seagulls"?! I know insult comic Lisa Lampanelli accuses all queer women of having them.
If you don't know, nobody does.
Which is a blessing.
I once got an electric shock from a toaster, now we are in love. I know he's a toaster and I am a fridge, but we can make this work damn it!!!!
I'm sure you can make it work... Once you figure out the specifics of how things are gonna work could you please Youtube it... and send me a link.
I know, this is the funniest thread EVER.
My personal favorite quote is:
"the pu pu comes from inside and is very hot it makes the baby feel unconfortable. This happens because the muscle found at the exit of the anus itsn't yet control by the baby because the brain isn't fully develop."
This whole thread has wreaked havoc upon my fully developed sphincter.
I wondered what was going on in this thread. It's definitely a Friday!
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