I hope I've put this in the right section.
Reading people by their photographs.
I've always wondered about this because it seems its something I'm able to do quite accurately at least for most people, so I've been told by those I've read.
I don't predict futures or know intimate details of said people, I'm not psychic.
What I can do is describe the type of person they are simply by examining their faces, the way they stand, the expression on their face and the lines etc. From that I can then prognosticate which career they are likely to pursue with the greatest chance of success and the types of choices they are likely to make.
Would you say that this is is the result of having a high EQ, empathy or some kind of psychic ability?
I'm not saying it's any of those. I'd just like to know what you guys think and if anyone else is able to read people from studying their picture.
It appears as though this thread is about as interesting as an empty room - which incidentally is what this is ... apart from poor ole Richawriter!!
Now I'm talking to myself ....
Erm ... right, should I just leave now?
I dunno, why not hang around and hope for some attention?
ummmmmm, nah, that'd be like living on Mars, dead boring .... or dead AND boring!
What are you prattling on about now?
Nothing. Where's the exit?
Down and to the left.
Ah, yes, I submit!
Shut up.
lol... aw, Ill throw you a bone.
Does it mean you have a high EQ or are you just judgmental? lol
Maybe you have learned to judge a book by it's cover?
Woof woof, (gnaw ... chomp ... snap ...........gulp - gulp) ah thanks, that was nice although it did leave a lump in my throat.
You could say I'm judgmental - yes but to be honest, I don't do that. I meet someone and take them as they are. If they are nice to me, I'll return the sentiment, otherwise - syanara.
I'm just able to notice things, that's all.
Thanks though Beth. You saved me from myself there!
How did you get involved in this sort of thing?
Generally speaking the mind is so creative, it can make sense of the things it focuses on.
Some have unusually talents simple because they allow them self to focus on some seemingly mundane activity, until they have a new perspective which allows them to do unusual things.
Hey Kess,
I'll have to try this 'talking to myself" malarkey more often. It got me some bites!!! Maybe it's good to be a little insane after all...
Well, Kess, I think your point about focusing on things is spot on. In my youth I was fairly quiet and as such, became a people watcher I guess. I never judged, I simply watched and saw how people acted and which movements and behaviors were associated with which emotions etc.
The best teacher is the self, you know when you are taught from yourself when you know that you know.
Others can teach you, but it is not very effective because you most likely will retain elements of doubtfulness.
So even if you are taught of another concerning anything, it good to hear from self, so that, that knowledge will be established.
So you got it right,quiet observation, without being critical is key.
Very wise words right there my friend.
Thanks for adding food for thought here Kess.
The discussion, although one of the shortest in the annals of Hubpages history, left me with some useful tidbits to nibble on.
I'm happy now.
Thank you and Happy Christmas!
Some people are more perceptive than others in noticing the small details. The FBI, CIA and a few other government agencies actually train agents to be able to do this kind of thing. Some, such as yourself, it just comes natually.
I noticed your name is Double Scorpion. I have a pretty high EQ myself.
Hey, that's interesting and doesn't surprise me one bit.
They were trained by experts and psychologists more than likely. Could it be that I too was, in a sense, trained unknowingly by myself? I ask that because I have always been a people watcher. People fascinate me and I'm always watching and listening, in fact I listen far more than I speak!
Perhaps that has helped my sense faculties to become attuned to people's frequencies so to speak.
Thanks for your input.
Let's just say for the sack of argument that you are better at reading people than the average, how can you possible know you are correct in predicting which career they would likely pursue with the greatest chance of success? Do they pursue 10 different careers so that you can see if your prediction is correct? Or are you just attempting to take money from the gullible?
Hey Radman,
I wasn't saying that I make money from it or anything, nor do I assume that I'm correct. I've been told on many occasions by people who asked me to read them that I'm correct and I certainly am not arrogant enough to assume I'm always correct. On the contrary, I'm sure I am wrong sometimes.
Although I appreciate your trying to build more discussion here my friend.
Thanks for commenting.
Happy Christmas and may you have an awesome new year too.
Random strangers walk up to you and ask you to read their photos?
No, that's never happened, really.
One day, someone asked me to look at this photograph of a person they were about to work with and they already knew all they needed to know. They just wanted to check I guess. I told them how I felt about that person and what I saw from the image and they were like "Yes, that's exactly it! That's her reputation, how she always is."
After that a couple more people associated with this person asked me to do the same and I had the same results.
Later, people I met online asked me for help with their future's and what not and I said, "Well, I'm not psychic but I've heard I can read pictures well so let me give it a go." They did. It worked out the same. I read them well, almost perfectly and from that, together, we were able to work out a career path and goals for them.
I wouldn't dream of using it as a source of money. Not in a million years.
Once again though, I appreciate your inquisitiveness as it gives more time for contemplation on the subject.
I see, so if I showed you an old picture you be able to tell us what the person is like and what they do for a living? We could test that you know?
You're so funny. Why do you care about this? lol
This reminds me of your strong fascination to have ppl tell you what street you grew up on.
And nobody could do it? I called the bluff. When people make claims I ask them to back it up. You made such a claim and couldn't back it up. Remember? This case is much different however, because he could be able to decipher information from a picture, but the only way we can proof his claim is if we show him old pictures and see if he can predict what events have already taken place. Comprendre?
My fascination? Who's the one going around claiming to have conversation with God?
lol... who has ever made that claim? Google the titles of those threads and copy and paste ONE quote where someone claimed to be able to do that. If any sane person has made that claim, I have never seen it.
I threw out a guess once and you said I was right, then you admitted you were lying... the whole thing seemed kinda sad and pathetic. You always make it sound like the idea came from someone else. Did someone once tell you that? That they could tell you the street you grew up on? Im pretty sure if any of us were internet savvy we could do it, but Im pretty clueless about that kind of stuff.
Im pretty sure the Bible talks about putting God to the test. I doubt He would honor your request, but again, I can't speak for God... maybe some day someone will give you the answer you need... although as Ive stated before, I don't think even God standing before you would cause you to follow Him. In my opinion, it's not that you don't believe, it's that you do and you've rejected Him, who knows.
Ba ha ha ha. You've decided I believe but rejected him. You claim no one would claim to talk to God and then admit that you made a guess which means you were trying to show me you communicate with said God. Did you give me the name of the street? Too funny. Sorry, I don't have the time or the inclination to find where you and others make miraculous claims you couldn't back up.
Why again wouldn't your God want to save another soul by suppling evidence of his existence? Oh wait, you'll tell me it doesn't work that way right?
I go to sleep thinking this thread has been put to rest and wake up to this?
Seems to me Rad Man as if you are assisting me in marketing this amazing talent of mine! Shall we share future profits 70/30?
You seem intent on proving people wrong as it angers or frustrates you terribly when you feel people are subverting the truth or spinning yarns. That's an honorable enough way to be. I myself despise the act of over-elaboration and it's evil partner - lying. The world's full of it and that's the reason I've never been able to fully admit I believe God exists or aliens, or ghosts.
For me, they're all on the same page in that there is no discernible, tangible evidence to show they exist. That doesn't mean I'm going to spend my leisure time harrying these believers and demanding proof.
Anyway, I digress. An easy thing to do here on hubpages considering the content.
Rad Man, you probably submitted that comment about 'testing' me, fully confident that I would either ignore you or make an excuse and say 'no.' Either way, you - in your own eyes - would be proven right about your insinuation that I'm just another deluded idiot blowing his own trumpet.
Well, send some photos if you must and let me have a shot at them. I'm not saying what careers they have because I'm a writer right now, and writing has always been my calling, yet I wasn't able to do it for many reasons. Life is unpredictable and throws all kinds of spanners in the works.
Send some over and I'll have a look.
Thanks again and I look forward to these pics.
Nope, I'm not intent on proving you wrong, I even think it's possible that one can pick up clues in a picture, much like the Mentalist.
However I don't like to see people taken advantage of. I've seen how this kind of thing works, my guess is you will give a long list of attributes and of course some of them will be right and some will be wrong. I also understand you could be working with many people or you could have many accounts.
My conversations with Beth should not be of concern here as her claims were complete fantasy and imagination and I called her on those claims, she tried and guess, but of course failed and then told me it doesn't work that way. Surprise. This however is different. I'll see if I can find a photo, but I don't expect a long list of attributes, I expect short and concise. And I believe you did say you can predict what the best career would be.
Let's get one thing straight here.
You are basically insinuating that I'm taking advantage of people with this.
1. I don't nor will I EVER make a career out of reading people.
2. I write and teach. I do not claim to be some psychic medium or intuitive expert, whatever you want to call it.
3. If you read this post again, I WAS NOT advertising a gift so that people would come and pay me or give me their trust which is what your words are tinted with.
4. I am disappointed that you would resort to speaking to an adult and a stranger at that, as if he were a child and was doing something wrong.
5. You have just judged me unfairly and basically labeled me as a conman. Once again, you tread on toes with your ill-advised comments.
6. My original message was coming from the point of view of someone who is merely intrigued and confused by this phenomenon and was asking for a second opinion. I was wondering whether it was a fluke, a gift or simply that I'm good at reading some people. You've turned it into another witch hunt. No doubt, as I see from your interaction with Beth, you do this all over the forums and shoot down people's beliefs and comforts. See what I did there? Remind you of something?
You've spoken to me AND Beth as if we are a couple of chumps who don't deserve respect. Says a lot about yourself I guess - if one were willing to 'read' into it.
Try being a little more respectful and less judgmental in your interactions with me and others and you might just have your demands met. Until then, until you can address me with a little respect and treat me as a man and not a little boy who has wronged his daddy, then I won't bend to your will. As you can see, on this thread, Snakeslane came along and merely added a picture without jumping on the 'put this guy down' bandwagon and I read her picture. If I was wrong then nothing new has been found, as I already said I can be wrong.
Thank you and no hard feelings old chap.
Yes, because it's always about what 'you' think isn't it and that's why you come across as being such a rude and obnoxious person.
I've read the gentleman in the photo already but do you think I'm about to tell a guy who's as rude as a fart in an elevator? No, you can't have it all your own way.
If one day, you come along and speak politely without that incessant shadow of accusation and mistrust tainting your words, then of course, I'll hand over your reading for you.
Keep up your wonderful work of making sure the world is as bland and lifeless a place as possible by shooting down every belief, gift, hope or legacy that you have no understanding of.
Do have a happy New year though. I'm not a hater. Just don't like it when ... you know...
So because I'm critical you call me rude and obnoxious, rude as a fart in an elevator, impolite and with an incessant shadow of accusation and mistrust tainting in my words words. Oh and lets see I make sure the world is a bland and lifeless place and shoot down every belief, gift and hope.
And to think I actually said it's possible that you could do it and wanted to test it out. But I guess because I asked for something precise rather than a list of vague personality traits you appear to attack me rather than demonstrate what you can do.
Exactly what I thought and expected.
Not just rude, but as rude as a fart in an elevator.
To be fair, you did use a few words that can be deemed rude to others. You said something about him using his ability to scam others when he did not express that he uses it for any purpose than he just can. You may or may not have meant to come off as rude (depending on the time of day...lol), but if you did not mean to come across that way, your word choice did not match your intentions in this case. Now before you go on about how its his problem if he took offense where there was none intended, remember that the key point to the golden rule (one that is often overlooked, IMO) is to treat others according to their values as you wish to he treated as according to yours. Trying to impose your values of communication onto others is a surefire way to stir conflict.
Thank you.
Someone who understands why I reacted how I did.
It's nice to have an objective point of view.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year buddy.
Fair, but I do need him to understand how he could be perceived. He could in fact be scamming, so I wanted to check. If I make similar claims I would expect people to be critical of both my means and my intentions. You will notice that he refused to back up his claims without throwing a bunch of vague personality traits out. I don't feel being critical is being rude. I don't believe I said he was scamming, I may have said he could be as he himself eluded to. If you look back you should see that I in fact didn't call him any names. He though a bunch my way.
Funny that he doesn't read the photo to shut me up?
Sure, if he described the person in the photo as he claimed. I'd shut up and praise him. Vague list however is a technique Tarot card, palm, tea readers do.
So praise or ridicule? It must be one or the other? What about indifference? Do you have that one in your repertoire?
I can't be indifferent to people taking advantage of the gullibility of others. I don't know if that's what he was doing and wanted to find out. He called me a bunch of names and then left. Didn't see that coming.
I was seeing this thread as a light hearted attempt to get to know people, purely sociable and that is exactly what I experienced. The photo I submitted is me. I found it in a box of slides I was sorting through when I got my slide scanner. I hadn't seen the photo since it was taken X years ago and had forgot about it. But I have so few photos of myself I decided to use it.
Vague list however is a technique Tarot card, palm, tea readers do. quoting Rad Man
Handwriting analysts do this too...
I've had people read my palm, my tea leaves and my Tarot, and I would compare this experience to that, but so what...It was fun.
Thanks Snakeslane.
You are right. It was purely to interact and have a little fun and has been misconstrued.
Sorry that it went this way.
And thank you for seeing it for what it was.
Happy Christmas and have a great New Year.
And for the record, I'm not a reader of any type except books.
Thanks Snakeslane, that was my point. All I want is for people to understand that what he did was similar to tarot, palm, tea and handwriting analysts.
Glad that's cleared up now.
Can we move on now that you have made your point?
That in itself is fair as well. And I also get your point about not actually calling him a scammer. But keep in mind that the issue with trigger words is that even though it is not a direct accusation, using a trigger word also can create an implication that can sometimes be equally damaging to communicating effectively.
To your last point, again to be fair there sometimes is little point in continuing a dialogue when a person feels like they are continually being insulted, especially when they feel confident that anything else said will lead to further insults. We may not be able to control if someone else insults us, but se can control whether we open ourselves up to be insulted.
I get that and didn't take any of his insults personally. He can't read me by my little photo or the one I posted I guess.
Interesting that he starts by making a bunch of claims. I look for clarification that he is legit, he calls me a bunch of names and refuses to back up those claims and I'm insensitive to his needs and not communicating effectively. Why not tell him to back up his claims to shut me up?
"He called me a bunch of names...."
Alrightie then, daddy's got a sweet tooth tonight!!!!
So ... these are insults and names of the insulting type:
"come across as being such a rude and obnoxious person." Notice there how I said 'come across as being ....' Could you explain to me how that can be construed as an insult?
"as rude as a fart in an elevator." Well, I don't know about you, but calling you rude and using a modifier is NOT an insult.
"Listen, Mr. Self Righteous." Oh, come on now. You're telling me that insulted you?
I was actually extremely cordial to you for the most part.
I hope the two of you, that 'whathisname' fellow who came to insult Beth and yourself who came to attack me with your judgements, can continue this discussion. It's interesting to read your repetitious thoughts over and over and over.
Erm .... yeah
It seems like Richawriter is unable to support his claims.
No one is insulting Beth, she is the one tossing out insults.
lol. How did I get dragged into this? I was just sitting here, laughing with my kids. (Have you seen Phineas and Ferb? It's brilliant. You remind me of one of the characters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-cv0WpF73M )
You decided to personally insult me, like you often do when you have nothing to say.
Yeah, sure you were.
More personal insults? Do you not know when to quit? Is that all you manage to learn from your religion is how to insult others?
Have you lost your mind? lol
I am sitting here laughing with my kids. We are watching Phin. and Ferb. You should give it a look, it's so funny. And I don't remember insulting you at all, but maybe you are just easily offended? Either way, hope you are feeling better now.
Wow, just wow.
What an amazing ability, to completely forget insulting someone, repeatedly, projecting the blame onto them (after just saying you don't remember insulting them) and then say you hope they are feeling better (again, after just saying you don't remember insulting them).
Ill go back and read and see where I insulted you. You can look at this pic of my Gma who is 99 years old while I do that. Isn't she cute?
So first you said:
"We know.
We know that God isn't standing before us or anyone else. In fact, none of the many gods throughout history are standing before us. That is the point entirely. If a god stood before us, we would all know it and couldn't possible reject it.
You speak for your God all the time, you have to, he can't speak for himself because he isn't there."
And I replied:
"First of all, how did I know, when I saw the notification, that out of all the ppl on this thread, your comment would be aimed at me?
Secondly... where did you find that quote and what does it have to do with this lighthearted subject (with the exception of the fight between radman and Rich)?
You obviously need a mommy too." (I had earlier told Z man that I thought he needed a mommy.)
Then you said:
"Resorting to personal insults? Is that what Jesus teaches you? Is that what God told you to do?"
Then I said:
"Why is that an insult? I think you need some nurturing."
Then you said:
"The intellectually challenged will often blurt out insults and wonder why they are insults, which is why you won't see others who are not intellectually challenged tell you what they think you need."
Then I guess I didn't respond and then you gave me a double dose:
"No one is insulting Beth, she is the one tossing out insults."
And I responded with:
lol. How did I get dragged into this? I was just sitting here, laughing with my kids. (Have you seen Phineas and Ferb? It's brilliant. You remind me of one of the characters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-cv0WpF73M )
Then I double dosed you with:
"Did you guess which character I associate with you yet?"
Then I guess we both sort of said:
lol. How did I get dragged into this?
* You decided to personally insult me, like you often do when you have nothing to say.
I was just sitting here, laughing with my kids.
*Yeah, sure you were.
(Have you seen Phineas and Ferb? It's brilliant. You remind me of one of the characters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-cv0WpF73M )
*More personal insults? Do you not know when to quit? Is that all you manage to learn from your religion is how to insult others?
Then you hit me with:
"So you ever stop insulting people?"
And I replied:
"Have you lost your mind? lol
I am sitting here laughing with my kids. We are watching Phin. and Ferb. You should give it a look, it's so funny. And I don't remember insulting you at all, but maybe you are just easily offended? Either way, hope you are feeling better now."
And I also said:
"Why do you assume I am insulting you? It is one of my favorite characters. he cracks me up constantly."
Which basically brings us back to where we were. (I will never get that time back.)
Claims.... claims .... claims, the word of those seeking to battle those who they have judged to be a blight upon this world with their unholy scamming ways.
I made no claims. I shared something personal, and asked a question about it.
You and your chummy chum wherever he's lurking, decided to call it a claim and turn this thread into your own personal venting ground.
Don't make me laugh any longer please.
Come on, blow my mind with your picture reading ability. Put an end to it.
Once again, you miss the point entirely.
I was going to humor you but your tone scuppered that.
Believe what you will because you will as that is your will after all is it not or will you be willing to see things as I first willed them when I decided that I will write this post?
Either way, I don't care nor will I ever bend to your will.
Have a nice day and keep fighting the good fight.
Merry Christmas.
Uh, no actually, its just a way of discerning truth from made up bs.
Here is what you said, including the question.
In order for those questions to be answered, there has to be some validity in what the question is being asked about. Considering there is a very high improbability of anyone making accurate prognostications of others based entirely on a single photograph, your alleged ability needs to be verified, first.
Is that something you're unwilling to do? Or, are you just expecting everyone to take your word for it?
So by your logic, once again, anytime someone refers to God, magic or not even that, how about when they ask someone about a dream they had, or when they saw a ghost or an alien - that this person's intent, validity and truthfulness must first be proven in order for any discussion to continue?
What planet are you living on, my friend? Surely, it isn't this one, is it?
Sorry, but the reason you and this other dude are the only two over here where you are not welcome, is because you brought it upon yourselves to assume that you are there to make sure nobody talks about anything that hasn't yet been proven - in your eyes. Therefore, if I mention the theory of evolution are you going to jump on me and attack me for that too because it hasn't yet been proven?
No, because you deal in personal attacks. You work in gangs. You first spotted Beth over here and thought you might come and give her some of your babble. Then you rubbed your hands together and thought you'd attack me. It shows that your initial intent was not to slap my hand and tell me off for being different, but to seek out trouble, and you found it didn't you.
Give it a rest, because you look completely ridiculous.
Humans talk about these things, it's called conversation, it's called interaction and discussion.
If there were some referee presiding over every conversation in order to ensure that each person did not dare to talk about a specific subject without first giving proof then how the hell are we supposed to grow as a species?
I have correctly read people when asked, on several occasions and these instances were for fun, were passing moments during conversation and were never even remotely supernatural or telepathic in nature.
If you can't add to the original discussion then I'm asking you to leave and not come back in here as your posts are completely off topic and have no place here.
Snakeslane asked me to read her politely, I did so, you saw the list I gave, she has since answered. There is your proof that I have done what I said I have. I don't care if you think it's too vague. I did what I said I would and it's done now.
This is the same planet as you live, it is populated by both people who are gullible to believe in magic and those who question magic.
Yes, I saw your response, it was quite vague. To claim to be accurate would not mean providing a list of possible career choices. Your list of attributes could easily describe millions of people.
Sorry, it just was not convincing.
No problem.
There you have it.
Wasn't anything to get so worked up over now was it?
I said nothing more than that in the initial post yet you two went overboard.
I'm just saying, I was not touting myself as a psychic or medium.
Go trawl through my profile page, my website, my hubs, my twitter, facebook if you must. You'll find that I'm a writer - not a self-proclaimed reader of people. It was several occasions for fun and people said I was accurate. I did nothing more than I have done here nor was I seeking to convince anyone.
I don't want to convince anyone. That was not the point.
Now we can all move on.
Thank God for that. Oops, did I just say God! Someone's gonna get me for that!!
Just kidding!
Overboard? I simply answered your questions.
And, I said it was probably guess work and unlikely to be accurate, which seems to be pretty close to the mark. How is that overboard?
To be fair, my objective response to him applies in reverse as well. Just because you don't see or mean it as an insult doesn't mean that it isn't offensive to another
Yes, reaction can be equally as damaging to effective communication as word choice. When I mentioned the been rule, I was replying to you but that message wasn't just for you. It applies in several different areas.
It does appear that some of your replies are getting more and more sarcastic with one another (Yes, Richard, I'm referring to you as well). It appears that there was a misunderstanding of intent on both sides. How about trying to extend the benefit of doubt to one another and give it another try... or not.. I'm not sure how this one can get back on track.
Hey Deepes Mind,
Yes, I'll admit that I did get irritated but to be honest all I was doing was standing up for myself against unjustified criticism.
If you look through this thread, you'll see that I did in fact read someone when she sent a picture. She didn't first accuse me and speak to me as though I were guilty of being a scammer or conman. She simply sent me a photo.
Because of that, I read it.
They were demanding proof but let's keep in mind that this post was not me singing my own praises, it was a simple query. Furthermore, the people I read - for fun - were friends of friends and colleagues of colleagues etc. I never once seriously read a stranger and assumed I knew them. Not once nor did I say that.
They demanded proof. They got it in Snakeslanes post, her answer and my initial reading which is nothing less than I said in the initial post, again.
I'm a peaceful person and don't want conflict but when I'm unjustly accused and ganged up on, I react and protect myself.
Thank you though. You are a refreshing change and I welcome your input and insight as you clearly are a deep thinker.
Just had to edit here to add this. For anyone assuming that I'm a scamming reader of some kind toting a service and cheating people as was insinuated here, you'll see all you need to on my profile page. There all the links, twitter, facebook, my website are all those of a writer NOT a scam artist.
Snakeslanes response was "I've had people read my palm, my tea leaves and my Tarot, and I would compare this experience to that, but so what...It was fun."
You were as accurate as palm, tea and tarot readers and it was fun. She agreed that you use many vague attributes and careers choices.
Is that what you call evidence?
It's enough evidence to what I alluded to in my first post and if you aren't happy with that then so be it.
I'm alright with that.
Thanks for your input though.
Happy Christmas and may you have a wonderful New Year.
Yes I did notice that you did read the picture and the rest of the discussion. As I stated earlier it looked like a simple misunderstanding that could have ended a lot sooner than it did.it happens here in the forums. No harm done. Cooler heads
Thanks for adding to it.
You've been more valuable here than people let on.
Cheers buddy.
We know.
We know that God isn't standing before us or anyone else. In fact, none of the many gods throughout history are standing before us. That is the point entirely. If a god stood before us, we would all know it and couldn't possible reject it.
You speak for your God all the time, you have to, he can't speak for himself because he isn't there.
First of all, how did I know, when I saw the notification, that out of all the ppl on this thread, your comment would be aimed at me?
Secondly... where did you find that quote and what does it have to do with this lighthearted subject (with the exception of the fight between radman and Rich)?
You obviously need a mommy too.
Resorting to personal insults? Is that what Jesus teaches you? Is that what God told you to do?
Why is that an insult? I think you need some nurturing.
Claiming that he needs his mommy and nurturing is certainly personal.
Personal huh? Well I can't think of anything more insulting than saying something personal. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower btw.
The intellectually challenged will often blurt out insults and wonder why they are insults, which is why you won't see others who are not intellectually challenged tell you what they think you need.
I almost forgot.
You do realize the absurdity of your wish to prove I am what I say am, right?
I understand your reaction and it would make much more sense if we were members of a group that wasn't online, and rather somewhere outside in the 'real' world so to speak. That way, you could hand me a picture and see me do it for myself right there in front of you.
As it is, even when I'm done and the results are not what you thought, how are you to know that it was me that read the pictures and formed the conclusions? How are you to know that I didn't do some research online to help me? How are you to know that I didn't have a couple of friends sit with me for a laugh - at your expense - and discuss the types of people we are looking at?
Therefore, even when you get my answer, you'll still never know for sure, will you?
Just a thought.
Beth: Thanks for stepping there.
Remember, someone else' opinion about you is formed from a collection of their own experiences in life, their own programmed reactions, their own fears, bias, morals, ethics etc, all of those picked up through life through parents, peers and people they've met and then colored with their attitude. If they are predominantly negative, it'll be a negative color and vice versa. This is why no opinion or judgement from another even matters. It means nothing. Only what you think of yourself is important.
What I do with the photographs is not opinion or judgement, it is purely observation.
The difference:
OBSERVATION: To see something that is there, no judging, no labeling, no questioning, no attacking, no defending, no surmising, no insinuating - you get the point.
OPINION: Is to look and add all of the above.
Merry Xmas, Happy New Year to you all and thanks for this discussion.
Ah, great, thanks.
I love this picture by the way. Actually very expressive.
From the picture, the hair, eyes, smile and face structure overall I see that this person is:
Timid (when young)
Easily hurt (when young)
Possibly a water sign like Pisces or Aquarius or even Aries
Fiery temper that builds up and explodes rather than in stops and starts like most people
Feels a need to help people and do the right thing deep down, less inclined to think about herself. Prefers to put others before herself and will do so at times without hesitation although that may change with age.
Started off teens as a quiet student at school, a dreamer who did pretty well. May have been teased or bullied. As this person grew older she become stronger rather than weaker and at the same time stopped being taken advantage of, not she was to a massive extent or anything. Probably had one or two bouts of depression due to her deep thinking and analyzing nature but she got over it and is now, at this point in time, stoic and strong and very independent.
Possible careers
Physical Therapist
I can be wrong though, I'll admit that. But I definitely see those things in this girl though I can't see the actual events that occurred in her life.
I may have come across as judgmental or presumptuous but I promise you that's not me.
That is a very generous reading Richa, thanks for taking the time. I will have to get back to you on this, I am exhausted at the moment and hardly able to put a sentence together.
I think it's funny cause you see her thru a man's eyes. She is a knock out and it's going to affect the way you perceive her.
I'd tell you it doesn't make a difference but would it matter?
Look Beth, at least you speak to me with a little respect and I can see you are simply being inquisitive.
With that one comment though, I'm stymied. Nothing I can say - with the reputation men have in general - will make a difference so ... blurghhhhhhhhhh, oh well.
Still, at least you made me feel less lonely trapped in this little box with the gray line thingies around it.
Im sorry... I wasn't trying to be unkind... I was just imagining... thinking of seeing that pic from your point of view. I tend to do that sometimes... and I was thinking, she could be a total witch, but with those big brown eyes and pretty face... he's gonna be affected, and your words did tend to reflect a man affected. lol... But who knows, maybe you got her spot on. I spose you could use her bio and blogs, but still... there are some ppl who are simply perceptive and maybe that's all it is... or maybe you have a supernatural gift... If so there's a fellow here who can lend you his mask and his cape.
No, don't be offended. As you're trying to categorize her, I am doing my own categorizing I spose... it aint no thing, don't let it bother you.
No I'm not offended, Beth.
I know where you are coming from, in fact, I have learned one thing from this - a very very important lesson and I intend to keep it with me as a reminder.
I've learned that it is probably rude to go around staring at people, analyzing them and saying, "You are this type and you are this way inclined...."
Okay that came out really weird!
Let me put it this way. I am more perceptive but I know it's not telepathy, or anything supernatural. I would never be so arrogant to think that. That guy can keep his cape and tights thanks, bit too restricting if you ask me! Why not just go Tarzan?
Then again, it's something definitely best kept to myself as I look like a judgmental, opportunistic conman who is out to fool people and that was never my intent.
You know it's normal though right? For humans to categorize within seconds of meeting or even interacting online with someone. It happens on a subconscious level though, so I guess I'll keep it there from now on.
Thank you everyone who joined in the discussion even Rad Man. Most of all though, thanks Beth for adding your very unique (in a great way) perspective to this.
lol. You're welcome... but just a heads up... just cause you want the thread to end, doesn't mean it will... ppl are funny that way.
Yeah, I know.
Let's just say I have a little 'history' here on these forums!!!
Me and a certain person who I think is gone now, had a row that went on and on and on and on. Probably lost in the annals of Hubpages lore now but I'm sure it's in there somewhere.
I thought that thread would end - I was very very wrong!!! haha
I'll be around if it continues though.
I'll be seeing you on another thread perhaps Beth.
Nice to know you.
I would say it's pure guesswork. I would also say it's highly unlikely your examinations are accurate. You can't tell much about anyone from a photograph, that is ridiculous.
Yes, of course.
Are you still seeking attention? Oh alright then.
Here you are.
You are right, of course. Do you know why you are right?
Because it's your opinion, coming from your mind my friend, not mine and by that token, in your own eyes, by the light of your own intellect - you my friend - are unequivocally, unquestionably, undoubtedly correct - in your own eyes and who am I to question that?
Thanks for your enlightening input.
I wish for more of it.
Uh, I'm responding to your claims.
You are the one making the claim so you would obviously be the one questioning that. So far, you have yet to support your claim in any way. Why should anyone believe such a ridiculous claim? Or, are you just trying to get attention?
What is a claim but an assertion by one who is seeking to entice others into believing him.
If you read my question - the original one - you'll see that I wasn't making claims per se, at least not for the sake of making claims as you say. Therefore, your argument is again - moot and utterly pointless.
It was a question. You have answered that question. Of course the answer itself referred to the topic of the question being ridiculous, but we both know your answer is what was really ridiculous because rather than answer my innocent question, you choose to become a troublemaker.
By all means hang around and fish. You'll find there are no fish in this pond, not of the ilk you seek, anyway.
But, when the claim is extraordinary, as is with yours, it requires extraordinary evidence, which you have yet to produce.
Then, that would make this thread moot and utterly pointless unless your intention was to seek attention.
You were the one creating threads to seek attention, that would be a troublemaker.
True, there is nothing here to see from the ilk who seek attention.
Did you guess which character I associate with you yet?
Your logic is as a colander, full of holes.
Where are you getting this?
By your impeccable logic, everybody who has ever posted a thread here is 'seeking attention.'
Give me a break please.
Of course, the people here are creating threads for attention - duh - I thought that was the whole point of a forum - no?
"Then, that would make this thread moot and utterly pointless unless your intention was to seek attention." Good god, did you really just think that?
YES, I was seeking attention. I had a question to ask (Just as in EVERY other thread in the history of forums). hahaha
You, on the other hand, scuttled in here and thought, "Hey, wait a minute, there's a possible victim there that I can sink my .... ermm ... nevermind ...." You fished into someone else' thread and waited, because only by answering you, would I be giving you the attention you so dearly crave.
"Nothing here to see from the ilk who seek attention."
Okay, then. That sentence makes absolutely no comprehensible sense at all.
Do try again because on that occasion, you more aimed at yourself than at me which I'm sure wasn't the 'aim' was it?
Notice that you asked wether IQ, empathy or your psychic ability was an explanation for your ability, and not wether we think you have an ability.
No where is your ability up for question. You stated it as fact.
Well then, Rad Man.
Then it's clear. I don't in fact have an ability and therefore should not have even posed this question.
I was wrong to do so and gave the wrong impression by the way I chose to word my post.
I didn't set out to fool anyone.
Thank you though.
I've learned a lesson here.
Don't feel too bad, remember that because of you that were able get some "fresh meat" and you are not worst of in anyway.
Take a page out of Beth's book, she knows how to roll with the punches and she enjoys every bit of it.
I`ll have a go.
His name is Richard, married 43 years, has a daughter named Kate, and two grandchildren, aged 12 and 10. He used to play squashon Thursdays, but gave it up 12 years ago due to a dodgy knee. He now spends his time mowing the lawn, "going to the ball game" with his buddies, and fixing up and old Ford Mustang. By the way he is also loving, kind, intuitive, unassuming.... ad infinitum.
One would think that with the majority of men who have once golfed you be right, but I can safely say he has never swung a golf club.
But I do like the try. The odds were on your side.
Listen, Mr. Self Righteous.
You came in here all guns blazing on a harmless thread which was asking a harmless question and you were not rude?
Get over yourself, please.
Wow, you are bang on about the loving and kind part. You have a gift as that is the only person I know who fits that description.
Thank you.
I understand what you mean.
Thanks for 'putting me in my place.'
I know that in order for you to sit smugly, satisfied that your message got through, you need me to answer and attack or defend myself.
I'll answer but I will neither attack nor defend myself.
Go back to my original post and you'll see that I was here with the best of intentions, merely exploring and hoping the helpful hubpages community would lend a hand - as they so often do for each other.
Then Richard, who shares my name, came along and turned it into a witch hunt.
I'll explain to you what happened and make it clear seeing as your head is slowly (or quickly) disappearing.
I wanted help
Came here to ask
my intentions were good
once the question is explored and answered
It's thanks and goodbye from me
Richard came along
Looked, judged and thought
Oh God, there's another one of those weirdos
Cheating, and conning people
I must assume hero status here
Spandex on, cape on
"Dead or alive, you are answering to me!"
What he and you fail to grasp,
Is that I asked
Not coerced,
I sought,
Not bought,
but go ahead and blame if you must
but then again, you can't get a-head can you,
coz yours is disappearing!
Live a little and enjoy your New Year and take off the damn spandex please, you don't wear it well at all.
Richard, 33 years old, has a son and is married. Asked a simple question and was accused of being a charlatan! hmmmmmm yeah okay, which one of us is 43? (Sigh, I'm in here now and see that I referred to that as 43 years old, not married for 43 years old!) Oh well, gotta laugh!!!!
Would you like me to repost all those names you've called me? We can now add self righteous to the list. Never attack, indeed.
Where is this other Richard?
Never mind the Richard thing. I mistook disappearinghead's comment as meaning you.
Look. I'm not going to fight this out with you. It's pointless.
You wrongly assumed. I reacted. You reacted. Game over.
I'm not going to - and I'd appreciate it if you didn't too - react anymore.
I've had a beer (may have another, after all it is Christmas - ish time) and I'm done with arguing and I'm certainly not going to prove myself to you when that was never the aim of this thread.
Once again, I extend my hand to you in good will.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hmmm, not sure how we could ascertain proof with any certainty with this small sampling of one photo reading, it is pretty subjective obviously. I could confirm or dispute the qualities attributed to me, but I'm not going there.
I understand that and I did say that I've been wrong.
My intent was never to prove myself.
I only wanted to start a discussion, not to prove I'm a mind reader or anything. I'm far from that.
I read a handful of photos once - for fun - and it turned out I got some things right. That doesn't mean I'm even on the same level as a tarot reader or any of the other professionals. I'm not, that's for sure.
I guess in the beginning I should have been more clear with my experience and my purpose.
My bad.
I'm ok with that, I see this as I said earlier as a sociable experience (the photo reading offer) and that is what I found, by the way I'm going to have it framed!
That's awesome!
Merry Christmas to you and may you have a wonderful New Year.
Thanks again Richawriter, Happy New Year to you.
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