Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism?

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  1. Gnostic Bishop profile image57
    Gnostic Bishopposted 9 years ago

    Billion + believe in Satan. Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism?

    We must save our children from foolish belief in the supernatural.

    Education is the only tool that we have to drag ourselves and our children out of ignorance and superstition and that education should include that it is foolish to read myth literally. No more Dark Ages should be allowed.

    Comparative Religion should be taught to insure that no child is lost to creationist intellectual dissonance. We must expose our children to Comparative Religion as soon as they can understand Evolution which would be taught alongside of it.

    To do less would be shirking our duty to our children and their young minds. If you do not supports this type of all-inclusive education, please show why you oppose it?

    Remember that when President Bush backed up stem cell research, it gave other countries a chance to advance away from the U.S. and hurt the U.S economy.

    If the U.S. fails to educate it’s children properly in Comparative Religion and Evolution --- and the various sciences that stem from it, --- the U.S. will shrink it’s economy and power as compared to those countries who have a fuller and more intelligent education program.

    Do you agree that it is the duty of the U.S. education system to maintain a first world standard of education in the teaching of Creationism, Comparative Religion and Evolution, --- and catch up to more intelligent countries?


    1. kess profile image59
      kessposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      To believe that the system of education is able to take people from darkness into the light is the to believe a lie.

      Actually it is that very system that have people dumb and brainwashed.

    2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
      MelissaBarrettposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      I approve of science being taught in public schools. I don't believe theology is appropriate until college. Science is required for education in all subjects. Theology is a specialized career choice.

    3. Mikio profile image65
      Mikioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      All schools should teach creationism in order that every kid will learn that there is still a group of folks out there who are in deep denial of the reality. In other words, creationism provides a good case study material that can illustrate how some folks get insecure over science for no good reasons.

      1. Paul Wingert profile image61
        Paul Wingertposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Biblical creation, if ever taught in public schools, would fall under mythology. No way science or history. It is a rip-off of the Sumerian Eridu Genesis used to explain the creation of a certain group pf people, the Hebrews. God, aka Yahweh, was one of many gods worshiped by the Semitic tribes and Canaanites before the Jewish exile  in around 550 BC.

      2. profile image0
        Deborah Sextonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I wouldn't want anyone teaching my child their doctrine, so I would not want it taught in school.
        I would remove my child from any institution, that tried to do this

    4. profile image0
      Onusonusposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's always funny to see someone say that we need to catch up with "more intelligent" countries as if any of them comes close to the economic affluence, and personal liberty that has been prevalent in America since it's inception.
      Between 1996 and 2008 America produced 75,766,251 scientific citations of groundbreaking discoveries, while the runner up (The United Kingdom) put out 18,030,898 citations. In fact we came out with more discoveries that the next six runner ups combined, and with less than 5% of the worlds population. That is not to mention the fact that America produces the most advanced scientific and engineering degrees through our university system. A system that is the envy of the rest of the world.
      And in case you didn't know, almost all of the life saving drugs around the world are the product of  knuckle dragging American pharmaceutical research.
      And nothing compares to American inventiveness. Things like Refrigeration, the electric telegraph, anesthesia, assembly line production, the airplane, the bulldozer, extragalactic astronomy, the liquid-fueled rocket, EEG brain topography, the digital computer, nylon, ,the creation of the first Transuranium element, nuclear weapons, the transistor, supersonic flight, the video game, cable television, radiocarbon dating, the atomic clock, the credit card, the nuclear submarine, the laser, carbon fiber, the integrated circuit, the weather satellite, the birth control pill, the communications satellite, Kevlar, the compact disc, the jumbo jet, the personal computer, email, the Heimlich maneuver, the space shuttle, the graphic user interface, the global positioning system, and in case you missed any of that: TiVo. Oh, and parenthetically, this nation of idiots landed on the moon two generations ago, and we also mapped the human genome about a decade ahead of schedule.

  2. rebekahELLE profile image86
    rebekahELLEposted 9 years ago

    No, all schools should not be mandated to teach Creationism.  If private schools wish to teach it, it's their choice.  Tax dollars should not go towards teaching church related doctrine.  Parents can teach their children what they wish.  Comparative religion is an elective in college and that's where it belongs, in my opinion.

  3. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 9 years ago

    I strongly believe in God, and try to live the life we are to live when we serve God...but..
    If my son was a young boy in school, I wouldn't want anyone teaching him anything about God.
    This kind of teaching belongs in the home with the family.
    My concern would be their doctrine


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