Since 76.5% of American’s identify as “Christian” according to a 2001 ARIS study. It’s interesting that the largest group in prison is Christians wail still the public enemies’ no. one, way to be imprison is by way of marijuana.
If an Anti-Gay Agenda’s advertising firm said that a Cures for Homosexuality is Marijuana rather than a gateway to Homosexuality could that work making Pot legal?
Unlikely you with get lock up for adultery, Homosexuality an abortion in America According to CNN Adultery, Homosexuality an Abortion are within the top four sins in America . Marijuana comes in 5th worse sin in America, so make sure if you get caught with a joint in your mouth, and make sure it’s a guy at the end of it.
By declaring your faith in “God” or making claims that you are speaking God’s word, you automatically become believable in the U.S.A. – after all
said unto me, ‘I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs.’ — Isaiah 18:4-5 It is obvious that God used Marijuana and even more apparent that marijuana would prevent man from bearing the shame of homosexuality.
What is truth?
The biggest threat to America is idolatry, which has opened the way to sexual perversions, drug use and lasciviousness.
?? What are you considering idols that are worshipped extensively in the country? Particularly ones that promote sexual perversions, drug use or lasciviousness?
I will not try to name anything that's extensively idol worship in this country. I will say money and self-gratification are idols in many of OUR lives. We make them our gods, as well as other things. When anyone other than the Lord is enthroned in our hearts, it CAN open the way for lascivious living.
Those are things people are addicted to, they are not idols, because no one bows down and worships them
Never gave a quick little prayer before walking into the bank?
Prayers are to God, not to money.
Meandering thoughts: Although, I do have a crush on the image on the ten dollar bill.
Uh oh, is that Idol worship? No, because I do not Pray to Alexander Hamilton. Why would I?
"Dear Alexander, please come into my life in the form of as many ten dollar bills as possible…" hmmm... I wonder if that would work…? If it works, Benjamin will suddenly become even more handsome to me…
NO IDOLS! My son says that dollars are certificates of productivity… I'll just stick to that. He's done quite well, with this understanding.
PS I would say the answer to the Original Question is: Pot.
When laying down upon a beach with my girlfriend. It feels like worshiping the Sun and woman. The Sun feeds all life forms and sure many gays and pot feel the same way
All life comes from the Sun and stars and our earth was once upon a star. Yet Many Christians, think it's harmless to look at astrological charts or engage in various forms of spiritism.
Smoke it if you want to........ don't smoke if you don't. Should it be legalized? Yes. For goodness sake, cigarettes and liquor are legal and those two things kill and hurt more people than pot.
The guard on duty will think you are talking secretively into a microphone and planning a raid.
A man warned me before laying on the beach. He told me about a couple who were smoking pot and were laying nude on a beach at the same place , there in Algeria. Africa
They were beating to death on the beach for it. Thank God, I did not do the same.
LOL @ Jonny and Ouch Castle............. lesson learned ... smoke before you go to a beach in Algeria
Think about it, who but God do you worship?
Well we sure don't bow down, since this is basically not a Muslim country. Muslims are free to do so.
But, in the interest of not following you from thread to thread...
Good Night.
Worship is a personal choice, to what, to whom. it doesn't matter. No one has come back from the dead yet in my lifetime (I am 63) to tell me what's out there. Like it or not, we'll all find out in the end. Personally, I am a believer but refuse to call myself a "Christian" because it scares the hell out of so many people, feared of being judged instead of loved. A real "Christian" should know the ONLY way to win a person is through LOVE if they truly believe that Jesus died for the sins of the WHOLE world.
Mahatma Ghandi put it well: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
Idolatry is simply letting something take God's place, putting something before God, "serving" or "worshiping" something other than God. The worship can either be literal (as in religions that worship idols) or figurative, as in any number of things people may "worship" - money, fame, power, success, self, other people, pleasure, etc.
But there IS no god for a great many people. Are you then saying that they all "worship" something else? That the love and worship of a god is nothing more than, say, enjoyment of a sport?
People were designed to worship and they will worship something. If they don't know and worship God (and often times even when they do) they will worship one or more other things - money, fame, success, self, people, pleasure, etc. But there is a difference between simply enjoying something and worshiping something. People can enjoy sports without worshiping it (as they can enjoy money and so on without worshiping it). But there are people who do worship sports or sports stars. When it crosses the line from enjoyment to worship may not always be clear cut, but we can often readily see what it is a person worships.
Whatever makes you think people were designed to worship? Because the god you believe in demands worship and therefore it made people so that they would do it?
Personally, I know of no one but Christians that worship anything at all, and think that most of them worship nothing, either (paying lip service but not real belief or worship). Although I'm sure if I lived in a different land it would be a different religion.
Look around and everywhere people are "worshiping" all manner of things. We worship the living God, but many are worshiping false gods in both literal and figurative terms.
You know no one but Christians that worship anything at all? Sorry, but that has to be one of the most ignorant statements I've ever come across...
What is? Questioning the statment that people were designed to worship?
Should you give evidence of the truth of the statement, I might agree. Other than that it is pure supposition with nothing whatsoever to back it up - in other words, an impossibly ignorant statement.
Everyone serves a master, and everyone "worships" something in that there is something everyone prioritizes above all else. Your time and treasure will betray what that is for you. You needn't take offense at the idea, as there is a way that seemeth right unto man. Would you be insulted if we found what you serve and worship in terms of dedicating your time and treasure to it was your family? Perhaps the hangup is the word worship, as it does not mean you put it on a pedestal and pray to it. No need, as this thing or these things monopolize your thoughts. Are you telling us you don't have anything like that?
the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
"the worship of God"
show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.
Speak for yourself. I worship no deity; it is only by using a far different meaning than originally introduced here that the term "worship" can be used at all.
From Cat33, "Idolatry is simply letting something take God's place, putting something before God, "serving" or "worshiping" something other than God.", where idolatry implies a diety, whether it is one you approve of or not.
But even then, no there is nothing I worship. Nothing that I devote inordinate amounts of time or effort to; my life is pretty well balanced. I watch TV, but do not worship it. I spend time at a gym, but do not worship it. I love my family and give them my time, but do not worship them, either. I even sit before the keyboard, but certainly do worship it!
That's ridiculous, we don't worship our 55 inch smart TV, we love it, but we don't worship it. The way you talk, we couldn't do anything without sinning
Yet, I bet you'll say God's laws were abolished
You may simply enjoy your TV and not worship it. If someone's TV gets most of their interest, devotion, time and potential, then it is likely their "god". Material possessions as a whole may also be a "god" if it is top priority for someone to gain possessions.
The point really isn't about us sinning or "everything being a sin". It's already a given that as humans we sin continually (that's human nature). Jesus has already taken care of the sin problem. The point is that in one way or another we worship something or someone (or several things). Some worship nothing but worthless "idols" (literal or figurative); some worship both God and idols (something God spoke against). The goal for us as believers is to worship God alone.
Do you have insights that others don't have? Everyone was born to "worship"? Where did you get that idea? The Bible? Chapter and verse then please.
You don't have to "bow down and worship" something in order for it to be an idol. If it is in God's place in our lives, it's considered an idol. Idolatry is all around you. I guess you don't want to admit it.
The concept came from the ancient/biblical Hebrew scriptures..
The Hebrew word translated as worship, in Hebrew means the “act of bowing down“
There is a literal sense, and there may be a metaphoric one, either way, it is bowing down.
We can't change the meaning of words we've never even spoken
Accept this as the truth it is, or continue putting your own definitions on words without any investigation
"Be fruitful and multiply" is what we were commanded by God to do! If all relationships became homosexual, I don't think we would be able to do that, do you?
Norine Dear, we don't want all to become gay. Monoculture is not good, it leads to lack of bio-diversity.
And have you noticed the figures? 7 billion and counting. I don't think in your wildest dreams there could ever be 7 billion gays in the world... I mean, what a scream Darling!
Just saying what Scripture says! Argue that? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Bio-diversity existed! Just repeating Scripture "Dear"!!
Have you expressed your concerns to the churches that insist on celibacy?
And what does Sodom and Gomorrah have to do with anything?
Why? Paul was celibate! Read the scriptures!
You mean your interpretation of scripture
When reading scripture, remember John 4:23-24! If "I" would read it, "I" probably would interpret it the same way religion does.
Yes, Norine, and simply repeating scriptures is so, so, so senseless, when you have a brain to think with. Pardon me being so blunt, but this ignorance and reliance upon ancient texts without understanding them is, in my opinion, one of the greatest set-backs for the American peoples.
All manner of atrocities have been committed in the name of that "book" and its "god." Slavery, capital punishment, the greed of commercialism, the lynching of innocent individuals, condemnation of individuals who happen to be homosexually orientated, breaking up families because of beliefs, exorcising evil spirits .... all brought about because someone stands up and gobs on about what scripture says. Superstition lies at the center of such ignorance and is the substitute for open-minded education.
You can find whatever you need in the bible to support your wayward ideas. But there is also ample evidence that the answers to all our biggest problems in life is to venture inside of our own conscience and examine our own personal life before using the bible to justify unfairness towards others. In fact, the most un-Christ-like thing you can do is to use the bible for just that purpose.
The "Kingdom of Heaven" is within, not somewhere out there amongst the stars.
The problem is the "brain!" The letter killeth! Remember John 4:23-24!
Did you know that when the King James bible was written a group of men picked and chose what from ancient letters to put into that book? And do you really think that the God that created every person on earth condemn them because they have no access to a Bible? Remote villages in the mountains of Central Asia, the jungles of India and South America, thousands of remote islands without books. Are you seriously saying that God has no relationship with people groups like that?
You're right , if you are "in" Christ Jesus! Because you can be "in this world" but not "of this world!" Walking in the Spirit is where "ALL" should be! However, my "initial" response was from a "carnal" point of view in which "both" conflict with Scripture.
Weed does not asked to be worshiped,
Just to be happy, eat and sleep.
how is it obvious Isaiah 18:4-5 is talking about weed? youre making a huge jump because they use the word herbs, dont you think?
Personally I don't understand religion and all it's wrong translation.
Yet there are mamy Christians who believe there is dozens of verses relating to cannibis. Many believe Jesus created miracles, when he used cannibis oil to heal many
of the sick
Back to the original question you put, comparing homosexuality with the use of marijuana, why do they need to be compared?
Is it possible to paint a picture of people who are "characteristically" homosexual? Can you be sure from looking at a person across the street that he or she is homosexual in their orientation? No, of course you can't. If that street was in an area where homosexual people commonly congregate, there might be a common similarity in the way individuals dress or their mannerisms. But there are many heterosexual individuals these days who also exhibit such tendencies. There is no one, definitive "mark" upon a homosexual person which gives you absolute certainty. Look how, over the past 40 years, initially "gay" fashions got taken on by the "straight" community.... positioning of the handkerchief in one's pocket; sneakers; ear piercings and other jewelry; handbags; .... all manner of ideas which many people love to use, all started by us "queers!" Even Mardi Gras took off like a stampede with the "normal" crowd, jealous of those who had the courage to live their lives to the full.
Is it possible to be 100% sure if a person is in the habit of using marijuana? No, of course it's not so. Anyway, if it is very obvious and the person is "out" in relation to his/her drug habits, what's the worry; what's causing any doubt?
If a person is secretly homosexual, or secretly using illicit drugs, then you would need to enquire why such a person cannot come out in the open and admit it. What personality defect is pulling at that person's conscience? This clandestine activity could be seen as harmful simply from the self-deception that's going on.
Anyway, being gay and smoking a joint seem likely activities that are here in this world to stay, indefinitely, so let's get used to it, embrace the good things of life and move on.
If there is some kind of father figure, looking down upon us from up there around Jupiter somewhere, I doubt if he is going to mind one hoot!
Since Amerca are mostly Christian. This thread was based on CNN survey of
America top sins,
pot is by far
worst to be
imprison by.
Where gay
marriage is far
less to become
lawful than pot in
the future.
Both are harmless and both are
America and the
World have a lot
of growing up to
What reason do you have to believe the translations are wrong? Have you studied ancient Greek and Hebrew? Christinas that make those assumptions I would say are reading into the text something that isn't there. It's ok to not believe what the text says. But according to the text alone, there is no mention of weed. If someone believes weed what used by Jesus, I would like to know the source.
I don't! The "text" says that we are to remain "sober" and we know weed distorts the mind! Based on the "text, I know weed is not acceptable to Jesus! Wine was a drink or a "figure of the times" as mentioned in the "text" yet Rm 14:21 says, "It is good neither to eat meat NOR TO DRINK WINE, nor anything by which thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." So why do "Christians" take WINE for The Communion? Just Asking!
The cannibis maybe the ultimate foodplant along with 10s of thousands of other products.
Look up Proverds 15:17 Genesis 1:29 /9:3 /1:12
John 4:1
You know God was saying "under the Old covenant" that I have given you everything He said "better" in Prov 15:17, not "right" the lesser of the 2 evils which involved LOVE! Gen 1:29 "for food" Gen 9:3 "for food" Gen 1:12 "good" "for food" Jn 4:1? I Peter 5:8; 1:13. cannibis distorts the mind. No longer sober!
Everything in moderation. Wine and cannibis can bring great wellness to your life or harm.
all lt brings more good than harm.
You're playing Russian roulette with cannibis and wine, not remaining "sober!" Rm 14:21 says, "It is good neither to eat meat, nor to drink WINE, nor ANYTHING by which thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." I didn't say it, it's the Word of God!
Norine, you are free to make your choices for your life. You are free to believe whatever you wish. You are not free to direct others into your believes in the presumption your way of thinking/looking at things is superior to others.
Ancient traditions of what food, methods of preparation, ways of eating, who could eat what, etc., can be left in the past. The reasons for and origins of those traditions have mostly long-gone. With them have gone the understanding and society's connections. Today you and I live in a very different world from those biblical times. And I wager you personally don't know the intricate details of history, so why are you playing at those ancient practices?
Is that god of yours living in ancient days? Or is "He" living now, in the present? I suggest you answer this question clearly for yourself, then start treating others, who have differing views to your own, with more respect. Don't you think the Jesus you aspire to would have required it of you?
Marijuana, wine, dance, song, celebration, fun..... you can partake of any or all of these as you see fit for your life. Your "lord" won't mind a bit.
Jonny: You gave me those scriptures "under the law!" The only scripture you did not give me that was in the New Testament was Jn 4:1 which is still "under the law!"
Yes, "I am free to believe whatever I wish" and so are you! You are right, "I am not free to direct others into "my" beliefs" but I am "free" to speak what is written in the Word of God! Whether you want to believe Scripture that "is written" is up to you!
I live under the "NEW COVENANT" which says we are to remain "SOBER" and I personally know that cannibis distorts the mind! I used to do it! Don't tell me about "moderation" because the first "hit" distorts!
Again, read Romans 14:21 (Under the NEW COVENANT!)!
"You can partake of anything you see fit for your life and your "lord" won't mind a bit" but as for me and my house "we will serve the LORD!"
can we just take proverbs 15:17?
"Better is a dish of vegetables where love is than a fattened ox served with hatred."
where do you get the mention of marijuana? this proverb isnt even about herbs. im not asking this to be a jerk, but are you reading these? or just looking up on a website that teaches this stuff and pasting here?
I can't translate bronze age
Proverbs. It took it from what Christians who promote the herb.
Castle: This is where you missed one of the many BENEFITS that the Holy Spirit will give you! If you "believed," He would open your "spiritual" eyes and you could understand! John 14:26 says, "He will teach you ALL things..."
You need Scripture to state "Christians promote herb" otherwise, you lie on the Holy Spirit!
I see. I think those Christians are wrong. You just have to read the text in its context to see that. Person all I have nothing against legalizing weed. Mainly because I think I would reduce violent crimes. But there is no mention of it in the bible
Speer: KJV, Scofield, 1967, says "Better is dinner of "herbs" where LOVE is..." which should be interpreted "Better to eat "herbs" where "LOVE" is ..." Case & point, LOVE should be displayed even when eating "herbs" than being involved in anything where "HATE" exists! What are you reading from?
KJV Proverbs 15:17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.
Herbs is defined below according to Brown Driver Briggs.
BDB Definition:
1) herbs, herbage, vegetables, garden greens
Part of Speech: noun masculine
The Truth is "God" gave man free will and NO ONE has the right to question anyone's choices unless it directly injures another person. And for Heaven's sake, who cares about the pot issue? Anyone who drives and drinks is given a DUI when caught. It's the same for anyone who is high on any other kind of substance.
Let gays be gays. Who are we to judge another one's choice? I am so sick of so called "Christians" getting involved with these issues. It's NONE of their business.
Jesus Christ hung out with prostitutes. David and Paul were murderers.
Marijuana is not the worst thing on earth. God created it and I believe it is beneficial for medicinal purposes.
All that being said, I am a believer but I don't drink tea or Kool-aid and I don't like churchianity or religion. Very few denominations are biblical. They like hit people over the head with the Bible or threaten Hell if someone doesn't pray the "prayer of salvation".
What a bunch of bunk. Jesus died for the sins of the WHOLE world. So much scripture is taken out of context.
A person, gay, straight, black, purple, yellow, red, or white's relationship with God is personal and nobody's business.
That's not to say the law & order should be ignored. But, please stop with God hates gays or that a gay person is going to Hell. Judge not lest you be judge. You are touching sacred ground.
Yes, do your own thing as long as it does not harm anyone.
...and you don't have to be Christian, we have free will anyways.
I didn't mean to imply that "Chrisitians" are the only people with free will. And frankly I am attacked by so many so called "Christians" who interpret the Bible their own way acting as if they are the only people "God" loves one Earth. Sickens me how they will use any verse to pound someone over the head as you will notice by what Norine screamed at me with her exclamation point as if she is an expert on Scripture and attacks me as if she has full knowledge of my personal relationship with God. She is a perfect example of how churched and religious legalists put themselves in the place of the God of the Bible as his judge.
Nancy: Not according to Scripture, if you are a believer!
Christians cherry pick verses anyway. Many more verses are for the herb of cannibis than not for the herb.
God said use every herb upon the earth.
God made the herb, not the Government. It was the Government who put Jesus to death.
Not only does the Government kills important plants, they kill their own people
over it.
Ok, Norine, you are so well placed with your Lord you have absolutely nothing to worry about, eh?
What an empty so-called "love" you have for your fellow man, when all your focus is upon an imaginary god of your own making.
See you at the Pearly Gates.... don't forget your roller skates.
Exactly! She, not God, is my judge. Oh my goodness! Should I be afraid??????????????????????
Nancy: The Word of God is your judge! I state "only" what is written in Scripture!
Narrow mind. Narrow perception of your world. Is it any surprise that your ideas of a god are constricted by the ancient writings in a man-made book?
All because of your desire to be amongst the very few that manage to get rescued from what you perceive to be the evils of this world, while everyone else gets banished to a firey hell.
How noble and very unselfish of you, Norine. I wonder if "He" will even notice you pleading from outside of the Gate, let alone welcome you in.
No, you state only what your world view and desires have decided to interpret the words of the church VIP's that "translated" the originals into their own world view and desires as meaning. As you live in at least the third culture, it is extremely unlikely that the meaning you assign is anywhere close to what your god intended in the first place.
No, Norine, a book is not my judge, but you sound pretty judgmental concerning my personal walk with God
A "walk with God" is "believing" what "is written" in the Scriptures which you refer to as "a book" which is your judge, not I! From your postings, you seemed to have missed "a lot" of what "is written" therein!
Do you ha ve a beard
And wear sheep clothing?
Probably to some that cannot discern the Spirit! John 14:17
Norine, you have gone back to the old, old trick of bringing in the supernatural, the "spirit," something which cannot be proven or disproven, just to support your christian fundamentalist way of thinking and speaking.
It remains just like it has always been.... a way of suppressing any notion of logical thinking on the part of "non-believers." We have argued these points here in HubPages until we are blue in the face..... it is up to you what you want to believe. Those of us who don't believe what you do are in no way inferior or lacking in logic/intelligence/awareness compared with you believers. We do not stand to suffer in any way after the deaths of our earthly bodies, simply because we don't believe. If you feel differently for your life, then so be it... I do not need to agree and will come to no harm as a consequence.
I totally accept your choice of beliefs for yourself. Do you totally accept my choice, for myself? If you do, fine... we are equals. No need to agree on those other things then. Ok?
Jonny: I "totally accept your choice of beliefs" as an unbeliever! But as a believer, it is commanded of us to "teach all nations" and this is why we continue to discuss scripture with unbelievers!
"Supernatural" or "spiritual" miracles may be a "trick" to you, however, I have "personally" experienced these events which have increased my "belief" and "faith!" I personally placed hands on a gentleman once and the "power of the Lord" came over him, which, in my "natural" mind and body scared me to death! However, it was my belief and faith that Jesus saw my heart and used me as "a vessel" to bless this man! Unbelievable, I know!
You stated the one thing that separates the "believers" from the "non-believers," - "LOGICAL THINKING!" (II Cor 3:4-6). Did you notice Verse 5? "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God!" So don't think I think "myself" superior, but ALL glory goes to God! However, "logical thinking" KILLETH" according to Verse 6!
I know this can only be believed by "believers," so according to my beliefs, continuing in "LOGIC" Romans 1:28 will eventually apply (if not so already). It states, "And even as they did not like to RETAIN GOD IN THEIR "KNOWLEDGE," God gave them over to a "REPROBATE MIND," to do those things which are not seemingly," (KJV, Scofield, 1967).
As a "believer," I realize that you have "free will," but I can in no way "accept your choice" which is not in accordance with scripture. But I love YOU anyway! Praying for ALL always!
You are using texts that were written by an ancient personage to an ancient culture for reasons that would have been apparent to the peoples of those times. Such texts were never intended for people of 2000+ years hence. You, Norine, and so many people like you, take those texts and use them to promote your own beliefs. You use them to justify your evangelism. You get a feeling of self-importance from such activity.
Dear Jonny: I get "BENEFITS" from such a belief! What do you get?
I'm praying!
JonnY: I state what's in the Bible in which I "Believe!" "I" didn't say anything that is "outside" of Scripture as we ALL should do!
Do you actually live inside a book, called the bible and experienced every word action as absolutely truth. WOW!
I "believe" and have "faith" in the Word of God! No, I have found that "every word" written in the "bible" is not "absolute truth" because some of it has been tampered with by man! John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit will "reveal all truth" which He has! The Holy Spirit will "teach you all things" even that portion that's been tampered with by man! Unbelievable, I'm sure you'll say, but true! However, this is just one of the examples of the "BENEFITS" one will receive, if you "believe!"
You see, this is not a "carnal" walk with God, but a "supernatural" or "spiritual" walk with God! It is something that the world doesn't understand! It is on a different plateau than "everyday life!" It is unexplainable! I guess the nearest thing to it is a "out of body experience" with the Holy Spirit 24/7! WOW!
I guess you could say it is "being in the world, but not part of the world" as Scripture says (John 17:14-19)!
I don't see anything in the Bible that clearly quotes God being against cannabis. God did say everything he made is perfect, or did God make a mistake of making this herb and not with making oil and gas. They could be replaced oil and gas with Hemp, it is much healthier.
Synthetic world vs. the green world, green is power to the people. Imagine if you could make up your own medicine or have a choice between 50 thousand products you could make from hemp, all grown in your back yard garden. Top ten thing worst things about cannabis.
1 Its illegal and a million people each year in the USA are either killed or imprison for it..
2. It’s illegal
3. It’s illegal
4.It’s illegal
5. It’s illegal
6.It’s illegal
7.It’s illegal
8. It’s illegal
9..It’s illegal
10.It’s illegal
Big deal! People still use. I've spoken from a biblical standpoint previously, but speaking from a worldly view regarding marijuana, it is safer than what society has legalized - alcohol! Legal or illegal, it's all about MONEY!
Yes synthetic corporatism money vs green for the power of the people.
Top lobbyist against weed either are synthetic or mixed in synthetics.
Pharmaceutical, Police, prisons, prison guards and Alcohol
Other lobbyist like forestry where 75% of our world trees are gone, hemp grows four times faster and can replace most construction material and paper.
Few other Oil, gas cotton plastic food and so on.
Thinking back to what happened during prohibition I don't think it was about money. People demanded their booze and got it one way or another, legal or not. Much like weed is today; people want it, and to heck with the law. And, just like alcohol, laws are being changed to permit it.
Most of what we get a glimpse of in the christian religiosity of the United States, is the mega church, with lots of people sitting in awe of a preacher up there on the dias. Lots of nice furnishings, fine clothes, fine and dandy music, bright lights and flowers...... all this provided with MONEY.
And the big preacher wallows in BIG MONEY.
Where would your church be without it?
This is about the dumbest article I've ever read anywhere.
"There is none so blind as thems that won't see."
I am failing to see the "common sense conservative," yet. Apparently it's being able to vote Republican.
There is no such thing as a "common sense" conservative or liberal. I'm not so sure God is either.
A vote either way would not matter much in America maybe for some odd things.
I Hope it works
where you are.
Legalize gay marijuana,
mmmm. not sure about that one, are they sold in a pack of fags
Since back in 1973, being Gay was illegal, they would punish you by locking you up with a bunch of other gays. Why would being gay or using pot be on the list on the top 5 sins in America?
Why not racism? Why not the world champion mass murderers/ terrorist military and prison complex on that list. Oh! oh! Maybe I'm on their list. No worries, I have done nothing wrong and only moved by kindness and love, not fear and these sins and laws are mostly upside down and backwards
Why not sugar or tobacco on the sin list, they each kill 30 times greater than all illegal drugs, not on that list. Or killing most animal on the planet since 1970, not on that list. .
A true prison is living a lie in your own mind, or disliking or hating your job for most waking hours of your life. Why are these not on the top 5 worse sins? To me, these are worse crimes of the century.
Who we love or having a free choice of what we put into our body, these two things should not be on anybody's list, Cannabis is the most important plant on earth and love is most important thing in the Universe?
The greatest threat to America is people who feel they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives when it is really none of their business.
Would you say Authoritarianism is the greatest threat to American?
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by absolute or blind obedience to authority, as against individual freedom and related to the expectation of unquestioning obedience.
Who can lead yourself better than anyone in the world?, answer yourself.
Interesting, next problem...
How can we get these people off our backs about sex and who is in charge of our lives?.
"Gay Marijuana" would be a FABULOUS name for a band.
...Okay, that's all I got. Carry on.
Marijuana makes either you hungry, sleepy or horny. You never feel like enemy number ONE when you can barely order a pizza right.
Gay marijuana would not make me feel comfortable around my buddies, would prefer a band name like Porn Pot or Out of Wedlock
Porn and Sex out of Wedlock is on the top ten sin list.
Hell, why not gay marijuana,
I can defend myself physically, why can't we go to another level spiritually.
Not even Gay Marriage?
Not a threat to me either, hope both become legal in all States
How did Gays and pot ever get on the top 5 sins in America.
It must be a grand distraction from World banks Gods who put the world in debt of 51 trillions dollars. While the Police state protects them and enslaves us.
"How did Gays and pot ever get on the top 5 sins in America?"
Certainly aren't what God put on His lists of the top/worst sins (see below verses), but maybe they were put on a list not because they are the worst but rather because they are now widely accepted and practiced in America. They may simply be the scapegoated or obvious ones, and other sins like deception, hypocrisy, pride, gossip, and hate are overlooked and minimized due to people wanting to minimize what they themselves engage in.
"There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." Proverbs 6:17-19
If God is love, how can He hate?
I don’t understand many things about God, yet hate is not in my dictionary
Here are just a few things on God’s hate list
1. Homosexual acts
2. Bestiality
3. Idols, and the materials used to make idols
4. Worshipping the sun, moon or stars
This theory makes more sense than picking one God out of millions of Gods to fight and fear over.
5. Astrology, Enchanters, Witches, Charmers, Wizards and hire of a whore
So much for entertainers and televangelist
6. Those who love violence or Hands that shed innocent blood or Feet that are swift in running to mischief
There goes the militarily and prison complex....would be for that
7. The forward or A proud look or proud in heart
Owwps there goes young at heart sometimes along with the young people
8. A lying tongue or lying lips
America greatest pass time
9. A heart that devises wicked imaginations
There goes holly imagination
10 Those that condemn the just
Justice dose not even work in nature
11 Vain sacrifices (Isaiah 1:13)
Unless it’s the man on the cross
12 Robbery for burnt offering
What if the robbery and burnt offering was needed in order food to eat or to stay alive.
13 Evil plans against neighbors
What is evil?
14. Divorce
What happen if the love turns dead, do I have to stay marriage to the witch. Witch as in no. 5 or very negative person... I love a lot of good witches.
15. Matthew 10:16-42) is if you love your father, mother, son, or daughter *MORE THAN* you love Jesus, and then you are not worthy to be a disciple of Christ.
Sorry I love in order of the World first, 2. my Work, 3.Lover, 4.Family 5. Friends.
Sorry Jesus you did not make my top 5 love list but never will hate you
God has many quilts and jealousy issues, wail I have none. Not going into what the bible thinks of the immortal jellyfish
"If God is love, how can He hate?" Is it not love that makes a parent hate molestation or abuse of their child, a spouse hate the adultery engaged in by their partner... Do we not in love hate murder and strife and racism and violence... Isn't hate of hate itself hate that is based in love?
I rarely ever think of hate, had to look up a few poem up
I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.
Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.
It’s a Rattlesnake become so angry it will bite itself in hates, creating deeper harm to ourselves.
Hatred is one long wait and it cages all the good things about you.
The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.
Love is blind; hate is deaf.
"I despise all Americans, but have never met one I didn't like.
Who said anything about hating PEOPLE? God hates LYING, VIOLENCE, wicked SCHEMES, and on and on. We also in love hate such things as abuses and unfaithfulness, but should not hate the abuser or the unfaithful. Hatred of hate against people is good; hatred of all evil is good. Hate of people is evil and itself should be hated.
How do people know what god likes or dislikes, unless it's written down and isn’t he the bible. Were we not made in his image, yet he hates almost everything even figs. God" likes pain, misery, and suffering. Cranky God dislikes “open minded thinking and personal freedom.”
How come I have no enemies and God has all kinds of enemies to love. How come I’m above regrets, hate, jealously, quilt, soul snatching issue and God is not. Yet I don’t think I am any better or worse than anyone else.
Bible clearly teaches us that that concept is a lie and that Homosexuality is a set of perverse, sinful, sexual behaviors that are condemned by God as an abomination. It also says that any who practice them will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Funny thing, when I ask people what will become legal first in all 50 states in America.
Gay Marriage or Marijuana
About 90% would say gay marriage because the true God (Banks partner with Government) Know marijuana makes them more money being illegal. The ruling synthetic products world dislikes green power and prduct along with a middleclass balance for the people.
We deserve everything they steal from us because we allow it and this will only lead us to one direction -World war and depression, good luck with that..
Mean wail I’ll be selling either affordable tiny green energy homes or living in a safer country.
We know what pleases and displeases the Lord through the Spirit and the Word (which was inspired by the Spirit and is living and active).
If we fail to hate murder of the innocent, child abuse, deception, theft, perversion and so on, then this love of evil is nothing to boast of.
There is a beauty in humble sinners - the discouraged addict, the repentant aggressor, etc.. Better to be a humble sinner who recognizes their need for a Savior than a prideful "righteous" person. But where is the beauty in the one with neither humility nor righteousness - today's increasingly common "arrogant sinner", who approves of and boasts of their sins and declares themselves above all reproach and above God Himself?
Wonders will never cease, CAT333 !! Suddenly I am on your side for a change. Happy Christmas.
Don't know what side your referring to?
I'm above regrets, hate, jealously, quilt, soul snatching and a whole other tall piles of issues . Unless anyone or God himself can prove me wrong other wise
I'm spiritual sided, now you got me wondering.....
Hope your the man with most joys in the end.
Happy holidays ,
CP, thanks for the question.
I am on the other-side-of-the-fence in regard to christian dogma and guilt-fostering rhetoric. But if CAT333 is promoting the idea that people tend to use beliefs and sin-lists as scapegoats, then I can support him in that.
That is all.
Hoping the New Year brings you some fun and fair discussion here in HubPages, CP....where would we be without you!
Now I'm building green houses in an self sustainable village. A population of 60 that is powered by wind/sun energy and harvest rain.
Maybe we can talk more about recycling human waste than this other kind of crap
I would be delighted to CP, any time.
I have just spent the past 5 weeks doing voluntary time with a Filipino family, working on the use of Azolla to treat waste water, while feeding the Azolla at the same time.
I am not allowed to promote my own hubs on this forum, so will not do so......
I'd say by those who make it their job to judge others.
Mostly, people who want to do it, but dare not because of what the neighbours might say, are jealous of those who can and do do it. So they ban it.
"Do what you like."
"What ever gets you through your life, its alright, its alright."
Unless it robs you, your loved one(s) and/or your neighbor(s) of happiness and joy of life.
As a matter of fact, most people hate their person, I have known, enjoeds having to depend on something, and be controlled by it.
When we worship any other besides God, that’s idolatry, and not simply enjoying what you have worked hard for.
We need to be careful about worshiping the messengers more than God, God is pushed to the background, and excuses are made for their idolatry. God is not limited in any way
When people read scripture they tend to pass over what they don't understand. which is a grave mistake. It's important to study not just read scripture.
This is for interpretation purposes only
of the NT, to show what it says by reading the letter of it
Read John 3:14
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
In this instance it wasn't the killing of Yahshuat on the cross that is meant to save us.
Take a look at Moses and the brazen snake.
The making of a bronze snake or the Nehustan is attributed to Moses or Moshe in:
Numbers 21:6-9
6. And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
7. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
8. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
9. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
The Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 29a, states that it was not the copper serpent that healed the Israelites; but, it was their looking up and submitting themselves to God.
So if Yahshua was real, the NT implies he caused them to look up and know God through his life and death. . Yahshua wanted us to see that God exists and loves us. He wanted us to look up and see that God still wants us to come back. Submitting to God. He wanted them, and you to love God
Exodus 20:3-5
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
God later gave people a break and said the person who sins will die, and we are no longer responsible for another’s sins
Exodus 23:22-25
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.
24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
25 And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee
Often it's a love/hate relationship with the things we're addicted to - drugs and alcohol, sex, materialism, work, a relationship, food, etc.
I agree that simply enjoying what you've worked hard for is not idolatry. I was never saying that most enjoyment of things is idolatry, which seems to be the mistaken assumption here.
I also agree that we do need to be careful about worshiping messengers more than God, which would be one more form of idolatry.
I agree wholeheartedly that we need to study and not just read Scriptures. As we hunger for the Word and wisdom from above, God gives us more revelation and true wisdom through His Holy Spirit.
" was not the copper serpent that healed the Israelites; but, it was their looking up and submitting themselves to God." Also agreed.
As for Jesus, who was and is real, yes he did cause people to "look up and know God" as you say, but he also became the WAY to God through His atoning sacrifice on the cross, which made us right in the eyes of God and thus able to be reconciled to the One we were estranged from. Now we may come right into the presence of God, receive His Holy Spirit, and one day live eternally with Him.
Today we have a "foretaste" of His glory - His Holy Spirit with us. One day we will fully see and know Him, even as we're fully known to Him. We will see Him face-to-face in all His glory. Oh what a glorious day!
How much control do you have over this happening?
Do pot smokers have much chance?
Pot smokers have the same opportunity as anyone else. The particular sins we're guilty of are not of relevance. All are sinners; all are in need of a Savior. Jesus Christ is that Savior. He is the Way to the Father, regardless of who we are or what we've done.
No. I say pot smokers have less of a chance because they are less able to tune into Christ Consciousness within them. To tune in one needs the total effort of body, mind, and heart/soul.
100% will-power.
God needs to be convinced.
He took Jesus on the Cross. Jesus waited, hanging there in agony, with 100% willingness to go home.
I believe when Jesus said, "It is done," God brought him back Home... in Spirit.
( And then, according to the Bible, he came back to visit the disciples in that same body.
So amazing.)
Pot is likely a distraction, a "replacement" that keeps people content in the short term, an opening to the demonic realm, and so on. But God who calls the sinner has called many a pot smoker and they have answered the call.
Yes, the resurrection is amazing! Jesus' resurrected body is not the same as the natural one that died, but he maintains the nail scars which symbolize his sacrifice on our behalf and the way we are made right with God.
I do not believe in "sinning." I believe in *acting out of ignorance.* To smoke pot is to ignorantly induce temporary mental retardation. Who can find God in that state? The search is definately put on hold without full powers of concentration and direction/self mastery. Furthermore, permanent damage may be occurring. Hopefully not, One is messing with a finely tuned mind/brain which has the potential to detect God in its natural state. In its unnatural state, (induced by any mind altering substances..) not so much.
In moderation marijuana will enhance your brain and body, Too much you might join the Rastafarian
Bob Marley converted from the Christianity of his childhood to join the Rastafarian Religion. I would prefer to have a t shirt with a smiling Marley than a cross of Jesus suffering..
Are child rape and murder just "acting out of ignorance" or do you believe in "sinning" when it comes to certain things?
Even on that level they are acting out of ignorance.. They are consumed with blinding psychological forces. The mind in these cases is un tamed and un mastered. They are dragged forth by raging horses within them according to the whims of their internal sense dictates and misinformation about life. Jihadists are deluded with complete and utter misinformation passed down from one viciously deluded person to another. Are they responsible for the indoctrinations of their youth/family? Are they responsible for the archaic//evil thinking instilled by their very culture?
The real answer to all of our problems is to know REALITY as opposed to Satanic Delusion.
Hitler was a hurt and pitiful man who went way overboard in his own deluded, overly ambitious and diabolical thinking.I always wonder if he didn't get the second death, which I see as is the death of his spirit.
Those who do what they know they shouldn't, are few, and if one knows it is wrong they are judged more harshly, Karma wise.
Happiness is created by doing what is loving kind and right. People do not act in their own best interest sometimes...
usually out of ignorance of what IS in their own best interest: their true happiness…coming from acts of kindness / love / heart.
If you think that's what sin is,... I don't know!
"Those who do what they know they shouldn't, are few..." Not sure what the statistics here are, but I know a whole lot of people who do what they know they shouldn't. Anytime we have a problematic addiction, we regularly do what we know we shouldn't. The Apostle Paul spoke at length on doing what he knew he shouldn't and in his spirit didn't wish to do, yet in his flesh he did. I've done what I knew I shouldn't many, many times. And yes I agree we are more accountable when we knew better. A sinning Christian is the most miserable of all people. Yet He gives more grace, and when we turn to Him, "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
I agree that doing what is loving, kind and right makes us much happier and healthier people.
Smoking pot is not a sin because it doesn't transgress the law of God
According to the NT, sin is the transgression of the law
In English, Transgression means an act that goes against a law, a rule, or a code of conduct; an offence:
1 John 3:4
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
Having respect of persons is a sin according to the NT…this means all people are to be treated equally. There should be due regard for the feelings, wishes, and rights of others:
I see a lot of this on the forums, people siding with each other, and ganging up on others
(this is not speaking of respect, such as honor, it is respect of persons, such as bias for and against others). According to the NT, if you show respect of persons, you sin and are a transgressor
James 2:9
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
James 2:11
For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
Speaking evil of others, and judging people is a sin according to the NT, yet I hear people all over, including on the forums, saying that those who live for God are suppose to judge other people. Well, if you are judging them, according to the NT, you don’t live for God…hmmmm
James 4:11
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
James 4:12
There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
Many think that sin, transgression, and iniquity are all the same thing, but not according to the Jewish Bible
Exodus 34:7
7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty;....
1 Iniquity is a noun and means immoral or grossly unfair behaviour:
2 Transgression is a noun and means an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence
3 Sin is a noun and means an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law:
Think about it, what categories do your acts, and behavior fall under?
Ignorance of what is in my true best interest.
Meaning? please explain what you are saying
After five years study, and a couple billion dollars later it was found that Cannabis, did not destroy brain cells as was always taught, but increased them instead. It relieves stress, It helps with nausea, and vomiting in people receiving Chemotherapy..a lot of good was found in using it. A lot of medical people feel it is beneficial. It doesn't contain chemicals, toxins, or carcinogenics, and is not known to cause cancer.
Anyway, we're told in Ezekiel that our medicine is found in plants, and herbs, and most prescription medicine is made with plants, and herbs
GENESIS 1:29-FOOD FOR HIS PEOPLE- "And God said, See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. GENESIS 3:18- Thorns also and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field." GENESIS 9:3-"Every moving thing that lives shall be for food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs."
EZEKIEL 47:12-MEDICINE FOR HIS PEOPLE- "Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for MEDICINE." REVELATION 22:2- "In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the HEALING OF THE NATIONS."
This is both literal, and symbolic
Today we have a "foretaste" of His glory - His Holy Spirit with us. One day we will fully see and know Him, even as we're fully known to Him. We will see Him face-to-face in all His glory. Oh what a glorious day!
I would stand a better chance in seeing God in all his glory on pot than being smashed on wine. Sometimes I can’t see the walls on good strong wine.
By the time Yahshua was supposed to have died on the cross, God had done away with sacrifice, and God has never required human sacrifice, they did that only for Moloch
Hosea 14:2-3 Return, Israel, unto the Lord your God, for you have stumbled in your iniquity. Take words with you and return to the Lord; say unto Him, 'May You forgive all iniquity and accept good intentions, and let our lips substitute for bulls.
KJV Hosea 14:2-4
2 Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips.
3 Asshur shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses: neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy.
4 I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.
Hosea 14:3
An essential part of repentance is that one feel remorse for his past failings and sincerely resolve to improve. Thus the penitent begins by begging God to look favorably upon his good intentions and to accept the prayers, confession, and pledges of his lips in place of, and as more worthy than, fatted bulls as offerings, which may look superficially impressive but are lacking inner content.
Anytime God has asked for a sacrifice it has been of an animal and particular ones at that. God has never asked for a Human sacrifice.
So we see here that there was another way to make atonement for sin, and this was through prayer and repentance. The 'no atonement without blood' mentality is simply a scripturally unfounded part of Christian rhetoric. In fact, this isn't the only place where we learn that blood sacrifice is not the only method of atonement...
Deuteronomy 12:31 "Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hates, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods."
God never did, and God never required the things performed for Idols
Even when the Hebrews were told to sacrifice animals for atonement, it was only one requirement of several
The blood of the sacrificed animal had to be poured on the altar in the Temple...Jesus' blood was not
You are right that God did not ever desire human sacrifice and was appalled at the sacrifices of the children to idols. Jesus Christ is the one and only who was purposed to be the atoning sacrifice, as he laid down his own life of his free will and as he was the one and only suitable sacrifice - the only "unblemished lamb". The sacrificial lambs were all symbols and foreshadowed Jesus Christ our perfect "Lamb". All throughout Scriptures we find foreshadowing of the atonement through the blood. For example, at Passover the blood was the symbol that they would be spared.
God's people were continually turning to and from the Lord. When they turned to Him, He in mercy forgave them and received them again. Yet they always turned away. Jesus Christ reconciles us to God once and for all and we will never be separated from God again!
This is something scripture stated thousands of years ago, that man's medicine would come from leaves, plants.
Just about all medicine does come from plants, except the synthetic ones they are making today
Ezekiel 47:12
12 And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, ...: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
Marijuana is man's medicine, and is something for doctors, and their patients, not the government to decide.
Since I write prescriptions, I studied Ethnobotany and Chemistry (Chemistry is required to be a nurse anyway)
But I can't post my medical books, just stuff from the www
On the other side, it's the suffering people who wish to, and should be allowed to smoke Cannabis.
The elderly, and the family members who wish to be able to tell their loved ones the law has been passed, are those who speak out the most (pro-choice).
My childhood, and lifelong friend living in Florida, had her hopes dashed when the law didn't pass there recently, in 2014 "Maybe next time", and with trepidation everyone assures her.
Maybe next time, and I hope her mother will still be around, with a desire to survive
They can drink, and smoke cigarettes, but they can't have the one thing which actually helps them.
I don't think other people has the moral right to decide what someone who is terminally ill, needs
The only thing I see wrong with smoking pot is that it IMO it makes lazy people apear to be even more lazy, and stupid people act even more so.
And for our young people who have not finished their education, this becomes too much of a burdon to carry.
I having already finished my education as much as I am going to, having provided for myself sufficiently that I am not going to become a burden to society, having enough time on my hands that I can waste a few hours to smoke pot, be lazy if I want to, relax and get a little bit more stupid in the privacy of my own home, I don't see any thing wrong with it; especially if I grow it my self and my dollars aren't being smuggled back across the border.
Because marijuana is illegal; how many billions of our dollars are feeding the economy of foreign countries. Because it is illegal, no body wants to get caught growing it, and because it is illegal it cost a lot of money to buy. and too many people are spending too much money buying it instead of feeding their children or saving for their future.
Seems to me our war on drugs has caused more collateral damage than the damage it was intended to prevent. The only good thing I can say about our war on drugs is that it produces a lot of government jobs. (police officers, prison guards, judges and lawyers)
final words .... damned if we do and if we don't.
It's easy to figure out by locking up millions of people for growing or using pot, will ruin their lives along with their families lives. It's not their business anymore than all the far worst legal drugs, alcoholic, sugar and tobacco they put into their body.
It's not wroth being treated like terrorist at boarder, on transportation vessels or crushing into your home for. Or creating Police/Military foreign or domestic wars over a plant. Then it's the most important plant for product uses and already number one cash crop in the world (bar none).
I think we are in agreement (?)
But You may have not noted the sarcasm which was intended in this part of my post.
"The only good thing I can say about our war on drugs is that it produces a lot of government jobs. (police officers, prison guards, judges and lawyers)"
certainly there are better ways for creating jobs
To say that the collateral damage done in this war on drugs is tremendous would be an understatement. This un-winnable war has been going on for over 50 years.
The drug cartel doesn't want it legalized and neither does the government ... both sides of this battle would lose too much money while everyone in the middle pays the price.
We are still talking about marijuana ? right ?
I'd have to adjust my argument bit if we were talking about crack cocaine.
Was not sure with...
final words .... damned if we do and if we don't.
Most Christians do agree that making cannabis legal dose more good than harm
How come, less Christian agree about Gay Marriage, yet 90% think Gay Marriage will become legal before pot?
Then we still have the problem with both pot and gays on the top 5 sins in America.
It's true what (Born again), Bush said,
' The terrorist never stop thinking of ways to harm America, and either do we"
I don't think young growing minds should exposed to the affects of smoking pot. From those I have seen, it seemed to inhibit their learning potential.
It seems to make the dumb dumber and the lazy lazier. I would hate to see that happen to my dumb and lazy children, if I have any?
And if I understand correctly, it isn't as harmful as cigarettes and alcohol.
As far as why do less Christian agree about Gay Marriage ?
How many things do all Christians agree on ?
Most Christians do have at least one family member who is gay/lesbian.
This is why Gay marriage will soon become legal, probably before pot.
I it is the word "Marriage" that many Christians are opposed to.
A civil union which carries all of the rights and responsibilities as marriage would not be near as offensive to any of them.
Them in this instance, being anyone opposed to Gay marriage.
You say ....Then we still have the problem with both pot and gays on the top 5 sins in America.
Anyone can make a top five sins list. I personally do not buy into that list.
Well it is way past my bed time. good night.
Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public and very little to the mind and body in moderation, like all things.
Marijuana/Cannabis is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Other Various big businesses Forestry, Paper, Cotton, Food, Paints and so and on ….
List of top lobbyist against cannabis
) Police Unions: Police departments pushed for stiffer penalties for marijuana-related crimes nationwide.
2.) Private Prisons Corporations Prison companies have spent millions bankrolling pro-drug war politicians:
3.) Alcohol and Beer Companies: Fearing competition for the dollars Americans spend on leisure, to prevent marijuana from being legalized and taxed.
4.) Pharmaceutical Corporations so American doesn’t have the option of cheap medical alternatives to their products Marijuana can replace “everything from Advil to Vicodin and other expensive pills.”
5.) Prison Guard Unions: have a vested interest in keeping people behind bars just like for-profit prison companies.
The sex, drugs and rock and roll are great in prison, better budget than being homeless, student or living in a home. Who needs education and health when America is Number one in Prisons and Military?
China just pass America economically in everything except Military intelligence and the Prison Complex where many prisoners go in with a bachelor in pot and come out with PHD in Cocaine.
I still can't tell if you think you are disagreeing with me or elaborating upon what I said?
I can boil everything I have said on the subject down to one simple sentence.
From what I have seen, it makes stupid and lazy people appear to be more so.
If I were in first grade, wanting to learn to read or multiply numbers, I don't need to smoke pot.
And if I do, I might distract the other children from learning as quickly less by not being there.
Other than that; I think everyone should be smoking or eating it.
It is great for settling angry people down, but then more people are going to be getting mad more often at people doing stupid things which affect them..
I was building a sculpture at a client’s home and witness a pot grow-op next door. I recognize a black truck at a certain time, so the police and council threaten me to lock me up and give me a criminal record if I refuse to come to court. After the media spread the news and many people already were thinking that I am a rat. Ended up leaving town, because I refuse to become another political Frankenstein victim.
I beat them all, and beat biggest bullies –Police, Prison, Guard Private and Prisons Corporations who profit most from keeping us from becoming green. You know our countries are going to pot, when security becomes too high a price to pay, when you lose both your freedom and security.
Police biggest problem argument is children smoke pot around schools. Teens tell me pot is cheaper and healthier than cigarette, plus cigarette is the Government cash cow. Canada’s pot is schedule one, meaning it most dangerous drug. Teens in Canada smoke double (per-capita) of what teens in Holland smoke, and in Holland pot is only schedule 3. I learn more from imagination than education, and education works much better than incarnations.
Schedule 1 Cannabis/ marijuana
Maximum 7 years imprisonment
Schedule 2 or 3
Maximum 1-5 years imprisonment
Tobacco kills 30 time greater than all drugs combined
Alcohol (ethyl alcohol), Found in liquor, beer, and wine, both are Not scheduled,
Set my people free
Oh, being gay is a threat to America? Hoohoo, wonder if I could put that on my resume!
In all seriousness, though, I'm what one would call liberalist trash and I don't see either as a threat. If you'd like to get really into it, as a nation, America doesn't have the resources to take care of the citizens it already has (what nation does?), so wouldn't homosexuality be beneficial in that respect? There's also an abundance of children floating around in foster care that gay couples could provide a home for.
Though I can understand your dislike of marijuana, being an illegal drug and all, I'd like you to consider that the consumption and smoking of marijuana was a common practice of the Founding Fathers, or so I've heard.
Agreed. Illicit drugs are addictive. Two persons loving each other - loving stops there, unless they are really good people and they decide to extend that love to looking after a child/youth who has missed out on love from his/her parents.... for one reason or another.
Being gay is not contagious or infectious or addictive....but the love involved can be...very!
I'm for addictive to Love, because there is never enough of it.
Coffee is more addictive and deadlier than pot.
Ban Coffee !!! or give me more pleasure.
Pure speculation on my part, but perhaps that depends on how much of it you've already smoked!
I have a fine relationship with my plants, although not weed.
In some places weed is a Religion and more people have tries weed than have tries Christianity.
Eleventh Commandment:
Thou shalt not partake of anything that is enjoyable in thine own opinion,
Lest thou deprive thy God of Ultimate Power.
I honestly don't know if their is a God to deprives. Can imagine if there is a God, he would pulling for more pleasure, not pushing out for more pain.
All things in moderation, that means God too. Making everyone God would be in moderation.
If not, Go back to asleep America (your God) the Government is in control or watch another episode of American Gladiator
Norine Williams:
It matters what you teach.
What are you teaching?
Are you teaching blind interpretation and surmises or truth and reality?
What the atheists need is proof.
Thats why we are all blue in the face.
So, unless you can prove the truth and reality of what you teach…
I myself believe what I believe based on what I am led to find in the Bible.
Others do not understand and cannot accept the Bible.
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