Your entire perception comes from within. Absolutely everything is a work of self realisation. Nothing can be done to you that you don't have a responsibility for and a reaction to. Finding God within is the same as finding the God inside you that is revealed. You become a person of higher consciousness as a result of opening to higher states of being - you could say God is this higher state of consciousness.
For some reason this post/reply is confusing to me, Jewels. Just today I was bemoaning my fate. I was blaming God for everything. I feel like a victim. And its all His doing. Even the fact that I was born a woman and given the responsibility of having the ability to give birth. I do not remember choosing this ability and do not even remember choosing to be born.
But anyway, thanks for wandering by.
One of the traps of spiritual work, or religious teachings is that if you look outside of yourself for answers, you will also look outside of yourself to blame anything that is not to your liking or that does not serve you. Your perception of reality also includes your actions, your reactions and responses. Everything that happens in your reality gives you the opportunity of responding. How you do that determines your life. It is ALL within you. You are the one who navigates through it. The more you align to the integrity of what is called 'God" or a higher consciousness and knowhow that you have, the better your reality is. Everything that throws you to an external world via your senses and reaction is of your own making. You become a victim by not taking ownership or responsibility of your life. Collectively we are not doing a good job of this! Or so it would seem if you look at the state of the world. Spiritual teachings are a guide. Nothing and no one will do the job for you. This is the essence of free will. You can be helped, but at the end of the day, you do the living (or not).
Have this belief that whatever happens..happens for good. Its just that we are too naive to understand..but somewhere it is for good.
This means that if you are one of Gods chosen people then you will feel the calling and just "know". If you are seeking, keep knocking. He will open the door for you. Anyone can find God, if they are sincere in their quest. When you find Him, there is no mistaking it. Christians and God lovers are not crazy people needing to believe in something so bad that they are making it up, or believing in fairies, they have been shown just how REAL He is and it is an amazing feeling.
Think about Jesus. He knew, as a child, the reason for the law. Think about his words. Love God, love your neighbor as yourself and all law is fulfilled.
I think we have the ability to fulfill all law above and below and if we could be the embodiment of those commandments, truly the embodiment, then we would be a true image of the kingdom of God and one with God. But, the only way to reach that point is looking within, not without.
My opinion is once you understand the reason for the law you examine your motives for your actions. Attempt to reach the point where all thoughts and actions begin from the point of love and compassion. Replace selfish with selfless. Actions begin with thoughts from within. It's our thoughts which set the stage to create conflict in ourselves and with others.
What does that have to do with finding God?
The Bible states "The kingdom of God is within you"
What does this mean?
I take this to mean this is about finding God within yourself.
I have found God within myself. I suspect others have too. And thus the Bible verse.
But the verse speaks of the kingdom of God, not God. I suppose we simply interpret the meaning differently.
What is the kingdom of God, if not His dwelling place?
I don't know. Does the Queen of England dwell within her whole kingdom, or Buckingham Palace?
Just wanted to add. Think about what God's kingdom would be like. I envision love and harmony. The individual can achieve that.
"How do you look within?" you asked. Go inside yourself. Sit with yourself, by yourself. No sounds, no external stimuli. Find the true essence of you without any judgements, no thoughts. Deconstruct all untruths that were impressed on you and have become beliefs that do not serve you. Do not look outside of yourself for any gratification. Be with yourself and that is where you will find what you've always been looking for.
But before you get to the good bits, you will have to overcome your emotions and figure our what feelings really are.
(The true and original meaning of meditation is to go beyond thoughts and be with the Higher Self. It is a higher state of consciousness beyond the little ego.) There is no rational mind there either, it's a state of being not a state of thinking. You are conscious of the state but you do not have to think in that state. It is beyond bliss. Today there are many forms of meditation that perhaps will not take you to this state of silence, self centeredness and Being.) These states of stillness and silence gives you a taste of alignment to 'Gods Kingdom" I personally don't use those terms.
kingdom = realm. It is a realm of pure spirit. Pure spirit is love/bliss. it is the essence of our beings and all life.
To experience God is to be accepted into the realm of Spirit which can occur when we are 100 percent willing to go "home" to Spirit. When we are no longer attached to life on earth and desire with body, heart, mind and soul to return to Spirit/ God/Kingdom of Heaven, "God" will bring you unto "Him." (Yoga, means union) It a realm experienced by our consciousness. The kingdom of heaven is not on earth as perceived by the five senses. It is not found on the material plane, but on the spiritual plane, through intuition.
nirvana noun
paradise, heaven; bliss, ecstasy, joy, peace, serenity, tranquility; enlightenment.
I don't know. If you think about the person who made the statement and the circumstances surrounding him being in a position to be heard, his actions and behavior....I'm not certain the statement involved such an insular experience.
Were the statement attributed to someone like the Dalai Lama, whose religion involves long periods of meditation, I'd agree.
huh? Nirvana is a word, not a person!
The point is Jesus wasn't speaking of an insular experience primarily because that definition isn't supported by any portion of his works or ministry. God reached out to mankind with love and compassion. That represents the manifestation of the spiritual plane within the material plane. We have the kingdom of God within us and we are meant to emulate Christ by approaching the material plane in the same manner, if we can use his teaching to reach the same level he was while walking the earth.
Everyone talks of finding God as if it would raise them to a higher level of consciousness but if our inter actions with others don't show evidence of God's love within them we haven't found anything of spiritual value.
yes ... it takes a certain amount of innovation to manifest the kingdom of God on earth... as Jesus taught us to pray:
Dear, "Father in Heaven,"
Your kingdom comes as Your Will is done
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
How can we do His will in our Own way?
The possibilities are endless!
It is written your lord is a jealous God. I except all gods and their delusional ideas about the cosmos universe I just don't live the BS Lifestyle . Too many humans are misguided in fighting over imaginary friends, if the their spiritual leaders were wiser, they would make amateur shaman Jesus secrete vague wrong translation messages much more clear rather than being the world champions killers on earth on people and the natural environment. Unreligious countries are happier countries rather than waiting their whole life for extreme happiness & false promises in heaven forever.
I wouldn't use the term intuition to experience these states. To me those states are experiences. They are sublime and very tactile. So intuition does not come into it for me.
Jesus was an example, or he is the myth that is the example of how a normal man could attain high states of being.
It means one of two things;God is a really Tiny dude if he can fit his whole kingdom inside you...or...Some goat herder a few thousand years ago ate the wrong plant,started hallucinating some weird stuff,and wrote it down...Hmm...which one seems more likely?
That's a lot of goat herders, eating the same plant over hundreds of years, having the same 'hallucinations' and writing books about the experience. How likely is that?
Much more likely than the bullshit you religionists are slinging at the must have an endless supply...
"You could say God is a higher state of consciousness ..." What state of consciousness am I? A lower one!? How come? How come I am not already a person of/with higher state of consciousness?
Maybe you further could explain this sentence.
"Finding God within is the same as finding the God inside you that is revealed."
I never use the term God. It is a loaded concept full of religious dogma and beliefs. I can sense a hierarchy of sorts, like different levels which requires an expansion of states of consciousness. There is an opening of oneself to these experiences, with the use of discernment and knowing. It is not something that is done to me. I am part of the process. The feelings of love are beyond the human realms. Divine experiences is what I prefer to say. But even then it's not enough to describe what's happening. It is not something that is being done to me. It is something I am a part of. And without my participation and expansion it would not happen. The opposite state would be closing. Closing to possibilities of enormous states of love.
These experiences are not intellectual, they are tactile. Love in this instance is not something you do, it is something you be.
I like Jewels concept.
life is upon a dream in the imagination of ourselves.
uh not really …. I did not design myself.
I don't even understand how my body, brain, mind functions!!!! These are in some sort of working order
based on what?
not imagination!
and I do not remember wanting to be here.
and by the way ….
why am I?
all roads have lead to nowhere. Certainly not to the "within."
I suppose I am happy that I exist! The alternative is not appealing at all.
Maybe life equals freedom: No matter how little we have, thats enough for most. No freedom = no will to live.
Maybe all the roads so far have been going in the wrong direction. Again if there are roads that are going outside of yourself, you will not find what you are looking for.
Well, isn't that the truth! Especially the road most people revere the most: The public education system!!!!!!!! And this is where I have been working the hardest to fit in! Oh, how I suffer in that system! Only the $$ keeps me there. If I had absolute faith in Holy MTO I would quit! today! I am so afraid to fly away from my nest/security. I want to start my own school. I meet so many wonderful people and teachers I could bring on board as teachers/mentors in my school, New Direction Education. It would facilitate students' abilities to go "within" where true interest percolates. Intrinsic motivation would be utilized allowing students to teach themselves via didactic teaching materials in an environment created especially for them. (This is truly the new direction for education which is occurring little by little.)
Steiner and Montessori schools are doing what they can, but more would be good. It's so necessary.
You can take smaller steps without having to quit your existing life. I've gone from a corporate job to being self employed as a therapist, motivator and meditation instructor and doing full on spiritual work. It takes guts for sure, but it's doable. Not doing it would have meant a slow death.
Do You believe in the Holy Spirit … The force that is so "big" it can actually help us? I do. I have seen this invisible force work. I believe if we help ourselves, Holy MTO kicks in! Thanks for the tip to start small. We have to do the work. Yes. Down to the emth detail. Maybe I need to focus on details more. Such as, start my own Montessori-style day care and get the permits, licenses, insurances, etc.
Evolution and your parents had alot to do with your make up to start with. Then most of your makeup afterwards came from within. Everything you have achieved in your entire lifetime was all once imagined from evolution to parents to you.
I know I am not an inmortal jellyfish where a tentacle was chop and a mini me just continued for 600 million years.
Transform from an anicent book of univerial truth and knowledge. Ripped off from many other older fairtytale stories of anicent cultures/religion. Mistranslated on up to hypnotized peoples minds like Hollywood and politics today.
Humans evolved through reproduction. I once was a romantic thought by my parents. They rise me by everything they imagined me to be until my imagination matured into my own destiny achieved by dreams and imagination.
I have no idea what all that is supposed to mean.
I am what I think. There for, you are what you think. All pass down from each generation to generation.
We are not who we obey, like any greedy crazy wizard of Oz can do. They works on our fears rather than our dreams and what we love.
No, I am not what I think. I am what I am. I don't get to pick who and what I am. I evolved as a human according to God's plan.
So God made you, you are what God thoughts you are. You had no thought process involved or imagination to create your own evolution of self from all evolution process that most people agree upon even the Pope.
Did God forgot to give you a brain to think for yourself.
God gave me no direction. yes a brain but no instructions on what to do with it.
Life would be so much easier if it came with an owner's manual.
…. perhaps that was Jesus. People misinterpret Him and think they are doomed to no freedom, however.
Jesus, Buddha or whoever teaches harmony with God and mankind.
Yes, seen in that light we are guided toward greater freedom, not less.
Not a bad instruction booklet, all chapters included.
But I think we need more.
God gave us a conscience, which is some sort of direction.
I think God wants us to figure this thing called "life" out for ourselves.
You are the only one who thinks "imagination" is a part of evolution. Please quote the POPE ever saying this.
Pope Francis declared evolution and the big bang theory is real.
It took his imagination to think that one up. Most people on earth agree with him on that, anyways. Give it up! more people believe in Aliens, Evolution and even big foot than Yahweh.
Most people believe what they perceive with their own senses.
"Pope Francis declared evolution and the big bang theory is real."
So? He didn't declare evolution is driven by imagination.
"It took his imagination to think that one up."
No, it didn't. It took scientific facts to agree with evolution.
"Most people on earth agree with him on that, anyways."
Prove it.
"Give it up! more people believe in Aliens, Evolution and even big foot than Yahweh."
Prove it. 32% of the world population is Christian.
Lol!!! what percentage believe in Big foot and Aliens I wonder?
I don't know, I couldn't even find a percentage for how much of the world population believes in evolution.
Tested again from my 2 polls done here on hubepages.
Will be back later tonight, to gather proof of what I know. Hot Date..
Don't believe me.
Google imagination and from guotes of great men throughout human history.
what is the basis of your way of thinking? are you enlightened? if so how is it you attained such enlightenment/higher consciousness?
Find me ONE quote that says evolution is driven by imagination, and not random mutations and natural selection.
You said "I am not what I think. I am what I am. I don't get to pick who and what I am. I evolved as a human according to God's plan."
Descartes said "I think therefore I am." How about, I am therefore I think. And because you think and you have been given freewill to make choices, YOU are responsible for your thoughts and your actions. You create your reality every minute of the day, and you do become the reality of what you are thinking and believe. It is 'God's will that you have free will.' Mind you, what the heck is God anyway? Continually you speak of God as a human presence. That in itself is quite limiting. A higher being is in charge of your destiny? YOU are in charge of your destiny. When you finally understand this and walk forward knowing YOU are responsible for your life and your thoughts and your actions, you will find the place where happiness is. Every time you are pulled out of your SELF toward an external influence you run the risk of losing integrity. No-one can make you happy - it's an inside job.
When you or anyone says God is in charge of my destiny, you have immediately disempowered yourself. You must align yourself, not give yourself over.
I haven't "given myself over"
I fight every day to assert my free will.
"Continually you speak of God as a human presence."
I do not . I speak of God as a person, which he is.
You don't have to be a human to be a person.
Corperations is a persons too, legally. Why can't a religion be a coperation ?
Hierarchy system runs the Catholic Military an Politics. They all corperation and designed to hypnotize the masses. Corperation can be anything they want to imagine. Who has the brains that connects to the backbone to stop their greed and control of the world"s destruction.
As usual, you are making no sense whatsoever.
What does all that gibberish have to do with the topic.?
I love the thought of a couple of birds sitting in a nice warm spot in the winter, shooting the breeze, when one chirps up and says 'This is great. Let's embed it in our DNA so all subsequent generations will just come here naturally, without being shown the way.'
Birds are the bomb. Why can't we be more like them?
Yeah, it's the same with all instincts. How does a spider know how to build an elaborate web, with that tiny brain? Why do mammals automatically know to take care of their young? It's just "instinct" of course.
The evolutions from dinosaurs to birds therory of natural history. Makes more scientific and better story sense than white bearded man in the sky making the Universe and everything in it..
"white bearded man in the sky" is a strawman,. No theist believes that.
What about the painting of :Creation and Adam... on the sistine chapel.
It is a representation of an incorporeal being. Why don't you actually ask theists what they believe instead of making stuff up?
Asking a theist from all their wrong translations and false statements and exsaggerations truth. Then taking all this from their anicent books, is a road to ruin and delustion. There anwers are not good enough or you have to have blind faith to actually believe them. Too bad the world mass is 99 % unknown to all of us. It give lience to lie about anything.
You sure your not religious?
When did I say I wasn't religious? I thought it was obvious and clear I am a theist.
Still a very large percentage of unexplained gaps left in our understanding.
Do you mean free will? Or do you mean something else by freedom?
well, we agreed the birds siting on the wire were "wired" to return, but we do not have such wiring in our DNA. So yes, we have free will to a huge extent. Many will argue this point, but its pretty obvious we have free will in that we are not programed in the least. But we are born with certain inclinations based on MANY factors of our birth, heritage and parents/environment. Still we all/each one of us (humans) rise or sink according to how we use our free wills.
Humans have instincts, just like birds.
The question for me is "where do these instincts come from"?
My best answer is that they are given to us by God. It's not in our dna I don't think.
And we as humans do have free will, we are able to overcome our instincts if we try.
which goes back to why I have freedom.
Who gave me freedom?
Thank You … I guess!?
lets find out out how CP became so enlightened first .. before endlessly discussing the nature of instincts!!!!
Seriously? You think CP is enlightened? Why?
Because he says he is. .. I mean he insists he is smarter than the average Joe in regards to truth.
I highly doubt he is enlightened. Do you think his behavior is like Buddha's?
I am asking him so we can get to the nature of enlightenment and the nature of heaven within. The question is, will he answer?
I am sure enlightened people do not insult others. They have learned that we are all ONE.
You need to define what Enlightenment is. To different streams it has different meaning. And even then - it is often a nebulous concept.
Please elaborate. I don't know what you mean.
Instincts are nervous system drivers. Yes, we human mothers nurse our young, but in all actuality, many mothers do not choose to. So, even nursing is not an instinct. Some find it pleasurable and it helps them feel greater love for their child … a conscious choice to nurse or not nurse.
There is a brilliant piece of writing called Subtle Bodies that gives a model of the human condition. I think I've mentioned it to you before. There is a break up of the organic versus the intelligent and emotional sides of us. We are such complex beings. We have much in common with plants and animals and can learn from the effects of the organic and plant kingdom on us. The organic would take instincts and sensual indulgences and place them in differing but similar layers of the life force that is in each human. Then there is the layer of thoughts and emotions. But the organic has an intelligence too - a knowhow which includes instincts. It would be the influence of the thoughts and emotions on this organic level that could determine a mother's choice as to whether she wanted to nurse or not to nurse, or even whether a woman wanted to have children at all. In this model therefore you would have an interaction between the organic and thoughts which creates determinants. Will can become difficult depending on organic influences and emotional influences. In many scenarios the will is defeated by organic pollution, and then emotional pollution on top - think of junk food and addiction as an example.
Got Cha! Thanks Jewels!
I have heard that you never loose your sense of I AM. You become expanded in regards to consciousness. You pull ALL in to You. Now what the ALL actually is, is what we are wondering here, I believe.
All = heaven / bliss.
I guess it is a state of love and pure awareness:
no emotions,
no desires,
no attachments
no animosities
no greed
Q. Would Jesus agree and did he address this ideal in his teachings as recorded and preserved in The Bible?
Definitely expanded in regards to consciousness. Some states you lose consciousness but this is because you've not built the structure to hold these states. Often you fall asleep when you go deep within. The discipline is to stay conscious and then have an awareness. The standpoint of I AM stays and pure awareness the higher you go is extraordinary. Higher = more inward.
I gave up answering bible quotes long long ago because most people take it on the material and non involuted state. When you do spiritual work (inner work) the answers are also within, you apply teachings to your own experiences. The quote "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." (Matthew 6:22) refers to going inward and finding the light within. When you reach higher inner states you become full of light. Everything in the external world drops away. You are not pulled out by the senses, you are not pulled by lower ego dross. When you can be in a state of the Self without being hit by external influences while walking in the world, your life will change dramatically. Happiness and joy become available as a matter of being. It is not something you do. Just like Love is not something you do, it is something you be. The light within is akin to love, or fire is a term used in spiritual texts. When someone loves you (if that love is true, and real), you receive it from the part of them that emits it. Otherwise it is just words and there is no tactile experience. You don't have to believe love, you must experience it.
From what I see Jesus represented a human who walked the talk. He was on a quest for enlightenment and succeeded. He showed the way, meaning he wanted his disciples, which is all of humanity, not just 12 people, to do the same. And when there is reference to being saved, this is in the context of an awakening where you see that you also can do what he did. And it is possible and many are doing it. But it will not be done for you, otherwise free will would not be on the menu.
There is a set of books by Paramahansa Yogananda called the Second Coming of Christ. The Resurrection of the Christ Within You. It is a commentary on the original teachings of Jesus. So much of the bible makes sense when you are doing spiritual work.
Now what about cancer? Do you think those afflicted brought it upon themselves? Do you think it is Karma or just a bad diet?
Effectively it's a blockage of qi at a deep level. The causes can be karmic or bad diet, bad physical environment, bad attitude, genetic because of parent's environment.
oh! Thank you so much Jewels!!! My nephew has cancer (as per the other thread I created) His mother is rather controlling. His father is very positive and happy, but has allowed his wife to dominate on a psychologically controlling level: She wants everything to appear perfect. Here is an example of needing to recover from childhood influences. He is relgious, but perhaps needs to become spiritual. What would you advise?
I can't give advice here. The person afflicted needs to see the self-destruction that is going on within. If part of that self destruction is aligning to his mother's control then that is part of what needs to change. There are likely belief systems involved and they would need to be dealt with too. It's usually not a simple process
Yes. Hopefully his wife is not of the same mind set.
"Everything is just PERFECT!!!!" (In denial about shortcomings)
Thanks for the insights!
Paramahansa explains that Jesus was already enlightened. He was not on a quest but already self-realized. He came, I believe, to bring about higher consciousness: A mission from God.
The higher parts of us are enlightened already. It is when we walk as humans down here that things get tough. Have a read of the Emerald Tablet, it speaks in essence of this separation of our own consciousness and the bringing of it back together. It is no different to what Jesus had to do.
Even Enlightened Masters walking down here can get lost, stuff up and mess up their trajectory big time. No guarantees.
That he maintained his connection to MTO on the cross says a lot! And then it was over. He maintained til the end, but almost lost it didn't he ... when he said, "Why have You forsaken me!!!"
hmmmm … is love an emotion or a state of being?
Love is my God and Nature is my Religion and nothing has ever changed that from the beginning of existence of Man.
Most people believe man existence began 200,000 years ago. No religion was ever been imagine untill 50,000 years ago. The closest thing to God has been based on each individual imagination then collectively evoled co-in-cide or coincidenually through collective consciouness.
You don't? If you had no serotonin or dopamine released into your body, would you feel love?
What is a "state" of love like?
Love is beyond humans imaginations and our concept of God. For God is based from our imagination. When the earth"s mass is 99% unknown to all human species. There 30 million species that love and even plants do not grow well without love. Babies and old people die without Love, It"s beyond emotions it is what glues every living creature in the Universe together.
Love is not an emotion. It is a state of Being where the feeling is emitted. There is a separation required between what emotions and feelings are to be able to discern the difference here.
What do you mean by a state of being?
And how do the chemicals like dopamine, serotonin and estrogen fit in to all this?
I have answered this several times in questions asked by Kathryn in this same topic.
Love is not chemical, it's not organic. Feeling good, feeling nice, brings about readings of chemical levels.
Love is a whole different ball game when you are speaking in spiritual terms. Ekhart Tolle speaks often about BEING. Spiritual gurus of high dimension speak about the states of being and states of bliss. It is not something you DO, it is something you align with. You could say that's a doing, but paradoxically it is by being that you align.
When you study consciousness and spiritual awakening and are able to open to high levels you can experience these states. This opening is an experience, it is not intellectual.
There have been tests done on long term meditators where chemical readings make an 80 year old appear like a 30 year old on paper, ie that's what the data reveals. Meditation changes your chemistry, ie it changes the organic nature of the body. It frees it from stress and external influences that create chemical imbalances. This is real meditation, not just relaxation practices - though they also help.
I know about other states of consciousness. I don't know what a state of being is.
Enlightenment is a state of knowing the pure truth which is a combination divine Love and Intelligence.
That's my definition.
The name of "God" for me, is Mighty Triple O: Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Spirit. (I would assume MTO is "Holy Spirit" according to Jesus.) Okay fine, Holy MTO.
Deconstruction so you can find the Self. Reconstruction to be the real you in the world. The sad thing is that we are living in a society where freedom is a dubious term. But emotional freedom is a huge endeavour.
Freedom of will within boundaries. The purpose of boundaries is to maintain freedom. Some (people) maintain boundaries for the wrong reasons. In the end, their boundaries make no sense.
Except some people's hearts are very corrupted and are not a good barometer to use. There often needs to be work done on this to see what is the real heart of a person. Sorry to be finding kinks but it's part of the process. At the end of the day Will is the most important trait for mind, and body and it is a given for the spirit.
They are corrupted with selfishness.
With sense enslavement.
With pride
With outer orientation.
With … its too dreadful to go on !!!!
laziness has two sides, organic sloth, or total loss of hope (why bother mentality). The will is squashed which is a major cause of depression.
Yes. two sides.
the will must become activated by … ?
The light of the higher self is the normal answer to that. A human needs to have a reason for its existence, and often mundane earthly reasons are not enough. There is a leading of the spirit that is needed. Not easy when there is a loss of hope.
why is there a loss of hope? hope of what? happiness? whatever it is you want? So many do not want peace on earth! why not?
Loss of hope is powerlessness, defeatedness. Hope of ever finding love (that's the ultimate wanting.)
Many who don't want peace want power without integrity. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
love from without. Its better to give than receive. ?
This is why love is so important. Acceptance is VITAL. We can help uplift each other. If its not coming in, its hard to give it out.
<Many who don't want peace want power without integrity.>
when we (humans) are not living a meaningful life, it makes us crazy!
meaningful to Self on a deep(er) level.
Yes. Sadly with many client illnesses, the deeper cause is unconscious, buried where it is no thought of as a problem.
For instance: When I fall (in consciousness) to temptation I find that I lie to myself by saying, .. "it won't hurt if I finish that whole bag of chips and container of sour cream." Oh yes it will in many ways ... but it seems like such a good idea at the time!
Once they are conscious of what is hidden they are free, right?
freedom brings joy.
Joy activates the will!
Conscious of it and having the ability to move forward despite the issues of the past and what may be presented in the future. When a bigger part of the person is seen and it's possible to be that in the world, many obstacles can be overcome. But it takes bravery, courage and will.
The light of the higher self operates in freedom. Freedom brings joy. Joy activates the will.
One doesn't need joy to activate the will. Tenacity, perseverance, self responsibility. Many things activate the will. In activating the will one can find joy. The need for food activates the will also.
perhaps: Joy comes from activating and guiding the will according to the individual's OWN CONTROL.
but the control must be within appropriate boundaries
such as The Golden Rule.
Muslims country leaders and Catholic Popes have clearly set their goal for one world religion. US politics and Isreal have express many times their aim for NWO based on fear all their greedy corperation hierarchy systems.
My only faith is that within each individual who is basicly good. The only true positive change and hope will come from within each individual then passed on to the 80% collective consciouness of the people. As postive change has mainly always has come from people throughout our entire human history. Very little postive change has ever come from the greedy hierarchy systems.
Ripley. % polls believe
55 % Ghosts88th8
49% Aliens
42% Sasquatch
27% Angel
25% God
If you make everyone God, rather than one monolithic God as the right and only God as Yahweh as example. You will have won over one monolithic God by the system of 80% collective consciouness vote from the people. This is our only hope as an honest spiritaul age movement. Already most people call themselve spiritaul sided rather than Religious. We are already headed down that path. Karma will run over your Dogma.
Yes. Every individual is basically good. Some don't know it though. You mentioned the ones that don't.
So what about them? What about the 75 % that don't believe in the "one monolithic God"? What about the 25 % that only imagine God? If love is your God, and nature is your religion, whats wrong with that? I'm sure God fearing religious and spiritual people also believe in love and nature.
You are arguing against the choir/collective consciousness.
Fear is the oppsite of love. Fear is simply the unknown rather than monolithic religion fearing with a one and ony right God and the concept of Hell. In which most Christian no longer want to believe in hell. The closest thing to hell on earth is war. War is carried out by 90% of predominate religious contries.
Not even the greatest terrorist country in the world US. Where 75% of American really dont want war, making it no longer a democracy by the people rather than a dictactorship hierarchy system by a federation of corperations and shopping malls.
Us is a war economy to feed the hierarchy wealthy making most of us ecomoncial slaves. Just how the british' germans and irish did to the native american and blacks. They just created an delusional form of Freedom. You don't have human rights you have privileges set out by the hierarchy wealthy.
I"m much more in align with Jewel concept of love. Then any alignment of a monolithic God or understanding of any one and only God.
What are other states of being besides love?
maybe the state of wisdom / logic / reason / truth / knowing.
You have to be in a certain state to receive gnosis. That's for sure.
like Einstein, Tesla, Bohm and Hawking?
Logic and reason are definitely NOT part of the mix when it comes to Being. Those states are part of the mental body. Thoughts are NOT included, in fact you do not think in these spaces. Thinking is a doing, it is not a Being.
Have you been in any of these "states of being?"
Yes, which is why I can speak of them. Having the experience is what allows me to discern the differences.
Interestingly this morning with a client I was speaking about the differences between having experiences as opposed to the mind thinking it knows. The later is where there is a mental interpretation of knowledge (often learned from books or someone telling you information), where the experience is the actual knowledge. Knowledge as in nous requires tactile experience which is indicated in the Greek interpretation of Gnosis. It's not theoretical.
"I searched for God among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not.
I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there.
I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I found not.
With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only 'anqa's habitation.
Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not there even.
Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range.
I fared then to the scene of the Prophet's experience of a great divine manifestation only a "two bow-lengths' distance from him" but God was not there even in that exalted court.
Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else."
"And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein"
~Quran 50:16
"For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21)
... most scriptures / teachings repeat the same thing in one form or another. That is to look within. There is not a quick method to pop in and find the kingdom or realm. It takes time, patience and persistence. The starting point I guess would be to learn more about yourself; find faults and start fixing them (should take you a decade or so)... You may have heard other quotes similar to "to know yourself is to know God" or "know thyself"... all these quotes from various sources point the reader in the same direction. Sure you can call one of them a lunatic but when there are so many saying the same thing there must be something to it. Even a true scientist would want to investigate instead of brushing it aside. There are many paths you can follow, take the one which resonates with you and hopefully you will find what you are looking for.
When the only heaven or God is within, then we are all God. Search is over.
Or my God is better than your God so I am better than you. My KKK is better than your Jihadist so my angels allow me to kill your devils and still our nation will go to heaven. Trump is a billionaire so he is smarter than you including his Generals.
For me, hierarchy sucks, yes be the king of your own demain.
Agree with you on the "my god is better than your god so I'm better than you..." issue. Live and let live. Respect others choices. Follow what works for you. No one is better than the other.
On the "we are all God..." part I would say that a drop of water has similar properties to the water in the ocean but the drop cannot call one self the ocean. One must recognise and respect the difference.
If your monolithic God is better than my monolithic God than you have conflicts of superstitious organizations on what God has the universal truth and knowledge. A competition, not a cooperation. Fear base obedience conflicting with unconditional love. Fear is just the unknowns, how can one question the unknowns from an ancient spiritual master pastor who answer with you . You just have to have blind faith. Where your own imagination answers you with love with work ethics give you the results in time. Your answers and happiness is all under the cosmos you must be Godlike. The conflict with war is is the monolithic God each claiming they are everything. The other
monotheism Gods are evil and must demons so it is easier to kill them or turn their lives into to 65 million homeless refugees being chase worldwide over terrorist holly ghost.
The cosmos is all connected by nature's laws. God is just a word, it is your imagination that is Godlike. We need more kindness in the World not more monolithic Gods.
I can agree with this part. I think, so did Jesus. It's much easier to claim love for an unseen God than love your neighbor as yourself.
Kind of like the skin on your finger is part of the body, but it is not the mind?
When God or Gods claim everything, they must claim your entire soul, a million parts plus the 99% unknown planet earth and greater the Universe. Then more killings are in the name if God in order to make peace. A peace of someone here, then a peace of someone there, making peace's.
killing is neither ordered nor a requirement of any religion. its the individuals where the problem lies.
These individuals happen to belong to this group of world champion killers just, happen to be coincide with Christians.
I'm not saying people have not done it in the name of religion, they most certainly have. Do not overlook the massacres of the native Americans or the aboriginals in Australia... those are probably two of the greatest massacres we know of which was for territory ... they can attach whatever name they want to justify it.
We know Muslims or Christians are a group so it's easy to just blame them all or their source of belief. In the case of the natives, the groups killing for greed do not belong to a specific "group", does not mean you put the issue aside.
Two of the top genocides in the world's history native American and black slavery
Where predominantly done by white Christian male starting with Chrispher Columbus. There were 5 times the native populations compared to Europe's population. They con and killed the native populations down to 2%. Sure some natives had tribal wars over women and food, but nothing ever like the Christian white male for world domination greed.
yes they were christian, but did they do that because religion told them to or their god told them to?
They always cherry picked something from their Bibles to clear their assumed conscienceness of the crime. I simplily look at the predominant bad behaviour of the group. A Group without a true democracy. They had slaves to be free men, today they have slave wages to have free billionaires. Harming our security and our freedom.
I agree with the cherry picking to clear ones conscience part. I'm not sure about other faiths but I have seen it done many times in the Muslim community. Barriers are also created which do not actually exist.
Democracy doesn't really exist. It's an illusion ... they tell you these group of people are bad using the media and manipulate your thoughts then ask you to choose what to do... it may seem like you are making the choice with all your "freedom" but it doesn't exist. Too many loopholes in this one. Suggest something else which is practical and maybe in place already. We all have similar ideals here, we all wish for a better world, let us find a realistic solution to the problem. It can't be remove religion either because I follow religion and I'm here too wanting something similar to you... freedom, security, equality, the works.
Truth comes in degree, the reason I pick democracy, is it has the highest degree of truth systems we know today that works for us for most part. Religion is an ancient spirituality that repeats it self meaning more ego than the 99% unknowns (spiritual) study of our earth. The average ages in biblical time is around age 28 a short life span of hardship. If applied today it would more relate to insanity, war and too much concern on how we all have sex. Today has it problem over focus on money and lack of nature's knowledge sustainability..
I use Religion as part of our history and don't take stock much in its hardship and don't want to regret the pass of it. Like Jesus gave his life for us, many billions of people gave their lives for us, just report to amnesty international
In other faiths the average life span is in the sixties. you may see it as ancient spirituality but to me its still relevant in our time. if practiced correctly it brings some very positive results while staying with the times today.
From my high degree of history and travel studies and displays. Most European thought the world was flat until Columbus discovered the West India. Mankind average age never did live pass age 40 on anywhere on this earth till mid 1800s. People moved from Europe to get away from Europe and created a constitution without the word God in it. When evolution and science boomed.
Each generation gets smarter than the last generation. Making my daughter smarter than Mosses. Not the other way round from Adam.
The conquests were made in the name of Riches, not Religion. The reality was the riches. The illusion was religion.
and who understands religion? Its kind of a grey area and open to loopholes.
Very few understand it. Sadly many give up on it because of the actions of others who follow it. Persistence to learn and know the truth is the key... stay on the track and separate the shades to find the true colours. Do your own thing but don't reject it completely. That's what I would suggest.
It means your answers are already there,your enlightenment is already there,everything you need to become greater than you are is already there...if you just remove the delusions you are fed as a child,grow up with,and live under as an adult...which we are all prone to of the most frightening experiences is perception after the destruction of a delusion...Entire religions have been formed so as not to experience that level of fear...I'm done.
When someone defines love as when two people or thing makes you stronger than on your own. Then when someone tells me God is love, & there is never a good enough answer of details or logic.
I see more bad behavior, more wars, more prisoners, more slaves, more crime, more hypocrites and more conflict than any other over ego group (grouped as religion) in human history. Yet must except them regardless of their more harm than good. If God is jealous of me, it's because I do it better by sharing love & work with all groups, the world is my family as black DNA is in everyone's blood. Jesus and Adam if anyone could witness them, were probably whole or part black too.
you must know by now that all the current wars are not about religion but are made to look like it. In my opinion it is the fault of the human. If they can't use religion to fight they will find something else like racism. The bullying in schools are no different either.
We cannot blame god for the bad going on in this world. We could blame god if there were not enough resources to feed the people on this earth, but we cannot blame god for the unequal distribution. That is left for us to handle and how good a job have we done? We are accountable for our actions; if god is supposed to do everything here then there would be not point in the day of judgement etc.
It's all a matter of priorities... as far as I can remember in 2013-2014 the "war on terror" had spent 4 times the amount required to end world poverty. we have enough, yet we do not share, it is us to blame, not religion, not god.
Ps: God would not be jealous of you at all if you say what you do... jealousy is a human thing.
In my view, Luke is the most dramatic book of the Bible and reveals Jesus very clearly. Jesus came to stop the corruption of the world and get it back on track with reality.
What is reality?
God within.
The Truth will set us Free, as Jesus clearly explained, according to Luke.
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