what do you call god "HE or SHE"

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  1. Murilion profile image61
    Murilionposted 15 years ago

    what do you call god "HE or SHE"

    I ussually call god as "he"because he is king and rule of the universe,however I heard most people also call "god as she ,because of symbolic of "mother of yesus"what are you people,do you call "god "

  2. Sanctus Vesania profile image60
    Sanctus Vesaniaposted 15 years ago

    God is epicene (first definition according to dictionary.com)  To state that God is solely 'He' or even solely 'She' is limiting the Almighty to our own little box.

    Therefore I tend to refer to God as He/She or (S)He.

  3. profile image53
    internettrafficposted 15 years ago

    you call god he. but in your mind and believe god should always be the almighthy he is undescribable..

  4. JPeaslee profile image59
    JPeasleeposted 15 years ago

    While I call God "He," this is basically for two reasons. First, it's habitual. Second, it's traditionally grammatically correct to say the word "he" for a group of people that have mixed sexes, and I think that rule can be applied to the concept of a "sexless" God.
    God is, I believe, neither male nor female, but for the sake of convenience, "He" seems to fit well enough.

    On the other hand, I don't have a problem recognizing God's more feminine traits, and so I can totally understand why some people refer to God as "She." Either way would be fine by me.

  5. Pete Maida profile image61
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    What would point would be in God having a sex?  God is the Supreme Being.  God is one of kind.  God is eternal.  Gos does not need to procreate in order to maintain the species; God is the species.  I'm sure if God chose that God could be male on second and female the next.  The only purpose in that would be to communicate in a form the a human would understand.  It is said that we are made in gods image.  A mirror conveys our image but not our substance.  God does not need to have our physical properties.

  6. stendek profile image58
    stendekposted 15 years ago

    Years ago I saw the referral of sHE. Contains both genders. Sounds okay to me. Peace.

  7. Darrell Roberts profile image73
    Darrell Robertsposted 15 years ago

    I call God God.  If that is the name for the being the that is the name I use.  If I am specifically referring to a male or female deity from some scripture then I would use the terms Lord Jesus, Buddha, Krshina or The Goddes Isis, Laxmi, because these being according to the tradition have an identifyable human form.  Other wise God is God.

  8. EdG. profile image61
    EdG.posted 15 years ago

    I hate to use George Carlin to answer two religious questions today, but in the immortal words of aforementioned comedian : "No woman could or would fuck things up this bad."

  9. Lee Boolean profile image61
    Lee Booleanposted 15 years ago

    Isn't that a bit like debating how how many angels can dance on the point of a needle?
    God does not seem to mind, whatever, whenever, whatsoever you call him/her, at best you get his human answering machines.

    dabeaner, EdG,  you have me in stitches!

  10. Judah's Daughter profile image80
    Judah's Daughterposted 15 years ago

    Considering God, in the Bible, created the male first, then the female, so they could procreate and multiply, we know it takes a male and female to accomplish this.  I assume God to be a male force because His Spirit overshadowed Mary and impregnated her.  A female cannot make a female pregnant.  Jesus is God in the flesh and was born a male, also.  God is Spirit, so spirit is really sexless ~ it's just He manifested Himself as male in these two examples.

    God is also said to be "invisible" in that Jesus is said to be the image of the invisible God.  Jesus was male, so we assume He is the only visible image of God.  Even the Holy Spirit, which is God, is invisible.  When we see Jesus, we will be seeing God (His image).

  11. Messenger_of_god8 profile image60
    Messenger_of_god8posted 14 years ago

    God is like both he and she. God produces and reproduces
    when not in the flesh like i am now

  12. deegle profile image67
    deegleposted 14 years ago

    I don't think it is a matter of God being a male or female as God is a supreme being and most likely would not apply to God. I believe it is for our benefit being humans as a reference point that we most likely choose HE since is always referred to "The Father". BTW I really liked EdG's answer even though it is a joke

  13. Beata Stasak profile image79
    Beata Stasakposted 14 years ago

    God has no gender as we can relate to him as to other human being.
    I don't know if God exists or not and I don't think we will ever know as our brain although evolving is able to evolve only to some extent.
    Every day when we learn something new we just realize how little we know....
    Nor he, nor she, God is a wisdom, harmony and love something humans will never achieve to grasp.

  14. magx01 profile image59
    magx01posted 14 years ago

    Before you give it a gender, you must demonstrate that it exists.

    Before you can attempt to prove one, you'd need to name it and then set the parameters that you think fit it.

    One of those parameters would be gender, assuming a god would have a gender.

  15. remaniki profile image77
    remanikiposted 13 years ago

    Whatever be God's form or gender, we look up to God at all times and in all situations. It is our own perception of God that makes us believe or disbelieve God (My god! I can't use a pronoun because I don't believe in using one).
    There is one Supreme being guiding us and that is God, I don't think there's anything more to it. This is my belief.

  16. profile image31
    saisarannagaposted 12 years ago

    In creation, we both witness masculine and feminine gender. Hence God, the creator can be called either way. Many worship Mother Mary, some worship "infant Jesus". There is no taboo for worshiping god in the way you like. Some great poets have described God as a "Mad one" in their poems out of love or devotion. Hence the term God admits all pronouns and adjectives.


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