Is human possession by demonic entities possible?

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  1. Mudrearth profile image60
    Mudrearthposted 15 years ago

    Is human possession by demonic entities possible?

    Do you have any stories?

  2. BabaSixto profile image59
    BabaSixtoposted 15 years ago

    I have witnessed many possessions, and spiritual activity in my time. Grew up in an environment of spiritualist, mediums & Orisha Ritual worshipers. Have seen some very ugly stuff yet not like in the article Demonic-Oppression/Possession by Mr. Williams..

    I believe that everything is possible, and there are different levels of negative consciousness. Ultimately, the battle for control of a human by a demon, goes to the core belief, in that the soul is what is immortal. And, given a choice to serve God in goodness(as angels), or in evil(as demons). The realm of demonic angels feel the need to recruit souls for their negative tasks on Earth. It is their job to try and  torment this realm, our world of conscious reality.

  3. profile image0
    Hxprofposted 15 years ago

    Yes, it is possible and it happens today just as it has for thousands of years.

  4. Lee Boolean profile image61
    Lee Booleanposted 15 years ago

    For the longest time, mental illness was not known, so it was assumed that these folks had to be possessed, for lack of a better explanation. I personally think its time mankind stops believing that some evil spirits are causing all their suffering and have a good long hard look in the mirror. Grow up people!

  5. Ghost Whisper 77 profile image74
    Ghost Whisper 77posted 15 years ago

    Yes, it is possible to be controlled by demonic forces. It has been happening for years and years. Many Saints have been tormented and taunted by demonic forces. I believe that the closer you become to God, the more harsh these forces are. There are many people in the world that perform rituals just for that purpose...and then there are many others who "see" with eyes and know demonic forces exist and recognize that spiritual warfare is constantly being played out on this Earth.

    Yes, one of your responses speaks about the Bible and that is true. For one to understand God and the Bible, you must acknowledge that God is in the "spirit world," with much supernatural power also. God is always more powerful and with that thought, only God allows these forces to be at work. There is a reason for God to allow evil to taunt/seduce and possess. He is sorting out his "team" and wants to know where your allegiance is...for GOOD or for EVIL. It is as simple as that!

    Where does your allegiance stand? With good or with evil? There is no sitting on the fence with this question.

    I will add that one can not be possessed by demonic forces if protection is around them and they know God, goodness, Many possessions have happened because someone has invited demonic forces in-willingly.

    Most of these possessions, I believe can be invited in through addictions, drugs/alcohol, the occult. Yes, many have been made to go insane, mental illness due to demonic possession. Not the other way around. Nothing to joke about. BabaSixto has it going on. I believe he has experienced much more than he states and is an 'igniter,' in some sense of the word.

    In this world there is always a constant warfare being played out around us-seen and unseen. Soon the heat will be revved up and we will be forced to chose our allegiance. Which will yours be too?

  6. M Cassian profile image61
    M Cassianposted 15 years ago

    I agree with Ghost Whisperer 77. I would also add that the reason why God would let a demon oppress you is that God tests us. I wouldn't say necessarily to see where your allegiance lies, because God knows that already. But it is an opprotunity for us to grow in the Spirit of God. And that is really what God wants for us--to grow closer to Him. Also, as a person who professes with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, a demon CAN NOT touch you without God's permission. And the reason He would give such permission is for the aformentioned goal. Where there is no struggle, there is no growth.

    And really the only way a person could become possessed by a demon is if they specifically invite it in. And yes, it is very very possible.

  7. CkhoffmanK profile image71
    CkhoffmanKposted 14 years ago

    Possible, I don't know. But improbable, definitely.

    There are many proven mental illnesses that cause people to think the sufferer is being possessed by a demon. It's just a common example of ignorance -- thinking something physical is something ethereal.

  8. peterxdunn profile image60
    peterxdunnposted 14 years ago

    Demonic possession only ever seems to afflict those who attend church regularly. In fact the 'casting out of evil spirits' is also a regular event/spectacle at a lot of church services: especially in America, for some reason. It wouldn't be to attract large congregational contributions would it? Afterall some American preachers do seem to have a penchant for private Lear jets and Bentleys.

    The most widely known case of possession: the one that, 'The Exorcist,' was based on, turned out to be a fraud. Does this mean that the, 'Prince of Lies,' deceives people into thinking that they are possessed by one of his minions when they aren't?

    A tricky subject to be sure.

  9. profile image55
    AzraelAngelsposted 14 years ago

    if the heart believes in what it feels and the eyes are not deceived by what they view you can choose what is real by what is not based on how the view is brought into the perspective of the viewer.

    To simplify if you believe it is real it is. If you would rather look at it logically then no. Belief is what you want to get out of it.


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