What causes a church, a family, a group, or a nation to split apart?

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  1. Jangaplanet profile image60
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    What causes a church, a family, a group, or a nation to split apart?

  2. selene383 profile image58
    selene383posted 13 years ago

    Mainly if they have different opinions, or if you have several people wanting to be the boss. My family and I love each other, but we have a hard time being together for more than a couple days because my opinion on things differ from theirs.

  3. mindyjgirl profile image74
    mindyjgirlposted 13 years ago

    Indifferences, that go to extremes, then they turn to hate. Always remember the one true bond is love. If you are loving one another you are not ripping their heads off or persecuting them for what they believe, although it might be different, and we do not agree, we have to agree to disagree. It is still love thats not prejudice that holds us together.

  4. olgakhumlo profile image67
    olgakhumloposted 13 years ago

    Intolerance and Impatience.
                     Disagreement of the doctrines;II Cor 6 :14-18

  5. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    I'll bet the main answer is disagreement in fundamentals or policies.

  6. coolhubs profile image60
    coolhubsposted 13 years ago

    short answer is conflict.
    Human Adults  happen to be part of the big human family, so if you accept sibling rivalry among children is normal, then you just understand this is normal. Unfortunately they don't have one father and mother, they have parental figures in the form of politicians/goverment, religious leaders,cultural leaders,corporate directors etc. If differences are not resolved at lower level or there is ignorance of the differnces or refuse to be tolerant of each other, then we all know the consequences. I  wish adults could take a leaf from a proper functional primary family unit!

  7. livingsimply profile image61
    livingsimplyposted 13 years ago

    self obsession.  This leads to an introvert outlook (if such a thing exists) and a degree of selfishness that forges the crack to start to grow.  We then feed on that, taking it to the next level where we break into conflict.  Difficult to heal, I suspect.

  8. Pedroemose profile image60
    Pedroemoseposted 13 years ago

    Because we're human and we're finite, so sometimes we're right, sometimes we're wrong, and sometimes we disagree on the definition of one or the other.  I don't think it's indifference.  Because we're finite and come from different environments and make independent choices, we come to different conclusions.  And sometimes those conclusions are simply incompatible.

    Is the real question how to prevent a church, family, etc. to split apart?  If I had the answer, I'd tell the entire world.  But the problem isn't a simple one, and people much smarter than you and I have struggled and failed to come up with a foolproof answer. 

    We can love and work towards unity, but sometimes unity isn't possible.  No, I will not take my sons to that church if I know the priest is a pedophile, and if that creates a church split, so be it -- but I will not allow my sons to be emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives.  No, I'm not going to advise my sister to stay with her husband if he abuses her every night -- no matter how much she says she loves him.  I love her too much to say they should be together in the name of unity -- sorry.  No, I don't think it's healthy for the nation to allow slavery and segregation in the name of "unity" -- I believe people should be free and should not be judged by the color of their skin, and if that every means I have to take my rifle and risk my life in a Civil War, then so be it.  It's part of the human condition that we have to go on in spite of our disagreements and the anguish involved within them, and that we have to keep learning how to love in spite of the hate that surrounds us.

    I don't know if that was the answer you were looking for, but it's the best one I can give you at the moment.

  9. Dick Rowland profile image60
    Dick Rowlandposted 13 years ago

    No secret here. Splits are caused because one person thinks he/she is more important/special than someone else.  It was true in the early church as well.  Read First Corinthians. They were arguing then over who was more important just because of who they were following.  In another chapter, it was over who would serve the Lords supper on the first day of the week. And all this was happening, even while Christ was still here with us!  It's all about SELF IMPORTANCE.  The very thing that Christ said we should eliminate, if we are to succeed in gaining the Kingdom of Heaven.  There are a lot of study guides available on the subjects you have been mentioned in your questions. I would recommend visiting the nearest Church of Christ and simply request a few.  Then do some more studying on your own, in the privacy of your home, and decide for yourself.  The writings of man can easily get in the way of the truth of The Word of God.

  10. proactrdv profile image61
    proactrdvposted 13 years ago

    This gerarally occurs when there can be no unanimous agreement on a number of issues and rebellion takes place


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