How did the apple come to be universally accepted as the "forbidden fruit" of th

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  1. profile image58
    JBunceposted 13 years ago

    How did the apple come to be universally accepted as the "forbidden fruit" of the Garden Of Eden?

    How did the apple come to be universally accepted as the "forbidden fruit" of the garden of Eden? Especially considering that the Bible never specifies what kind of fruit it was, and apples have never been native to that region of the world?

  2. HattieMattieMae profile image59
    HattieMattieMaeposted 13 years ago must have just been the fruit Eve picked up, she should have picked up the lemon. It's much more sour.! Fit's better with the problems of life! lol

  3. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    You are right on target Jbunce.about the forbidden fruit. This is the answer in greater detail about the forbidden fruit. GOD put in the middle of the GARDEN OF EDEN the tree of KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. GOD showed Adam that tree and told him that he could eat from any other tree in the garden except that one. GOD wanted to see if man would obey him knowing that GOD knew what is best for humanity on living on the earth with GOD'S presence  forever and enjoying heaven on earth then and now on forever or eat it and get the results of being separated from GOD'S presence on the earth now and with the possibility of being separated forever in GOD'S presence after death on the earth and go to a prepared place called hell who choose not to know and have fellowship with GOD through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. GOD provided a way to restore the fellowship that he had with man in the beginning when he created Adam specifically for this purpose of which the rest of creation does not have with GOD including the Angels in heaven. So we are very special in the eyes of GOD and close to his heart in creating human beings through Adam to have this kind of relationship with him. So I do understand why their are millions of people shouting out against our GOD and saying it is our myth GOD. They can not help it and is in darkness about the one and only true GOD to come to know through Jesus Christ. It must be revealed to them by GOD himself like GOD shown me in a vision on August 1, 1982 A.D.a Sunday morning the other side of death. Yes GOD knew that by giving me this vision that I will be on hubpages and write the greatest article on the earth standing side by side with the holy bible to the glory of GOD. You have to seek GOD with all of your heart to know and walk with GOD and still it is GOD who reveal himself to whomever he will knowing what is in the individual heart of man and woman.

  4. DanuckInUSA profile image61
    DanuckInUSAposted 13 years ago

    It was a garden of all fruits. The picking from the tree often associates it with apple but I suppose the banana might come across as unneccessarily phalic.

  5. glenn wallace profile image67
    glenn wallaceposted 13 years ago

    I've got a few possibilities:

    1) Apples were one of the first domesticated fruits, and originated in west Asia/Turkey... not far from the middle east where the Garden of Eden is believed to be located. If a biblical historian had to guess what type of fruit it really was, there's a good argument that it really was an apple.

    2) Historically, the word "apple" has been used as the generic name for any foreign or unknown fruit in western civilization.

    3) Apples play a big role in Greek mythology. Renaissance artists had two favorite themes - Greek/Roman mythology and Christian biblical scenes. So, surprise, they often made the most infamous pieces of 'fruit' from the bible, into an apple.

  6. PAPA-BEAR profile image60
    PAPA-BEARposted 13 years ago

    Apple marketing board, cheap advertising gimmick.

  7. CARIBQUEEN profile image64
    CARIBQUEENposted 13 years ago

    Was it an apple? Or just a fruit? Or something symbolic? What did the scriptures say? - a fruit. I believe it is just our imagination and we needed to put a face to it, as I say something symbolic.

  8. catfishcarpenter profile image61
    catfishcarpenterposted 13 years ago

    I have only a brief explantion. It comes from the Gypsy World. When you cut open an apple, cross-wise, the five pointed star is exposed. Before the inquistion, before love and sex were condemned, there was the acceptance of sensuality. There is within our world a disagreement as to what life means. The serpent is hated, mistrusted. Every man contains within his being the serpent. Eve is the consort of the serpent, and the origin of life. The next time you wonder what is the meaning of life, cut an apple in half, and contemplate the star within.
    It is the star of heaven.

  9. Brinafr3sh profile image68
    Brinafr3shposted 13 years ago

    The Holy Bible never mentioned if it was an apple or not. It was just fruit from the tree of good and evil. (forbidden fruit)


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